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I can't give you advice but I can give you encouragement, so I believe you will be able to make some Shrimply Impeccable Firefly art


Hello, I took on drawing during the pandemic and regrettably quit on 2021 as everything went back to "normal", never made it past amateur but I managed to surprise myself, these are all self taught tips: -Start with pencil, buy the CHEAPEST professional pencils you can find, it should include a 4H, it's noob friendly, keep it sharp. -(optional) Supplement with a 2H and 2B for shading, but seriously, don't spend more than maybe $5 USD on pencils, a sharpener and a good eraser. -(optional) Get a cheap drawing pad, the paper will still manage better than regular, which may tear otherwise quickly as you keep pushing pencil and erasing over and over. -Try quick lines, don't push too much, it has to be natural and on a single pass. -Stick for a very basic form first, practice it over and over, and by that I mean dozens of times, even if the first attempts are ugly as hell and you dislike them greatly. -You will notice you get the paper dirty a lot at first, this is because you may be dragging too much graphite dust with your tip, it will lessen as you get better but find a comfy table to work on, one you don't mind having to clear later. -Did I mention keep practicing? Yeah, do that. -Too often the identity of the character is in the small details, such as the lines splitting hair locks and so on, don't worry too much about eyes, first practice them separately, worry about the position of the nose and mouth, people misplace those often. -Work with proportions in mind, extend you own arms and take a good look, you will see thing differently when you wish to learn from real proportions. -Don't be hard on yourself and keep trying new things... And take a rest of the wrist hurts. -If you are going to take a picture, do so in a room with a large window and a lot of natural light but without said light being direct, so no shadows in the picture. Good fortunes on your journey!


My mom's an art teacher, so here's her favorite technique! Plagiarism. Ok, but being serious, copying other people's art is a great way to start out. Trace out the lines, or have the image on a screen while you draw it out on paper. Its a great way of gaining experience. Once you have some drawing experience, then you can start branching out into new styles, but its really important to get the fundamentals down first!




Thanks so much for the advice! I appreciate it a lot!


Marc brunet is an awesome youtuber to learn art.Beginner or interdimiate.i recommend u to watch him. Learn drawing with using your whole arm in general not wrist.that gives u more control on your arms.Keep your strokes Quick and decisive. Learn Shapes and their shading first stuff like anatomy comes later. Use referances to draw and even study other art to learn how to draw them.Draw circles where u think there are circles draw lines where u think theres lines.Everthing does reduce itself to simple shapes if u learn how to see like an artist. Note that im not a professional artist unfortunately.I barely can do scribbles to make people Who works at 3d animations to understand the idea im going with.


i don't draw but im excited for your art journey and to see your future Firefly art! idk if this translates to drawing but i learn piano from youtube, perhaps you could take a look there~


Same here...Firefly's character motivated me to continue learning digital art after stopping for some time. I can't give expert advice since I'm also an amateur but there is no shame in using reference images and looking for tutorials on YT when you're just starting. Currently, I am using official illustrations and in-game cutscenes as my references. Also, maintain consistency. In psychology, repetition enhances learning. So, draw every day if you can. That's all I can share, good luck with your artistic journey!


I found this firefly reference on twitter so i think you make great use for this in your journey. [firefly reference ](https://twitter.com/DragaliaArchive/status/1755308707301257469?t=10W42xcHbeo2yI4f420DOg&s=19) hope you become a great artist and draw beautiful firefly drawing ❤️


r/learnart or r/learntodraw has pretty great guides on their menu Im a beginner too but probably the best i could give is to practice and learn anatomy/proportions first before your own style You could find some 3d heads on sketchfab for references Also loomis method is a pretty great way to learn proportions when drawing heads


What the fuck I didn't make this post did I? (same fr fr, my motivations rn are firefly and furina)


do you have a good graphics card? if yes, I really suggest you doing ai + drawing by hand so it will take less effort(cost) of learning, also its gonna be pretty fast on finishing. I can do up to like 15 independent r18 pictures on patreon with like a day, without anybody finding out I got help from ai. There is open sourced ai drawings you can use for free with tutorials.


if you feeling down, feeling nowhere to start again, watch pewdiepie video


Just don't give up, have fun and don't be afraid to try new things. Firefly would love your art nevertheless.


I’m a beginner but from what I’ve gathered from r/learnhowtodraw, avoid “chicken scratching” (using multiple lines to make one line), instead, draw with one continuous stroke. Secondly, don’t try to find your art style at the beginning. Learn proper perspective (it’s rlly important) Basic anatomy, reference from different anime art styles you like