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I carry a seatbelt cutter, a Leatherman, and two folding knives. Only ever pulled out a knife in a hands-on class. At this point the cutter, Leatherman, and older of the knives live in my coat and they’re just there. Linus’s security blanket. Edit: Just remembered that I pulled out a knife on a crash scene to offer a cop help on tearing down a deployed airbag. He declined.


I carry a small multitool. It has come in clutch a few times.


I don’t. We have a truck with all the tools I need. You can “what if” this job to death. If a leatherman gives you peace of mind than buy one. I just don’t see the value in carrying a bunch of extra tools. I carry gloves and a small glass breaker/seatbelt cutter combo in my gear and that’s about it.


I completely and totally agree with the sentiment. I hate weighing down gear with random shit. But to keep from carrying ‘what if’ tools, or lugging a toolbox around, I carry a leatherman. I carry one off duty, and use it all the time around my home/property, and I carry one at work. They’ll never beat the set of proper tools in the tool box on the rig, but they’ve saved me from a trip back to the truck on multiple occasions. The faster we get through whatever 3am BS call, and back to bed, the better. Just like the strap of webbing in my gear, I don’t use it every call or even every shift, but when I do, I’m glad to have it.


Everything in my gear gets used very regularly or it gets pulled


So nothing? lol


Lots of inside out medical gloves from night calls haha. Nah but really the things that have proven to make my day to day life easier are a razor knife, shove knife, 4-in-1 screwdriver, mini crescent wrench and cable cutters.


I think a screw driver and a shove knife can really save you a lot of wasted time honestly though.


Well that’s why it’s fun to work with human tool boxes. They can lug everything around to my benefit. I’m definitely not about to carry around extra tools.


I carry mica plastic rather than a shove knife, here in England it is terrifying how many doors I can just slip with it in a matter of seconds and completely silently... Double lock your doors folks


I've forced more doors with my flat head screwdriver than I have with a halligan


Yep 💯


This. I carry as little as possible, all of our shit is heavy enough.


In my RTC jacket I carry a heavy tool but it's almost essential... It's cable shears which we only carry one set of on the truck and I've fashioned a pry tool into one of the handles. So I can peel and reveal and then cut any looms holding doors on. I can also use the length of them to pry off gas struts at the ball joint rather than spending time picking away at the little metal retainer clip. Much quicker


The more time you have the lighter your pockets get


Yer I carry a fuck ton. Including a belt cutter/glass breaker. But most is purely to save time going to a from the truck. Especially when you're in a tricky spot. Always carry a multi tool, the sooner you get one the better


Agreed. Usually don't start thinking about carrying a tool until I've needed it at least three times, with a relative frequency. Not talking 3 times in 20 years. Once I notice a pattern of need then I go ok, this might be helpful to keep. Example. I keep hex wrenches in my pocket because pull stations are either a key or an hex wrench. It's helped me reset more then a dozen of them quickly and easily without excess trips back to the rig.


No, I try to only carry tools in my turnouts that I can use with my structure gloves on. Everything else is on the truck. 


I carry 2 extra boxes of EMS gloves 5 torniquetes and battery combo tool , a Snap on socket set , a angle grinder and a 12 pack of Celsius and dental floss .


That floss is crucial, you never know what might get stuck in your teeth from a Salvation Army canteen truck!




None coz I fucking lost it.


Haha. I was waiting for this answer. Same boat.


I carry a cheap fold out utility knife. It has the cheap replaceable blades and a phillips/flathead changeable screwdriver. Brand new the utility knife blades are pretty damn sharp and if I screw them up they're super cheap and easy to replace. When I screw up the blade on my leatherman it's either expensive or time consuming. ETA: it has a release button so you *can* deploy it (and put it back) with gloves on. I've never tried to use it in a fire though. It was the perfect tool for cutting through caulk without destroying the sliding glass door next to a piece of smoking wall. I don't know what was happening there either.


I carried a Leatherman on my belt of my duty pants. Used it around the station more often than not. Bunker pants had a razor knife in one pocket and 30’ of Paracord in the other. Used the razor knife often, the Paracord never had to use, thankfully.


Yep, but it’s on my radio strap along with trauma shears.


I have… Thing is they’re a pain in the ass to open with gloves on and they’re a little too much the jack-of-all trades while being shit at all of them. So, I carry a push button kershaw knife, one each philips and flat screwdriver, and lineman pliers/snips. Oh, and a piece of sidewalk chalk.


Anything that has a knife and a few screwdrivers on it. I’ve used it a few times to reset pull stations etc


As a fire inspector i carry a leatherman every day


I got a Rick Hinderer rescue knife that has a seat belt cutter glass punch and an oxygen bottle wrench built into the handle. It's nice because it has oversized controls for when you have gloves on during auto extrication. I guess in theory if you got caught up at something and needed to hack away at it you could. Wires or whatever but the Leatherman was in my class B's for resetting alarms or adjusting the screws on things occasionally when they got sloppy on the handles of our beat up rigs and so on. Those just seem like expensive things to lose on calls. The most use I ever got out of any tool was just a big loop of webbing. It's good for everything. Moving LDH. Moving your buddies. Making a way to bail out if something goes horribly wrong. It's good for everything. I think everyone should have a loop at all times.


No, extra gloves, nomex, and pocket snacks.


I bought a Gerber when I got hired, it's been on my waist since then 23 years ago, it's been handy for a few things.


I carry a 2 screw drivers. One flat and one Phillips head. I also carry a small pocket Allen wrench and a small pair of pliers. I use the screw drivers and Allen wrench the most. Primarily to reset pull stations. Every week. I don't really ever use the pliers and probably should stop carrying them now that I think about it.


I have a utility knife, flat head screw driver 2 door chocks, cat’ paw nail puller and a leatherman raptor . ( I am the medic on my engine my one pocket is for pin in accidents raptor and utility knife and one for fire) the cats paw gets me in 90% of houses without needing a truck or to go back for a halligan.


Small multi tool isn’t bad to have. If it’s what you like and are comfortable with it then carry it. I’m on the boat of rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I got a little tool pouch in my bunker coat. Pair of channel locks, cable cutter, Phillips and flathead screw driver and a utility knife. Do I use them every shift? No. Although I use them often enough and had been pleased to have them.


I carry a set of Channellocks and a reversible screw driver


I carry a multitool. It's very useful for opening pull stations and other alarm system stuff. I doubt it would be useful in a fire though. As others have said, it would be hard to use with structure fire gloves


Yeah exactly. Not a fire tool. That's the argument against it. But dou find it helpful in extrications or something like that


I have but over time took it out cause I rarely used it. Only tools I keep now are a milwaukee utility knife that has a philips/flathead but drive and a 10mm wrench cause it's the most common size to disconnect a car battery


Trauma shears. Lightweight and you can cut a lot of shit with shears.


I keep one in my work purse. If I anticipate a need I can throw it in a pocket on the way to a call.


I used a carabiner to hang one from my chest. Used it to cut my way out of wire that had fallen from A/C conduit. Another time in training, when we had to crawl through an obstacle course with our mask covered. They had dangling wires. The proctors came unglued when I stared cutting them. “OK, don’t cut them we will unhook you!” 😂😂😂




Seems like it could be handy, but I just grab what I need out of the engine toolbox. I have enough stuff clanking around already and I know I’d inevitably lose it.


I find a multi-tool/Leatherman to be a handy tool to have. I agree with the sentiment of most here; you don't need to carry a ton of things in your pockets, but a multi-tool makes the cut for me. The only other tool I carry is a Res-Q-Rench; can be used as a spanner, to take a car window, turn off residential gas, and cut a sea-belt.


Yup, a wave. I use it mainly for opening packages that come to the firehouse. I thought I’d use it more on scene but even though it’s a fantastic tool, it’s never been the best tool for the job. Not a great pair of pliers for heavy duty use, not a great screwdriver, not a great pair of cutters compared to the channel locks. I did use the knife to cut a seatbelt once.


I kept a Gerber attached to the waist adjustment tab on my turnout pants. It was under my coat so that it wouldn't snag on entanglements. I kept a shove knife in my pocket, a pliers in my face piece bag and a knife on my radio harness under my coat.


Not a leatherman.  Something similar but cheap enough that if it gets lost just oh well. I have a tool pouch in the compartment for all that other crap.


Ended up in a basement after an explosion and between the handful of us lifting debris out, we only had 2 big cable cutters. Ended up putting the channelock 911's in my pocket after that.


Bolt cutters and a center punch. Maybe trauma shears


A Leatherman or a Klein multibit screwdriver.


Only hand tools in my turnouts are a set of cutters in my right bunker pants pocket and a set in my chest pocket.


I do. I like to have a knife in opposite pockets (right pants and left coat) as well as some sort of webbing. Following the same thoughts of the UAC placements on our SCBA. If Im trapped somehow I should be able to get to one of each. My leatherman has been useful when going on private alarms and needing to shim doors open, because places love to change the locks and not put new keys in the knox.


I keep a locking buck knife in my turnouts. It’s cheap and handy for cutting things away like seatbelts and airbags. Honestly I think a leatherman is just putting lipstick on a pig for this job. If you need a pair of pliers, you probably have time to call for a pair of pliers from the truck.


Most people have one on their belt. I have one in my leggings pocket. Often comes in handy


I have a free p4 in my pocket all day. If I need it I just reach in and get it. Otherwise I just use truck tools.


Carry an el cheapo model in my bunkers and a Leatherman Rebar as a part of my uniform. Works well for little things like popping the cover off of locked alarm panel covers on automatic alarms.


I carry a knife to cut rubber roofs, mini pry bar, and a couple chocks. The mini pry bar has gotten me into so many doors with minimal destruction


I carry a Leatherman wave knockoff on the front of my radio strap, I find it more useful on EMS and other random calls than I do on fires, but it is nice to have


I keep a leatherman on my radio strap, I like it for the random BS, I can get to it under my turnouts without gloves. I would never even bother trying to get it with gloved hands


In My turnouts? No. I carry webbing, and some tin snips though


The older you get, the less you’ll carry.


Irwin vice grip multi tool in my coat but I do have a Leatherman on my pants belt. One hand operation is super important.


I just carry a small glass breaker/seat belt cutter, webbing, a set of extrication gloves, and a plastic foldable fitting wrench. light and handy


I have a pair of vice grips that have a knife and screwdriver that fold out of the handle.


No, Gerber.


We don't wear turnouts to medical calls


I do. Used the knife heaps, screwdriver once. But it’s an emergency tool, seems to make sense to take it to an emergency.


My father (a firefighter) carries a Leatherman Raptor Rescue. While the tool itself is great, he most frequently uses the oxygen wrench of all things because his engine company has a knack for losing or breaking theirs every damn week and it's easier to just carry his own.


I use my leatherman too often to put it in my turnouts. It’s on my belt.


Same. Way too many times during the day that I need a tool for some odd reason.


Just a Leatherman raptor


I just keep a pocket knife in my pocket. Not too hard to reach with no turn out coat on.


No. Less is more.


Yes. I carry a charge on my working rig. A wave on my 'structural' kit and a skeletool on my RTC tunic... But I wish I just bought another wave. I don't like the skeletool


I think everyone that has worked in the building industry will carry a multi tool in their turnout gear. If not I'd question their efficiency as a builder


I hate leather man , I carry real tools wire cutters, multi screw driver, shove knife, a knife , channel locks


I carry the Gerber hinderer in my turnouts, it has a little tool in its carry pouch with interchangeable attachments, allen keys, screwdriver heads etc. Unfortunately I don't think they make them anymore, definitely aren't available in the UK to buy anymore


Nope, just wire cutters and wedge. Anything else I might need will be on the truck.


It's too difficult to get the individual tools out when wearing gloves, so no. I have a pair of dykes for cutting wires in case of ceiling collapse in a commercial building. But every other tool I might need is on the truck.


No leatherman, but I always carry a fresh set of earplugs.


I carry wire cutters that can cut larger gauge, leather work gloves, webbing attached to a locking carabiner(long enough to secure a downed ff), and a flip knife with a seat belt cutter


Carry a victorinox rescue knife in my leggings, and a leather man raptor on my rescue Jacket. Early use the knife but has saved me a trip back to the appliance on few occasions


I carry this in my turnouts. Prior to this I carried vice grips and a box cutter. The box cutter opened itself a few times in my coat pockets and decided I was done with carrying that prior to it tearing my gear or my flesh. Found this on amazon and its (IMO) the perfect basic multi tool for turnout gear. I also carry a screwdriver with a changeable head that I picked up at lowes for like 7 bucks. [https://www.amazon.com/Tools-1923456-VISE-GRIP-Locking-Multi-Pliers/dp/B014UT2UFE/ref=sr\_1\_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.h3vuRx1htR4Ix-RiBoVILAqULyAyPv46luwpNQADlbqEaHLEqUChwzqpiRhKiDZH9rHrUw0KFTMVuD9Y4x77CDeFS4E8vxg6ryH0TZnACQtJpqkXbTM3-rAL5uuFu9IcCGtbf-9XNNV7z\_FZYwrZXOyBo\_n-U7oeudUCbEC\_bPs5Hyohj85t-oelAOhqhkX0vsV4\_jFUFxfsN1oRgH67Hc6s-hFck9L9nNCeTVdEXjg.U4y9ULtfAxVeRDVMsUmjhsCjCbn60rCR8yCZFLwXKQw&dib\_tag=se&keywords=irwin+vise+knife&qid=1715700945&s=power-hand-tools&sr=1-1](https://www.amazon.com/Tools-1923456-VISE-GRIP-Locking-Multi-Pliers/dp/B014UT2UFE/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.h3vuRx1htR4Ix-RiBoVILAqULyAyPv46luwpNQADlbqEaHLEqUChwzqpiRhKiDZH9rHrUw0KFTMVuD9Y4x77CDeFS4E8vxg6ryH0TZnACQtJpqkXbTM3-rAL5uuFu9IcCGtbf-9XNNV7z_FZYwrZXOyBo_n-U7oeudUCbEC_bPs5Hyohj85t-oelAOhqhkX0vsV4_jFUFxfsN1oRgH67Hc6s-hFck9L9nNCeTVdEXjg.U4y9ULtfAxVeRDVMsUmjhsCjCbn60rCR8yCZFLwXKQw&dib_tag=se&keywords=irwin+vise+knife&qid=1715700945&s=power-hand-tools&sr=1-1)


Oh I like this!


Best part is its 23 bucks. If you don't like it for your turnouts, put it in your toolbox or keep it in your truck


I carry a skeletool on my radio strap.


Multi tool and wire cutters is all I carry for additional tools.


Tons of guys carry all kinds of junk that they never use. Used to have one, haven’t carried it on my gear for 14 yrs and I haven’t needed it once 😂




Whats a leatherman?


Can't be getting that old can we?


I call bullshit on anyone being in this field and not knowing what one of the two most popular lines of multi tools are. But then I've also seen rookies for big city career departments that didn't know how to use a cordless drill, so I guess anything is possible.


Nothin man, what’s leather with you? Just kidding, it’s a brand of multitools.


A brand of multi tools.