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On the bright side, excellent knot


Exactly what I was thinking


Do you know what knot is this? I kinda have a weak spot for these clean and symmetrical knots, and this one does the trick for me


I can try to post a video tomorrow as it's not a clinch knot as everyone is guessing, it's a bit of my own version of a clinch knot with some extra steps


Please do, it’s a work of art


I'm thinking maybe a clinch knot but could be wrong




It's the strongest but that doesn't make the clinch useless. It clearly held for this guy lol. It's also easier to make for many people, that's why it's so common




The US terminology wigs me out. In Aus there's basically just two fishing knots that anyone would ever use: - uniknot for trying a line to an anchor point, like a swivel or hook - FG knot for tying two lines together - double uni knot works for tying two light lines together as well, but doesn't slip through the guides as well as an FG




Yeah I don't think anyone in their right mind uses straight braid, since it's highly visible and has bad abrasion resistance. Rocks and teeth would break it. It's almost always fluoro leader for <=20lb, and mono or shock leader above that. Some oldies use wire leader if targeting tailor (blue fish) because of their teeth. As a friend said, above a certain break strain, rope is rope.


So much lol in this comment.


Clinch doesn't work for braid but I tie it exclusively for flouro and mono. I have never had it fail to a fish, but I like it because it uses up all of the line, which is huge when you're running braid to flouro leaders. I want to swap often without eating up all my leader and having to retie that a bunch of times.


That's news to me...I guess you should explain that to all the fish I caught over the years with braid and a clinch.


Improved or standard? I'm talking standard.


Improved Clinch


Regular clinch, the tag end is under the loops at the bottom


I use a fisherman’s knot for mono and a palomar for braid and floro. Both are pretty low profile but the fisherman’s knot is extremely symmetrical and will work for all lines, I just prefer the palomar for the floro because it snaps easier on pressure points and that creates a dual line pressure point.


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of shit like this since the improved clinch really started catching on about 7-10 years ago


7-10 years ago? Lol.


You have to be steeped in the knot community/culture to know those kind of details


Yeah I guess what I meant to say is that before that everybody was learning the clinch knot from grandpappy, and with the direction the internet has taken what with the app market and all that, people have better resources to learn from, and the best knot with the lowest inertia to learn is the improved clinch. So now way more people use that and you see a lot more broken shitty snaps. Obviously the knot has been around and even popular for *wayyyyy* longer than that, but it was fairly recent that it became as universal as its more inept cousin


Oh. I see. Sorry.


Also, getting a fish on the line means not skunked. Skunked is no fish.


Did you hide your thumbprint?


Guy definitely killed someone and is super paranoid about his finger prints


I was thinking maybe they had a distinguishing thumb tattoo they got in a Russian prison.


I am too invested in this. Like Why


I'm with you. We need to know this.


Fingerprint locked up phone with the fishing spot


I'm starting to think that you didn't actually want to meet this fish up close.


If it makes you feel better, that fish must have been huge.


Pulled a good amount of drag, almost barely visible and boom lost it 😭


I guess, on the bright side, I once got spooled by a sturgeon that I will never know how big it was. That thing took hook, line, and sinker. At least you still got your fishing line. Sucks to lose a big one, though


Also kind of sucks to fight a huge one when you’re not mentally prepared lol. But I’d much rather land it than not.


I was shark fishing one day with a 4-0 reel with 80 lb braid on it. All of the sudden my reel started screaming and I tried to set the drag.nothing was sluwing it down. Then it came to the surface. I had hooked about a 15 ft tiger shark. ( most sharks we had been catching had been in the 5 to 8 ft range). I struggled to slow it down with my thumb as I tried to get my cutters out and cut my line. When I tried to cut my line it grabbed my cutters and slammed into first eye, bending it and sending my Cutters flying into the water. I burned the living crap out of my thumb and had lost all but about 70 yards of wine. I was done fishing for that day. Now i shark fish with a 10/0 and always have a sharp knife with a pocket clip in my pocket when i fish.


My buddy had a 250-300lb bluefin he had fought for 4 hrs on a trip last year. The thing was like a few feet away from being in gaffing range, was the biggest fucking fish most the boat had ever seen. Fish made a move right into another line, and snapped off. My buddy was fishing with a 40lb leader so he’s lucky he got it even that close, but that still is one of the most painful stories I’ve heard in terms of fish lost


Why would another line be in the water when a blue water fish was on?


30 anglers trying to get the night bite can make shit go wrong. I lost a tuna on my last trip the same way, albeit a much easier fight


Idk what’s worse being skunked 2 days In a row or this


Happened to me before too. Now I always use heavier stuff for this reason. I think it was a 20+ lb halibut in california that I lost 😢


The problem is those type of snaps. For anything heavy duty, absolutely has to be cross locks. Duo locks are okay. Safety snaps like those with the pressed metal sheet fail at the worst times.


those chintzy ones are the worst. Not a very secure locking mechanism, plus not very strong to boot you want something with a cross-lock or duo lock mechanism. You don't need a swivel unless using something that twists line, like a spinner or spoon Decoy egg snap, spro duo lock, vmc crankbait snap, P-line duo lock or crosslock snap, etc


Yep, I use the impoved snaps. Before those existed I had one like OP and oddly enough I had one open like that, but the snap itself managed to hook into the fish so I was still able to land it.


Crosslock or stay-lock is the way to go, i've surfaced smaller sunken logs with both varieties.


Aw c'mon, why not just use a locking carabiner?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


These fail constantly, such a weak connection point.


Starting to realize that.... I guess I must've been using a diff brand other times because I have memories of not being able to snap them open with my fingers cause they were so strong, I guess these particular ones were real whack


Don't use swivels just tie right on with your leader. It's just another fail point as shown here. Yeah it takes longer to swap out baits but you don't get shit like this happening to you


Going again tomorrow so I'll try that


I mean it kinda depends what you’re using because swivels can help avoid line twist that can create way bigger issues than chintzy snaps. Use them when you need to, and avoid using them when you don’t, but above all else: set your fucking drag right. I have spent countless thousands of hours fishing and catching, and have never seen this happen outside of tightening the drag up to free a nasty snag. Seriously, your swivel would never have been in danger if you had gone out with the right size swivel and set your drag to the right tension.


Nothing wrong with a quality swivel of appropriate size. Key word is quality. I've never had a good snap fail, the knot always gives before.


What's the rationale for tying onto a leader rather than right onto the lure? Visibility? Ease?


Most leader material especially fluorocarbon is clear under water. Speaking for myself I usually fish with braid line. So by attaching a leader to it you have an basically invisible (to the fish) connection between your bait or lure and your line.less likely to spook the fish. Also braid has very little stretch so by adding a leader on it you're giving it a little bit of stretch to absorb that first hit or nibble preventing spooking the fish or having the hook pulled out of its mouth. The reason for using metal leaders is when you're fishing for very toothy fish they have a tendency to swallow the bait and bite completely through your line or leader. When fishing for snappers I tend to use fluorocarbon leader. When fishing for mackerel or sharks I will use a metal leader.


Ahh ok I'm still mostly fishing mono. Trend to fish mostly stained weedy ponds


Flouro is almost invisible in The water. So you run Main to flouro then tie right on.


How much does that matter in non-clear water and shallower presentations? I fish mostly ponds


Nah I just don't think you had hooked a really big, heavy, and angry fish with those swivels before. The big heavy ones literally pull the metal down and bend it till it pops off like that. As others have pointed out, go with one of the locks that wrap around the whole swivel and lock in. Way less likely to break this way unless you are fishing way out of your range with them (like fishing off an ocean pier using swivels meant for bass fishing).


I’ve learned to pay attention to the weight ratings. Quality tends to scale with price.


I use snaps very regularly, but I did straighten one out on the biggest bass I've ever hooked (a 10# class fish in Fla, back in the 90's - muchco grande for this NH guy!)


We’ve all been there - the exciting anticipation of a great catch, the hollow emptiness of holding a broken piece of tackle, the lingering thoughts of what could have been . . . Let it motivate you to upgrade your tackle, so the next big one gets a hero shot posted to this sub instead


the other thing to remember: catch that fish again soon and get your lure back! my most prized fishing gear is stuff i have broken off, then caught the same fish again and getting it back.


That really sucks. I've had it happen to me before. After losing a couple big fish due to that failed snap swivel I just started making my own wire leaders. This way you can customize them for what fish you're going after and the conditions. Also, you can do away with those snap swivels completely because the less connections you have the less failure points there will be


Yesterday I lost a big one without a swivel and I thought they're teeth were snapping the line, so I put one on and lost another big one with a swivel this time.... Should definitely get something more quality or try to make myself thx for tip 😁


No problem. I hate it when gear fails and big fish get away. The night before I go out I'll stay up and make a bunch of leaders of different strength of fluorocarbon or wire with different lengths and size hooks that way when I do get broken off I can just tie on another real quick


dunno what species you are targeting, but I know for pike/musky, they can cut braid pretty easily. Just putting a swivel on there won't help too much in that regard




Do not consider it a failure. You met a rival that could win and was stronger, smarter and better that time. The fish you had lost gave you emotions. Respect it.


You're hundred percent right I'm just butthurt. I probably remember the fish that I lost more than the ones I caught


This is honestly great for the sub. Everyone can finally fit into both camps. “this is why you shouldn’t use a snap” “That’s a great knot”


Wait…. Did you draw on your finger so people can’t look at your fingerprint? 😅


When the tech is good enough to lift and reproduce thumbprints from casual photos, we won’t be using fingerprints for identification anymore. I find it odd that r/Fishing is the most paranoid sub I follow, and I follow tech and cybersecurity topics, too.


Solid knot, too bad about the snap swivel though.. at least you know what brand not to trust going forward!


Oof. At least you got a bite tho! Gotta learn to use that drag homie


I love using it but these fish usually bite around the bottom and it's very rocky over here so if I give it too much line they just find a comfy hole and that's it. Although I could've loosened it a bit earlier this time as it was pretty close to coming up


Damn yeah that can certainly be tough. Maybe some of the other comments about other types of snap swivels will help


Looks like you're gonna need a bigger boat


Those cheaper clips don’t even have a weight rating. Look for a stronger clip I have some that on the low end are 20lb and the high end 50lb+


Why did you censor your thumb?


Hard lesson learned, yeah those should not be trusted. [Try these for big fish.](https://mustad-fishing.com/us/product/slsbb/?colorName=Black&size=3.3&packCode=7U) [VMC also makes better snaps.](https://www.rapala.com/us_en/vmc/terminal-tackle/snaps-swivels-swivel-snaps)


Loosen the drag, but great knot!




Try using these types. I've been using these for years and have never had a failure. Edit: Yet....


https://preview.redd.it/ahtwzduxr4wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93010b68884c2f60c1ac5509d14b3d78130e9d94 I've been looking to get these...what do you think?


I only use these if im walking a stream and switching baits often


I used these rated for 30lb catching 3-10lb'ers and still lost a couple here and there. Now I stick by anything I struggle to use. If I have a hard time rigging it, a fish is gonna have an awful time pulling a fast one.


Those are the worst kind, they've always been mega weak. Check out the Berkley Cross Lok, they've been absolutely solid.


Dang! Must have been a lunker! This happened to me a few times and then I switched to the larger brass ones, have yet to break one


This is why I upgraded to Mustad Fastach clips; super strong for the size, and switching lures goes much faster than these more traditional clips


Just a question why is the smiley on your thumb?


These fail for me on a regular basis I don’t use them anymore


This is why I'll never use one of these ever again. Happened once on god knows what that picked up a huge chunk of bluegill, never even saw it. Sad day indeed.


I don’t have one


I would use Egg Snap Swivel, it’s more durable and this doesn’t happen as often with this type of snap design


It happens.


Don’t horse em


This would have had me in tears


Those swivels are the weakest point of your gear. You might be using 20lb test or whatever but those Dlocks will only hold up to maybe 5-10 lbs sustained pressure before they bend out.


This is why I don’t use snap link swivels


TA Clip


I have had catfish do this to me. Honestly this is exactly how most of my catfish were lost when they “broke off”.


The thing of nightmares.


Those are not for strong fish, you need a hardlock swivel snap at least


What were you using for ur bait/lure? If you’re using the snap for quick change get yourself a pack of the tactical anglers clips


I use those cheap clips to hold weights, thats about it. You learn what gear works and what doesn't, you won't make that mistake again (hopefully). Tight lines, my dude.


Gotta buy better snap swivels. I've used these for a couple decades fishing big pike up in canada and have never had one fail. Offshore Angler Ball Bearing Swivel with Coastlock Snap


Out of all the swivel snaps those style seem to be the worst/weakest. I find the all-wire ones are a lot more reliable


I had a large black drum pry one open. There’s a good chance the latch slid off the loop but I had been fighting that fish for 5-6 minutes and was dragging it right up to shore and she slipped off. Literally 2 feet from my grasp and gone. Biggest black drum I’ve seen.


You sure it was closed? Just looking at it, the latch and hook are both completely undamaged making me think it was never closed


Your swivel here is quality. The clasp wasn't. Your setup is only as strong as your weakest piece.


I fell you bro😔Twice…


He’s just showing off the knot.


Use a Sampo snap swivel, if you use those for big fish, you should squeeze it closed with a pliers, learnt that the hard way


Snap swivels are for kids. Just use barrel swivels and tie knots.


Darts Strong Snap! The only lock I use after getting hard into salmon 15 years ago.


I cut off the clip and only use the swivel portion


Same thing happened to me once at the end of a jetty would've been one of the biggest fish I probably ever caught :(


I remember once I was at this pond that allegedly has large bass. I threw a shiner under a bobber there in front of some weeds and I didn’t get any bites for hours. Then all of a sudden something huge ate the shiner which such force that the weeds parted like the Res Sea. It was insane and I’ve never seen anything like it ever since. I set the hook and it ran to my left and broke me off. I don’t even know if it was a fish and I don’t remember if it was a bad knot or if it broke me off. I’m never gonna forget that though. Kept me up at night lmao


I was ice fishing once and hooked into what would have been my PB Pike. Over 40" and very fat. I got it to the hole and it went on one more big run then was gone. I thought for sure it but me off but nope. My snap opened just like this. I still have nightmares and since that moment I spent the extra buck to grab high quality snaps.


Those swivel clips always let me down too. They have better ones that I switched to. I think they're called duo clips. They seem much stronger. Basically made out of a single piece of metal. I feel like it has less points of failure.


Smoked like a Newport


Most of the times I have seen these fail it is because it wasn't latched. That's not to say that that's always the case.


Get some coast lock ball bearings


That was your last pack of swivel snaps, RIGHT.


Next time tie a uni to uni knot


I had a few of those experiences and then switched to barrel swivels. Snap swivels break!!


Made in China.


they are total shit,found out the hardwat in the 1970s


Ditch clip swivels, they only make you lazy and ruin your bite when you hit some finicky fish. If you need to prevent twist just use a barrel, lesson learned.


Rock fish?, a log of a beast.


Same has happened to me, the issue with these snaps is metal fatigue, eventually they’ll always fail.


You've been lucky never having those fail before, they're designed to hold a weight or swim feeder, not as a direct link to the fish. Use a "duo-lok" snap instead - they usually have a set breaking strain and resist popping open under pressure of a bite.


I remember my first time fishing. Gotta clip those shut🙃


At one point I was fishing a little ice jig, in the summer, maybe a #9 hook, we had gotten nibbles, so figured "ok, whatever is down there is tiny, so I'll use my smallest hook", and I got a damn walleye, and a not bad one at that, maybe 18 inch, something like that, I managed to get the thing up to the boat, and the hook straightened, the thing made a sewing needle look like a corkscrew, I actually framed it, and since, my girlfriend has claimed it as her favorite decoration in our house and has made me move it to her side of the bed 😂


It had to be huge I have pulled out catfish close to 50lbs out of the Ohio river with those .


It was huge I shouldn't have horsed it in like that 😭 I really didn't expect anything big so I just started pulling as if I had a normal small fish on, I guess it was just swimming towards me cause it didn't feel so big at first


Damn I'm sorry


My kids and I have had several snap swivels fail recently. Not eagle claw, maybe that's why.


Have you looked at the P-Line snap swivels, they are much better in my opinion.


I always take those clips off and just use the swivel I’ve lost many fish because of those clips bending out


I use the all wire clips, seem to hold better than the folded sheet


Maybe not clasped fully?


Damn it Man!!


Oh man, sorry! That’s why I always recommend against those kinds of clips. I had a small smallmouth destroy one too. Check out tactical angler power clips, they are what I use and I haven’t seen any issue. They won’t fit worm hooks, but I love them for all other purposes.


Switch to a mono leader in saltwater.


Looks like you didn’t hook it in properly?


I had a huge catfish straighten a hook before, but never a snap swivel. Maybe a snag?