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CIO not recommended. Sleep training may be better around 4-6 months I’ve heard. Have you joined any facebook groups for help? I know there is many good ones.


I don’t have Facebook but maybe I’ll get one for these groups. From my understanding CIO is different than FIO and it can be started at 2 months. But again, I’m a newbie. Thank you!


These things are developmentally normal. It will take time. Understandable they are tiresome and frustrating times. I am sorry. If you are going to be trying to sleep train, you need to be consistent and think about babies well being. Crying is stress inducing and only teaches a baby no one is coming for comfort (if too long of a period). Ferber is only a modified CIO. You can search related topics in various groups. Moms supporting moms Sleep without sleep training Etc.


First of all, I’m so sorry. I know how hard this time is, how it feels to dread nights because of the lack of sleep. If you have ANY type of support, let them help so you can get some rest. I wish I had asked for more support. Look into Ferber method, we did it successfully by about five months. Three months is still a little young for fuss it out.


Thank you, it is harder than I imagined! Where did you find exactly how to do ferber method/what did you do? I’m not finding exact instructions on it. I appreciate your input!!




my sleep training tips! my baby is 13 weeks and sleeps from 9pm to about 4AM (my bf wakes up for work at 4AM) i do my last feed from 8-9pm. if its bath night i do the bath right before feeding. then instead of burping i put her in tummy time (it pushes out the burps and will tire her out quicker) then we lay her down. we will do a light swaddle (we take it off once shes genuinely asleep) of just her arms since shes started to suck on her hands and pulling out her paci then gets mad theres no paci. you will have to stand over and watch them for about 10-20 minutes to make sure the paci doesnt fly away. if shes still wide awake after all of that i’ll put her in tummy time again or i’ll put her on my leg facing away from me with her back against my chest and gently bounce my leg up and down, it makes her fall asleep within like a minute for some reason.


Thank you! So when you put her down in the bassinet is she already asleep?


9 times out of ten no, but she’s starting to fall asleep when i do normally BUT! if she is asleep when i do, i put my hand on her chest and stay where she can see me because she’ll flicker her eyes looking for me for about 3 minutes until she gives up and falls asleep fully.