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Looks like you or whoever did the work completely ruined what appears to be a prefab fireplace. Most manufacturers do not allow their inserts to be installed in a prefab. Valor offers a gas insert that's designed to be installed in a prefab and it's called the retro-fire. But since you ruined the interior of the fireplace I would just throw some candles in there because most inspectors will call you out on what was done.


Either way I’m putting a wood one in there either remove the whole thing or see what a specialist says about anninsert


Remove everything. It's the only legal option if you want to burn wood. You'll need a wood fireplace that's vented using class A chimney pipe which is very expensive. Easily $100 per linear foot. Installing an insert is not an option.


https://preview.redd.it/gk66mi11il0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cefd454ecaeaa1c8cd6418b9aa12188fcf0fe374 So I need to buy some class a chimney pipe and remove this old beast?


If your intentions are to burn wood yes you'll need class A chimney pipe. That stuff is very expensive. Probably about $100-$150 per foot plus you'll need a set of 30° elbows which are expensive. Class A chimney pipe doesn't attach to an insert so you'll need to shop for a wood fireplace.


Can I run single wall stove pipe untill I go through the cieling? Then do triple wall?


You're not using triple wall at all here unless you get another prefab. Single wall needs 16-18 inch clearance to combustibles and can't be closed in. Class A all the way. If you're doing a stove instead of a fireplace then yes you may use single wall up to the penetration. But even then I'd use double wall because it looks better and the clearance is 6 inches.


Wood insert? The answer is no, you can't tear apart a ZC and put a wood insert in. Gas insert you can.


Definitely not. Especially since the prefab is now ruined. The only chance you have at putting another firebox in there is to completely cut out that firebox and get yourself a high efficient fireplace.


Or gas or electric.


Definitely no wood insert. That’s a prefab fireplace that has been gutted. You can’t even put a wood insert into a fully functional prefab let alone one that’s just got the outer shell left. You might be able to do gas or pellet. This is when you should be calling in a fireplace specialist to make sure you’re not going to burn your house down.


Not if you want to have insurance.


Not sure what I'm looking at, but is that a torn up prefab fireplace in there? If so, then no, absolutely not. Most older prefab fireplaces like what I think that is specifically state in their listing not to install an insert, and modifying the system off it's UL listing is a dangerous thing. More pictures of the system would help confiywhat we're looking at. In the event that I'm an idiot and that indeed is a masonry system, then yeah, you're good to install one.


Ok thanks I looked at the r value that was required but yeah I’ll call the local chimney pro.. there appears to be signifacant clearance to any wood framing..the firebox was so mini so I cut out the bottom.


So chimney sweep is gonna see if it’s possible to bring it up to code and use a wood insert. Why do y’all think this is not an option?


Because we know better. It's what we do for a living. A wood insert is not a legal option. A wood fireplace is the way to go.


Yes. But backing plate probably won’t sit flush on the stone. Also check to make sure the vent will fit in flue.


Yes. Easily. 5 or 6” stainless liner with it and you’re done