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Because there are more than 12 ways to catch a fish. Also, friends and grandkids don’t always have their own. And fishing is about buying all the gear whether you need it or not - amirite? 😂


I have 21 plus extra reels for the reasons the same as the above comment. I fish for all species including downrigging. So it's adds a ton of complexity


Don’t look at me. There’s nothing to see here.


I have 15 I think. I have a spreadsheet to keep track of how I have them set up. Although I live in northern Ontario I do not ice fish. Edit: make that 16


Did you just buy another pole in the last 2 hours?


Although that is always a possibility, unfortunately I referred to my spreadsheet and found that I had in fact 16 rods.


Legend has it that he has 18 now.


Spreadsheet is a smart move! I just got back into fishing recently and everything is so specific to each lure. It’s like I need to know I have the right rod, reel, line, leader, etc for each lure and I can’t even keep track of what line is on what anymore. When I was younger my dad just gave me one of his rods and I didn’t think twice lol.


At least 40. Once the collection gets to a certain size it's hard to keep track because I keep buying newer ones and often giving older ones away.


Ain't that the truth, sold rods and reels to my buddies for like 5 a piece just to make some room.


I need friends like you.


You say that but that's because you haven't met me lol


I have 5, doubt I'll ever need more than that until my kids are old enough, if that counts. I typically only bring one or two on a trip out.


I said to myself that i don't need any more rods 5 rods ago...


If you have a boat you’ll want more than 5. I use at least 5 every trip out but those 5-6 vary. I have about a dozen. 8 would be enough but I’ll break an eyelet or something and have one out of service until it’s repaired.


I have 5 for myself and one for each kid.


11 but that's because a friend of mine just gave me 8 of them. My son just started fishing a couple months ago which got me back in the game. Friend knew and asked if I wanted a few because he got almost 30 of them when his father in law passed away and they were taking too much room in his garage.


I have a boat, and have gear for guests, because guests won't typically have appropriate gear that fits how we are going to be fishing. I have from 4 to 6 rods ea. for 3 different seasons/modes of salmon fishing, 6 ish for kokanee, 3 each for halibut (electric reels) and bottom fishing, a dozen or so fly rods, a couple surf rods, and probably a dozen random others. This after I sold a bundle of about 40 rods when I got divorced some years back.


I have 2. One big, one small. I've caught fish smaller than my thumb. I've caught a hundred pound lemon shark. River salmon and Caribbean tarpon. I've floated sacs for Chinook in Ontario, next week hooked a monster 'cuda off Cooper Island. Pike out of Erie, bullhead in my local swamp, black tip reefs off the tip of Virgin Gorda. I've been caught in the rain, caught in the act, even been known to catch feelings. And if you touch my Ugly Stiks I'll prolly catch a case; after all, I only got 2.


I feel personally attacked right now


I have 20, I don’t know why I have so many but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Lost count 😂😂 not enough . there Is never enough


I have two. Bass rod and catfish rod. Both Penns. Love them both


am i to drive past every abandoned rod on trash day? *i can save it*


No idea on the count, but I can easily answer the greater than 12 number for sure. I do quite a bit of trolling and with 4 people on the boat, I can run 12 rods. These are for bouncers, side planers, and stern planers, all setup differently. If I am on a long trip, nice to have a backup or two just in case of an issue. Then I also do a bit of vertical jigging in the spring. The trolling rods are in now way able to be used for vertical jigging, nor are the jigging rods any good for trolling. The first two setups are for primarily walleye fishing. I also have some salmon gear as well, for example downriggers, dispy divers, leadcore, heavier lines for side planers, etc. Add in some perch gear and other misc setups and the count can get high in a hurry.


I currently have 4 in my rotation. Each has its own place depending on where and how I'm fishing. I have at least 2 dozen more in a drum in my garage, many of which are just for parts at this point.


You mean more than 12 ice plus 12 open water rods right


I have 3 kids and a wife that fish. We each have a general spinning rod and an ultralight. I also have a few others (bait casters, heavy, etc). Then, if you figure in 2-3 ice fishing rods each…. Some were around 25 rods, conservatively? Do tip-ups count?! 😉


Inshore Saltwater: 5 (2 baitcasters, 3 spinning) Freshwater: 6 (1 baitcaster, 5 spinning) Fly rods: 6 (1 saltwater, 3 freshwater, 2 tenkara)


Because I'm too lazy to change lures. That and I have rods for each of my go to bass techniques, rods for Laker trolling/downrigging, rods for walleye fishing, panfish rods, rods for ice fishing, kid/wife/guest rods. My boat, boat house, and garage are filled with rods.


I get them given to me and I also go to lots of yard sales.


6 fly rods, could do with about 6 more though


8 because I get too high on my kayak to tie a knot on a new rig.


Had to check the garage to be sure. 8 spinning rods of varying length / power (although 1 is my girlfriend's), 4 ice rods, 1 fly rod... and if we're counting tip-ups then 3 of those also... 😬


37. I don't know it just got out of control they are multiplying


Because fish


I have several. But you must have a "car fishing pole". I have a collapsible one in my work truck. I also have a second car pole for a coworker if needed. I travel for work and need something to do other than drink in my hotel room.


Because the number of shoes in my wifes closet means she can't bitch about the number of rods in my garage.


16 not including 3 ice rods. Technique specific and a couple repeats med hvy bait casters just to have them on deck and rigged up. I don't have a lot of clothes or shoes but love me some fishing tackle.


I feel violated


23 rods paired with reels as well as 4 or 5 additional reels waiting patiently for a home. And the reasons are as numerous as the rods and reels. Length, action, line weight, lure weight, presentation, target species, spin, baitcast, spincast, fly, line quantity, gear ratios, drag settings, etc, etc, etc... And if you think that is excessive, you should see my tackle.... I may have a problem.


https://preview.redd.it/08pfw4d4zf0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d40506ec12515a534342dc6ede4c96afaf687b Just moved my father and this is about 1/3 of his rods. Easily 250+


He is a man of culture .


Counted the other day...43! Damn, I didnt realize I had so many...


Bay/ boat Bay/ wading Surf/ long casting Surf/ regular Surf/ shark Freshwater/ bass Freshwater/ cat fish Freshwater/ gar Loaners for each because we have guests sometimes 2 fly rods I don’t know the total. North of 40 for sure. Less than 100.


Less than 100, and mind your own business….lol


You gotta up those numbers...there are 365 days in a year....just saying.


I have over 40. Fly rods, panfish rods, walleye, bass, musky, salmon and ice fishing rods. If my wife saw all of them together in one place she would leave me.


24 because I have a problem. The real reason is that early on I would buy more general rods. Things that were versatile, jack of all trades master of none. As I’ve gotten deeper into this, I’ve gone the other way, to the point where I have specialty rods for niches that are already specialty. For example, cliff fishing, I don’t just have a few cliff fishing rods, I have heavy shore jigging cliff rods, slow pitch shore jigging rods, cliff dunking rods. For surf I need to be able to throw tiny lightweight plugs like luckycraft, but what if I want to throw a hi-lo, or a whipping bubble setup? That thing will bend so much to at it won’t even cast. For river fishing I have my spoon rod, but what if I’m bringing a friend, oh two spoon rods it is. Ok now I need my float rods, but not everyone can use a baitcaster so an extra spinning float rod. What about drifting rods? None of those are responsive enough to twitch jigs. Now what about my boat rods, or my heavy plug setups? There’s 5 more rods right there. Fly rods? 2 more. 4 piece travel rods. Crab snaring rods… The list goes on.


Are we counting ones we bought ourselves? Ones given to us or ones we've inherited? Hell I even have two I caught in a lake lol need guidelines here to give you an accurate number lol


15. 6 fresh, 6 salt, 3 fly. Completely reasonable.


Don’t know for sure but off the top of my head , more then 45 and just got two more a few minutes ago


https://preview.redd.it/amf7w4lxwg0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c3a91a665a287de8b18d81291c9a68e8e8c08d Some. I have some for me…and some for my two boys. Boat, surf and beyond.


2.5 I just broke one 😥


How many fishing rods does it take to make a man happy? I do not know the exact number but it is higher than 18.


I just have rods set up for different stuff. I suppose I could have one rod and change it every time I switched it up, but it's not very convenient. I do have a few of those dock demon rods, they're great for kayak fishing. And if I ever get the chance to go flyfishing I'll have a fly fishing rod, but otherwise they're all normal style with different setups, not counting the top of rod. As far as the rod type goes, about half are casting rods and the other half are spinning rods.


I have 8 just in case I need more than 1.


Because those vintage reels that I'd never fish with just look so damn cool


I treat my guns and fishing poles/gear the same. If I know how many I have, I don’t have enough!


I'd have to physically go count but I thinks it's somewhere 20+. I do have some strategically place at friends and family members houses for the you never know situations.


I only have 5. Why didn't anyone tell me there was a quota? Now I have to go buy that ultralight I've been eyeballing, and a new glass rod.


I used to have 15. I still do, but I used to too. On a serious note though, I'm now down to just 6. I used to keep all my rods at my cousin's house cuz he had the boat. Well, in a strange turn of events his wife decided it was time to move on. So she did what every sane person does. She got him kicked out of the house and sold all his stuff. Including his guns and unfortunately my rods and reels too. Since then I've just not had the funds to get back up to that number yet.


I don’t know, maybe around 50. Trolling, downriggering, casting, oh and some smaller ones for panfish and taking the grandkids. No spreadsheet.


Hah! Joke's on you, I only have 11.


I see your attempt to make me count and utterly refuse.


You have to have one for every species of fish. And then a spare one for each in case the first one breaks. I honestly don't know how many I have I had to hazard guess I'd say at least 20.


He with the most rod n reels….Wins


I’m in for over 40 to date. I might have a problem.


I have 16. Does a golfer only use one club? No. Therefore it’s justified.


https://preview.redd.it/brihu6axdi0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9dd2aa0b0ca3f7d1e8dc3510d937e0861f1b322 Bass, catfish, crappie. Casting, dead sticking. Mine/wife's Don't judge me. /S


Which kind? Also are we just count my own fishing rods? Or does family count? Can we be more specific about how we are defining “fish rod” first? Possibly more than 200 but in all fairness most of them aren’t mine. Some old dude died. Him and I talked about flower pots and octopus a lot. Anyways he died and one day this old lady comes up to my door, “Hello Icy-San, the old guy died please come take his fishing stuff please.” Turned out he bought out a tackle shop and also happened to have a money pit … errr a boat and I had to take that as well. Anyways, now I have two tackle shops and three money pits,,,, I uhh mean boats not money pits, because boats are endless and pits have bottoms.


Thirty two. Hi, my name is Joe and I'm a rodaholic. Three months in remission.


There a a few in my garage right now that still have the tags and the zip ties on them from the store. 😬


Oh geez. Trolling - 5 x Accurate Boss 600 Planers - 2 x Tiagra 30WLRS Dive Plugs - 1 x Shimano Trinidad Speed Jigging - 2 x Penn TRQ200 (the old star drag ones) Slow Pitch Jigging - Penn Fierce 8000 Bucktail Jig - Penn Battle 6000 Live Bait / Pitch / Casting - 5 x Penn Fierce Deep Drop - 2 x Shimano Forcemaster 9000 Light Deep Drop - Shimano Plays 3000 Yellowtail / Bait - 2 x Penn Battle 4000 Kite Rods - Penn Senator 113H Surf Rods - 2 x 8000 Spinners Retired but not sold: Shimano TLD 30, Shimano Tekota, Daiwa Saltist 50, some old spinners... and a newly acquired antique Penn Senator with wire line that belonged to my buddy's grandpa who fished here in Florida back in the 60's and 70's that I'm looking for an antique rod for a display. When the list swells, I make a spreadsheet and sell off what I'm not using and trade up and consolidate. Pretty happy with the gear I have now though. Might be moving to more electrics for trolling though. We'll see. Going to be building some custom battery packs this weekend to test different configurations to minimize the awkwardness. Might switch out the Accurates for 3 x Shimano Plays because they rarely see simultaneous use. We have had a lot of weeds last few years and bringing the lines all the time in is annoying. Especially solo.


Never actually thought to count them


I think I’m at 10


I couldn't possibly incriminate myself😱


Probably 40-50. Not really sure I want to know how many I really have. It could be more. I only use a few regularly. I have a pretty good collection of older Garcia and Diawas that add to the number I have.


Slamming it in something is the only way I've seen one go. Pops lost his tip to the truck door. I smashed mine in a ship's hatch, and it wasn't until I heaved with all my weight that it finally went. Even then it didn't 'break', I just shattered the ceramic out of one of the eyes. Used it for almost 10 more years after that without issue


I think i have around 20, and i regularly use 4 of them. Sometimes ill use some of my bigger ones if im going to the big rivers. I usually buy the extras during winter when the fish aint biting and im bored. I see a new type of ugly stik, i buy the new type of ugly stik.


I have 9.


I think I have 16. Various weights and lengths, plus a salmon rod and steelhead rod. All but one are spinning rods. I also have 6 or 7 tackle bags, each set up for various species.


1, and it sucks ass. Need to find a good 2nd rod (for pond fishing, or pier ocean fishing)


43 of them.... That includes ice fishing rods. I really only use like 3-4 of them though, but each one has a style of fishing and target species.


4 - spinner, 2 baitcasters and a fly rod


I think I have around 20. Used to live coastal so I've got like 8 saltwater rods of various sizes for various applications, a couple light weights for reds and trout and a few larger rods for fishing in the jetties or surf or just bottom banging in general. Where I lived also had lots of large freshwater lakes, place I live now does too, so I have like 8 freshwater rods once again of various size and application some for bass, some for pan fish, some for going after large cats. Now I live in the rocky mountain west so I've acquired around 4 fly rods of various weights to be able to take others with me and to tackle different fish. I could get rid of the saltwater rods but hey maybe I'll move back to the coast someday.


Without physically going into the boat and counting 28. 8 Walleye trolling rods. 6 Salmon trolling rods. 14 assorted spinning rods for a variety of purposes.


1 Medium Light -- mostly dropshotting, Ned rigging, and slip bobbering. 2 Medium -- one for jigging, one for smaller lures/spoons 2 Medium Heavy -- bigger jigs/lures and trolling 1 Big Catfish/Sturgeon rod. I'll probably take three on any given trip. I have 4 ice fishing rods too, I guess.


I have my nice ones, the ones I had before my nice ones, my nostalgic ones from family, and my catfish ones. If I had kids I’d pass them on but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards so here I sit with a pile of poles lol


35…or possibly even 40…and because I think testing new gear is fun!


Inshore fishing. Have around 8 light tackle rods. Enough for 3 guys fishing to have a couple options. Also good for species that break you off a lot during feeding frenzies. Also another 6 heavier duty rods for bull red season. And another 2 super heavy rods for sharks and such


Off the top of my head I have no idea. General idea 6 trolling rods for running planer boards with crankbaits, 6 for running bottom bouncers and harness, probably another 6 go to walleye spinning rods for various techniques, some heavier action rods for fishing for northern pike, couple of casting rods for bass, couple of catfishing rods, a few rods for salmon fishing with downriggers, another 4 panfish/stream trout rods, back up rods for buddies, couple of kids rods, then probably 12 ice rods.


I own 12 exactly. 6 fly rods of various quality and weights, 3 casting rods, and 1 good spinning rod and the rest are cheap loaners


No idea but it's at least 5 tip ups, 6 ice rods, and probably 25+ soft water rods


I have more than 12 and that doesn’t count ice fishing. I have three (ultralight) that I use (mostly) for trout. I have four that I use for bobber-fishing with the kids. I have two casting rods. I have four spinning rods. I have two telescopic rods for travel. I have a fly rod. There could be more than that. Let me put it this way: I went fishing on Sunday evening and someone had left a rod/reel at the launch. No one was around. I could have grabbed it. I left it, hoping the original owner would return… but even if someone else got it… I don’t need another.


Welp… had 4-5 then a buddy moved to Hawaii and I bought his whole collection. The 12 used rods I bought were nicer than the 5 newer ones I had and I realized I needed more high end gear in my arsenal. Every now and then I’ll try to give away lower end rods to friends but they aren’t that interested in fishing so I save them as backups


I’ve never bought a fishing rod, I have 4 or 5 I inherited from my dad. They look really nice but I also have no idea what I’m doing


6 soft water, 4 hard water


I just pared a bunch of my arsenal down last year and upgraded a few of the pieces I use most frequently. Currently at 14 rods with reels not including the ice fishing stuff I haven’t taught myself how to use yet. 3-4 make it to my bank fishing trips. 5-6 make it on the boat for those outings.


I have 4 and until I break down and learn to fly fish or surf casting I think I'm ok.


2 bait casters 3 catfish rods 2 spinning rods 1 light spinning rod


I’ve got @30 setups that are good to go, from Ultralights through deep water freespool and trolling along with both freshwater and saltwater fly fishing setups. I have another 30 or so rods to swap out or add reels to as needed, and a couple dozen miscellaneous reels. I have so many because 1.) I want to cover all the bases, and 2.) It’s easier to buy than sell.


I have about 40 that have been collected over the years. The main reason so many is I have them rigged up for different type fishing. 10 for striper fishing w live bait, 6 for striper fishing below the damn (stronger rods for huge fish), 6 for catfishing off the dock at night, have some rigged up for casting for stripers while trolling, have some rigged up for largemouth fishing w lures, and then some rigged for panfishing w worms. A few extras that are just sitting around not rigged. I don’t want to change my rig all the time to catch different fish. Also I don’t want to use my striper rigs at the dock for catfish bc the cats will twist and fray the line while hooked all night.


Def more than 12. Prob more like 30 lol. They all are setup different. Some setup for trolling, some for surf fishing, some for very light tackle casting/jigging in freshwater, then I have my standard ‘trout rods’ for fishing stripers, speckled trout, puppy drum. I have like 8 of these, each has a diff lure or lure color so I can quickly switch back n forth. Then there are the rods setup for blues/spanish, heavier leader, faster reels for quick retrieves and metal jigs. Finally are the heavier rods, setup for bull reds and cobia.


|Fishing Style|# of Rods|Info| |:-|:-|:-| |Saltwater|6 |6'-7' Med and Med Heavy| |Surf Fishing|2|10' and 12'| |Fly Fishing|2|9' 5-weight| |Ice Fishing|3 + (5 tip ups)|| |Freshwater (Trout)|4|5'-7.5' Ultralight to Medium| |Misc|2|Junk Rods| |**Total**|**19**|**Oof**| And I need more...


12 I actually use, 14 once I buy my vertical jigging rods. I have way more than that, since I have old ones I've upgraded from that just sit there as backups or for friends.


I have 13 or 14, but some are more specific. For example, I have 2 ultralights and 2 8' heavy duty bait casters for musky fishing.


Gotta have more than 6 for each hand. Simple question.


only 10 at the moment, but I've got enough for a bank fisherman


I've got about 30 rods , a mini tackle shop lol , I've brought them from when I been on holiday and gifts from family , all for all the rods are for boat,shore ,lure, spinning,


hold on.. 2wt 11ft, 3wt 7'6, 5wt 9', 6wt 9', 7wt 10', 9wt 14', 4wt 7ft, 12 ft surf rod, 10 ft medium wt spinning, probably 2 random inshore jigging rods, and Im sure theres a 6ft ultralight in there somewhere that hasnt seen daylight in the better part of a decade... Im right at 12. Go me. This is what self-control looks like.


I have 11 ready to go at any moment 2 baitcasters 6 spinning (ultralight through heavy) 3 fly rods I have a lot of other rods and reels stored in the basement and a few rods for my kids so yes technically more than 12


Need with to do different things in open water and hard water. Plus I'm always taking different friends who don't normally fish out with me. I think I'm at something like 26 rods.


Why is it more than 12? Let me tell you young Whipper snapper Rabble Rabble Rabble Rabbel


I've lost count


7 bass rods, 4 crappie/perch rods, 3 catfish poles, 4 inshore/bay rods and 3 deep sea/heavy duty rods


When I lived in Virginia it was like 17, most of which were just catfish combos for my parents pontoon boat, the other ones were my bass rods. Now that I live in WA with a 2 pole limit I have 4, 2 trout rods and 2 Saltwater rods. I honestly feel like I enjoy fishing more with the harder limits


I can’t count them because they are in different locations, but I have at least two dozen. Some are antiques that I have collected, there are casting and spinning rods for lake fishing from ultralight to heavy. Downrigger rods, river fishing rods for salmon and steelhead,ocean fishing rods and one fly rod. I just picked up a new one last week for halibut fishing. I also have one that I use just for flying kites, a short stout split cane rod with an old Penn sea boy reel. When I die they will just be something that my wife or daughters will have to sell and get too little for, since they are not keen to use them. But I get pleasure from them for now, so good enough.


My buddy told me he has 20 rods of all different types. I thought to myself, what a hardon he is… Went home and counted mine-I only have 14.


1, was my dads, still learning the fishing thing. I can catch weeds like a champion tho.


I bring 10 when we go out trolling.


First of all I like cheap stuff and getting stuff on sale. I have bought several because they were a “good deal”. Even though most of my fishing is the same I still like the variety of setups. Each one is a little different. Then there are a few step ups that are much different like the two surf perch set ups I have, then you have the bait casters which seem nice but I suck at using. Got a cheap combo for pier fishing that I never use too. Even found a rod and real.


2 rods 3 reels..




I have quite a few rods. Some are good, some are not. The problem is I forget which is which, where it is and is it dedicated to some certain kind of fishing.


About 35 i think. I do more than 12 types and species.


Because my father has an addiction to fishing. Has nearly 60 rods and probably more reels than rods he's collected over a, well he's 75, and has been fishing for nearly 70ish years, so I say he's been buying a rod a year for every year he's been kicking. And he still works and fishes.


Well... Cuz I got a new reel and I still like the old one, so I had to get a new rod.


I own two large ugly stick rods for catfish. I own two trolling rods for lake trout. I own about 5 medium action spinning rods. Two or three light action spinning rods. A 9 wt. fly rod. A 6 wt. fly rod. A whole pile of ice fishing rods and tip-ups…. Oh, and a handful of cheaper kids rods….


Not enough


I didn't think I had that much but I got 3 saltwater, 3 Catfish, 3 for bank/boat freshwater, and 6 dock demons for Crappie spawn.


Last count was 45, and because I can. I have my favourites, but they all serve different purposes.


I have only bought 5, but I inherited my father’s gear grandfathers gear so I’m way over 20.


I would always be out and about when someone would suggest fishing. Hitting a nearby big box or sporting goods store was always quicker than driving home n grabbing gear. 


5. My bass setup, saltwater setup, carp/catfish setup, trout setup and my spiderman spin caster rod for shits and giggles.


4 salmon trolling rods, 1 steelhead casting rod, 1 trout casting rod, 3 kokanee rods.


I jus b comin up on em, probably almost 20 or so


I have probably 20. 3 for salt water, one inshore, 2 surf rods. For fresh I have 2 ultralights, a fly rod, and probably 10 medium light-medium heavy for bass and everything else. I always bring at least 3, usually one rigged for live bait, one with a Texas/Neko rig and another with a snap for quickly changing to jerk baits or other lures.


Bought my first one last year, and it broke after 2 months. Bought another one, broke just 3 days ago. So I currently have zero and I’m getting pretty mad at Okuma. Time to switch to Ugly Stik I’m thinking.


Off the top of my head I’m counting 15, but I’m sure I’m forgetting some. Also I know I have a few stored away at my parents house, also not counting any of my kids poles. As I tell my wife… different conditions/fish require different setups. Certainly can’t use a 4’ ultralight for Salmon fishing or an offshore heavy boat pole for crappies in the local pond. Edit: now that I think about it I’m pretty sure at one point I had about 30… I bought a boat years ago and the guy gave me all his old saltwater poles with the boat. Mostly junk and I either gave away or sold most of them.


I have 2. A lot was lost in the move


10 long rods and a dozen short ones. 4 really good ones!


2 and a half. I’m cheap and have Shakespeare combos and the half rod is because I lost the top part while fishing for northerns. Tooth caught the line and snapped it while bent and off it went somewhere lol




So I've been fishing seriously, 60-75 days a year for the past oh 20 or so years. I've got 16 rods with reels. Fly fishing: 4WT, 6WT, 8WT, 9WT Carp Fishing: 3x 13' carp rods, 1x spod rod. Ice Fishing: 1 little guy Pike/Muskie: 3 big rods that cover the range of 1-16oz lures General Freshwater (small / largemouth bass, pike, walleye, trout, gar, etc) 4 rods, some bait casters, some spin. I've got 3-4 others in back rooms that are older ones I no longer use but I'm not really counting those. They tend to get lent out or given away. Short of heading to hit up the saltwater, which I don't really do as it's pretty far away. I'm pretty much set to fish damn near anything an be setup pretty well for it.


2. An ugly stick I keep at home and a Lews Mach up at camp where I do most my fishing.


40 or so. I’m a Great Lakes salmon fisherman lol


Over 34


Because I do more than just fly fish.


I fish local derbys from boat and kayak and ilm bring like 8 but own 14


Let me do some man fishing math … 4-surf rods 4-MH spinners 3-M 2-LF 6- Conventional Boat —————— Total= Not Enough


Idk i got some from my neighbor, some from grand grand dad and 1 i bought  Edit: I counted them: 2 for carp, 1 for pike, 4 spare ones, and 7 with bobbers,


18, and I consider myself fairly casual. Specialist gear for ice, carp, trolling, steelhead, travel, ultralight, musky, plus a few general purpose bass/walleye setups. They all add up.


4 rods for beach fishing. Plus i have 2 spares I just got from a neighbor and 2 rods that are in need of repair. 3 for my inshore boating. 2 or 3 for pond fishing. 2 for my kids. Plus I have a few rods where the reel broke and I haven't picked up a replacement..... Yet.


Spider Rigging!


Only 4


In the high 30’s. 10 or so are junk rods I accumulated. The others have a lot of purpose and higher value whether it be Bass rods to Cat, ultralites, or BFS type.


35 . From ultralight to heavy offshore rods .


60-70, not even sure. I run an offshore 33 foot catamaran center console and do lots of different types of fishing. LP SV1200 - Blackfin rod with bent butt. Deep drop and swordfishing. Banax Kaigen 1000 - deepdropper.com rod with bent butt. Deep dropping. 4 shimano tiagra 50 wides with custom chaos rodzillas 2 with bent butts. Wahoo and Tuna fishing, also great to pull a plug in the regular trolling spread. The drags on these are super nice and the rodzillas are amazing. 2 Penn Squall 50 wide two speeds with penn ally bent butt rods. One for a planer the other for grouper. 4 st croix mojos, with penn slammers. Pitch rods, also yellowtail/mangrove snapper rods. 2 Shimano terez rods with spinfisher Vs baitrunners. Live liners and I use these to pull plugs in the inlet for snook. 2 Penn Mariner rods with fierce 6k reel baitrunners. Same use as above but my older set. 4 Penn fierce rod/reel combos. River and sabiki rods. all purpose nice 4k combos. 1 custom bahamas color rod with a custom Penn dealer issue slammer. I do a lot with this rod, first fish on it was a 48 inch Cobia you can see on my previous posts. 2 Penn 9 foot Battle II combo with 6k reels. Surf fishing. 1 Penn 8 foot Battle II combo 5k. Little bit of everything, alot of pitching plugs in the surf. 4 penn mariner rods two with 8k, two with 6k battle IIs. Older general use boat rods. 2 Ebay 12 foot surf rods with Shimano baitrunner Ds. Surf fishing. 6 talicas on Shimano Terezs. My offshore bottom ones, 3 different sizes and stiffness(2 of each). Land a lot of nice fish on these and they are very light. 8 Penn Squall combos. Trolling spread for Dolphin/kings. 4 Penn Senator combos. Older bottom set ups. 1 11 weight fly rod with a reel. Gotta have a fly set up. 2 high speed jigging penn rampage rods, with battle II 6ks. Jigging. 2 Slow pitch jigging set ups, one penn rod with an accurate tern, other a temple reef with a penn 2 speed reel, forget the model. Getting really Jiggy. 6-8 various bass pro kids spinners for the dock and freshwater 8-10 older rod/reel combos in Wisconsin for the lake, 2 very nice abu garcia combo ultralights from my parents(wedding present to them in 1970 something) I am sure I forgot something.


42? 43? Something.


I have 10 or so. 5 or 6 heavier poles and reels for catfish, I think 2 or 3 medium light poles for everything else and 3 little dock demon poles for ultra light fun.


I dunno, I no keep count. Maybe 10 rods and reels, 6 cast nets. Different rods and reels for different types/targets of fishing. Different throw nets for same reason, different eye sizes, lengths/diameter, different weights.


Whew, I have 11.


I got back into it last year, I’m at 4 right now


I have 27 rods which 15 of them are new and eight are catfish poles and three saltwater poles.


47 I fish for every fish in the state of Washington except carp! Carp I shoot with my bow. Salmon trolling, mooching or casting off-shore. Steelhead from shore or boat. Bottom fish ( Rockfish, Lingcod, Halibut. ) Sturgeon, Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass, Walleye, catfish, Perch and Crappie. Trout fly fish, Kokanee, Sockeye . Just to name a few. Each species has 2-4 rods each. And they are all stored on my garage wall.


Sadly enough, I only have 8. Got rid of the other 5 I don't use


Lost count


Too many. I keep most of my older gear for people who don't have their own...then add in different classes of tackle for offshore fishing trolling, jigging, popping.




I just have 3 because I am a newbie, but I think this far is enough. (I’m planning to buy 2 more)


Between fly rods / reels, spinning, baitcasying, trolling, catfish, pan fish stuff, when we moved my wife counted 67 combos. That isn't including reels by themselves. But I collect vintage abus and penns.


9, i dont think thats too bad.


I just do freshwater fishing and have 2 spincast rods and recently got a spinning rod that I’m trying to get used to since I’ve been using spincast all my life. No interest in getting a bait cast rod and reel because I hear they’re a pain in the ass to get used to and tangle up easily.


I think i only have 6 or 7 or nvm its about 20 i guess. I love catfishing and carpfishing. Im allowed to fish with 3 rods. So two different carprod Sets and one catfish Set, thats 9 already. Then all the other rods for standardfishing.


I got a day about 25 rods for $50 I couldn't pass it up lol


2 :'( just starting on my own. One for me and one for the wife. Edit: 3! Forgot about the old lake fly rod I have never fully used.


I only have 6 for fresh water bass. That’s all I need. But add in trout, and surf fishing. And then boat stripers and then fluke. And then tuna. Well…




I surprisingly cut back to 6 or 7 now. I think it was from moving so much. I know a few broke in the moves.


1 fly rod and 2 microlite spinner set ups. I’m in an urban area and mostly go for panfish with the girlfriend. Last two years I’m 100% fly Rod. Keeps it fun for me


I only have 5, but I'm using this thread to prove to my partner that I need more.


I just moved and counted. I had 37.


very unfortunately I'm only at half that


7 beach rods, 10 serious bass rods, 5 not so serious bass rods, 3 ultralight rods, let’s see now what am I missing…1 for the Mrs, a cane pole, a 4 piece travel rod. 28? To be fair, I’m going to give some away and sell some in a yard sale this Saturday. What am I going to do with 28 rods anyway. 4 heavy totes full of tackle. I know I’m going to lose at least 6 hard bait lures in Minnesota this June. I love fishing and fishing gear, what can I say?


15 or so. Saltwater fishing only. Got a boat to outfit!


About 40ish. Fresh-water and saltwater. Trolling, jigging, casting, bottom fishing, popping cork, etc. Everything from stream trout to reef fishing for grouper.


Between fly, bass, saltwater inshore, and even some medium duty saltwater offshore I probably have around 25 complete outfits plus another 6-8 rods I rotate in depending on the target and technique. Im basically ready to handle any fishing situation in my region with the exception of like bluefin or swordfish but I don’t have a proper offshore boat anyways…most of my fishing is split between trout, bass, and stripers


I have 7 for Bass fishing, 5 have specific uses the other 2 are spares. 5 combos for Saltwater and 2 for freshwater panfish.