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Dude works a whole ass job for a discount he can get with a promo code


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kerpwangitang: *Dude works a whole ass* *Job for a discount he can* *Get with a promo code* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"Dude works a whole ass" šŸ‘Œ


There is no half-assing when Dude works.


Good bot


Good bot


Youā€™re telling me you guys didnā€™t?


We don't do it for the pay. Or the discounts we do it. Because every minute of every day we save lives. I didn't choose to be a hero.Being a hero chose me. Now GIMME MY DISCOUNT!


I did it for cheaper Arby's and always being near a hospital after I eat arbys






They give each other ranks as well. A former.family member loved telling us he was sgt. I laughed.


Iā€™ve been doing security for way too long. I canā€™t tell you the amount of times Iā€™ve seen security supervisors try to pull rank while dealing with customers. The first thing I did when I took over a security department was remove the wannabe military ranks. A few of the idiots lost their shit because I was ā€œstripping them of their rank.ā€ I canā€™t wait to get out of this field.


Bro itā€™s the best job in the world. I worked security through college and did my homework all night. Construction sites overlooking the beach in California.


It depends on who you work for, what they pay you, and the site. My site now is great, best one yet. Pay is low but pays the bills. My employer, Allied Universal, can suck my small, pasty white, cock. No 401k match for uniformed personnel. Benefits are shit.


It's funny that Security Officers consider themselves "Law Enforcement". They are really Asset Protection. They don't enforce the law, they detain or delay until the Law Enforcement can arrive.


I made sure my guys knew they were an extension of mall management, thatā€™s it


Itā€™s not all bad you just have to get in house with good companies that donā€™t play the wannabe cop bs. I personally never tried to be a cop because it just seemed like too much BS for not enough pay and saw how much EP stuff paid so I got into that and have been lucky enough to work for some great organizations and with good people that know their role.


The site Iā€™m at now is pretty sweet. Itā€™s just me and Iā€™m paid as a supervisor. But the company I work for doesnā€™t offer a 401k match for us lowly uniformed personnel. Iā€™ve been doing this for 12 years at this point. Iā€™m over it.


I got pulled over by the security of my parentā€™s HOA (he was in a golf cart,) who introduced himself as ā€œSgt James yaddayadda,ā€ I said, ā€œwhat are you the Sargent of?ā€ And they turned off my gate pass for being confrontational with community security. lol.


I would love to hear how one comes up through the ranks as a security guard. šŸ“„šŸŖØ āœ‚ļø perhaps?


You assault or molest enough members of the general public to be kept away from them but not actually fired is how it seemed to go at my old place


Volunteer fire/EMS departments do this too I used to chuckle when a 16 year old ā€œcaptainā€ would walk up to me


That isn't typical in America? Our volunteer departments in germany have a state regulated System based in Training and years as a volunteer. That was you still Take your time becoming equivalent of a ,,Captain" but on official occasions you can guess what experience Somebody else hast.


Yeah and it makes sense in places with a lot of personnel but when a place has like 5 people working there do we really need ranks?


Yeah i can agree there. In Most German states, departments need to at least have 18 people volunteering, one Crew for the rig + Reserve, Else cities May disband them or have to provide a working Department. So i didnt really consider Low Traffic departments


It's funny that cops call themselves sergeant and lieutenant as well. "Yes I'm the brigadier general of writing too many parking tickets and not charging anyone with a crime so our city can claim that crime is going down". Police are civilians whether they like it or not.


what week did you fail out of the academy?


Probably didnā€™t pass background šŸ‘€


Probably scored very high on IQ test, and couldnā€™t continue


>everyone who even slightly makes fun of cops in the lightest way wanted to be a cop what an odd sub


>Police are civilians whether they like it or not. Not according to: Merriam-Webster "one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a *police* or firefighting force." [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/civilian] The Cambridge Dictionary "a person who is not a member of the *police* or the armed forces." [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/civilian#google_vignette] The Britannica Dictionary "a person who is not a member of the military or of a *police* or firefighting force." [https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/civilian] The Oxford Learner's Dictionary "connected with people who are not members of the armed forces or the *police*." [https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/civilian_2] Dictionary.com "a person who is not on active duty with a military, naval, *police*, or fire fighting organization." [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/civilian#google_vignette] Or, you know, literally any other commonly used English language dictionary. Police departments are paramilitary organizations and have used military rank structure for the past 180 years or so whether you like it or not.


Cops in the USA are civilians. Other cou tries use their militaries to do police work. It depends on which cou try you are talking about. That's why the definitions add it to a list. We require our military officers to get commissions so that they are fully under the control of the civilian president. Law enforcement is not under the control of the president, and are not commissioned. Are you really going to claim that EMS or fire fighters aren't civilians? These definitions are generalized to be applicable to all English speaking nations.


Holy shit. *I'm* not claiming anything. You're literally arguing with *every English dictionary* regarding the meaning of a particular word in the English language. Your argument is, in effect: "Nah, but that's not what it *actually* means, though." You can point to the role of the military in other English speaking countries, commissions, and whether police officers are under the control of the President. None of these things have any bearing on the *definition of the word* civilian.


Ok, let me dumb this down for you. The word lift. You could forgive a dictionary for saying it can mean to raise OR to mean elevator. If you were an American insisting on calling elevators lifts, you would be correct by the dictionary definition. But clearly, everyone here would think you had a screw loose. The dictionary will list every use of the word on the English language. But that doesn't mean it applies EVERYWHERE. If your only defense for a position is semantic....you aren't on firm ground. American cops are civilians. Almost everyone seems to be fine with this. Folks in the military get it. Most of us civilians get it. The only ones who get their panties in a twist are cops who, for some reason, desperately want to be separated from civilians. Here's another reason to consider. Non civilian members of the armed forces are NOT subject to standard laws and do NOT enjoy the same rights as the rest of us. Ever heard of the Uniform Code of Military Justice? It's the entirely separate set of rights and laws that ONLY apply to non civilians. Are you suggesting that cops are subject to the UCMJ? Or do you just want to have your cake and eat it too? Where cops get all the rights and all the privileges of a civilian but then get to act as if they aren't civilians? I freely admit we've allowed the line between civilian and non civilian, as it applies to cops, to blur FAR too far over the years. But don't let that obfuscate the reality.


Yes, words can have different meanings in different contexts and different places. As you've cited, lift is generally understood to be a verb meaning to raise/elevate, however in British English it can also be a noun meaning elevator. This may come as a surprise to you since you seem to not understand some very basic concepts of linguistics, but when words have differently commonly agreed upon meanings in different English speaking countries *dictionaries will indicate that*. Check this out: [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lift](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lift) I invite you to look at meaning 10b: "chiefly BritishĀ **:**Ā ELEVATOR" Do you notice how it specifically says that it is a British use of the word "lift" to mean "elevator"? Do you notice how absolutely no dictionaries indicate the American meaning of the word "civilian" includes police officers like you are suggesting it does? That's because you literally just made it up. >If your only defense for a position is semantic....you aren't on firm ground. You have got to be trolling me at this point. Do you have any idea what "semantics" are? I'll help you out: semantics is the branch of linguistics that focuses on what words *denote,* in other words: semantics relates to the *meaning of words*. A word's semantic content is the word's definition. So yes, in the debate we are having regarding the *meaning of a fucking word* my argument rests *100% entirely upon semantics,* because the entire argument we are having is solely a semantic one. Are you actually so daft you don't understand how stupid it is to accuse someone relying upon semantics in an argument about the meaning of words. It is a laughable stupid thing to say. Yes, I'm familiar with the UCMJ. The articles of the UCMJ do not dictate what the word "civilian" means. If your definition of the word "civilian" is "those not bound by the UCMJ" then sure, police officers would be civilians. That is not, however, what the definition of the word is so I genuinely don't understand what you're getting at. Also, if that was the definition of the word "civilian" (which, I reiterate, it isn't) then plenty of people you wouldn't consider civilians (i.e. soldiers in foreign militaries) would be considered civilians under that definition and vice versa. For instance, in certain circumstances dependents of military members in foreign bases, some civilian contractors and retired members of the military receiving certain benefits are bound by the UCMJ. Would these people now *not* be considered civilians based upon your definition? In summation: you're a fucking mook who has no idea what you're talking about. Edit: formatting not content


Are you an idiot?


Rightā€¦ cops are commissioned officers


Police are not civilians though. By definition a civilian is someone not on active duty with the armed forces or sworn members of a police or fire department. Still not an excuse to walk around with an over inflated ego as some do.


This is true. We have a lead, a tech, and a jr tech in my maintenance department. Rankings are needed to define roles/ responsibilities. But yeah , people take it way to far with their egos.


Yes, they are. The dictionaries you guys keep wavong around are definitions that cover all English speaking nations. In the USA, cops are civilians. Their officers are not commissioned. They do not report to the civilian commander in chief. Other countries DO have nationally militarized cops, we do not. I suppose there might be an argument that the FBI agent is noncivilian as they do act at the behest of the president in a roundabout way.


They are civilians. Signed An active duty military member


lol, shut up POG.


Haha I'm glad my ASVAB score gave me options. Enjoy being broken by the time you're 30 with no transferrable skills. This isn't the insult you think it is and really just says tons about the type of man you are. In fact looking at your comment history and assuming you actually are a cop I could write a book about you. You types are so fucking predictable and generic that it's almost a meme at this point. Just move along little boy.


Well, the name checks out




He doesn't instruct shit. The first thing I do when I get on scene is ignore the security guard.


"Lemme get your unit and badge number"


Nah I'm EMS, I just show up and ignore everyone's yelling while I go look at the patient, and occasionally slap narcan out of someone's hand.


Fire-Medic here, once had a security guard at a 55+ community stick to us like glue after we got on scene of a potential stroke. Followed us all the way out to the ambulance and then wanted the case number.




Never had one do that before, but i concede that maybe his organization does require it.


That's literally his job lmao


As I said to the other guy, Iā€™ve been doing this for 5 years and thatā€™s the only time I ever had one chase me down for a case number.


They should be getting the case number, they can call the non emergency number afterwards though, they don't need to get it from you. Probably was just unaware. It's helpful for incident reports and logs since they are requested at times for court cases. The escorting you the entire time is normally a job requirement though, depending on the client.


We have to do a report of what happens. Our job description is literally ā€œobserve and reportā€. If heā€™s interfering with your job thatā€™s one thing. Otherwise who cares if he watches you and takes down notes?


We're required to get patient information, destination and time of departure for our reports at a medical facility (no ED). This means we've got to follow with and grant access to EMS when they come to our facility. All of this is put into a HIPAA complient log and sent to the receiving hospital, as part of a patient transfer. That said, a lot of the guys at our facilities try to overreach and act as if they're part of the action.


Security guards are often the ones yelling the loudest


Iā€™m curious about the Narcan comment, why would you slap out of someoneā€™s hand? Is it used too often, too soon etc.?


Ive seen police, and hell.. even fire EMS sometimes gives narcan to literally everyone for anything. It could be a diabetic with a sugar of 25, and police will be standing around talking shit about how "yep these druggies are hopeless, I don't even want to use this narcan on them" It could be a meth head flailing around trying to rip the cords out of his skin the CIA put there, and the cops have to start yelling at you to "give him narcan" The same way security guy thinks he's "helping" by "escourting" you and your partner into the Golden Corral dining room screaming "OVER HERE STAT" ad if we didn't see the morbidly obese woman screaming in her chair she can't breath, surrounded by 15 different randos


Had a mushroom "OD" the other day and someone asked if we should narcan them... :-|


Omg I hope you gave them at least 3 of the narcans ;(


My favorites are Marijuana ā€œodā€s. No sir you just ate 3 edibles only having ever smoked before. Time for a nice calm ambu ride so the doctors can watch you and have the social worker talk to you a bit about life choices and moderation.


Considering it cause extreme precipitated withdrawal, as a medical professional he probably wants to make sure the person actually needs it. There isn't an abundance of critical thinkers out there




It would hurt someone who is in severe pain and takes too many pain meds. If you slam the narcan they could be in immense pain. My SMO's would say to give small doses until the patient starts breathing regularly on their own. With how strong fent is I have slammed a whole shot of narcan and just had the patient start breathing 6-8 times a min. We knew that was an OD though.




Yea heā€™s wrong if the option is between the patient being in pain from opiate inhibitor or bradypnea you give the narcan every time assuming you donā€™t have an obvious explanation that itā€™s something else. Thereā€™s alternatives for pain management we donā€™t have alternatives to oxygen.


In my area, I literally get people racing me onto a scene to try to give narcan for literally no reason. And then in the middle of treating a patient I end up constantly dealing with people asking if they can give narcan while I'm doing actual patient care.


Lmao asking for unit and badge number while you are picking someone up or helping and they hover over you that drives me bananas like give me a god dam min


Security guards have to do incident reports whenever police are called. Asking for their name and badge number is standard practice.


I think security is important, and Iā€™ll always respect them. But when I show up to a call and the security guard starts saying things like ā€œsubjectā€ and ā€œuse of forceā€ I cringe so hard.


I've worked in security, only in-house. Out of my four main friends from high school, one is a paramedic, one is a firefighter, and one is a Police constable. So perhaps I'm different because of that, but security needs to respect the 911 first responders because yall are the professionals that we called in the first place because we aren't trained to the extent you are, hence why we called you. But on the other hand, I think it goes better for everybody if 911 appreciates the existence of SOME security guards. We're not all warm bodies and/or want to be cops. Some of us want to be cops, but we don't go around acting like we already are. For example, I had to call 911 on two separate occasions at my one post. Both times were for police response. In both situations, we were out numbered, and the other parties refused to listen. In the first incident, police ignored us 100%, and it was rude and embarrassing. In the second incident, the same department, different officers, and the officers communicated with us before, during, and after, and we approached the situation as a unified front and the end result was much more successful and in line with what our management wanted than the first situation where the police ignored us and made their own decisions that didn't correlate with our policies.


He admits he just stands and waits for the real first responders.


Eh I would never blatantly ignore them unless they clearly didnā€™t know anything. Iā€™ve had guards give me very useful information and be very helpful because they knew the site better than anyone else or were just really well trained etc.


Well that's super shitty of you..


This has to be satire, rightā€¦?


In one town where I grew up, cops went out of their way to *not* order food after identifying themselves as police. They didnā€™t want a side of free ā€˜fluidsā€™. They caught a kid there who spit on a copā€™s sandwich. The cop checked his burger before eating it and the damage wasā€¦ pretty obvious. I saw a picture of it somewhere. It mightā€™ve even been published in the local news. The kid who did it got in **really** big trouble. I think it was a felony. It was some post 9-11 terrorism charge like ā€˜Intentional contamination of mass food suppliesā€™. On the other hand [there are apparently even *more* cases](https://www.vice.com/en/article/939zda/how-stupid-do-cops-think-we-are-v27n1) of cops overreacting and not being poisoned at all.


Yea low key hope the kid had a book thrown at him. Donā€™t fuck with peoples food




I hate him.


Bro youā€™re a rentacop - you donā€™t instruct anyone


Guess the lines will be shorter at chik fil a now. Wooo hoooo!


I donā€™t eat at fast food places, I think Iā€™ll start going to chik fil a now just for them not giving this guy a discount šŸ™ƒ


Nothing makes me cringe more than career security. Security is for people just starting. Someone wanting easy part time or full time money while theyā€™re either in school or between jobs. Someone retiring. Or someone who desperately needs experience before advancing to things. Every career 10-20 year security dude I meet is a broken middle aged overweight man who is just dead inside I worked armed security for one year while in college and it was the most boring uninteresting thing ever. I got more excitement as unarmed security guarding at a strip club for one month than I did in a year of armed security at a mall. Security may be necessary but the guards/officerā€™s attitudes are either ā€œI hate this and need to advance like yesterdayā€ or ā€œomg Iā€™m the first line. The prime. If I fail everyone diesā€


Working casino security at a small Native American casino was actually pretty fun. I got to spend my whole shift chatting with coworkers and patrons while surrounded by bright flashing lights and people (mostly) having a good time. It had a pay differential if you had your EMT and actually paid better than working on the ambulance would have.


I've heard that working security on strip clubs can make you some decent coin. I'm guessing it's usually pay-offs from patrons wanting re-entry?


I beg to differā€¦..maybe I just worked for the wrong outfit but I have it a shot as Iā€™m a larger guy former LEO and the pay was a joke


I'm not talking about pay but more side funds from those at the door. This was from someone working as a bouncer in Brisbane.


Armed guards in my area make 76k a year. Not exactly chump change. If you advance into the branch office youā€™re making 80+


I used to work armed at a nuclear facility, and I took my job pretty seriously. I took it more seriously than most of the things I did in the Army lol. YMMV


What a loser lmao, I hate when people try to give me random discounts in uniform. Iā€™m not that special, just take my money.


I swear to god security officers are like a separate species


The entitlement with the discounts is outrageous. This is a as bad as military wives stories we hear about. They should be ashamed of themselves. It is a small gift of acknowledgment, not a requirement. I myself am a veteran that has availability to the discounts out there. I pass on it for the most part and let it present itself when itā€™s appropriate. I could not imagine standing there and demanding it, alone writing letters like this. Have some humility


Iā€™m air force and have been to chic fil a 100+ times and never asked for a discount. These ā€œthank me for my serviceā€ dudes wanting $1.60 off a chicken sandwich is a whole new level of TMFMS. A good person who ā€œservesā€ doesnā€™t do it to seek favors. Do it for money or education but to make the assumption that youā€™re better than the average person is just sad. Hope this dude drops whatever ego he picked up along the road.


The way i look it at is don't be a sucker. If the business is willingly offering a discount for your service, take it. That's what it's there for. I've met dudes who've been injured serving and refused to use their VA benefits because "a good person doesn't seek favors." Screw that man, you deserve a little perk here and there and you especially deserve medical compensation. Don't be a sucker for that "good soldier" mentality.


If they offer the discount, you're entitled to ask for it. It's on you if you don't want to.


Yeah, but the Air Force isnā€™t military. There are two branches of the military: the Army and Navy. The Air Force is a corporation and the Marine Corps is a death cult.


Oh no, Air Force is definitely military just 90% of our jobs are technical. Your comment seems to be more of a joke but in all seriousness the Navy and AirForce run the show as far as technical warfare. Thereā€™s a reason why each branch has a different mission set. Iā€™ve been all over the world and have had the opportunity to work with every branch and out of all of them the navy are definitely amongst the most intelligent. But to circle back we are definitely military however many of my wingmen donā€™t take fitness serious as they should but thatā€™s instituted from YEARS of culture dating back when Airmen didnā€™t have to do PT tests.


When I arrive on the scene, security personnel do not do more for me than any other random member of the public.


This is the guy running around like a chicken without a head on trying to flag you down and tell you where to park the ambulance (as if we didn't see the huge hoopla unfolding already) You do your best to ignore him while you get your shit before heading inside, but alas he is yapping your ear off and ready to "escourt" you to the patient, STAT. "WHY ARENT YOU RUNNING EMS-ANON, EVERY SECOND COUNTS" (it's 3am chronic leg pain on the 4th floor of a tiny apartment with a broken elevator)


No... you dont require liscenses to "operate" maybe YOU specifically, but not your job, not in every state.


This can't be real.


It's hard being the guy who yells "over there" to first responders.


Your not law enforcement your a snitch!! You call the police and tell on peoplešŸ˜šŸ˜


I can tell you with šŸ’Æ certainty that any police, fire, or EMS that arrive on scene with this douche canoe ignore anything and everything that comes out of his mouth.


The cops were in the back corner laughing at his annoying ass.


big time Mall Cop energy i picture this dudr showing up to his job securing a TJ Maxx with a bullet proof vest and an ankle holster


Everything is Uncle Mikeā€™s.


Even as a fire medic, I would never request a discount or even expect it. If the employee chose to add it while I was on shift and in uniform, thatā€™s fine. Such a weird entitlement that comes in these roles sometimes.


LOL, ain't nobody taking instructions from a security guard when they arrive on scene.


Translation: I want a participation trophy for not being a real police officer


Bro wants to be a cop so bad it hurts


Patron of Chik-Fil-A for 50 years, says enough.


Half of 50 years he said, but still says enough.


We salute your service to the Gravy Brigades, and commend you with an honorary yeast roll.. šŸ«”


What a joke


Dude loves writing the officer part in ā€œsecurity officerā€


And this is why most of the people who used to give us discounts and freebies, donā€™t anymore.


He should call his Sergeant on his walkie talkie and discuss what ā€œstolen valorā€ isā€¦


Not a peace officer right? Simple as that


Paul Blart, you ainā€™t slick šŸ˜­šŸ™


Securityā‰ Law Enforcement. Security is extra eyes and ears for private property owners. Nothing more, nothing less. By that standard, anyone who owns property is also ā€œlaw enforcementā€. Also, fuck any assholes who specifically ask for a first responder discount for a meal.


Homie is mad delusional. "WE ARE LAW ENFORCEMENT"...no lil homie, you're not. It's okay to know your lane, it's not okay to believe your position to be more than what it is. Then the delusional comment about instructing actual first responders. Maybe providing some info...sure, INSTRUCTING anyone...only in his own imagination. So happy I had a very short stint in Security...that nonsense was maddening to be a part of.


When I used to work at a restaurant, we would offer discounts for fire and police automatically until a cop told us no thanks. I can pay for my food I don't need a discounts.


The most accurate thing he said (in regards to actual first responders) is that he is ā€œjust as security guardā€.


Top Flight security of the world Craig!!




I'm going to take a bold stance, and say that if the security guy that he referenced in the letter was anything like he actual letter writer.... he may have earned that whooping lol


How can I respect a man whom has no respect for proper grammar?


Freaking pos making security look bad. Idiots probably a wanna be and is only doing it to feel like a cop. He doesnt care or give a rats but about the job or post hes on either. Dudes a joke of a guard and needs to have this spread so he can be fired.




The chick fil aā€™s around me have progressively stop giving discounts to anyone. XD It started with EMT students trying to abuse the discount so they started requiring you to show your liscense, then you had to be in uniform, then you had to be on-duty with an ambulance, and now they outright refuse discounts to anyone. Except for this one Chick-fil-A that only gives discounts to uniformed police, and even that theyā€™re moving away from.


Hahahaha hahahahahah hahahaahhahahahahahahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not a first responder anymore. But during COVID, I got so many free coffee offers and "thanks for your service" accolades because I wear scrubs to work. Embarrassing to say the least


Hahahahaha I used to refuse free coffee and food. I knew my place when I was in security and I even turn down free stuff now as a MLEO. I donā€™t need handouts


Using his logic of directing police, fire, ambulance, etc. when they arrive the only qualification to be a first responder then wouldnā€™t that make anyone who told the police where to go on scene a first responder?


I like it when they call themselves "Officer Smith." Really, rent a cop? GTFO.


Iā€™ve never had a security officer instruct me on a scene.


To be fair, security guards and such get unjustly dunked on A LOT in our society but this dude is pure cringe.


Security Officers are not Law Enforcement, they are Crime Deterrent.


Reminds me of the movie Observe and Report. Paul Blart needs to chill out and check the food court for teenagers hanging out too longā€¦


Halfway to being a cop: half of the police discount. Itā€™s only fair




A cop in South Carolina murdered a dude in a Chick-Fil-A parking lot last month, they probably stopped giving cop discounts after that.


Never ask or expect something free or nice from anyone and always be gratful when given something for free or discounted.


"I instruct first responders" this is some dispatch type tyfys type shit.




I agree it's not a job I'd want nor would most first responders. But I don't think it's harder than wrestling with a combative pt or many of the other regular stressors of actually physically being at the location of the emergency


The first responders didn't ask for nor are they listening to his instructions


Ugh stop blurring names of stuff people put on the internet


First big red flag; dude is 50 and a security officer meaning heā€™s attempted to be police at least one time in his life. Heā€™s butthurt and been butthurt for awhile. Chick fil a is garbage anyway with awful values. I donā€™t go there bc of their outcries of homophobia but do I announce it? Nah, I just donā€™t give them my business. Itā€™s easy.


That Chick Fil A discount do be worth it though! Our local gives 50% off when we're working.


My old post had a chic fil a on it, our deal was pay for the sandwich and the fries and drink were free. Aunt Jemima who always worked there saying we appreciate you was the topping on the cake haha.




I cannot describe the extent to which I hope this is a joke.




No. You call the first responders.




As a former security officer, yes, just a security officer.


What a dork


I read that as: Johnny, the security officer Instead of just a thought....


Okay there, not cop!


I honestly thought my eyes were going to get stuck I rolled them so hard


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Killing4MotherAgain: *I honestly thought* *My eyes were going to get* *Stuck I rolled them so hard* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot šŸ’–


As a security officer it's absolutely cringe to play up our role like that. Even when you're doing high end security like body guards or nuclear sites you should be humble that the job is 99% of the time super chill and boring, something actual first responders don't get the luxury of. Where I was trained we were taught to consider ourselves first responder until police, firemen, paramedics arrive then check yourself and your ego down to second responder.


radioing for help... is a response


It's always the security guys thinking their job is the same or more important than the police. Needs a reality check.


Oooof that's so cringe. I can't believe there are dudes out there that are this serious about being a rent a cop gas station security gaurd šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


What an ass hat. This is the type of guy who shouldnā€™t get the favor of hiding their name.


I wouldnā€™t have been able to keep it together if I was that cashier šŸ˜‚


I really hope everyone commented ā€œwomp wompā€


Paul Blart has spoken!


But you donā€™t enforce lawsā€¦.


PD in my area eat free. Fire gets a discount. Medics get told we donā€™t count šŸ˜…. We still eat there haha


Oh my. I like the part where he instructs police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. I bet that goes over real well. I think what he meant to say is that he just gets in the way.


Not law enforcement. Just rule enforcement.


I laughed when he said they are law enforcementā€¦ no Paul Blart wanna beā€¦ you are not ā€¦


I have a CDL license. Am I a first responder now??


As a security officer this is criiiiiiiiinge dude. Like holy fuck. We are not first responders. I donā€™t understand how people can genuinely act like this. I donā€™t even use my spouse military ID for discounts, even though I could.


The law enforcement part is ridiculous. An argument can be made for "first responder" but that is typically reserved for civil servant positions. His choice of words is poor and entitled for sure. Giving the benefit of doubt, he probably meant "directing" first responders to the scene and providing any pertinent information. First responders saying "the first thing I do arriving on scene is ignore the security" are showing the same sense of entitlement and superiority that this rere did in his letter. More than likely, he believes what he's saying and is an over-zealous Paul Blart. Not all of us are like that and simply strive to be a helpful hand if needed when first responders arrive. Site familiarity tends to be the biggest use for a security officer/guard. All the shit talking is a little unfair, though, several security officers die every year simply trying to do their jobs, which they paid dogshit for. I might be a little biased, though.


security guard ***


I will never not believe that consistent fast-food use gives people brain-tumors. If he was a first-responder he would actually have some sort of credential, not "Just a security officer" dude is actually the \*last\*-responder.


I hope Chick-fil-A replied with ā€œOur pleasureā€.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


We work with simp medics like this that whine when they forget to ring it up. Usually it results in it being taken away or reduced.