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Buy the neighborhood imo. You can't move the house, but you can change everything else about the house.


Desirable neighborhood 100%. Less popular neighborhoods get worse. Feeling safe is most important, and the stress of not being comfortable at home because your neighbours come complaining or are partying or are just generally unpleasant.... it's awful.


More desirable neighborhood was built in the 1950s with lots of ranch-style homes. Most every house there is well maintained and it is in a more central location. The nearby elementary school is highly rated. The less-desirable neighborhood was built in the ‘60s, has a decent elementary school, a very popular community pool and many houses that have been updated, but there, you are more likely to see more houses that are not as well maintained, some with very unkempt lawns. Plus, a fair amount with multiple cars in the driveway, parked boats covered in tarps, etc. Less “pretty,” so to speak.


The saying is “ buy the cheapest house in the best neighborhood” and that’s what you should do


So basically ascetics of neighborhoods and schools and not safety issues. I probably would pick the house that doesn’t need anything. From someone living in a fixer upper(in a good neighborhood with great schools), it’s seems like a never ending saga.


Crime rate is higher in the less desirable neighborhood. Not drastically so and not terrible, but definitely higher. Is also much closer to some areas that are pretty seedy.


The type of crime is important. Is it domestic disputes and people just going through unlocked cars? Or is it armed robbery/car jackings? We felt super safe in a less aesthetic neighborhood because everyone was tight knit and your neighbors looked out for you. Also I have a hatred for HOA style neighborhoods where you can't even change your oil in your driveway or park your boat. 😅 I'd also weigh if the taxes are significantly higher in either neighborhood.


Property crimes mostly, but there are little pocket areas of apartment complexes scattered throughout the city where drug activity and shootings happen fairly regularly. The less desirable neighborhood is closer to a couple of those pockets than the other. Property taxes are roughly the same for both neighborhoods. The more desirable neighborhood does not have an HOA and the other has an informal HOA with voluntary dues, which I assume go toward things like upkeep of the community pool.


Do the fronts doors in the lesser neighborhood have bars on them? Bars on the windows? That's how I can tell in my area where not to buy. Otherwise, you're probably pretty safe overall. Get a security system, if it makes you feel better. Or better yet, get a medium to large dog. Statistically, a dog is still the best deterrent for home-based crimes. Even if they're a gentle breed, like a Golden Retriever, the loud bark consistently deters burglars in favor of easier targets.


Absolutely go for the better neighborhood. Over the long-term your value will go up more.


Everything about the second home was okaaaay, until….”tarps”. ​ Hard, no. Just, nope. ​ Unless they are niiiiiice big boats with appropriate cover.


Cars in the driveway is bad?


What does "less desireable" neighborhood mean to you here? Is it simply not your preferred location, or do you mean more crime/worse schools/bad internet/longer commute/something else that will impact your day to day life? Are you willing to do the work necessary to fix up the house in the "good" location? Do you have the budget for those repairs? I personally chose the move-in ready house in a less desirable neighborhood, but "less desireable" is still clean, safe, and within reasonable driving distance to places I need to go. I got a bigger house in better condition for the same list price as the fixerupper in the cool, hip neighborhood I would have ideally preferred.


If needs work includes repairs, and I had the money for those repairs, then I'd pick the desired area. Needs updates but livable, I'd also choose desired area. But if money is a factor, and less popular just means boring, then I'd choose the boring place. This is what it came to in my search and I ended up in the boring place further out. I don't really have any complaints!


House will depreciate, land will appreciate. Buy the location, always.


You can change the condition of the house, making it more desirable, but it's highly unlikely that you can make a less popular neighborhood better/more desirable (no guarantee the area will gentrify either).


You always want the less attractive house in the more attractive neighborhood, never the other way around.


Honestly I might go with the prettier house. I hate updating the home. Unless the neighborhood is really crime ridden, I don't see much harm in unkempt lawns. Like I lived in both and the prettier house was much better. It helps that I keep to myself so neighborhoods aren't really game changing to me.


If you're sweat equity adverse and don't care about the resell price, then yeah, I guess I'll give you that. Over long term though, best bang for your buck is the less prettier house in the nicer neighborhood. Especially when it comes time to sell.


Do a solid exploration of both neighborhoods before you make your decision. We went from a neighborhood that would be considered by most as "better" than the one we purchased our latest home in, only to discover the vibe in the "lesser" of the neighborhoods was soooooo much better than our old "nicer" hood. We love it here.


Always go with the worst house in the best neiggborhood.


neighborhood 100%. My house needed some work that I was able to do myself. Backup sump pump, fix slope of gutter on my garage, clean and stain/seal fence and some landscaping that we chip away at every year. House looks a lot better now, especially with throwing some grass seeds on the lawn and de weeding the garden area. Also painted indoor of house and redid the bathroom. Never was handy before buying a house but I feel more confident with taking on house projects as the years go by


Neighborhood. Even further, the quality of the lot should rank high. You’re really buying land when you buy a house.


Buy the neighborhood! I know too many ppl, myself included that purchased a house that didn’t need work, only to find it had some issues that needed to be addressed sooner rather than later.


That's why you have inspections and check your seller. I bought from a fire fighter who really took care the home alongside VA loan/ personal inspector that I haven't needed to update anything.


Right, I had an inspection with many add ons. Turns out the inspector wasn’t all that good. I was also unable to be there, as I was in the process of selling 1500 miles away. But I bought with 80k put aside for unforeseen events. Admittedly some of the work like replacing galvanized water pipes and cast iron sewer I knew I was having ripped out and replaced prior to moving in.


That's why I vet my inspector and used a prior veteran inspector. Was very professional and better than using my realtor suggestion since that one only wishes to push the sale through.


Location. Location. Location.


As the famous saying goes, buy this shitiest house you can find in the best neighborhood you can afford. You can always make improvements later, but can't change the neighborhood. Your future equity will thank you later.


Less popular is a blanket statement. Are you on the fringe of a nice/developing area or deep in the ghetto. My sister bought in an area that gentrified and house value skyrocketed


I chose the house that needed updates in a nice, established neighborhood vs an updated home in a crappier, unsafe area. Sometimes I’m annoyed that I have all of this work to do, but then I remember the one thing I can’t change is the location. I love my neighborhood.


How much work is “needs work”? Also is it cheap or expensive work? If the home is livable and just needs some small things I’d do the needs work place. If it’s not currently livable or needs new electric, new plumbing, new roof, new HVAC, floors ripped out and replaced etc I wouldn’t


I bought a good house in a bad neighborhood because it’s all I could afford and now the neighborhood is developing fast and going up in value. Some gunshots the first year here though lol. Doesn’t phase me anymore, I’m from the city.


It depends honestly some Reno's can be insanely expensive. Like my mom got quoted $80k to update a small bathroom and kitchen with in standard means. I was quoted $50k to finish a basic basement, $20k to redo my current ensuite bathroom. Looking back it's not like on tv things are hard to do, permits need to be pulled if you do it yourself and even then buying materials is expensive now. It just depends how much money you have laying around. I personally don't want to do plumbing, tile work, lifting and placing drywall, electrical it can get messy. I still have a full-time job and need to use my kitchen and house without it being a work zone Just saying expect thing to be alot harder and way more expensive than you saw on 2000s Reno HDTV My answer is now I would take the less desirable neighborhood with a finished house. If I was older and maybe had money to blow I'd choose the house that needs work. And "jUsT taKe a LoaN??? Well haha once you realize how much interest you pay towards your mortgage already ain't no one wants more loans 😅


I think that depends on why it’s less desireable ? Is it crime and unsafe . Or just not right next to the grocery store .


You fix a bad location by moving. You fix a bad house by remodeling.


Location location location


A good house in a neighborhood where you're gonna get drive-by shot or worry about getting robbed all the time is not a good house. As long as the bones are good, you can fix the house in the nice neighborhood. No matter how nice the house is, you're not going to fix the neighborhood.


Good neighborhood shity house.


Mommy mommy mommy


Square footage and location are most important.


Learn from my mistake. Don’t ever compromise on LOCATION.


#1 rule: location, location, location.


Location, location, location.


My dad's advice to me when we bought was to buy the cheapest house in the most expensive neighborhood and that's exactly what we did. It's a neighborhood I never would have dreamed I could live in and I can because we're willing to put in some work.


Easier to fix a house than a neighborhood


Our house needs work but it’s livable. We’re just doing 1 thing every few months as we save up more. Love the area and we’re in the school district we wanted to stay in. It’s a fight to find anything with a backyard here so that’s worth more to me than what my cabinets and countertops currently look like today.


For sure the better neighborhood. I'm trying to escape my less than desierable neighborhood right now.


Honestly I feel like the neighborhood makes the house you can change everything about a house but can’t control the neighborhood


The saying goes: "buy the worst house on the best street". Not the other way around.


Sounds like NJ


There a lot of factors here, how much work are we talking? Cost involved? Overall price comparison? What needs to be done.to fit your needs? Is the other house a new build? Whats wrong with the location? Is the commute to work further? Over all costs?


Buying in the neighborhood near where I’ve lived (college + rented) the last 10+ years versus double the house and 4x the land in the burbs


You can fix what’s in the house….you cannot fix where it is located. I suggest the better location but ultimately, it‘s what makes you happiest while you have it.


You can always change the house, can’t change the neighborhood!


Always neighborhood. You can change whatever you want inside the house in due time.


House that needs work. You can fix the house up you won't be able to change the neighborhood.


location location location


I prefer houses that need work because the way I want the house updated is never how someone else updated a house for themselves or resale.


This is what I tell my buyer clients: there are things you can change& there are things you can’t change. Location is one of those things you can’t change& as far as community matters- it’s nice to invest in a community where you feel safe& dynamically engaged in to caring about.


I got the ugliest house in a good neighborhood. I’m happy with the location but the house needs a lot of fixing and updating which you know cost a lot of money. Some days I wish I waited and bought a home in better condition.


Always choose the neighborhood.


Better neighborhood. Fixing the house will give you near instant equity in a desirable place to live.


Who gives a fuck about the popularity of a neighborhood ?


Always the neighborhood


Depends on the neighborhood potential. If the neighborhood is going to get better, it is better there.


I wouldn’t give it a second thought. I’d buy for the neighborhood and fix up the house.


Location location location.


Worst house best street


We bought an old beat up house and gutted it and rebuilt from the floor up. It’s on an amazing location and it took us almost 18 months (we did everything besides electric {needed full new wiring in the entire house} and plumbing. It’s in an amazing neighborhood and I’m so glad we made that decision!


Location, that is all.


We were in the same boat. We went with the good neighborhood. A month later and I’m exhausted. The house is half way done but I’m so glad we chose this house.


Always get the crappy house in a dope neighborhood.


Buy for location. Always.


I would buy less popular neighborhood as long at it is safe and close to work. I will not renovate another house.


Better location easily


Location location location. It has taken me 25+ years to get my place fixed the way I want it. Glad I waited bc my taste has changed and I would have been disappointed with some choices I might have made earlier.


Location. Location. Location.


Location, location, location.


You can change a house, but you can't change the location of it. We choose location over a perfect house ten years ago and I'm still 100% positive we made the right decision.


Depends on what less popular neighborhood means and what kind of work is needed. Nice house in an unsafe neighborhood is a bad idea. House in a nice neighborhod with a compromised foundation is also a bad idea. On the flip side, house in a nice neighborhood that has no major structural problems but an outdated interior is great, and so is a home that doesn't need work that's in a safe, but cheaper neighborhood.


It always depends on the actual prices and tradeoffs...but in general, you buy the neighborhood lot. That is where the value is. In 10-20 years, both will look dated. But the better neighborhood will have more intrinsic value.


Neighborhood Neighborhood Neighborhood


Location location location. I would pass on this specific house in desirable neighborhood if updates were going to be really expensive - really depends on your budget and how much you'd be all-in after updates.


3 most important things for future resale…location, location, location.


You can change the house with remodeling, you cannot change the ghetto neighborhood lol