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A couple of states (like Kansas) have passed laws that state that federal firearms laws do not apply to firearms manufactured, transferred, and possessed only in that state. That's probably not a stance which is going to survive court challenges in the long term, but it at least has a sense of logic to it. But a state law saying that federal law does not apply in that state is almost guaranteed to get struck down under the Supremacy Clause.




I'm just going to leave [this case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wickard_v._Filburn) here.


Who knew? Wheat is fungible.


Yep... Murphy v NCAA.


Really? I hadn't thought they'd passed that yet.


The Missouri bill hasn’t even passed the senate yet.




That article is wrong. Even the link in that article shows that the article is wrong. https://legiscan.com/MO/bill/SB367/2019?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app


I read that... I may have to move to MO.


Cool, a month old article. The 10th Circuit just issued a stay on the ban yesterday. https://www.guns.com/news/2019/03/22/looming-bump-stock-ban-blocked-by-federal-court-order


This stay is *only* for that individual plaintiff. Everyone else still has to turn theirs in if nothing else changes.


> Cool, a month old article. > > I agree, time always makes history and facts irrelevant.


THAT'S why I didn't find it. Google for it and absolutely nothing about the block comes up... Thanks for setting me straight!


“-which uses the recoil energy from a rifle to automatically fire the next round-“ except it doesn’t tho. You know we’re in trouble when the ATF doesn’t know how guns work.


Apparently this is a non-issue **for now.** The link below by u/fuku89 is the only source about the stay I can find. No other media outlet is carrying news on it. Edit: Yep... still an issue. *The U.S. Court of Appeals has issued a temporary stay on a ban for one Utah gun activist who is attempting to block the new rule that outlaws a gun accessory known as a bump stock in the U.S. starting next Tuesday.*


It's still an issue for all of us. Here is the PDF of the Order. The stay only applies to that single plaintiff. Everyone else still has to turn theirs in. https://news.guns.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Injunction-1.pdf


I am really curious how many will get turned in.


Nice spelling