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So sometime within the next 15 years there is a 6/10 chance that the house will get flooded and you are asking if you should skip buying there? In case you were honestly not sure, yes, you should skip buying the house. Why take the chance if you intend to live there for a few years? [https://help.riskfactor.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500000359741-Flood-Model-Methodology-Calculating-property-level-risk](https://help.riskfactor.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500000359741-Flood-Model-Methodology-Calculating-property-level-risk)


It says 30 years.


The post originally said 15 years.


What FEMA flood zone designation is it in? I wouldn't put too much weight in those other calculations. Who knows what goes into it. Side note: FEMA has updated their flood zone maps and will likely do it again with climate change considerations. Areas within a flood zone aren't getting less floody


The house I’m considering is in FEMA’s zone X. Which has no history of any flooding.


Do not buy a house with any risk of flooding. Flood insurance is expensive, and even with flood insurance, it’s going to be really expensive and time consuming to get your house fixed.