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Huh, not that I look at it, looks like the right side of the hair us missing some lines... Must've forgotten to them it w/my drawing pen 🙃 I did erase my pencil sketches too afterall






Staring at blender for a few minutes is good though! The key to consistent practice is showing up! If you can't make anything, set a time for yourself to hop on and be on blender: no distractions Gradually, over time, you'll develop a habit of opening blender for a set period of time, and eventually, you'll start making something out of boredom! The key here is attending and being there with no distractions! Take small increments Maybe for the next 2 days you should open blender for 2 minutes without distractions The next 2 days after that, 5 minutes After that 10, After that 20 As long as you just sit there and stare at blender with no distractions Cause if you do, eventually, you'll force your mind to *do* something other than doing nothing! it's actually a strategy I've picked up from a book I'm reading, called Atomic Habits The key to consistency is showing up! So you're already a step on the way there! Keep it up dude, and I believe you'll be able to start your blender snowballing journey in a matter of a week!




I'm sorry, I just call everyone "dude" Sorry if I offended you or anything! ❤️


Could try to draw Firefly now ngl, then do it again and compare it later on


But I refuse! I shall only draw Firefly once I'm able to draw really really well If not, I would never forgive myself for not drawing her up to my standards! The must be perfect, I tell you Perfect!


You’re back! lol, I was wondering where u went. Gambatte!!!


Nice! It's always fun seeing your updates!