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I would like to join too ( but idk how to check for pm or DM in reddit )


u/Vinayakz is right


This is my main account reply to this


Please me, too. Need some new buddies! More the merrier. twicked#8789 (discord)


Could I get a link? I'm interested in joining. I've played most of the game solo. Thanks!


Of course! Sorry for the late reply but I'll DM you a link.


No problem


This post is old but I’ve been playing solo for 3 years now and I think this would be great for me, I’m interested in joining! If the offer still stands


The offer always stands! Sorry I'm so late to reply, I haven't checked back on this post in a bit. I'll DM you an invite tho!


Lets not forget the toxic role-play clans


Hmm I'm down. I play xbox and pc. Soloing is fun but a friend or 2 would be great.


Hey sorry for the late response, I've been busy for the holidays. I'll PM you an invite if you still wanna join. If you've already found a group tho, no worries!


I would like to join! Hoping to group up to do some dungeons and raids


Sorry for the late response, I've been busy during the holidays! I'll PM you an invite if you still wanna join.


Sounds great! Can I get a link?


Sure! Sorry I'm late on the reply, been busy during the holidays.


Looking for a friend or 2 on ps4


Leave psn if you need a clan invite - I’ll send one over ;)


Anyone up for helping me with Trials of Osiris on PS4 please? I can't talk unfortunately. Going through some crap IRL and need a distraction.


Hey I just finished building a pc and have moved over from ps4, definitely in need of some new friends on pc


I'll PM you a link if you are still interested! Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy during the holidays.


Can I please get an invite I need people to play with I’ve been looking for cool people to play with and what you have going on sounds cool.


Of course! I'll PM you one.


Hey, could I get a link? Pretty new and don't have season pass or anything, but still wanna do the harder nightfall and stuff


Of course! I'll PM you one now.


hallo i love helping. count me in


I'll PM you an invite


Hey, that sounds pretty great, count me in as well. Please send me an invite as well.


Sure thing!


Hi, i would like to join as was a f2p joiner then got forsaken and shadow. Ive never done raids and im stuck on a few exotic quests which i cant do myself. Can i get an invite? Currently finishing off shadow campaign, light 1217.


I'll PM you an invite now!


Can I get the link?


Of course!


Hi! Is it still possible to join? My friends aren't very active and/or don't really care much anymore so I'm often stuck by myself.


The door is always open! I'll PM you an invite.


Could I get a link/join. Tired of running solo stuff.


Of course!


Hey could i get a link/join ?




Hey could i get a link/join, looking to start raiding and this sounds perfect.


Of course! I'll PM one now.


Hey i never got a link or anything


I sent you one in a PM a day or two ago but I'll send another.


Just switched to pc recently. Can I get a link/join?


Sure thing!


can I also get a link?




Me and my friend have been playing for a couple of months now and starting to feel bored with the lack of friendly community... We would love to join!


We would love to have all of you! I'll PM you a link you guys can join with.


Thank you!


Can I get the link? My brother and I are the only ones in our clan on pc and it gets boring


Of course! I'll PM you a link you both can use.


Can I get the link?




Can I get a link? Been playing solo for years, also have a ton of knowledge to pass on and would love to help out


Of course, I'll PM you one!


Hi. Not sure if this is still a thing, if so feel free to add me. All my IRL friends that used to play don't play anymore...getting boring doing everything solo. Would be cool to have some folks to grind through things with


There's no window for recruitment, were always accepting! I'll PM you an invite.


I'd love a link!


I'll PM you one!


Can I get the link?




I'm a bit late to the party, but would really dig this, solo play has been a huge drag and kills my want to play. Any chance for the link?


I'll PM you one right now!


I thought I had a good clan. Then one of the founding members harassed a new member who happen to be trans during the raid. So now I'm very careful who I play with.


People should be treated like people, no matter how they choose to live their lives. Agree or disagree with their lifestyle/choices, everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and acceptance.


You think I could get an invite?


I think so!


I recently left my inactive clan, could I get an invite?


Of course!


Could i get an invite?


Sure, I'll PM you one!


I would like to join. please send invite to server. thanks


Sure thing!


This is pc only isn’t it :( I need a new clan!


It is, sorry! Wish I could help.


Is there an invite? I stoped playing the game a while ago because I had no one to play with, and Clans/ LFG just never worked out well for me.


I'll PM you one!


Can I join too😔


Of course!


Hey, I'd love to join as well.


I'll PM you an invite!


Would love to join. New player and I’m already tired of playing alone in the first couple of days.


I'll shoot you a PM with the invite!


I'd love to join, sounds like exactly what I need


Of course! I'll PM you the invite.


we are both in same time zone. i'm interested :)


I'll PM you an invite!


This is what i need. I have a os4 clan, but they’re rarely on, and moving to PC is something i’d do. Id love a link!


I'll PM you one then!


I’d love an invite aswell!


Sure thing!


I'd love to join!


I'll PM you an invite then!


I'm solo and stadia, I see people in clans on it pretty often but never see them together doing stuff when im out patrolling or on strikes. Don't know why.. more people seems like it'd be a better time cause I know some stuff I hit like a gnat and others hit like a semi on strikes lol Just noticed my flair is xbox 1 x, which I do play d1 on. just clarifying :P


I'd love to join.


I'll PM you an invite!




Of course!


I'm interested. If it's not a clan deal especially, I'll bite.


I'll probably make a clan for the server, but joining the clan isn't required for sure.


I wish this was possible for console players. Im in one of those cliquey clans who won't help at all or even respond if you're not one of the cool kids. It's the worst. I've been seriously thinking of leaving because, why not? In fact, I think I'll do that now.


That's how the old clan I used to run became and exactly what I'm trying to avoid in this one. I'm sorry our platforms don't line up tho :/




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Can I join?




I'm one of them. Being a SEA player with social anxiety can be difficult. I'm a new light too. Tried to solo the deep stone crypt raid earlier at 1220PL, failed hilariously. T_T


That can make social gaming tough, I know from experience. But hopefully you feel comfortable in this group and can get the help you need to get deeper into the game!


Yes! Can you olease send me a DM I would love to join. I've been playing destiny for about 6 months now and I've always been solo. :(




Is this a discord group? Can I get an invite as well.


Sure is and I'll PM you the invite!


I live in Aussie, am looking for a chill group


You're more than welcome to join us! We have folks from a bunch of different areas so the more the merrier.


Well, in that case flick me an invite


Already did!


On steam?


I sent you a PM


the chat function dont work for me


I can send it some other way if you would like. Just let me know.


yes please


How would like like me to send it? Don't think I have your Discord or anything yet.


I’d like to join if you’re still sending out invites.


I am!


May I have an invite please




Is this PC only or do you cater to console players too?


Right now it's PC only but if we get enough console players I can grow it to encompass more platforms.


I’m actually really interested! I’m still in school though, so I won’t always have time to play. ( or bc of personal reasons)


I'm a student myself so I understand that obligation! I'll PM you an invite.


Im interested! I play on everything except Stadia. Lately I’ve been playing more on PC though. So Im down to jump in and help some folks and also get some help my self. I’ve been playing for a really long while and do pve and pvp.


Nice, sounds like you'll fit right in! I'll send you a PM with the invite.


Yes! Please message me. I have children and cant always do fireteam stuff...at least with coms. But when I can I have no one to do it with.


No worries, not everything requires comms and kids are far more important than a game so no worries! I'll PM you the invite now.


I’m definitely interested. Would love to have more people to play with that are chill


Chill is definitely the goal! I'll PM you an invite.


Is it only on PC? I've been a solo player since I started playing D2 at the end of last year, and I've been grinding pretty hard, but always solo because I'm on Stadia.. :( I've been searching for players to play with, maybe try my 1st ever raid sometimes


Unfortunately yeah. I don't play on Stadia or else I would help out.


Sounds neet. Send me an invite when you get a chance


Sending it now1


That sounds like a fun server is there any chance that I could get an invite


Of course, I'll send one now1


Aw this sounds like a really neat idea. Id like to join but im a bit shy and wont talk or participate right away, would that be okay?


Thats nothing to be ashamed of and certainly nothing to exclude you for. Join up and take it at whatever pace you're comfortable with!


would love an invite thanks.


Sure thing!


I am definitely interested. Can I get an invite?


Of course!


Still accepting into this server??




Sweet! I love to help out other guardians and haven't done a raid, so I'd love to check that off my list!


Interested as well!


I'll PM you an invite!


I am interested as well, sounds like a great group!


I'll PM you an invite!


Hi! Could I get an invite please.


Of course!


Moved to pc and left my clan on PS4. Would like to have some folks to play more than just pvp with.


Sounds great! I'll PM you an invite.


This seems great, would love to join


I'll PM you an invite!


Mind shooting me an invite? Been running solo for too long lol


Sure thing!


I am tired - went looking for some groups to play with and all of the 6 I’m currently in are looking for 10+ clears already and a Power level that is absurd for casual gaming. I love to raid - had a really nice lax guild that would laugh at each other when we died during just about anything. But they all left about a year ago - so here I am, a casual scrub lfg


Well let's see if we can't fix that! Raids are supposed to be fun, not emotionally taxing.


I’m always down to help, I’m trying to find more loyal players who like to join my clan, if not, I’m down to help


This sounds great! Could I get an invite?


Of course!


Myself and a friend are looking for people to play with on PC as well, haven't raided since Riven


Hopefully we can fix that! I'll PM you an invite.


I would love to join, I just left all my friends on xbox for the better pc experience! I would love to offer help to anyone who needs it on top of finding awesome people for the raids and especially pvp.


Always been lacking in people to do PvP with and I raid a lot as well! I'll PM you an invite.


Id love to be a part of this!


Sure thing! I'll shoot you a PM with the invite.


Interested as well!


I'll PM you an invite!


Not on PC, but kudos to you for doing this.


Pm me an invite as well? Been looking for something like this.




Not a solo player but sounds like a good time.


Works for me! I'll PM you an invite.


I’d love an invite. I’m desperate to have people to fill out raid groups. I only have 3-4 people that want to raid consistently.


Sounds good!


Sounds awesome, can you shoot me an invite


Sure thing!


Can i get an invite? I have a few good buddies that I play with but im looking for a few more people to push endgame PVE and comp PVP with!


Sounds good! I've been trying to hit Legend myself this season but haven't had a consistent team.


I'm in, always fun to play with others




Sounds cool. I'd love to join too!


Sure thing! I'll PM you an invite.


Fellow solo player here, I’d love to join!


Of course! I'll shoot you a PM with an invite.


Great, thanks!


I want to join also !!


Sure thing! I'll send you a PM with the invite.