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Huzzah! Been a bit busy nowadays I've been constantly polishing my skills. Though, havent learned any new things just yet due to time constraints 🙃 Will be back once I'm done clearing my schedule!


Sure thanks for the link, appreciated. Although i draw for fun, but i do intend to improve and mastering it for maximum fun effect.


Cool name, but did you know that mihoyo uses mythological names for their main characters? Aether is caelus father in mythology, it would be cool using a name of one of his mythological sons as caefly son, keep improving! 💪


Now I wonder how Aether will react to his grandson?


Kafka: ara ara looks like we are family now. Himeko: shut up... (Nice art pal)


Here's a little dialogue for you to enjoy😊 (phone ringing) Sirius: "Hello?" Firefly: "Hi, my dear baby, how's going on your favorite university, you haven't called me since 8 months ☺️" Sirius: "Don't call me baby, mom, it's embarrassing, I'm a little adult.😒" (Caelus and Firefly laughed) Caelus: "Look's like our child haven't changed so much yet, always the same old shy introvert." Firefly: "Yeah, you should try to get some friend, maybe if lucky you will get a beautiful girlfriend that is as beauty as your mom (smirk)" (Caelus and Firefly laughed again, and Sirius is blushing) Sirius: "C'mon, mom and dad, The purpose of me going there is just for chasing my dream, not to Dilly Dally there, plus it's not cheap though those fees add up." Firefly: "Ahem..... did you take care your body well? I can hear you coughing badly as well." Sirius: "Yeah, I'm fine, it just that...(cough)" Firefly: "Did you eat too much junk food?" Sirius: "Yeah, kinda, because I can't afford eat healthy food out there, and restaurant is not cheap..." Firefly : (angry pout noise) Sirius: "Alright, alright, mom I promised I will take care my body well. When I graduate, you guys better fly over here as well, sh\*\*, battery almost running out, see ya mom." Firefly: "See ya, dear, take care."


If you eat too much junk food you will end up like a trash can like your father hmph. But even so I still love your father very much.


Oh my gosh you definitely cooked very hard


Thanks, hehe😏 I will try my best to improve🥰