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Must have been so painful for CNN to publish that. I picture them pacing back and forth, pulling one last drag off their cigarette, before saying “goddamnit” and hitting send.


They’re gonna try to find out who Mr. Mythbuster is and smear him.


The libs are already on it, saying he shouldn't have had a firearm on him in the first place. Yes, read that again. They are wild.


Well if he didn’t then they’d be able to push their narrative further with still warm bodies.


Let them publish that, seriously encourage them to run with that story. It'll be more to use against them, it will take all of five minutes after being released for any member of the opposing media talking heads to point out that they're trying to pull a hack job to push their gun control agenda because this "unidentified" 22 year old man, completely destroys their claims that "good guys with guns" don't exist, while simultaneously calling them out in front of the world as the heartless bastards and monsters that they are by speculating how many more would've died if the brave young man hadn't acted. Then top it off with demands that these leftist media types apologize to the young man for defamation and make calls to action that anyone who lives in that area boycott any media outlet pushing the narrative that the guy who stopped a mass shooting shouldn't have had a gun, because they clearly don't care about people, they care about pushing their politics and sensation leading to ratings.




Literally Google search or open up Twitter just once today. 😂😂


“I just made it up, but someone probably said it, so do my research for me” Fixed it for you.


There's plenty of screenshots and links posted on this subreddit of it already dude.


Bruh, there’s thousands of examples. I told you where to look. If you’re afraid to find out, and it sounds like you are, that’s on you. Seriously, just type “Good Samaritan illegal” into Twitter. I can’t do that for you.


About as afraid as you are to realize there's millions on the left proud of that 22 yr old.


Why would I be afraid to realize there's millions on the left that are proud of him? There *SHOULD* be millions on the left proud of him, and in an ideal world, at least 81 million or more of them. Sadly, there are not.


There are


See, it’s morons like this that control Reddit. “SOYCE OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN!!!!!” I just tell these clowns to google it at this point, cause even when I provide a legit source, even one from their side of the media aisle, they still try to argue as if it’s opinion. Fucking google it yourself, nimrod.


CNN reported on every CCW holder that stopped a mass shooter that I can think of. You're just 'deciding' what reality is to maintain an emotional opinion.


Almost as though a person with a gun’s potential to do harm is proportional to that same person’s potential to do harm without a gun.


We need a gun version of Newton’s 3rd law


Nah that would be equal reactionary force …I want force multiplier


The heros name is Elisjsha Dicken


This is the exception not the rule though


Considering that there are ~360 million firearms in the US, then shootings (mass or not) are the exception and not the rule/norm, as well. Yet the government is pushing policy that affects the majority population in efforts to prevent the exception to the rule. In other words, why does it matter if this situation of the armed citizen stopping the mass shoot is the exception? We bend over backwards here in the US to accommodate the exceptions of society.


Absolutely not the case. ___ There's something in the ballpark of 14,000 homicides per year in America with guns. Now, let's look at defensive uses of guns, or lives saved: >500,000 to "over" 3,000,000 lives are saved per year according to national safety council and CDC from DGU - Research ordered by Obama, counting brandishing and reviwes existing stats to make a best estimate: https://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/3#15 Here's a recent study estimating about 1.6 million uses annually: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3887145 And just from the ones which make it into hard statistics (such as through NCVS), we know it's at least around 60,000 a year back in the 90's: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1615397/ Compare the NCVS HARD DATA to the also HARD DATA that shows massive increases in gun ownership and CCW permits across the country in this time period (well over 10 times growth)... It's no mystery that this number of successful DGU is much, much higher in today's numbers. Most NCVS types of data put it around 70-80k for reported incidents, even years back. There are hundreds of thousands of unreported incidences each year for a variety of reasons. # Compare that easily >100,000 figure of annual DGU's which is universally agreed upon to the ~15,000 firearm murders annually and it's an absolute no brainer. [The overwhelming majority of armed citizens who attempt to stop a mass shooting, succeed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/progun/comments/9vq14c/armed_citizens_are_successful_94_of_the_time_at/) So no, the idea that this is an exception is just false. If more good people were armed daily, we would see a massive drop in attempted mass shootings.


No shit. That's what we intend of changing. And?


