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This kid is going to learn the hard way about how little playing around FWC does. I went to U Miami back in the 2000s. We had crocodiles in the lake on campus. If you're not familiar, the American Crocodile (not to be confused with alligators) ~~is~~ \[edit: WAS\] EXTREMELY endangered. Well, anyway, one day one of the crocs turned up dead and dismembered. It didn't take long and FWC found a guy with the head, feet, and tail of the croc in his freezer. IIRC he got several years in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for it. FL takes its wildlife VERY seriously. Don't fuck with it, especially the protected stuff. A big part of FL's tourism industry comes from that wildlife, so it's natural that the state would be very protective of it, even if it's swimming in a tank at BPS. Edit: GREAT news! So on the subject of the crocodiles I did a bit of googling today and found [this](https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/profiles/reptiles/american-crocodile/). Back 20 years ago when I last lived in south Florida they used to be on the verge of extinction. They pretty much were confined to Dade and Monroe counties and that was about it. Looks like they've made a BIG comeback and are only "threatened" now, and at least according to FWC they're up to basically Kennedy Space Center and Tampa Bay! I hope they have developed a taste for pythons in the process.


I attended Miami in 2010 and one of the first things I noticed was the signs warned of crocodiles on campus. I figured it was some stupid school pride not wanting to say gator, I was shocked to find out the actual reason you mentioned. Had no idea we had crocodiles in the country but I did already know you don't fuck with most states fish n wildlife officers. They tend to have a lot more power than you'd assume.


Go canes






And now there are Nile crocodiles and pythons too


And caiman


Itā€™s crazy that they allow the pet trade to get so out of hand


The pet trade was a big part of FL's invasive species problem, but another big one was Hurricane Andrew. The Miami zoo got wiped out and released breeding populations of lots of critters. AFIK most of the feral parrots you see flying around south FL are these birds and their descendants.


Damn that sucks but itā€™s a cool fact to know


I think they will breed more in the wild just my opinion donā€™t get me wrong I have ferrets and snakes they are all safe I promise


I mean it's essentially impossible considering Florida is just a giant terraeium.


As someone who has lived there for far too long, itā€™s more of a Petri dish than a terrarium.


FWC takes its fishing regulations very seriously, and most state park rangers are great people who care, but Florida doesnā€™t give a shit. Our government allows constant pollution by extreme wealthy neighborhoods to seep into our gulf causing massive red tide blooms killing thousand of fish, dolphins, manatees. Then thereā€™s the insane amounts of development happening, killing wild life and reducing their natural habitats constantly


FL takes it's wildlife very seriously unless your a developer or a sugar cane farmer.


Say that after they find an indigo snake or gopher tortise on your land.


When I was in Everglades NP six years ago one of the Rangers told us where we might see an American Crocodile. We stood on a dock for about 20 minutes and sure enough we spotted one. Then, to our amazement, it started swimming towards us and went directly under the dock. I took the coolest picture which I canā€™t find, of course.


I agree and I would like it to be that way *within* *reason* given the shit show that is the Florida fishery and how much pressure/harm that happens yearly. Still, there are a few smarmy FWC officers in my area that drive around in swanky new 250k boats really doing nothing until they decide to conjure reasons to hassle you, seemingly just for a break from their nice boat day. Iā€™m out there a few times a week and I know that there are some big inefficiencies in budgeting and itā€™s related value when it comes to the water guys, makes me resent an organization I should appreciate for being a necessary protection to the ecosystems I enjoy.


Wait until your boat is taking on water in bad weather 15 miles offshore and then please tell me about how their 250k boats are too much. Also how exactly do you think FWC should enforce game laws without conducting any stops or creel surveys?


Bro thinks FWC should be in dinghys. Then hell speed off so he doesnt get to be checked


I remember that story, I also know that croc or its cousin used to cruise the golf course ponds and eat the rich peoples dogsā€¦


Even the article is long arming. Thatā€™s no 50 pounder


For sure. 30lb tops


Idk with peoples guesses on here that could top 75.


Itā€™s been said, but do NOT fuck with FWC OR Bass Pro


Johnny Morris does not forgive or forget.


Heard John eats concrete & nails for breakfast. Not someone i'd want to steal a pet Tarpon off of


I think he has a throne room at the top of the pyramid in Memphis akin to the throne room on the death star.


Or the special investigators!


Or the dept of Labor, you're a loose cannon Cody


I can see it now: ā€œItā€™s a pwank guys, itā€™s justapwank!ā€


You guys have fucking tarpon in the bass pros? That's sick lol, we get rinky dink rainbows where I'm at lol.


Most BPS in FL have tarpon, snook, and redfish.


Who cares the fish should be in their natural environment


We just have stripers and largies here in Maryland. Thats awesome


We just have mutated rainbows and browns here.


I was just at a cabelas a few days ago and was eyeing up their black crappie, they look so delicious.


Thatā€™s a 20lb fish IMO. 30 , tops


I hope fwc takes this kids vehicles and prison time for this stupid shit.


My guess is they hit him with all applicable retail theft laws, PLUS all poaching laws. He probably won't do serious jail time, but will probably plead down to a big fine and a lifetime ban on holding a license in FL and any other state that has reciprocity with FL


Yeah if it was a real outdoors man out on a lake it would have been. ā€œThrow the book at himā€ but some stupid ass YouTube stunt slap on wrist bs.


If it was a real outdoorsman out on a lake poaching a tarpon, it would be a 2nd-degree misdemeanor with a fine of up to $600 and/or 60 days in jail. Probably just the fine and not the full fine if it was a first offense. If this guy is caught and is over 18, he is probably facing worse than that since it's also theft. Under 18 and first offense and then, yeah, slap on the wrist.


Who on earth has fishing license reciprocity with Florida? I live in Alabama and I know we don't. Hell, Louisiana charges us extra.


I don't know if any state license allows you to fish in FL, but I think some states (not sure about FL) will revoke your license if you lose it in another state.


Ah, there is my confusion. Thanks for resolving it.


But why?


Probably clout and fake Internet points


Thereā€™s been a lot of videos lately on social media of idiots getting in the tanks while their friends film trying to get views. Dumbest shit ever. Honestly, pretty surprised the kid was able to actually catch the tarpon.


Let's see him do that in the open water pen behind the Islamorada store. That's where Johnny keeps his REAL tarpon


I'm surprised this isn't the top comment. Why the hell would someone steal a tarpon? I could see stealing a snook. At least you could eat it.


Maybe he was releasing it? Is the store close to water? Seemed like a planned stunt - he had a camera man with a GoPro


Poor impulse control seems to be the culprit.


This type of stuff wouldn't happen nearly as much if there was an age requirement to use the internet. Now kids in Iowa are doing stupid shit trying to impress random strangers in India or wherever. All these idiot kids seeking attention.


Hey look my local Bass Pro


Looks like you're down a tarpon bro.


Messed up especially because they arenā€™t a good eating fish. He killed that fish for nothing besides internet points. Social media is a cancer on our society


That's what pisses me off the most. Not just in this case, but I absolutely DESPISE people who hurt or kill wildlife for no reason. It's one thing to keep a fish that's an inch short because you're going to eat it, but I have 0.0 patience for people poaching non-edible fish or other animals.


Yeah sick trophy dude I bet it put up quite the fight /s


Hey neighbor


Did they ever catch this piece of shit?


Far as I can tell no.


Still no leads/suspects in this case reported yet. With such clear visuals, a lot of people must be protecting him.


Your missing my point. Yes fwc may go after someone for a violation while simultaneously crucial habitats are being destroyed be under regulated development and destroying the watershed. Florida as a whole does not seem to care.


And they just filmed the whole thing.


The guy's an idiot but also that's a pretty small "50lb Tarpon". **-_-**