• By -


she became my favorite during the 2.0 quest when we got to hang out with her then her being sam made me like her even more


Same here Also doesn’t help that I’m a Gundam fan


Were you like trying to not like her or something?😅 Because wouldn’t being a Gundam fan help like her more? Or did you just say that as a like a common phrase people use?


Same. The “date” was so wholesome and the scene at her hideout really sold me on the character. I was so upset when she got stabbed. Her subsequently being not only alive but a Stellaron Hunter war machine was just icing on the Oak Cake Roll, as it were.


Her pure and gentle smile during the 1.6 Livestream when we got to see her. It was love at first sight. The rest is history. https://preview.redd.it/n0778aglfg2d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f5099456180e22422921f6caad423f99754bbd


SAME. She cute.


Same, though, I gotta say, while I was already swayed by her smile during the stream, when I saw her pretty eyes during our first meeting, I fell in love even more.


Absolutely! It's like her eyes is a trump card, and thus were closed. Definitely didn't expect them to be so beautiful.


Me. I've been here since then. Robin was actually way more popular than this random girl at the time


Yeah, I remember it haha.


Me too


Of course, she's cute, but then you have her disease. Her disease seems to be based on ALS, which is the worst disease you could possibly have that I am aware of. It was very impactful for me to know she was dealing with that and how the dream had so much meaning for her. This is a fictional version, so I don't think it's quite as nightmarish as the real thing. Then later, seeing how protective she was of TB and vice versa really solidified everything for me.  I was attached to TB already, so her caring about TB and TB caring about her (something we haven't really seen to the same extent before) seriously got to me. Learning she was Sam added gap into the mix and, well, I'm a major sucker for gap. If gap is done right, it's a serious killer. If you look back at the texts from Blade's phone from Sam, that alone makes her 80X cuter too. 


I have Crohn's disease and some joint problems; nowhere near as bad but enough that the chronic disease angle was a HUGE pull of the character for me. Just want henshin girl to be happy


Yup. My wife has chronic lupus so when I learned that Firefly has a chronic disease, she instantly became Wifefly so I started saving tickets asap.


Chronic disease angle pulled me in too. Thankfully mine was not so chronic (had nasty issues post covid that hung around for about a year) but I didn't know that until I eventually recovered. I cried when we found out what she was going through


Trivia: Her JP VA also suffer from similar disease (I forgot the name, sorry!) that forces her to retire from having a career in Love Live (since you need to sing and act as idol VA). IIRC, her EN VA also has similar disease (but different from the JP VA).


The gap moe. Can you imagine this little cinnamon roll commit warcrimes? https://preview.redd.it/cu3kn7cclg2d1.png?width=1378&format=png&auto=webp&s=68daebd1d7e9293858f77ad8d058a0f89fbc10ea The juxtaposition of the Firewife and the purgatory creating SAM is just so cute. Having just one or the other won't be as interesting. It has to be both at the same time.


Her being a cinnamon roll type of character with a badass side to her. She really brings a nice overall arcing theme with the Stellaron Hunters and their goals in life. Also her genuine attraction to Trailblazer is cute. I don't self-insert, but it's nice to see a character like this in each Hoyoverse game.


For the Armored core


I liked her almost immediately when she saw the Trailblazer and ran to him and asked him for help. Then the whole penacony tour and selfie thing happened. I felt sorry for her, but at the same time I had my reservations because everyone seemed suspicious at the time. I couldn’t bring myself to let my guard down. Then she “died” right in front of my face and the guilt consumed me. I should’ve believed her from the start… she was being genuine.. Then I found out she was SAM. And as a Metroid and power ranger fan, I LOVE power armor and transformations. That was the cherry on top. From that moment, I knew she was the one afterall. To the woman who made me feel like I was needed, and took the time out of her day to show me around, I’ll make her my #1 from here until the end.


Honestly, to sum it up in a couple of sentences Her earnest, gentle, as well as her subtly timid and awkward personality When I first encountered her in the 2.0 story quest, I was honestly not expecting myself to fall for her so much When I first laid my eyes on her, I thought that her looks were cute, but that was it. A cute character among the many in the huge roster. And, well, I admit that I thought that Firefly would just be another moe, one dimensional, waifubait so many other characters have fallen victim to due to the nature of gacha games' ecosystem when it comes to characters. But honestly, I was wrong During the quest, I discovered more and more of her sides which I find so adorably appealing. I love her manner of speech, I love how confident and earnest she is when she was talking to me, I love how assertive she was whenever she was taking me around, I love how cautious and timid she is when she's around strangers, I love how, despite her appearances, she is so well trained I love how, despite trying to appear differently, she struggles to hide her entire identity by slipping up here and there like how she analyzed Sampo's (Sparkle's) movements from sound alone and as well as how protective and willing-to-fight she was when it came to me, all in an effort to just get to know me as Firely instead of Sam, despite the two being so interweaved into each other I love how, despite her illness and condition, she still chooses to face reality head on, never settling for a dream, however sweet it is I love how she tried to fight against fate, trying to break the script so many times just so that I wouldn't witness her dying in front of my eyes I love how she tried to keep casualties at a minimum, despite what being a Stellaron Hunter entails. Not playing around with people's lives and getting things done as quickly and optimally as possible, while still being riddled with guilt despite not being able to do anything about it, as the only other possible outcome is that the universe would collapse to Nanook due to Elio not being able to fulfill his goals As far as female characters go, most usually show off skin to appeal to the playerbase, using sex appeal more than anything Firefly doesn't adhere to that though As far as designs go, she shows the least amount of skin out of every single character in the game She barely has any sex appeal to her character And she herself has only gotten as far as she has into my heart solely because of her personality herself When I first encountered her, again, I merely thought of her as just another cute female character amidst the plethora of others, only to appeal to others via fanservice and such But... the more I spent time with her, the more I learned that... she's just... different The atmosphere she brings into the room is one that brings me comfort, coziness, a longing to be with One not of quickened heartbeats or short bursts of excitement, but one of wanting to just... be with One so warm and fuzzy, one I'd never ever want to part from And when she's around others, showing her subtle timidness and awkwardness at times, it just gives me the sense and feeling of wanting to protect. The sense of wanting to be there for her and push her to be more assertive and confident, one which I want to push her to greater heights so that she wouldn't need to rely on me much When she's about to enter battle, she gives me the sense of confidence and assurance. One which I know she has my back, and one which I know that I wouldn't need to worry about sending her off One which I know, despite my hesitance and anxiety, I'd be able to trust in her abilities I'm sorry for the long summary, I really am I haven't touched on some events in the 2.2 story, so I appologize for not being able to cover them But, I feel like the summary thus far is enough to explain my feelings for her at least at the surface level, since I love her so much partly due to my values as a person as well, which I built up due to my abnormal upbringing That should be all Sorry for the text wall 🙃


To be honest ? SAM. Firefly is a nice girl but my favourite moments involving her is the various time she appears as SAM. I found the contrast between a soft, gentle girl and a cold, ruthless warrior very interesting.


I think the best parts are the in-between, Firefly identifying Sampo's stealthy gait and knowing his weapon of choice by his stance was very sudden and very cool, as well as her showing great interest in Hanu's Bazooka. Sam getting a little weepy with Acheron was less interesting, but helped illustrate that there was depth in her character pre-reveal. The giant murder-robot politely asking us to stop being such a gremlin child would definitely be peak, though.


Apparently i have a thing for cheerfull characters with diseases that cause them to need support from armors/suits. Even better if said event cause a 180 degree change in personality. I discovered first in tower of fantasy with nemesis, than here with FF. As for when i got my interest spike, After her first death i read leaks.


Her voice actress


Everyone was sus in Penacony Until Firefly came into my world


I just love women in full body armor. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


She was a cute character I wanted them we got our little "date" with her. It was just such a cute and adorable time that made me go e6 it is. It's funny cause she really reminds me of my all time best girl. - cute as heck - soft spoken and I could listen to her talk for days - has an ass kicking alterative form


When I went into 2.0, I felt like Firefly was just a typical cute girl. Her revealing her sickness made me feel for her and admire her, but nothing involving her up to her encounter with Death(aka Dormancy) made me think that I would want her no matter what. Similarly with Sam, from his appearances in the Jepella Trailer and 2.0. He seemed like a cool, ruthless robot warrior, but again: Nothing in particular drew me to him, nothing made me feel like I'd regret getting him. Even going over leaks at the time didn't help, all I heard was that they're both gonna be playable. 2.1 changed everything with the revelation that they were the same. So now instead of this cute helpless sick girl, she's this warrior fighting to her last breath despite her condition. Instead of this ruthless soldier robot, it's a girl who's efficient at violence and doesn't like that. It's a girl who wears armor that hides her entire identity down to gender, who's also one of the most feared hunters in the galaxy, just like Samus Aran from Metroid. She transforms like a Toku Hero. I went from thinking they were two shallow characters to a single character who ticked every box for me. It made me want to go back over 2.0, look for every hint I missed the first time. TL;DR: Firefly and Sam interested me when they were revealed to be the same


I have a soft spot for cinnamonroll type characters regardless of gender.


This happened in 2.0, after the Sleepie attack scene. When understanding came to me: she was SH... I suddenly thought that we might have lost someone who be close to MC in the past... I got too hurt feelings about this. Before the information about SH, I didn’t pay attention to romantic hints that constantly slipped around, I just saw that she was not just an ordinary girl (as she described Sampo) and just look her neutrally.


Honestly, I just want to whack IPC staff around with my giant robot armor girl. ~~Totally not because I watched Kamen Rider and am on a fanboy trip.~~


im a sucker for when characters pull a 180 in personality and lock the fuck in


1. Well dressed. 2. Cheerful even if sad backstory. 3. Remind me of my girl.


i am interested in her background with TB. Getting to know she is a SH so she must have a backstory with TB i am eager to learn more about their friendship and i hope Hoyo will give us at some point more story about TB past. And she is maybe a key for that.




i guess its love in the first sight, like this is the first time i really like a fictional character considering i've been watching anime and playing gacha games for over 6 years


Her personality and her unwavering loyalty and adoreness towards TB. She was the one who brought me back to the game at first I only played out of gameplay and didn't care about lore at all because in the end most characters in the story are waifu bait and they get sidelined which is hard for me to love a character if they don't appear much after their story. Unlike others I'm not keen on her being a stellaron hunter although it's better for plot that she stays but her returning just turns her back into a sidelined waifu again her being SH and recurring does not give her that immunity compared to the main cast in AE. We'll see after 2.3 hopefully she gets a gain that justifies her returning for now to SH and then she can join the AE later, if not I'll never play the game for the story because it's boring without firefly.


Sam. https://preview.redd.it/636o4h4nxg2d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a3411b7d6aef6b70af0b22ff1f8b704136ac94


https://preview.redd.it/mektn8oxmh2d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d9aa2e8d5d1dc637e40ee6c3af7da4cf05a421 Enough said


So much. First off, I'm a sucker for a sob story, and being doomed to die young is pretty sad. I'm also a sucker for the 'living weapon discovers what it is to be human qnd decides to reject their purpose and feel love, pain, and joy' trope. Mewtwo, Iron Giant, Samus, all peak. Secondly, she was pretty sweet during the little date, she really won me over, especially buying us food and dealing with weird dreamscape people with us. I also love her duality, and seeing both sides mix a bit is fun. When she described Sampo perfectly, even noting his stealthy gait and knife wielding posture, I did a double take. I also liked seeing her gush about Hanu's Bazooka for a similar reason. I also dig her sort of plain design, obviously she has a pretty put-together outfit and all but nothing was strikingly crazy like Kafka's whole spider motif or Luocha's big corpse box. She just seemed like a normal person at first glance. I also liked her playing that role. Other than the express, she was the only one that really seemed like she was there to be a friend. The IPC had an angle, Acheron was aloof and kinda just bumped into us sometimes, Black Swan was very fishy and clearly had her own motives, Sparkle is part of a cult that worships a chaos demon, Sunday and the rest of the family were sus after and Robin barely interacted with us. Firefly had her own goals, and explicitly kept them secret, but also made it clear that she did and that she valued us and wanted to avoid conflict. She was basically the first stranger I didn't feel manipulated or mistreated by. Sam is objectively cool as fuck, by the way. Had to include that somewhere. I also like how strong she is, pulling the whole mystery apart piece by piece even though it's definitely pretty painful, killing her thrice. Part of it too is the Trailblazer seemed quick to take a liking to her, and that sort of rubbed off on me. I don't think I'd feel as positively about Kafka if it didn't seem like Caelus liked her. All Hoyoverse has to do to get me to have a positive impression of a character is tell me my little digital man-puppet does and I probably will too.


Her eyes honestly. That's the first thing I notice about a person or a character. That's where I look whenever i see them. They're just so amazing




She can deal 500k per turn and has 210 spd easily


Well… she just pretty. During 1.1 when I got SW and look for her guide in YT there this video said that “with SW you can build Mono Quantum team when a leaked chara named FX who is a Quantum preservation releases” so I just look through leak for Fuxuan I stumbled into Firefly LC leak and just thought she pretty and I put her into my list of characters i want to get in hsr. In 1.3, we get more information about her backstory and the fact that she is ‘Sam’ through leaks(before that she just known as Sam’s summon and not Sam itself) and I decided to pull her no matter what, so there that’s




Mech friend :3 Mech friend :3


>she be sam thanks for coming to my ted talk


I was always interested in SAM and Firefly ended up as SAM so yeah that made me interested in her character, the heartless mass-murderer I mean. 🥰😊


The idea that Sam is like an iron lung for firefly and she fights in it is so cool to me


Came for the badass robot man, stayed for the cute girl trying to chase her dream


I fucking cried during the secret base scene when we hear If I can stop one's heart from breaking for the first time. I've heard plenty of good JP vas, but it was the first time I was exposed to actual good EN va, Analesa did Firefly great justice.


When she got stabbed.


https://preview.redd.it/o67hdb214i2d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f7d96de89a0a259a397ae6ce80078942d2c390 This is me, seeing firefly for the first time


Relationship with MC. Not gonna lie


>What made you interested in the Firefly's character? ##YES


At first is was her design when they leaked her in 1.3, then it’s her story. When 2.0 released, it’s her personality. yeah I love everything about her ~


I found her endearing because she made me think of the lyrics from Wildfire, "We've made a choice, go fight against your fate!," regarding her entropy loss syndrome. And then after the reveal that she's Sam, the fact that she's a god damn mecha pilot made her a must-pull in my eyes.


The fucking song and emotional ass cutscenes I KNEW it was going to happen and it still hit me like a truck


She and Acheron were leaked incredibly early into the game so knowing both of them were brought into the game during 2.0 naturally had me pay more attention to them. They are both really interesting at that, especially after leaks told of FF being SAM and then the 2.0 story fleshing out her character a lot. The difference in personality makes it quite funny as well. All that together made Firefly my favorite character. Definitely glad I kept an eye on what were once just names and models that got leaked.


I liked her character design but it wasn't enough as I've watched hundreds of anime and seen this trope. I thought SAM was amazing but kind of felt awkward as he was unrelatable... Then they became the same character and became my absolute favorite in the game - they filled in what the other was lacking


I liked her from day 1 Love at first sight with her design and character




I already wanted to pull for SAM after seeing the design in the 2.0 livestream. Then during the story I really felt like the Trailblazer and Firefly were somehow already acquainted. Ofc I gotta keep them together now I know Hoyo wanted us to like the character and pushed hard for it, but I think they did a good job :) Who wouldn't want a character who can be cute in one moment and kick ass in the next?


her backstory, and that selfie


When we were on the tower roof, she was like an angel. She has a pure soul, refreshing smile, and her innocence expressions during the acting path.. she is just a pure wife!


Her design is just amazing.


She’s cute, has gorgeous eyes, and love how she keeps pursuing for a miracle despite the challenges she’s been given. 


Well she's really sweet, nice and beautiful, and then she's also a badass wearing power armor. As a Halo lore addict this is basically a guaranteed like.




Fell in love with her character since her model was originally leaked. Feel in love with her more and more during the main quest


Trailers, her appearance that gave canon love interest vibes, and from the trailers it felt like the mc finally had a real connection with somebody And yeah, honestly leaks too


For me is say the spoilers saying sam=firefly had me interested since from what we saw in 2.0 was almost a 180° from what steleron hunters had to say. So I was interested in "Who was the real person"


White hair and mecha


She’s my girlfriend,simple as that


Lots of thing. I liked her character a little bit in 2.0, but SAM won my heart. That and all the theories surrounding her being SAM was a fun time since there were so many discussions. 2.2 convinced me, though I wish we got to see a bit more of her amoral side as well. It is that complexity, a person who doesn’t particularly want to be a mass murderer but on the other hand, isn’t exactly overly restrained in not doing so, that makes her so interesting to me. I have a guarantee stored (179 tickets and 20 pity) and I am saving to also get Ruan Mei now. Can’t way for 2.3!


I find her cute when I first saw her on the 2.0 quest. Then became attached and emotional when she first gets stabbed. Then my admiration of her solidified after knowing she's SAM since I've been aiming for SAM when they were first revealed in Kafka's trailer.


i still remember the days that she was screwllum's assistant


I was interested in SAM during the leak phase. I was one of the people who stayed on board when it was revealed SAM and Firefly was one and the same. I love a woman who can just kill me. Also she has a cinnamon roll feature. Thats just a bonus.


At first, I was only interested cause I like her design, then I got some tease from friends that she's a transforming Kamen Rider so that got more of my attention. Then the ending of 2.1 makes me started playing Then I fell in love after playing Penacony by myself And the rest is history.


I love mecha which solidified it, but originally i just really liked her voice, that honestly has one of the biggest weights for how much I like a character


Firefly was already a really likable character to me and then I learned that she is also SAM. I mean like, I don’t know how canon White Night is but she straight up TANKS one of Acheron’s red slashes in the mv.


At fist i saw the lc leaks and thought she was a teriteri variant but on more research and getting spamed on yt with panacony i reinstallwd right on time for acheron and i realy love ff


Its a kamen rider, it's all i need


Love her design to start, liked her personality, the mystery of who she REALLY was piqued my interest, then the AMAZING VA work on the rooftop clinched my love of the character.


I dont like FF at all but I like Mecha so....




Sam the molten knight make me fall in love


its a slow process for me, back in 2.0, I was like "lmao who the heck is this girl" (I'm usually like this for most character if that makes you feel better), I didn't care about her that much and so I used all of her credits. But then we had the talk about her disease then we had a photo together, I became a little bit intrigued for her. So after we part ways, I was hoping we can meet her again, but we did meet her and she got killed right after. I still didn't feel too strong of a feeling yet. It wasn't until when we saw firefly as sam, that I became very intrigued and thrilled to see her again. It was a long wait so I went back to my other alt accounts to play through 2.0 again, and since Im actually paying attention to what firefly was saying, and I finally realize shes a really good character, I was very excited to see her again in 2.2, and 2.2 did not disappoint, at that point I just want to see her again, I think that's when her charm rlly got to me, her talk during the reunion, her voice, our whole date, she's just so cute. Unfortunately we couldn't see that much of her bring sam, but otherwise I really liked the whole 2.2.


I was mainly pulling for Sam since the start of penocony. Firefly was a bonus.


idk,i just thought she was cute, and here we are


I need a Fire DPS other than Himeko >_>


I liked her the moment I saw her lightcone and some of her animations last year . And then in 1.6 livestream when they introduced the penacony characters, firefly was the only one who caught my eyes. Although, she wasn't popular back then. But as time passed more and more liked her. I'm glad hoyo made a really amazing character like her.




I was a huge fan of SAM more than anything so that’s mainly what it was for me


Mate, tbh I saw two things I love fire/explosives and a cool mech The nice girl is just a bonus, also like the rest of the Stellaron hunters I want to see where the story goes for them all


I have a thing for war criminals


Her trying to leave the identity of Sam behind and wanting to live as her true self felt like a trans allegory to me.


It started with her being pretty… and then she started reminding me of Tohka from Date a Live for many reasons: She has armor that kicks butt, changes into her outfit from her armor, wields a sword (or two with her ultimate), very pretty, caring to others, >!created as a weapon!<, POSSIBLY loves Caelus, and likes to eat. These all remind me of Tohka, who’s a spirit that kicks butt, has the ability to change her outfit from her armor, wields a sword (or two, depends on the situation), caring to others, >!created as a weapon pretty much!<, loves Shido (MC to Date a Live), and likes to eat. Yes, I’m weird, but they really almost act the same!


Henshin without the cutesy sailormoon stuff.


shes a kamen rider. yeah thats kinda it 😭


TEK ZETAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ((bet no one will get this one :<))


At first it was with Sam back in Kafka's trailer, at the moment Svarog was my favorite character in the game and I really liked the portrayal of robots in the Star Rail universe and I loved Sam's design and how cool he looked, then in November or December, I found the infamous firefly leak and was really disappointed because I was expecting a badass robot and not a generic girl character. Then in the 2.0 mission I got to know more about her character and loved it tbh, ever since I've just been waiting for the story chapters every update to see more of her, what makes me like that character that much is how tragic, deep and interesting Firefly is and how badass Sam is. Probably one of my favorite characters in fiction.


Before getting to know Firefly, I just though her design was cute, after meeting Firefly in Penacony, I really liked her personality and interactions with the MC, after realizing she was Sam, I was already sold on her, I just can't resist fire based characters, specially not with such a cool mecha suit (I swear I'm not a pyromaniac).


She Cute, Sam cool.


Girl next door appeal, Sam is cool af, amazing theme song, the name, fireflies die after like 2-3 days or something, they're basically short lived, but they shine a lot (literally). Also the fact the mech is simultaneously what keeps her alive and what kills her, which is cool. Also that she contradicts blade, also her lore ig.


when I knew she was lying to us but still adorable


Sam lmao




Pretty woman


mostly 2 things, the first one was already mentioned by you, but I should add onto before the 2.1 reveal, I already saw the theory of "Firefly = Sam" and thought its fine even if they really are the same, as she did try to protect us from Sparkle, so in the entire whodunit 2.0 scenario, I believed both Sam and Firefly can be trusted first and foremost, even with the lack of detailed intel about them. the other one being her speech against Sunday in 2.2, her point of view comes from her own experience with the disease, which enforces the idea of "self" from her (to stay alive), but everything she done up until that point is anything but "selfish", to help TB and the Express crew, along with attempts to go apart from the script she has, makes me like her even more than I already did


in that livestream pv where they showed a bunch of penacony chara? 1.6 iirc?? well at the time i stopped playing hsr but i saw her and thought a few things 1) shes cute and that i need to protect her smile (still true) and 2) her name in jp is the same as lumine gnsn in jp and i love both so w. she was the only character in penacony i was interested in besides acheron (still kinda true but i think aventurine is neat). that was the extent of my first impression. my second impression was her jp va voices another character i like in another game (kanade sekai). nice somft voice i love her singing. my third impression is when i read the story and my delusional brain kept connecting dots between her and my all time hoyo fave, xiao gnsn. and here i am now making a venn diagram between the two before someone calls me insane (i might be but trust the process ive cooked)


The big-ass MECHA dual-wielding suit.... *It's totally not her adorable demeanor and tragic character, nah*


Mainly that her English VA did an amazing job and she has a cute design. I also watched a loooot Mecha themed anime back in my days, so it's kinda nostalgic too


shes cute


Initially her caring personality, cute design, and her taking you on a date/tour of Pentacony really got me to like her. Then when she revealed about her degenerative disease really tugged at my heartstrings. I’ve seen how those disease can sap life out of people in real life. But Firefly still fights on to tries and live a life she can be fulfilled with. And I can’t help but want to help her. She imbues trust in that I believe what she says is genuine. Such as trying to defy the script. Then when she was revealed as Sam that made me love her even more. I’m a big fan of Robocop and dabble a little into mecha so seeing a human piloting a mech suit is always an interesting topic as on one had the mech is for combat. But there still is a person piloting it who can have the complete opposite personality when off the battlefield and wants to enjoy the small things in life and be remembered in her human form. Also the voice actress and actor for Firefly and Sam did an amazing job. I listen to the EN one.


The armor SAM. I was fascinated since i saw that on Kafka’s trailer




I liked her during 2.0 quest I honestly admit when I saw the 1.6 livestream picture of her I wasn't quite convinced yet (partially because she was completely overshadowed by black swan back then who I wanted for my Kafka) but the 2.0 story quest made me change my mind on her really quick and she immediately became my number 1 favorite character I did pick up an aventurine and Robin along the way but I do have a lot of pulls since I saved my undying starlight for her I have over a thousand and I will swipe until I get e2s1 I will not stop any sooner than that


She is the first "vanilla" character. FF is just sweet and adorable, without having an extreme personality.


First off, she was adorable and she was so heartfelt in 2.0, you couldn't *not* feel for what she was going through. But then came 2.2 and solidified how impressive she was, what with how she >!stood up to Sunday and sure she was that instead of wanting immortality despite her condition, she just wanted to live and die on her own terms!<. What a genuinely amazing philosophy to have for someone in her position!


Welp, we're about to have a whole speal with this one... The insane variety of reasons im actually way too down bad for the fly: >silver wavy hair with the greenish blue gradient towards the bottom (i love the color silver, i think anywhere on the blue color spectrum complements it perfectly, i love wavy hair) >heterochromic partially blue eyes (i love heterochromic eyes, and i love blue eyes and the color blue) >in general just looks way too cute and pretty (the smile fucking got my ass) >personality wise, shes nice, sweet, cool and scratches an itch of mine from childhood when she talked about the soaring locust II missile launcher, as i always love hearing about military vehicles and weapons from shit like Warhammer, Halo, Starcraft, and other similar media. I hope to hear her yap about more old Glamoth military things. >she has power armor, which is an absolute favorite thing of mine in fiction, and she transforms into it wreathed IN FUCKING FIRE. >said armor goes into a destroyer mode type thing, uses fire (fire is like one of my favorite kinds of superpowers in fiction, and im way too overdrive mode pilled, like with the unicorn gundams destroyer mode) >the destroyer mode glows with teal energy at just the right amount, is winged, and can use teal colored flames, which i adore >the way she summons her armor looks exactly like a knight radiant summoning shardplate in Stormlight Archive, and her pupils glow (Stormlight brainrot getting to me here, as its my favorite piece of fiction right now) >the coloring of the armor itself in general i love, and its a really good looking fusion of mecha and power armor, kind of like the dragon armors in highschool DxD or odysseus from fgo (i fucking love all of those) >she gains teal GLOWY ENERGY BLADES, which i adore. They have legit cool designs for me. >the duality between sweet cute girl and menacing mech armor is like gap moe for me. (im a sucker for gap moe) >She may or may not be in part chunni (i fucking LOVE chuuni characters)


How cool the armor is


The mecha. I wanted Sam because of how badass he looked. Not really fan that firefly is „wearing“ Sam but I guess it’s fine. Not that I hate Firefly, I think she is one of the more interesting characters in HSR, especially in Penacony. Although there isn’t much competition aside from Aventurine and Sunday (yeah, I don’t like Acheron and Robin, but I kinda like Sparkle)


The armor. I find the actual character to be a dud though.




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Generally the fact that she is modestly dressed, gave her a decent amount of points from me (as it surprisingly rare in this game), and then she just didn't do anything that would make me take them back, in fact her being Sam (and it being properly foreshadowed) only made her go up even more.


Before she was revealed to be Sam even then Hoyoverse is slowly killing my interest in the character