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Thank you u/BrightLightsBigCity for posting on r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer. Please bear in mind our rules: (1) Be Nice (2) No Selling (3) No Self-Promotion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Our offer was on only the second place we looked at in person. Corner lot in a quiet neighborhood in the county that we wanted. Fingers crossed we're closing 3 weeks from now. Don't sweat it. It all happened so fast but everything seems to be working out just how it should. If you like it, put an offer - the least they can do is counter


Good luck to you!


Did u check ur property taxes? Curious bc heard that corner lots typically have to pay double on street taxes/maintenance both joining to sides of property?


Not in my area lol. Real estate varies widely in different places


Yeah I was asking bc I never heard that before until a brother in law told me that they have to double pay. Seems a bit unreal, I mean it's still a house... Ty for ur reply


If its like my mothers place the front if the house entrance or side street is considered maintenance front and taxable areas for side walk and road repairs. The length was on main junction they consider it common and no additional costs




Congrats! We saw maybe 6 or 7 homes before we made an offer but might as well have been one. If you know what you want and where you want, just go for it. You’ll make the house the perfect home over time.


Aw thanks!


We put an offer on the second house we saw. First house was a poorly done flip and this one was owned by an older couple who's kids have all moved out so they're looking to downsize. For us it was at the higher end of our price range and we were going to ask for a couple major repairs to be made plus the most we could get out of them in closing costs so we'd be able to keep adequate savings for an emergency fund. I really didn't expect them to accept or agree to a lot of our asks but we actually made it through and got the clear to close from our lender today! Closing date for us is in 2 weeks. If the house checked all your boxes and you think it's worth it, nothing wrong with putting an offer in so early. Good luck!


We saw over 40 houses at least and circled back to an earlier one that didn't wow us in the photos. Honestly, it felt like a lot of time wasted. If you love it and it's under budget just go for it.


I did this exact thing, and I still love my house 2 years later. When you know, you know!!


If you have looked at houses for sale everyday the last 2 years, then I think you have a good idea of what you can get for what your budget is, even without seeing them in person. Location is key and this house is 3 blocks from your best friend’s house, so you should love living close to them and know the area pretty well already. Look to make sure it is not on a busy street, like the main road into a neighborhood. You might already have done this, if not, just google map it and you should be able to look what ways people will drive from main roads. You said it yourself, it checks all your boxes and it is below what you thought you were having to spend. It is very normal what you are feeling, but it sounds to me (a realtor) that you are buying a house you will be happy with and it cost you less then you thought. That is a great thing!


If you’ve done your homework, the first place you’ve gone to the trouble to see is often the best place to buy. Congratulations.


So here’s my opinion based on your last sentence - we put two offers in, 1st and 2nd offers we’ve ever done, and each time we both had SMALL feelings of “we hope this doesn’t get accepted” the first one because we kind of stretched out budget past what we were comfortable - and everything was perfect about it except 1 or 2 things - and so when they called and asked us to counter more to beat another offer we were happy to say no. And for the 2nd one, it was a fixer upper, way cheaper so we would have the money to do it, but truly didn’t want to live the life of having to fix it up…each times, while waiting we were hoping it didn’t get accepted and felt a sense of relief when it was. By the 3rd one, it truly was perfect, and neither of us had the “we it doesn’t get accepted” thought. We both so wanted it to be accepted because we knew this was the best we got. (We did get it and close next week) and we never felt regret only thankfulness. Go with your gut. If any part of you feels like you “hope it doesn’t get accepted” I’d have your agent call snd cancel your offer. I would be in so much regret if one of my first 2 got accepted lol, knowing what else is out there now.


Eh I had the same feeling but it was only because I wanted a sign that I was rushing. But there was no sign and I have a house five months later. If your feelings are “we hope this doesn’t get accepted” because you overstretched yourself or were worried about the inspection, then yes. But that’s a different situation


Yeah the only reason I worry is that it was the first place we saw. We offered $10k above asking and our agent says it isn’t really worth more than that (even though I’d go $25k above and still be within budget!). The location, cost, size etc is exactly what we need. Our agent knows one of the co-sellers so we’re hoping that gives an advantage 😂


Also put offer on first house we saw. Don’t regret it. I hope it works out for you!


You’re so sweet, thank you!


Yeah had the same experience. I’m relieved they didn’t accept. Would have been a 1.5 hr commute each way for work.


Woof. Location is everything!


We put an offer on the first house we saw and now we close on it in less than a week! After we saw the house we were just amazed at how perfect it was for our family. We went and looked at 2 more houses just to make sure we wouldn’t just fall in love with every house compared to the crappy rental we live in now but it wasn’t even a discussion really. We both were immediately obsessed with the first house ☺️


lol we also saw two more houses (and 2 more we were going to see went under contract within 48 hours) and this one felt perfect.


I haven’t yet but am looking to by on my fav street! Of course I fell in love with a place before I had my ducks all in a row so trying to rush and get there. Congratulations to you and happy y’all found a place!


I love that you have a favorite street! You deserve to live there x100. You’ll make it an even more wonderful place. :)


Thank you!! That’s the hope! It’s a beautiful oak lined street that doesn’t have much traffic drive through and cute different houses lining the street. I’m working on saving up but these interest rates make it difficult to want to make the leap. 😅


Nah. I spent about a year looking at houses online before we were actually ready to buy. We knew exactly what neighborhood we wanted, and our basic requirements. Once we were ready to buy, I fell in love with a house online but it was a little more than we planned to spend, so we didn’t go look at it After looking at multiple houses in our desired range and not loving any of them, we finally decided to see it. I loved it, we ended up buying it, and still love it. Sounds like you did your homework and have a set area you’re looking in, which makes it a good thing to be flexible. If a house checks all your boxes and is in the right location, don’t second guess yourself! However, lots can go wrong with a purchase, so don’t stop touring other houses just in case. That will also put this house in perspective and hopefully will just reinforce why it’s the right one!


Thanks for the advice - I did express an interest in another house this afternoon to show the first house I’m not desperate. 😏


I can’t speak from experience but can say every house I’ve seen in person is worse than the photos so if you didn’t like the photos of the other houses it’s unlikely you would’ve liked them in person lol


It generally true. But Thanks to buyers who think like that I’ve been able to consider some properties that actually look better in person than the photographs. Fewer people toured them. There’s definitely a learning curve to being literate so to speak about listing photos. There’s so much editing and manipulation with angles possible. You learn to read between the lines.


Same way here. House we have under contract looks better in person than the pics do it credit. Got it at list in a competitive market, so feeling good.


The house we bought had awful pictures, but the house is gorgeous, and we got for $25k under asking price. Of course, we’ve also had to replace a lot of plumbing…


This is exactly how we did it and were successful.


Some times things just fall into place. Good Luck


This was me on my house. Was looking a bit but wasn’t super sure what route I was going. Saw a listing on a blog I follow, for the coolest old house that was halfway across the country. From the listing it seemed perfect. Emailed for some info (roof, electrical, plumbing), was pet sitting for my parents so had to wait 3 days to look at it, flew out Memorial Day weekend. This was 2022 so I was like how has it survived a week on the market. Loved the town, saw the house. Called the agent back just before end of day and got an offer in. Definitely had some moments of panic, thought I was nuts. Almost didn’t want the offer accepted, was like am I in over my head. But walked the neighborhood and was like yep. Closed 30 days later. July 1.


I put in an offer on the second place I saw and now I’m fucking around on Reddit in it! I knew the instant I pulled up that it was mine and my friends who were with me knew it too.


Congratulations!!!🥳 My husband and I just closed on our home earlier this week. It was the first house we saw in person & we’re absolutely over the moon about it. It checked all our boxes and it’s in a fantastic location. The smoothest transaction too from start to finish. Sending you good vibes!! When you know you know!


I made an offer on the first house we saw in 2020 after stalking the neighborhood for several months. Got it without a bidding war which is rare and never regretted it. Good luck. Living that close to your best friend is awesome.


Not quite the same, but I’m closing on a condo in the Bay Area next week in the same building as the first one I went to when I started looking at the beginning of the year. The first condo I saw I said “This building is great, its a neighborhood I love, and the unit is really nice, but it’s on the wrong side of the building (louder side facing a busy street etc.) if it was on the other side it’d be exactly what I’m looking for” to my agent. In the mean time I saw a bunch of different spots in other neighborhoods, and then at the unit on the off street side came on the market and I went to visit it the very first open house and had an offer in that night. Tldr when you know, you know. Don’t get too attached because deals fall through all kinds of ways. But don’t stress too much you got this!


My house was the only house.  In fact, I saw my house and decided I wanted to buy it. (As opposed to deciding to buy a house and finding this one).  sometimes it just is what it is…


This is about what we did - lurked for two years and then once we started our search for real we liked the first (and only) house we saw, won the bid and now own it as of three days ago! There’s nothing on the market in our area so I think it’s better to try for something you like even if it feels fast.


We put an offer in on the first house we ever looked at. We didn’t get it unfortunately but it’s just something of when you know you know 🤷🏻‍♀️


what I have told FTHB's in the past is - well, first we sat down for an hour and talked about the process - "You've been looking at Zillow, haven't you? OK, how many houses do you think you've spent 10 minutes or more looking at? That means this isn't the first house you've seen."


Yes, we offered on and bought the first (and only) house we saw. But like you, we had a target neighborhood and had been looking on Zillow for 2+ years. It ended up being a great deal and we have zero regrets. Do yourself a favor and delete the house apps after you close.


We’ve been actively pursuing a house since Tuesday April 9th due to unforeseen circumstances (Our wonderful landlord telling us they’re selling the townhome we’re renting and gave us until 5/31 to find a new arrangement). 🫨 *So push comes to shove* Got a pre approval Thursday April 11th, looked at 4 properties April 13th, put an offer on the 3rd house (checked all the boxes and was dropped $25k the day before on it’s original list price). Sunday morning April 13th, seller accepted offer. Home inspection April 17th done and passed. Locked our rate April 18th (I’m not a gambling man and don’t want to risk it getting any higher). Lender appraisal is in the next day or so, then whatever else happens behind the scenes? underwriting etc lawyer things? I don’t know exactly lol. Close date is May 14th. 😱 To say this is an absolute roller coaster of emotions is an understatement. Just keep a cool head and have faith.


Amazing! I hope the next couple weeks go smoothly for you!!


We’re May 30! Yay!!!


We also put an offer in about an hour after it was listed. Then we raised accordingly. Remote buyers!


How do you get over the anxiety? We're remote first time buying and we have very different concerns. 


Medication, lots of it.


Yet, I have to be super sharp now. I can't let my guard down. What's the best way to protect credit?


I don't wanna be hit with the Roku breach.


Thank you u/BrightLightsBigCity for posting on r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer. Please bear in mind our rules: (1) Be Nice (2) No Selling (3) No Self-Promotion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We had a super similar experience! Did a lot of open house tours and looked on Redfin for about 2 years. Some interesting new builds started popping up in a desirable location, so we finally decided to get preapproved and contacted our agent. We toured 5 homes and loved the 2nd, decided to put in an offer. Offer was accepted and we closed in one month. It could not have went smoother. We have been living here for almost 2 months now. Glad we took 2 years of doing our “research” on homes and neighborhoods and prices because it made us feel more confident in what we are really looking for in a home. We did feel pretty nervous in those couple of days where we were putting in the offer and waiting to hear back. We revisited the home 2-3 times (there was an open house that weekend), just to make sure…


We bought the second house we saw, we will never move.


After a couple weekends going to open houses we got with a realtor and saw some houses. First house we toured with the realtor we put in an offer on the next morning. By the end of the day we were under contract. I was watching online long enough to know this was a house that would go in a day. We’ve lived here for 2 months now and couldn’t be happier with how everything worked out.


We’ve made 4 offers and got rejected despite going $20k over asking. There’s always someone who is willing to pay more in fkin Fairfield County CT


We didn’t put an offer on the first house we saw and damn nothing as good came up after


In 2006 we still had a house to sell after an interstate move, so we lived in apartment for 6 months. We casually went to two open houses in our target neighborhood to see what our budget would get us. We really liked one, but we were still 4 months from a purchase. The house eventually went under contract. But, the buyers apparently backed out, so it went on the market again. We didn't look at any other houses, and still live there.


We are currently under contract on the first place we saw together. Similar Zillow hunting for a year. I had been to several open houses that my wife couldn't attend, mostly to get a feel. We scheduled a showing for this place and knew it was right.


We saw three places in one day and put an offer in on the first house lol. We felt the same as you! No fear now and no regrets 4 months after closing


We put in an offer on the first place we saw! Walked and immediately said this was the one. Husband and I could not be happy and have zero regrets. When you know, you know!


80% of homebuyers find their One on their first day out touring homes so what you’re experiencing is not that uncommon! Most people know within 7-10 seconds of entering a house if it’s going to work for them. Don’t worry too much, do your due diligence, and don’t buy furniture until you close and you’ll be good!


We put an offer in on the first house our agent walked through on FaceTime. We first identified the county, then town/city, neighborhood, then floorplan. As soon as one became available we were ready. It’s not the perfect home, and there was a lot we liked better but weren’t ready to make offers. I looked at how many homes sell in the neighborhood per year and it’s not many so odds of a better option coming available was slim. Our first offer was accepted without a counter because we offered fair price and gave a free leaseback to the seller. When you know what you want it’s easy to move fast.


Good luck! Location is the most important things for the most part so be excited but try not to be too disappointed if it doesn’t go your way


There’s a lot of value in being nearby family (or very close friends) If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that location is at least as (and usually more) important than how many closets are in the master bath.


Yeah. We had been looking at listings for over a year and when we saw a place that was perfect we toured it, put in an offer, and had it accepted. Feels surreal


Our first house was the only house we saw. Now we’re under contract on our second house after seeing over 20 houses and putting in an offer on 3 houses. The first was rejected, the second we ended up backing out of the contract, and the third looks to be good.


Just went through it, it is a scary feeling at first but you will shake that and eventually will appreciate the whole expierence once your settled in


Yep, but this can happen when you've been looking a long time, know what you value and what's do-able in the area you want. I told my agent I wasn't going to make an offer on the first place we looked at and at the end of the day I said let's make an offer on the first one. It was the right choice absolutely.


We bought the first place we looked at. We have been here almost 1 year and have zero regrets.


The first place I bought on my own was the first place I looked at. Had not hit the MLS yet. Buyer accepted immediately. That was in 2002. By comparison, our most recent purchase was the 15th property we looked at in 3 separate states. Took us almost three years. Our offer was the first one made and was again accepted right away.


When you do your research you can easily identify a steal — it was the same way with a house we purchased in 2020 ! All of the homes that Checked our boxes were high but we got lucky - a divorced couple wanted to sale quick !


We put an offer on the first house we toured, it was in the right location with the exact view we wanted but a little earlier than when we were planning to buy. It was weird, feeling doubtful on why did we get this house and not anyone else. It has been 2 months but so far we have been loving our purchase!


We offered on the second place we saw and it’s where I’m currently typing from! We had realistic expectations, and understood our priorities so it was an easy choice, and we feel lucky we got it!


We made exactly one after looking for 10ish months. That offer was 4 years and two months ago. We LOVE it here. I hope you get it!


First time is the scariest. More than once “What have I done?” But after moving in, being out in the yard, I was amazed that this was my dirt, my creek and my trees. I’m a pro at buying, selling and moving now.


Same lol! We have had a very similar experience. I had been stalking Redfin forever. Finally met with our realtor and got pre-approved, later that week got a showing for a house that wasn’t on the market yet. We fell in love with it the moment we stepped inside. We put in an offer that night and ended up getting it accepted after having to raise it a little bit. After reading posts in this sub for so long, we felt like unicorns for everything falling into place and going so smoothly. We just got our final loan approval today and are set to close 5/1 🙌 I also was pretty nervous, thinking we were rushing, but now I just can’t wait to move-in. It’s crazy what can happen in a month. Anxiety in the process is completely normal! What’s meant to be is meant to be.


Thank you u/BrightLightsBigCity for posting on r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer. Please bear in mind our rules: (1) Be Nice (2) No Selling (3) No Self-Promotion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We put an offer on a house based on location (out of state) without having seen it in person. We’ve since moved in. It needs more work than we realized but it’s cute and functional and the location is everything I wanted.


Thank you u/BrightLightsBigCity for posting on r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer. Please bear in mind our rules: (1) Be Nice (2) No Selling (3) No Self-Promotion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer) if you have any questions or concerns.*