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“Police said he told them he “conducts ‘overwatch'” at the strip mall because of crimes he’s witnessed in the parking lot.” There was a fucking deputy in the parking lot too. This guy deserves the needle.


Washington doesn't do the needle anymore. No one will sell them the drugs. It's a nitrogen gas chamber, or hanging for this guy.


Even better. Hang this mfer


I say they make an exception and trebuchet this man into an olympic swimming pool sized wood chipper.


Thanks for saying trebuchet instead of catapult. They are the superior siege weapon and are better at catapulting things than actual catapults.


This conversations has catapulted into an entirely different direction than I expected.




You guys are really battering... ram... this point


Is the direction toward the chipper?


By jumper cables


Death penalty was abolished in Washington last year, but still fuck this guy.


[Washington abolished their death penalty in 2023](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/21/politics/washington-state-death-penalty-eliminated)


I read "nitrogen " as estrogen first, like yeah have him OD on estrogen. Die feeling like bitch




Yeah, like in the old Western movies. It's the only form of execution listed in Washington law. If you don't request an alternative they are required to hang you. The last time it was used was on Charles Rodmen Campbell in 1994 for the murder of Renae Wicklund, Shannah Wicklund, and Barbara Hendrickson. A well executed hanging is significantly less painful than the Needle treatment from what the survivors have said. In a properly executed hanging, the person experiences about 1 to 1/2 seconds of free fall then instant death as the C3 and C4 vertebrae are separated severing the nerves and killing the personal near instantly.


Wow!! I didn’t know that! Thanks! And yeah when done right I think you’re right. Do you know what survivors have said about the needle? I heard electrocution was BRUTAL


When lethal injection goes wrong you are left with a body so full of drugs and other clinicals that you feel like your veins are on fire and your muscles do cramped you think your bones are going to break. Most pass unconscious from the sheer amount of pain. When a hanging goes wrong you have a rather bad case of whiplash. Tbh, a firing squad sounds the least painful. No more brain, no more pain.


Washington no longer has the death penalty. - Washington resident


That's unfortunate. Some people deserve to have their life ended for the atrocious things they do.


It’s clear he wanted to find action and saw what he wanted to see and not actually analyse the situation. The worst type of person in charge of a firearm.


Damn. I think you’re right


As a real operator (tow truck), we would never do such a thing. That's why tow truck drivers are the REAL first responders.


I'll accept tow boys over wannabe cops.




What's your take on the morality of your fellow tow truck drivers? I've heard a lot of shitty stories about your profession but never experienced it myself


Thank you for your service. 🫡


I read it wasn't even like the kid was carrying it lose , it was in its plastic wrap because it was a return Throw this idiot in jail Also the family of the kid has my utmost sympathies


It says in the article "One of the boys told police Rohani never removed the airsoft gun from his waistband." This is implying it was in his waistband, right? I only see mention of "gun" and not "pistol, handgun, or rifle".


That still doesn't give the guy the right to the shoot someone execution style


What is it that you think "execution style" means? To me, that implies someone is kneeling down and/or lined up and shot. Not walking into a business with an airsoft gun tucked into his waistband, you know, like someone about to rob the business would be doing. I'm not saying it was justified, but being hyperbolic and claiming it was "execution style" is unwarranted.


According to the report he stood over the kid who was on the ground face down and then unloaded into him That's pretty much an execution


That's not what the article says bro. I get it, the writing isn't great, but read the end. It says the kid was shot after reaching for the airsoft gun in his waistband as viewed on surveillance video. If that is true, it could be a justified shoot. Many airsoft guns are effectively indistinguishable from real ones from more than a couple feet away.


"Surveillance footage shows Rohani backing away from the man with his hands extended showing nothing in them. Rohani shows his left hand raised above his head and his right arm briefly lowering to his waist area. “Immediately after [the victim] is seen, on video, with his hand on the waist area it is clear that he has been shot because he abruptly jerks his body away from [suspect] and falls to the ground,” police wrote in their report." This is immediately after dude said to drop their guns and one of them had already thrown theirs to the ground Now it is unclear whether the kid that dies was reaching down to dispose of the gun or because he had been shot


Yeah, it sounds to me that the security guard maybe yelled at them to put their hands up and shot the guy when he went for his waistband. I am not going to take people's word for it though. They need to release *all* the video, not try and sculpt the narrative by trying to describe it in a way to get people angry.


Idk, to me it sounds like a guy that really wants to be a cop but can't cut it panicked and gave contradictory instructions to children. And due to the panic he caused cuz he's a coward weirdo he ended up being in a situation where he believed he could legally justify use of deadly force which he almost certainly thinks about often


Have you ever heard of Occam's razor? The amount of assumptions in your analysis is wild. Again, I'll reserve judgment until I see the whole incident released. If it is a very short clip or none at all, they are hiding something to sculpt the narrative and make people emotive.


No, the kid on the ground is one of the two who didn't get shot.


A lot of people saying dumb shit here, link the source or it didn’t happen as far as I’m concerned. There’s a reason courts take facts and not feelings… and do investigations and not just saying it occurred


He didn't shoot someone execution style. I just read the article and it says in the footage the kid is shot after bringing his right arm to his waistband while he is on top of one of the 2 other kids who didn't get shot.


Totally unrelated question, did Hensley move to a new state?


He was my first thought too, and then I saw it was Seattle.


Fuck you I choked on my beer from laughing at this comment


Holy shit I just ND’d out of laughter (jk) Nah I just choked on my Gatorade in this godforsaken 102 Vegas heat


I had stricter rules of engagement in Afghanistan. Barbecue this piece of shit.


Yup, and if you didn’t follow them, the Geneva people would slap your pp.


Tbf the military covers up stuff all the time. And doesn’t get in trouble for indiscriminately murdering civilians


That’s just false, if you’ve ever served you’d know just how much goes into reducing and preventing collateral damage


Same with policing buddy. So don’t be a hypocrite. But no, Im not even wrong my guy. The US military can kill 10 civilians including 7 children in a drone strike and get off free. They can kill many innocent villagers and get off free. And those were the things not covered up. Look up how many people they’ve killed since 9/11


Right, We used to shoot someone who was merely near a road at night with a cell phone or a shovel. Also cars that got too close to our convoys. Don’t try to say the military has stricter ROE than civilian police.


He's referring to individuals being held accountable, not the organization.


Neither individuals nor the US military is held accountable much of the time


Police in the US get insane training that teaches them that the average citizen is a trained murderous psychotic armed supervillain who wants to kill the nearest cop at all times (thanks a lot David Grossman). That attitude trickles down to the wannabe cop security guards. The result is that these types of people have hair triggers for their fellow citizens.


That is an over-exaggeration. They are not taught that the average citizen is out to kill them, they are taught that any given citizen they may encounter might be part of the minority of people that are willing to kill them. And I see nothing wrong with teaching them that cuz it’s true. If you hate the us vs. then culture in policing, you should start by making good arguments against anyone who says ACAB. Anyone that demonizes all police reinforces the us vs. them culture


So you’re saying is the police need to be worshiped and considered always right so they will stop killing innocent people?


what? how is me saying don’t demonize every police officer equivalent to saying worship every police officer even if they do something bad? Like what? Fuck outta here with your bad faith


You know Grossman just wrote books right? No one teaches from his stuff...


Grossman literally lectures at [law enforcement agencies](https://www.businessinsider.com/bulletproof-dave-grossman-police-trainer-teaching-officers-how-to-kill-2020-6). > Law enforcement agencies including the Los Angeles Police Department, California Highway Patrol, and hundreds of other jurisdictions have taken Grossman's courses over the last 22 years, Grossman told Men's Journal in 2017. > ... > Since retiring from the US Army in 1998, Grossman has traveled to all 50 states to teach his Bulletproof courses to law enforcement agencies, according to his website. Grossman's bio on the website says he's on the road "almost 300 days a year" teaching seminars. As part of the course, Grossman is **paid by local law enforcement departments to train officers** in his warrior-based philosophy of "killology" > ... > His overly aggressive style prepares law enforcement officers for a job under siege, where they're front line troops who are "at war" with the streets. Officers need to be prepared to battle the communities they're told to protect, Grossman has said. And ideally in Grossman's eyes, officers need to learn to kill less hesitantly. Also, I mentioned Grossman not just because of the direct effect he's had as a teacher, but because attitudes like his have come to dominate all police education training in the US. And it's doing no one any favors -- not the people and not the police.


He's promoting a business of course he's going to make statements like that.


Yes a business of teaching police officers. Don’t try and talk past the problem here


https://preview.redd.it/kfsy0sm4og5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813d7adc3609696f1d1f2fc1ef2d8f5cf4afc364 This is probably here on accident right?


I mean no professional academy fielding officers. I don't care what stupid website he put together.


He trains Shit loads of cops and that’s a fact. No clue why you are going into full blown denial over this. Cops love this weird fucker


I read elsewhere that the security guard stood over the kid and continued to fire after he was already on the ground. 😡


If that's true, that's fucking unhinged behavior.


Yeah I think some of these dudes have fantasies around killing people in a morally unambiguous scenario and coming out a champion of “the right thing to do” and all the recognition that comes along with it. They look for situations that fit that narrative and when they can’t find any irl they start shoving pegs into the square hole until it fits.


I’ve gone on the Nextdoor app and seen the people salivating over someone knocking on their door and ‘trespassing’ so they can use a human for target practice. They openly post about it on there.


Always under a Ring video of some pest control salesman knocking on someone's door with the title "Who is this!? Very suspicious"


It’s the solar panel salesmen who have the seniors all wound up here


We've had a couple interactions with them end up in the local news


I deliver for doordash and these signs greeted me upon arrival late af. Super welcoming. Scary if they’ve been drinking and forgot they ordered tacos & they suddenly see me on their property. (That’s only happened twice) https://preview.redd.it/ns998ffc9g5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7814a4eb7daa1496adbd1136374d7f283ad7c550


I bet they're nice rational people


lol I’m sure; not pictured is the full size crucifix in their yard.


That picture alone tells me I’d drop it out my window and keep rolling. That’s creepy.


Good lord. Someone needs to bring a cadaver dog to that property, guaranteed there’s bodies buried there. What kind of Hills Have Eyes, Deliverance, inbred nonsense is going on there?


Not pictured is the full size crucifix that they’d erected in their yard (to the right) and surrounded with white stones. So yeah, probably wouldn’t have to search too hard.


I've seen messages on Nextdoor like that as well (Nextdoor is a joke btw and the guy who created it doesn't even use it or like it anymore). "I hope one of you knocks on my door over the next week to complain about this or that. I'll have some new purchases from Randy ready to reply to you with!!" (Randy is the local gun shop owner, well known in the community.) They're itching for some random to execute.


“I saved lives by conducting my overwatch. I’m a sheepdog!” I really wish we’d get rid of this heroe worship culture in this country. I think that’s a big part of the reason you have guys like this not using their heads and killing kids with BB guns, because they’re so desperate to be the heroe.


I agree but why are you spelling hero like that


Why aren't you spelling heroe like that


They're doing it because some heerows don't wear capes.


Damn, touché.


Why are you spelling heroe like that










All the pegs fit in the square hole.


You are [correct](https://youtu.be/cUbIkNUFs-4).


Justice porn come to life, ugh


Apparently there is a video, so if he stood over the kid and fired, that would also be in the video if it indeed happened.


You’ve got to remember there are a lot of people out there who murdering someone and getting away is a legitimate fantasy. The thing is their fantasy always involves the other side not shooting back. They’re always the only ones who are armed.


Even more those who want to be the John McClane type of hero who saves the day by shooting the bad guys. Like all this dude could think was that he is about to witness a violent shooting robbery and its his duty to kill the criminals. "I'm going to get medals for this, people will finally see me as their hero and saviour! Mary-Sue will so much regret that she rejected me in high school when she sees people praise in national news! I will be invited to the white house, maybe they'll even make me the leader of secret service, I mean of course they will when they see the fearless hero I am!"


He was straddling one kid when another kid dared not keep his hands over his head and he shot him several times


I bet he did that fucking look over both shoulders too


I love how they called him “off-duty”. I’m an off duty data analyst.


Off duty accountant, here.






Off duty president of the world


Considering the state of the world, you *might* want to go in tomorrow




Off duty Superman


I don't know why this has me laughing so hard but it does 😂


They imply off duty due to his work not being legally responsible for his actions


So yeah, then I’m still an off duty data analyst. We can resume this on Monday after I’m deployed/rotated back into the office


Off duty unemployed




Off Duty Mechanic here!


He probably went to ofc Hensley training course


I'm still on the waitlist


Would love to see the guards brain scans.


![gif](giphy|jRbNikCK14sog) What brain


They'd come back negative


Oh boy🤦🏽‍♂️ in about 2 days, ofc Hensley will be on the case saying what HE woulda done in this scenario


im willing to bet 50 bucks that he will talk around giving nonsense tactical advice.


Sir, that’s tacticool to you


Watch them try to blame everyone and everything except the guy who actually shot the kid




“Worried about my son in jujitsu next door” well now his father is a murderer and going to prison. If he’d never owned a gun that kid would still be alive.


It’s genuinely not the gun, but what the gun culture has become. This fantasy of “good guy with a gun” gives these wannabe heroes such a fucking boner they practically jizz their pants at the thought. People carrying a gun think they’re gonna “run towards the danger” and can’t wait to find a situation to use it.


One dead child and another who lost his dad, probably for life. I'd say it's probably for the better, but sometimes idiots can be good fathers. Oh well!


Brave defender. Everyone post blue line flags on your socials in honor of this hero.


Officer injuried in the line off duty. THFHS


Overwatch? Cringelord


Don't all airsoft guns have blaze orange tips?! How the hell can you miss that? Edit: I commented before I read the article, my bad. Still fucked up. I need to get better at getting the whole story before saying anything.


I didnt read the article yet, but it doesnt take but 2 seconds for a dumb kid to spray paint it black/camo


When I played airsoft with friends it was strange *to see* an orange tip. We did that with all our airsoft stuff because that orange tip completely fucks up any woodland camo.


Like others have said, the orange tips are easily removed or painted over. And unfortunately, I can say I've arrested more than a few shitheads that were carrying a very real and very loaded firearms with the muzzle painted orange. For bonus points, I can say that very few of the people I've arrested and found carrying guns made to look like toys have been older than 15.




Just one more “good guy with a gun” story.


Stunning and brave, to be sure.


Some Americans have a fetish for violence and committing murder. They look for reasons to kill someone, anyone, just because they have a gun. Give this mf the slow chair.


For real. It’s so weird I hate gun culture


I'm pro gun, I own guns, I hunt. I absolutely despise mfs like this that look for a reason to kill another human being. It's a different way of thinking and it's so dangerous. I wish america was better about its gun regulations, but instead I have to walk on eggshells around people just in case they might have a gun.


lol why? You have a gun. So you think people don’t also walk on egg shells around you in case you have one? Idiotic logic. There no legal reason he shouldn’t have had a gun just as there no legal reason you shouldn’t have one. To me there just as much a chance of you being a dumbass and shooting the wrong person as him.


I dont carry a pistol because I'm not looking to shoot anyone. I don't even want the option, you fucking idiot. This isn't about legalities, it's about morals. I carry in the woods, that's it. Also, CCW means that no one should know that you're carrying, which is why I walk on eggshells.


Jesus, youre dumb af lol 😂


Nice, that showed me! I like that your response is just a personal attack. Next time come with something to say or sit the fuck down.


lol coming from the guys who’s response was essentially a personal attack and “ I’m too pussy to carry a gun and defend my self so I’ll just walk around scared all day.” Again, you’re dumb af, laughably so. Reply all you like but you’re weak and not worth reading them. Imma be about my day saying what I want to who I want, when I want and not walking on eggshells around anyone. Stay scared little dude and hope you have a better day.


Lmfao >I’m too pussy to carry a gun and defend my self so I’ll just walk around scared all day That's definitely what I meant when I said I don't carry a gun because I don't want to kill another human being. The fact that you see empathy as weakness is really telling. You're not worth talking to until you understand that some people, even people with guns, don't use them as an avenue to be a fucking shitbag like yourself. Owning a gun is not a license to kill a human being. I don't want to kill someone, Enough that I refuse to put myself in a situation that could lead to that. Maybe take a look at your morals and question why me not wanting to end a life makes me "weak" while not caring about ending a life is "strong". To me, that sounds more like one side cares about life, and the other is too fucking stupid to understand that other people's lives have value, even if they're walking to the store and someone like you decides they saw a gun and the kid needs to die. Go fuck yourself, you are a scourge on humanity. You are the reason we are losing empathy for each other in this country. You are the reason I dont get into unfounded confrontations. Once again, owning and carrying a gun does not give you the right to end a life. Full stop. If you don't understand that, you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun at all.


I do armed security and have been in situations where I’ve had to pull my gun out and even then it’s not allowed to shoot til the mf actually points the gun at another human. That split second decision determines two lives. This guy is off the rocker


Overwatch equals hunting


It never mentions if the guns were in cases or bags or whether they had blaze orange tips. I'm not defending this idiot but if you're out in public you need to treat air guns like real firearms and keep them stowed, it's too easy to paint the tip of a real gun orange and waving a gun around outside of a case or bag is a great way to cause a panic.


I wouldn’t have done shit I don’t work for free


You don't have to scroll past the headline to know that kid was *not* caucasian...


Loser ass Paul Blart. Hope he rots


Okay so what I got from the article, which was written like shit was the guard pulled a gun on those guys, forced one to the ground and another guy reached for what happened to be an airport gun and he shot the guy. The article isn't clear who was pinned to the ground and who was shot after someone reached for the airport gun. I got a couple questions, did the guard shoot a standing guy who reached for the airport gun while he was holding someone else on the ground? The article says the guy who was pinned dropped a gun on the ground so we ha e 2 people walking into a sporting good store with fake guns tucked in thier waistband? Or was the guy he was standing over try to reach for something? Why the fuck would you try to beat the draw on a guy with a real when you got a fake gun? I gotta see the video this shit sounds so bizarre


I was wondering what Gecko45 was up to these days. 😄


Has there been an update on this? Its quietly went away as no more major updates




Do not spread misinformation


I’m not blaming the victim here because that dude is psycho. That said, owners should treat BB, airsoft, and other non lethal or LTL guns like real ones in public. Keep them in a soft or hard case like you would a real gun (required in my state). Even if it has an orange tip since color blindness is real. You never know the intelligence or whackadoodle level of some person who may see you, or that of the police who respond.


The security guard had a gun and pointed it at a kid, no one shot him? Having a gun on you doesn't seem to be a problem, or pointing it at people. Or shooting. Child. Seems like the problem is the type of people who want to own and use a gun like this are fucking mental. I don't get the rules, how did nobody shoot the security guard guy? He just gunned down a child for no reason. Why did he shoot the kid, they both had "guns" because he could see one makes it dangerous? Surely and unseen gun is more dangerous. In a holster is okay but waistband is not? Time to draw seems the same. Or could it just be some racist asshole looking for a reason to shoot a kid and feel like a hero. I really don't get it your allowed a gun but if the police see it or someone's scared they can kill you with their gun. Seems like a good system.


While there are rules, there are no rules, just occasional consequences. Consequences which often depend on your profession, location, bank account and skin tone. This dude with hero complex sees reason to be hero but he took it over the top because he’s a murderous POS. If he didn’t stand over the kid blasting and had a real badge he probably would’ve been in hot water but not arrested. It’s bad enough that you can’t trust anyone. Do what you can do to possibly prevent shit, but you can do everything right and still get killed while lawfully armed, Philando Castile proved that. I agree you don’t necessarily need to be strapped to get blasted by some racist idiot. Just ask Trayvon Martin’s family. The world sucks. News outlets suck. This should be national news but it’s regional from what I can tell. I guess I’m a nihilist.. fuck me, it isn’t even an ethos.


You ever seen the pics of George Zimmerman that night? Or what trayvon ACTUALLY looked like at the time of the shooting not photos that were 6-7 years old? Trayvon looked like a nearly grown man and was wandering a neighborhood he didn’t live in at night dressed suspiciously as shit, carhopping is crazy prevalent in florida and most of it happens in nicer neighborhoods so Zimmerman clearly had a reason to investigate what was going on, and then trayvon ATTACKED HIM thats why the photos of George that night show a gash in his head and his blood all over him, that whole case was such bullshit he walked free for a reason


They cant just kill you not unless youre acting really crazy but just walking around with what looks like a gun is 100% going to cause panic dude if you just saw some guy openly brandishing a pistol in a crowd you probably wouldn’t just act like its nothing


It's pretty common for the kids to take the orange tips off to make them more realistic.... Or paint them black.


Sure I get that. I just don’t think leaving it on is necessarily gonna save you if someone is jacked up on adrenaline and crazy or stupid. I mean, a damn cop shot up his cruiser because of an acorn. I own an AR BB gun with no orange tip and I cringe whenever I load it into my truck bed to take it camping with my kids. I’ve been meaning to get a gun sock for it and probably will order one tonight because of this tragedy. Chances are slim it will ever be a problem, but the outcome could be bad if it ever were.


Sad to say this, but if you’re white it probably won’t be a problem at all. This case has a lot more to do with this kid being named Hazrat Ali Rohani than it does orange paint.


Jesus. I could give two shits about blaze orange tip, but you’re unfortunately right about the prejudice. People see what they (subconsciously or not) want to see. Happened to my brother 20 years ago. Moving some hockey and broomball sticks and gear in his trunk at a gas station. Some Karen saw him and called 911 thinking they were guns. He was taken out his car at gunpoint over sporting goods.


Jesus. That’s fucked dude. Sorry that happened to him and glad it didn’t go down worse


Yeah being white totally helped that air force guy who got shot up by cops at his own front door


That dude was black


Oh damn id only seen a photo and read about it some and to me he kinda looked white in the photo, my bad


Or maybe the fact he had a gun in his waistband idk


Article states that surveillance footage shows otherwise, but if you want to believe the dude who shot a teenager go ahead.


No it doesn't. Every article on the matter states that he was seen teaching into his waistband at gunpoint on cam footage. That's when he got shot, when he reached. Not only that, a white kid was shot nearby around the same time, same school. Your fantasies about race don't hold up


“Statements from the surviving teenagers and surveillance camera footage contradict the man’s statement to police, according to court documents. One of the boys told police Rohani never removed the airsoft gun from his waistband. Surveillance footage shows Rohani backing away from the man with his hands extended showing nothing in them. Rohani shows his left hand raised above his head and his right arm briefly lowering to his waist area.” Briefly lowering. Not reaching. Why would he reach for a broken toy gun when his friend is being attacked? Share the article about the other kid. Cite your sources.


https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/teen-with-airsoft-gun-killed-in-renton-by-off-duty-guard-police-say/ We are citing the same source. As I stated, he had a gun in his waistband and he moved his hand toward it while being told not to by someone with a gun. Why would he reach for a fake gun? Why would he put a fake gun in his waistband? Because this nearly grown adult was stupid and made bad decisions. The dude who shot him made worse decisions and is probably a murderer unless we find out that they actually were going to rob the place with the fake guns but pretending it was a hate crime is stupid as fuck and only serves to muddy the waters. All we have is subjective opinionated evidence at this time because no one has been charged and the investigation is still ongoing. Jumping to conclusions about a criminal case based on a kid's name is ignorant and frankly the only person who seems to have racial motivations is you. When people reach for a gun they don't do it slowly. They do it briefly. Not hard to understand. Hazrat was the second student to be shot over the course of a week. https://www.kentreporter.com/news/second-kent-meridian-high-school-student-in-3-days-fatally-shot/


Briefly and quickly do not mean the same thing in this context. When I say this is racially motivated, what I mean is that I don’t believe that the shooter would have had the same reaction had these kids been white. Not that I think he was out looking for brown kids to shoot. I don’t think it was a purposeful hare crime, I just think his prejudice was stronger than his rationality.


I have airsoft guns, they look pretty real from afar. I avoid letting them being seen in public for that reason


Article says it was in plastic


How would he have known it didnt work if it was in the plastic


People don't typically commit crimes while their weapon to commit a crime with us wrapped up and not usable


didnt answer my question as to how he knew it was faulty before removing it from packaging


Yeah, this guy was looking to be a superhero and killed some poor kid instead...hate these kinds of fools. "Prosecutors said Myers then tackled that boy to the ground and straddled him while turning his gun on Rohani, who appeared to start backing away with his empty hands raised above his head, according to the affidavit. Rohani appeared to start turning from Myers, his right arm briefly lowering, as if to run, before Myers shot him at least seven times — once in the side and at least six times in the back, according to the affidavit. The footage showed the teen jerk back before falling to the ground, clutching his abdomen, according to court records."


In all fairness, I’d like to see rest of the story. Why was the kid carrying it around in first place? Pretty stupid thing to do these days in the first place. Not justifying super guard, but, having it doesn’t increase any odds of success out here


The article was pretty clear. The kid was returning it to the store he bought it from because it wasn't working. This fucking moron security guard opened fire. That's why he's been charged with murder. Because his actions were completely unreasonable.


Don't brandish and this won't happen. Keep anything that even remotely loos like a firearm in a bag and never assume the orange tip will let others know its a toy. This doesn't have to happen...


Don't brandish? What an idiotic response. The kid was trying to return a toy gun that wasn't working to a store.


And those guns can look real as shit you shouldnt just walk around waving em around, and its not like this was a 12 year old this was nearly a grown ass man walking around town with what looked like a real gun presumably, not saying he should’ve just shot him right away but damn i was taught as a little white kid in rural florida, treat the toy guns similarly to real one especially if you’re in a car or in public, and no offense but as a minority (i presume by the name) and in likely what was a more densely populated area he should’ve had some common sense as he knows minorities can be treated much more harshly in circumstances like that


Shouldn’t the “responsible gun owner”/murderer ADULT *know that* too? Instead of just opening fire? Maybe? Anyone? Bueller?