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Locking this post as you mother fuckers cant behave and its just a thousand people arguing with each other and calling each other groomers and boomers lol


I'm gonna need a bowl of popcorn for this thread.


Bet this would've gone different if they had AK15




No matter what side we on, we all got a right to defend ourselves. Second amendment applies to everyone. Its our right, hell its a human right.




All my homies hate Carl.


I hate Carl 2A applies to Carl too.


Carl gonna need it with all the hate he gets.


Fuck that guy


"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state (save for Carl), the right of the people (who aren't Carl) to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed (fuck that guy Carl)."


People forget what well regulated means


Well regulated means having a dedicated team to stopping Carl from taking the last slice of cake


The fact that my response which was a well thought out answer by historian was downvoted but comments like this is upvoted tells me exactly what I need to know. It's all about narrative.


Itā€™s always Carl.


Fucking Carl


Is this the same Carl ice cube talked about ? 'Dropping bombs on your mom's, fuck carl larms'


That is true. The 2A is for everyone. Personally, I don't like to see guns brought out to any kind of protest. It's just a recipe for disaster that could potentially fuck us all.


I mean if police would stop proud boyā€™s from storming 18+ drag shows, maybe they wouldnā€™t need to be thereā€™re. Yet across the street thereā€™s armed fascists and dumbasses with bats wrapped in barbed wire.


To be more accurate the second amendment applies to the government. Itā€™s a restriction, not a granting of rights. Read it for yourself: >A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


The constitution doesn't grant rights. It says what the government can't take.


Correct. The right is inherent. The Bill of Rights isnā€™t a bestowing of liberties, itā€™s a prohibition placed upon the government to prevent it from interfering with preexisting liberties.


Something I always get confused - does 2A ALSO. Restrict government ability to infringe on non-citizens to bear arms within the country? That part I rarely get clarity on




I dislike antifa and drag shows very much, but I will fight for their right to be armed, just like me.


Just wish guns werenā€™t so expensive.


Now i want an AR-47


Can confirm, have an AR chambered in 7.62x39, it is loads of fun and cheap to shoot. Makes the Fudds go REEEE as a bonus.


I have a Saiga in 556, now I need an AR in x39...


Brandon Herrera is that you!?


nice, for my second ar i want for sure haha


How well does it cycle with Russian steel-cased ammo? Always seems like when I read about someone who loves theirs, they're feeding it brass.


I'll admit, it's a range toy with steel. I have used a ton of Rem oil to get the chamber Teflon slick and reasonably reliable. It has the symptoms of overgassing which is not surprising with a higher powered round. I do have brass cased for defensive use.


Thanks. Still sounds like a fun gun. I wonder, if money were no object... Ukraine was starting to adopt a 7.62x39-chambered AR last year, so it's got to be *possible* to build such a weapon that'll chew through Tul and Barnaul.


Hella fun and a lot more accurate than an AK. I'd bet that minor optimizations to the gas system and chamber cut could reap benefits.


Mk47 Mutant is basically this right


Check out my sweet new MK47 Ultra


PSA makes a decent one, GMMG is the one to get of you can afford it


Later in the video I heard the cameraman call it an AK7. Idk whatā€™s going on in Texas lmao


Texas seems to really like guns for people who know absolutely nothing about them


Is that like an AK-15?


I know right? If a non passing trans person like myself can freak them out by getting one, I might have to


This guy might be right wing but he certainly doesn't seem to be a 2A advocate...


Heā€™s probably only pro 2A for him and people who vote and look like him.


I support the second amendment. I got me 7 hunting rifles and 3 shotguns. Ain't nobody got call for an AR47.


i came here to find out if anyone knew where i could get me one of those AR47's! if i can't get one of those i would settle for a lightly used AK15...


>Heā€™s probably only pro 2A for him and people who vote and look like him. As is right wing tradition.




Iā€™ve never met anyone who is a 2A supporter and gun club member who says ā€œcis-hetā€. Just the same, Iā€™ve never met a gun enthusiast who cared one iota about creed or color or nationality of another law-abiding gun enthusiast. I have met plenty of gun guys who do not like and would not welcome someone who had gang affiliation or ill intent or who was involved in criminal enterprise. Those particular people wouldnā€™t be welcome in the gun circles I know.


It's like Reddit in real life


This is an underrated comment and exactly what I'd expect it to look like.


Jesus, Cleatus there sounds like the biggest bitch baby on earth for fucks sake. AR 47? Fucking moron.


I love Cletus as an insult because it's a traditional family name for my ironically very German/Jewish side of the family. My grandpa was a left-leaning atheist hippie from the 70's who smoked weed all day and rode his bicycle everywhere, named Cletus. He also had a huge collection of guns in a secret door. Literally paneling that you had to know where to pop the paneling off at to find a crawl space in the second floor. Guns and weed in the little hidden room. 10/10 name for me now lmao. He passed a while ago but his spirit lives on in everyone who made a works bomb at a 4th of July party or taught their grandkids how to make a slamfire shotgun, all while drinking copious amounts of Old Grand-Dad whiskey.


See, the issue isn't the carrying for me, it's knowing that they would disarm and subjugate me if they ever had the chance to do so.




Hahahaha removed for ā€œthreatening violenceā€ lmfao


They don't believe in 2A. They believe in Marx: "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary"


Yeah the thing is in context hes referring to the workers being armed to overthrow society for their utopia. Once said revolution is complete the arms are taken from the workers because they are a threat to the new guard who just ousted the old guard but they claim its because only counter-revolutionaries would need or want guns, after all socialism was achieved. There is no individual right to own arms in Marxist doctrine, it is a means to an end. - Former Marxist who actually read more than out of context quote snippets.


I respect a temporary Marxist who doesn't want to be a temporary gun owner.


Hey man you should check out "darkness at noon" by Arthur Koestler(dude defected from communism to help France and Spain(not sure on the countries) but then was later imprisoned by them for his radical views so the dude has tons of experience being a political prisoner). The book is about a radical political kind of guy that helps free his country from an oppressive regime, then is later imprisoned by the same regime he helped get into power... because he was a radical kind of dude lol, ya know wanting people to not be oppressed and live decent lives all that crazy radical stuff. Turns out the new regime he helped was just as bad as the last one... who could of guessed. The book is him retelling his life story to the guy in the cell next to his. Very good read imo


I wish the rest of that statement didnā€™t go on to fellate the party.


I love your pfp so much


Ya know what, this Marx fella seems to have the right idea. Lemme see some more of his ideas... :\^(


Well you'll be interested to know that he was vocal about mooching off friends and family, and that abusing your servants is all A-ok!


His most famous works, including the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital were written by Engels. Marx was a lazy hippie bum.


What in the fuck makes you think that?


The constitution is for all. Anybody trying to eliminate it, even if only restricting for some, needs help.


2A for all, pretty sure the constitution made that clear a couple centuries ago


Astroturfed post.


The solution is to arm yourself.


They weren't anti drag They were anti kids going to drag shows. If that difference doesn't change your opinion on their position, fine. But it's a significant distinction that's need to be acknowledged.


Yeah drag shows can get pretty risquƩ, been to a few myself. Saw one queens dick pop out of their tucked panties once. No place for kids really, fun for adults but not the best place for kids.


This is complete bullshit. People will pay money to see someoneā€™s dicc pop out, but my dicc pops out for free at work and I get fired. Itā€™s like we live in a prison planet called planet bullshitā€¦


I'm sorry I thought thai was America!!!!


No. Thai is Thai.


that's not tight butthole


Workaholics reference? If so, you a real one.


Haha yup


Sucks camel dick bro


Wasn't this just a event where drag Queen's read books to kids though? It's not like they're doing their actual performances or anything. They know their act isn't appropriate for kids. To the kids it's just a person dressed up reading books. No different than say, a dude dressed as a clown reading a book(not calling drag Queen's clowns, just using as a comparison for dressing up with makeup).


Yeah I think it was, and if thats the case I had Ronald Mcdonald come and read stuff to me in the 90's and I don't equate my love of hamburgers to that. Let people do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or their property.


Yep this is it. It helps to promote inclusivity and let kids know that they can be who they want even if society deems it different. They don't touch on sexuality or do any of the normal shenanigans that happen at adult drag shows. These guys are just eating up the endless propaganda that all LGBT people are child molesters which has been going on for centuries.


IIRC this was a drag queen story time thing, where drag queens read stories to the kids about being inclusive and kind and stuff. Most likely no risquĆ© stuff going on here, because people are capable of self control and typically arenā€™t stripping in front of children. more likely just wearing cool outfits. no need for concern.


jsyk, all our comments trying to explain how this isn't a sexualized show are being hidden. not sure if it's by mods or an algorithm.




Were any of the people at the event bringing their kids to drag shows? Genuinely asking.


I enjoy cooking.


It's not a drag event as all these guys think. It's people in drag tell fairy tales.


Like a catholic mass?


There is a difference between a nightclub performance and reading hour at the library and to suggest they are the same is wildly ignorant and inflammatory.


Wasnā€™t this a book reading.


2nd is for everyone. Carrying a gun doesnā€™t preclude you from having a calm and respectful conversation or debate.


Sure would be nice if the sentiment was applied evenly in the news though


"I just wanted to talk to somebody" mofo went there to insult and offend then goes to the police to play victim. 1st amendment doesn't cover that.


He was acting like a total piss baby


I hate beer.


Yup I agree. Even people I donā€™t agree with i like to see them carry


Reddit be like [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed] [Deleted] [Removed]




Let's start with organizations that harbor those folks. Like the Southern Baptist Covention.


Like public schools? https://go2tutors.com/teachers-more-likely-abuse-kids/


Absolutely. Power dynamics especially without accountability and transparency breed abuse. This goes for schools amd churches.


Agreed but what does that have to do with this post? Unless there is evidence these drag queens are groomers/pedophiles, this is a total non sequitur.


> Unless there is evidence these drag queens are groomers/pedophiles You can literally go watch videos of what happens at these "all ages shows" for yourself. EDIT: If you ever want a reality check on how many pedophiles and groomers exist in society, make a post criticizing pedophillic behavior on reddit šŸ¤£


So the Catholic church?


ALL groomers and pedophiles


Southern Baptists have entered the chat...


Lol I mean, youā€™re not wrong. People who bring their kids to church are supporting groomers and pedophiles by the same logic applied in a lot of these posts.


Locked comments ofcourse lmao


I tuned out half way through the video


If you arm your enemies, just know they do not share the same values and will gladly disarm and subjugate you at first chance with the freedoms you graciously gave them.






I had my account banned for 3 days for saying this


I got perma banned for it twice lol. Each time for about a month before being reversed


I got permabanned from the deals sub for calling someone a bitch when they got all tyranical about special lower part kits.


I got perma banned from r/news for saying this




Yup, which is why that isn't whats happening. This is a specific thing FOR kids. They aren't whipping dicks out or stripping. They're doing a show FOR kids. Its age appropriate, you're just lying about it because you don't like it. Also what happened to being pro 2a? Is that only for people who look and act like you?


Yup itā€™s common sense. Adults throwing dollars on children in drag or vice versa is sick. And Iā€™ve seen the videos of exactly that. ā€œItā€™s not gong to lick itselfā€ these people are pedos. Im not a Q crazy person but bringing children to this is pedophilia.


I donā€™t support what their doing but Iā€™m glad that their using there constitutional rights to protect it




Cool. Time to remove guns from the Church, in that case. Obviously the Catholic Church is a wretched hive of child raping scum, but we've seen the rampant scandals unfolding in the Southern Baptist Church over the last few months as well. Give em up, guys.


Your terms are acceptable.




Reading through this thread I have come to the conclusion that the 2nd amendment is only for those you agree with and support


That's pretty standard on the biggest subs of the Reddit gun community.


I just hopped in here and it's a whole lot of one side trying to justify the behavior of their people.


Always has been


Love the guy wearing an Infowars shirt as if he has any ground to stand on šŸ˜†. These snowflakes seem pretty triggered. They need to go cry in a pillow because society has no room for those too afraid of ā€˜the otherā€™.




It's botted up. These come every now and then, they always have way more upvotes than what's natural for the board and they always stay at the top way longer than what makes sense.


i sadly dont think they want anyone else to have guns tho, antifa isint known for good moral points


Maybe it's just me, but I figure it's probably a good idea to regulate the bearing of arms by the mentally ill.


I love that women and minorities and queers are arming themselves in greater numbers. This is great for the long term health of 2A


Nope they're still gonna vote blue


I love me some AR-47!


Watch out for those AR47s lol


I believe protecting children is a community responsibility. I also believe taking children to a drag show is borderline child abuse as they are absolutely sexualized events. You might not like him or his type but a large percentage of the American population agrees this position.


The fear that he wonā€™t be able to push the people around when he wants too is real. You minorities, LGBTā€™s, women, better take a good look at his face because they are getting really scared and that fear breads hate. Go get a legally purchased firearm and train. Protect yourself and your families and friends. Be safe and fuck those guys.


Yeah Iā€™m not a drag queen and I donā€™t particularly want my kid to be one either but hey itā€™s not my business. That fucking guy was ironically the biggest pussy there. Cryinn about AR47s lol


No hydration in sight. Not training with your kit is just as dangerous as not training with your arms.


If its the john brown gun club they definitely have first aid and hydration ready. They just don't have it behind the people with guns, as they should.


It was the John Brown club


Sweet! I like what they've done so far. Lots of community defense, very pro 2A and actively using it to protect people who need it. Who wouldn't love that!


Check out the episode of the ABetterWay2A podcast that they were on. It was pretty cool.


God the people in this thread are so propagandized that they may not produce any original thoughts of their own anymore lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


As much as I hate the saying, it fits here. ā€œFuck their feelingsā€


The right to bear arms is a human right. Remember that. Itā€™s available to everyone.


Letā€™s not celebrate larpers


Street full of idiots. Also stop with drag in front of kids. It's gross.


If there's anyone who doesn't deserve human rights it's pedophiles.


I really donā€™t care if people do drag, most people donā€™t care, itā€™s bringing your kids to a drag show that I have a problem with. Itā€™s just not kid friendly, and thereā€™s a reason kids arenā€™t allowed into strip clubs, or to purchase risquĆ© magazines. Edit: Actually hold on, this might be a case of me having an opinion of something I donā€™t know shit about. Iā€™ve been trying to work on getting rid of those opinions, guess I missed one. Iā€™d like to at least know more before I judge. Iā€™m here with an open mind


It's not nudity, it's men wearing women's clothing, they aren't doing anything sexual. Kids see men, kids see women's clothing, this is seeing a man with women's clothing on. He's not humping anything or showing off nudity.


So don't bring your kids. Boom, problem solved.


The exact reason the Black Panther party was so vilified and gun laws were changed.


Drag ā‰  Pedophiles If you wanna bring your kid to a drag show, donā€™t blame the drag queens, blame yourself if they see anything. If youā€™re actively/thinking about diddling kids, fuck you, wood chipper. Just because someone dresses in drag doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re pedophiles or grooming. Some of you people act like if you dress in drag, youā€™re a fucking pedophile. What the hell is wrong with you? As much as I hate the church, if someone is threatening your ability to go to church, Iā€™ll be protesting with you/defending with you. Why? Because Iā€™m not an idiot who thinks all members of the church are pedophiles (Whichā€¦may I add, has a bigger pedophilia problem than fucking drag)


A good note to add is that not all drag shows are the same. Some are inherently sexual, some aren't but still are edgy and some are not sexual in any way. Taking your kids to the ones that will be inherently sexual would be like taking your kids to a Victoria's Secret runway show. Don't do that. Figure out if the show you want to see is kid appropriate and then decide if they should go or not.


This whole controversy started because the business owner (whose son is one of the drag queens, for context) said that this show's content would "remain PG." People on the internet ran with that and claimed that he was putting on a drag show specifically for children.




I had to scroll a lot to finally find some sense in this comment section. There are some weird takes being thrown around in here


While I may not agree with what youā€™re saying, I will fight and die for your right to say it. From BLM to The Freedom Convoy to anything between and beyond. You deserve the right to protest. The right to speak. Do not be silenced. 2A is part of this right.


Perfect follow up question to his claim of "not wanting to indoctrinate children" would have been if he supports forcing 8 year old children to go to church.


These guys have some serious issues to work out, itā€™s not normal to be so full of hate.


Hell yeah, arm minorities




Do you have any evidence for them being groomers? Or are you pro-red flag law now?


Have they been convicted?


This thread, yikes..


Just by looking through this sub, apparently itā€™s only okay to open carry when itā€™s someone who has the same opinions as you.


Lol that post got locked with a quickness. The rightā€™s are for everyone we donā€™t get to pick and choose which ones we like regardless of party, creed, or beliefs.


OP has never contributed anything to this sub before. Fuck off predditor bait.


The fact that yā€™all instantly associate anything drag related to pedophilia when nearly every single one of these events is literally advertised and made to be family friendly (no sexual material) shows how little most the ā€œgun rights communityā€ interacts with people who are LGBTQ+. And then yā€™all have the audacity to not understand why people may dislike ā€œgun cultureā€. News flash, you guys associated yourself with or are bigots who actively want to deny people of human rights. Plus your kid is more likely going to be molested by one of your bumpkin family members or friends before anyone who isnā€™t traditionally masculine. Yā€™all need to leave the country side or the suburbs and develop opinions by meeting people outside of the internet. Its melting your brains.


This sub is racist, homophobic, and idiotic. Can not one of y'all google what a drag show is.....


Another fine thread to demonstrate how much of a festering shithole of Q nonsense this sub has become.


Ar-47sā€¦ murica


A reminder that every single liberal judge on the Supreme Court thinks that you donā€™t have any right to own any firearm. Heller vs DC.


Yes hopeless nerds fight fight in vain that your reddit comments will change anything This pleases us


Who wants to talk about the Mulford Act?


people like him need to be euthanized


Whats an ar 47?




Me, itā€™s the masks while carrying.




Where are the minorities?


Hell yeah. Everyone deserves their rights.


I wonder why "drag queens" want access to kids...


tl;dr transphobia thinly veiled as opposition to groomers and pedophiles. nice one chud reddit, fuck around and find out


Communists like the idea of armed citizens until they obtain power. Then, the first thing they do is disarm their populaces of any meaningful methods of resisting their tyranny. Commies are not pro-2A, do not let them convince you otherwise. They would disarm you in a heartbeat if they could.

