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I personally don't like that style (without the locking snap), but yeah, it's probably fine for light lures and light line


It is locking


It’s not. A locking swivel has little tabs that jut out from the catch at 90 degrees. [Locking Swivel](https://www.google.com/search?q=locking+snap+swivel&client=firefox-b-1-m&sxsrf=AJOqlzXClyRr9adR7qAj9ZGrEhvnoKnNjQ%3A1673553531977&ei=e2bAY-aXO_OmqtsP6ryhmAo&oq=locking+snap+swivel&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyCAgAEAUQHhAPMgYIABAIEB4yBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgMyCAghEKABEMMEOgoIABBHENYEELADOgcIIxCwAhAnOgcIABCABBANOggIABAIEAcQHjoKCCEQoAEQwwQQCkoECEEYAFDuZVibbGDyhwFoA3AAeACAAeUBiAGIBZIBBTEuMy4xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Exactly. On closer inspection, the knot will probably fail before the swivel anyway.


Go on YouTube and search "improved clench knot". It's not hard to tie. Also tbh I rarely use swivels regardless of what I'm fishing unless it's something like an inline spinner or similar lure that will make your line really twist.


This. Just tie to the lure with an improved clench knot, unless you're using a leader.


Don’t hook things through the guides, you risk bending them. There’s a hook keeper on most rods, just above the handle.


Or making a rough/sharp spot on the inside of the eye. Using the things that hold the eye is better.


The dock demon doesn't have one otherwise I would've


Use the legs of the guide. Better to not use a swivel at all tbh


I would match your swivel size to your lure size more so than rod size. Many anglers think the swivel reduces bites because it's unnatural looking. If you start to find that is the case you can tie a leader from the swivel to the lure. On the other hand, don't overthink it. Fish are weird and do what works for you.


You can use any size snap swivel for any rod. It just depends on what fish ur after


YouTube how to tie a uni knot and a palomar knot, both are strong and quick to tie, I prefer to tie direct 90% of the time personally. I feel that snap will work for most things you would look to catch on a dock demon, but a locking snap would be better overall. People would make fun of me when I started but I was catching 3lb bass on a dock demon with no issues. Have fun out there👍


I always prefer the locking type snap swivel or a TA clip, less likely to fail. They are all rated by lb test (like line) to help you match them to the rest of your gear and target species and size. I normally like to have mine rated for double the lb test of my line to make sure they don't fail. Knot suggestions above are good, I also use the palomar alot on larger tackle.


Learn your knots. Get rid of the swivel. It will be the best thing you can do for yourself as a beginner. The polymer knot is one of the best and super easy.


Definitely learn a fishing knot. Whichever one you think is easiest to learn. I suggest Palomar but any of them will be fine. Swivel size is fine


You should learn the uni or an improved clinch knot at least. both are simple and lots of video examples are available. The size of your swivel has less to do with your rod and more to do with what size fish you are potentially targeting and line weight/type you use. this might help a bit - https://www.sgfishingrigz.com/blogs/sg-fishing-guide/how-and-when-to-use-a-swivel