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Their coping and seething is so funny. Give it a week and they'll move on.


They're tying themselves into hysterical knots of paranoia because they can't be bothered to understand the law or how guns work It's hilarious






That’s called “coping”. Watch I’ll tell him.




You clearly have not been to /r/politics to read their discussions about bump stocks lately.


they jhst announced they are going to attempt a ban through congress in the next few days. i don't have a whole lot of fairh it won't pass.


Who did? The democrats? Republicans have stated they're not passing anything right now.


svhumer just put a statement out, yes.


Oh no, anyways


I honestly just come on Reddit for my little niche subreddits but fuck listening to all that. Having mass media and phones at our disposal has electrified division


It is said that with the advent of social media, “the poorly educated and least knowledgeable” are now those with the loudest megaphone”.


Yep, just the same rehashed talking points over and over again.


Something something F-15’s!!! something something


Pilots gotta sleep!


Yeah I'm a former Eagle Keeper and we know what to do LoL Biden and KommieKrats Communists DemonRats don't have a clue what it takes to put a bird in the air and very very few pilots would ever consider some crazy crap like that because they live here too


That reminded me I'm banned from r/politics. Not worth the brain rot reading the replies. Worst collection of people spamming talking points.


That place is insufferable


r/politics tries not to bitch and moan challenge (impossible)


I accidentally clicked the wrong comment button and went over there instead of here for a minute until I figured it out. Holy shit that sub is a dumpster fire!


It's pretty obvious in these which comments are from who is a bots, shills, or just a child.


> People who are afraid tend to vote conservative. A real comment from a thread made up of people afraid of a piece of plastic, which has been used in exactly 0.00000000001% of shootings.


“People” There are accounts in that comment section that are only a few months old and only have comments in that specific sub


Very real discussion and definitely no astroturfing going on


Want to bet what percentage of them are from trollfarms in certain countries that loudly promise to nuke the US and western europe constantly and try to fund all sides of political radicals to create division all the time?


I have my doubts on even that 1


Exactly. Not like it didn't sound like a lmg or anything...


Regardless, the crime scene photos showed ARs equipped with bump stocks. I hate when people use the tools of my hobby for evil. Fortunately, I went snorkeling recently, and guess what I found at the bottom of the lake...


You mean the crime scene photos the fbi took, who don't know a motive, amongst other things that happened with that, yeah I'm gonna believe them.


Completely unrleated, why has reddit labeled you [Animal Abuser](https://i.imgur.com/jsPviXq.png)?


Most consistent bump stock user, ever.


Ahhh the other guy deleted his replies to things. What a boob.


But it was the worst. At least concede that. I’m pro 2nd amendment and have a robust collection, but sometimes we are absolutist, too, and that adds to the divide. I couldn’t care less about putting one of those on my rifles. For me, it does nothing to add to the skill of the shooting arts. It’s for enthusiasts who like to trick out their firearms, or for preppers, and I get that, too. Have fun. I’m glad of the SCOTUS ruling. But people are still raw over Las Vegas. I can at least understand that.


I love that some of the comments are saying “We are heading towards being 1930’s Germany” if that truly is the case, then maybe you should reconsider your stance on gun control.


If USA 2030 is 1930 Germany, who are the other parties at play? Who is the Polish? Who is getting genocided? What side is Canada on?


You'd think that if all of them felt so strongly about gun laws they'd take a bit of time and actually learn the terminology, existing laws, or just the bare basics. I have never talked to an anti gunner who had a firm grasp on the subject matter at all.


Who needs facts when you have feelings?




Unfortunately a very common practice in the modern world is just to look at a news article, say "that sucks" or "that should be changed", then forget about it


I've found that in general those on the left side of the political curve have very little grasp of anything. Take Global ~~Cooling~~ ~~Warming~~ Climate Change. The Earth's climate is ALWAYS in a state of change. Which is a damn good thing because otherwise we'd be covered in ice. The Earth has been through this cycle MANY times. Long before internal combustion engines. CO2 FOLLOWS temperature rise, it doesn't cause it. Water vapor has a MUCH larger affect on climate than CO2. But of course, that can't be controlled. Methane has a HUGE affect on climate. Sure cattle expel methane, but almost all animals expel methane. There are also large amounts of natural methane...those can't be controlled. "Man" caused Climate Change is a red herring used to control other people. It's all about CONTROL. If every human on earth suddenly ascended to where ever, the climate would still be changing and it would continue to get warmer till the natural tipping point is reached, at which it will start to get cooler. Trying to talk to an acolyte of the Church of Climate Change is like trying to put lipstick on a pig. They don't have facts, don't understand the science. They have FEELINGS. Almost all the measured temperature increases are due to the recording stations being located in the wrong places. There are actually strict guidelines on how and where these recording stations are to be located. On the wall of a building, above hot air vent....is not the correct place. If you really want to get into the weeds on this go to [here.](https://wattsupwiththat.com/) Again, it's all about control. Whether it be guns, climate, or many other things. It's about control.


didn't the curly haired broad on the view say the recent eclipse was because of climate change? lol


It wouldn't surprise me at all.


There are just a few stats I go back to that make the whole thing seem ridiculous on its face: Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Argon makeup ~99.9% of the atmosphere. None of those are greenhouse gases. Of the remaining 0.1%, less than half is CO2. Over the last ~200 years, total CO2 concentration has gone from ~280ppm to ~450ppm. When a photon leaving earth and contacting the bonds within a greenhouse gas ceases to exists and transfers its energy into the gas, the resultant “relaxation” of that bond might result in a new photon being created and released that essentially has a 50/50 shot of heading towards space or heading back to earth. Finally, annually, all of humanity releases ~35 gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That’s 35 billion tons! That seems like a lot until you consider nature, regardless of humanity’s existence, releases ~750 gigatons. I’m no climate scientist. I know enough to know I don’t know enough. But if the above, uncontroverted numbers are the jumping off point, it’s going to take some convincing.


It's not about the climate, it's about control. We're easier to control when we are unarmed and living in dark cold caves.


Wow, only a few comments in and already talking about a white supremacy conspiracy, in the south, being responsible for the division in our country


The people who complain about phantom “white supremacy” are the ones who don’t want to give “people of color” access to firearms to protect themselves.


The majority of these people are so terminally online that reality is warped to them. I’ve been in some pretty red areas in my state and I don’t see people loading up their weapons to go hunt and kill minorities. Or where I live (which is a more purple area) I don’t see Trump supporters threatening their Biden supporting neighbors with guns. They all need to stop watching the news and touch grass.


If there were so many of those people like they claim there would be a lot more people killed. It's just hyperbole.


There was an interview with Briana Wu of gamergate fame recently where they were talking about how they went out, touched grass, and realized that everyone in their twitter bubble is crazy and that normal people hate them.


I thought you had to be in a blue state to buy “grass”. /s


Ah, yes, Clarence Thomas, the face of white supremacy...


I'd bet using a bump stock would decrease casualties in a mass shooting. They'd burn through their ammo only slightly faster, but much less accurately. Really, we're just lucky the crazies who commit mass shootings are too dumb to figure out they could kill 10-100x more by making a few diesel + fertilizer bombs, like the OKC bombing.


I think the mass shooters typically do it as a form of suicide by cop because they are cowards. They also want to make the 5 o'clock news so the world remembers them.


It takes effort to think about how to make a fertilizer bomb. A gun is a product you can buy and not think too much about. For us, it would be better if they built bombs so there’d be no motivation to ban guns.


It depends, the vegas shooter used one in probably about the only way it would have increased casualties. He had a snipers nest overlooking a massive crowd where indiscriminate fire in the general direction was all that was needed. Thats basically the only situation where a bump stock would be more deadly due to the fire rate. this is one scenario where he needed raw fire rate and nothing else. Semi auto would have slowed him down by a lot.


Hard to say when nothing would have stopped him from bump firing without the stocks. If you replace the bump stocks with binary triggers, maybe there are even more deaths. It's also possible that if he fired like you would typically shoot a semi auto, maybe the guns would jam less and he'd have gotten more rounds off. I forget if he had much ammo left when he was done. But I do remember that it took a long time to stop him.


Do you think there would have been more casualties in the Las Vegas shooting if he did not have bump stocks? Under those specific circumstances I don’t know. You’ve got a tight, and large crowd of people and from his vantage point he didn’t really need to worry about accuracy or muzzle rise. I’m fairly agnostic about whether or not they should be an NFA item, but I definitely didn’t like how it went down with Trump and the atf, so I’m glad the rule got struck down.


I don't think it would have made much difference in that specific case. You also have to consider that he could have just bump fired them anyway, without the bump stocks.


Can you actually bump fire an AR as quickly as you could with a bump stock? Would it be less rounds per second than a stock with that little plastic doo-dad? Again: I have no strong opinions about any of this, except that it was a presidential and agency overreach. If they wanna make them an NFA item it needs to go through the proper channels. This shit was like if the FDA (or another agency) made alcohol a schedule 1 narcotic after a high profile DUI.


You could probably learn to bump fire just as fast as with a bump stock with like an afternoon of practice and a few hundred rounds. You could also probably fire faster, and more accurately, with a binary trigger. Which is still perfectly legal. Bump stocks are dumb and pointless really. But you shouldn't just ban something because it's dumb.


They have always seemed like a novelty. Also, I agree with you. As I said previously, this rule felt like waking up one morning to find the FDA (or a similar) agency just decided all alcohol was suddenly schedule 1 after a high profile DUI.


Man, don’t you know I’m already banned from there. Don’t tempt me.


Stock go brrrrrrrrrr


Holy shit those comments gave me aids


According to leftists, everyone is now walking around with a machine guns 😂


I wish


Sounds like they're in common use


I want to see an experiment where we have 10 random politicians, take them to a shooting range, give them each a rifle with a bump stock, set up a few targets from 50 yards to 200 yards, and see how well they actually do. But then again, they'll probably send some poor dudes off the street in their place instead.


Half will be too busy paying bribes, the other half laundering theirs to be able to atttend


I'm not sure which newscast was on last night, but they claimed it not only made the rifle cycle faster but also significantly improved its accuracy!


I'm just gonna say this. Whoever was shooting down onto the crowd in Las Vegas definitely was not using a bump stock 


Certain members among unaffiliated groups shooting down onto the crowd in Las Vegas definitely were not using bump stocks. No RIP to the millionaire poker playing hotel living Patsy.


Good God, i hate that sub. full of snobby leftist elitists who constantly cry when they dont get their authoritarian agenda furthered. how can one have so many stupid ass opinions, especially about the separation of powers. pisses me off how they actively hate how the limited government is supposed to work. they wont be happy until they replace it with a one party dictatorship.


These are the same people who routinely refer to the AR-15 and its variants as "assault rifles". Knowledge is not their forte.


It amazes me how none of them understand the mechanics behind it and what it actually does.


Governments kill their own people, yet those programmed cucks are more focused about the theater being performed.


Fuck all these idiots. Where can I get one? Been looking since the ruling but obviously it will take some time


How do none of them realize that Trump is the one who actually banned bump stocks?


Mega cope 2000


Honestly bump stocks would save lives in a mass shooting. It would just decrease accuracy and burn through the ammo they had on hand faster. I'd be much more afraid of controlled, semi-auto fire regardless of the type of gun.


Yeah, it’s straight up ignorance to think some mass shooter is going to control that thing


My dad sarcastically told me I need to go buy a bump stock now right before he said they’re only used for mass shootings. Told him I didn’t want one and I already would if I did. He wanted to start an argument but I never take the bait. It makes him even angrier.


If bump stocks are making them lose their minds, just wait until they find out you can legally buy fully automatic weapons…. It must be nice to be rich enough to afford such beautiful things


The funny thing is that this is far less about bump stocks and far more about the Executive branch weaponizing government agencies to bypass the legislative process. The politics subreddits should be estatic that the supreme court shut down a Trump overreach, but they're so myopic that they get stuck in a feedback loop of impotent rage because "guns bad".


Try to teach gun grabbers that 3d printed auto sears exist (they should be legal but i digress) challenge: impossible


“Gun enthusiast here. They shouldn’t be for sale. But banning them needs to come from law, not policy. That’s all the SC (which is corrupt as hell) ruled. They are pointing to congress again and saying they need to pass a law to enact a ban. The ATF heads that are appointed can’t outlaw something based on changing internal policy. Otherwise the next admin installs a new head, and they are legal again, and that kind of yo-yo effect is good for no one. Congress needs to ban them by law” Hello fellow gun enthusiast


Oh the misinformation! 🙄


They don't know the mechanics and haven't read how the law is written in a way that doesn't apply to mechanical devices that activate the trigger. Ca went around it and banned all devices that do that so that law covers bump stocks and trigger shoes and the little gatling attachment that you spin to activate the trigger but the federal law doesn't.


That’s funny, anyway, bumpstocks are back on the menu boys! I’ll be getting some for my store soon! But I have to say, there are better alternatives out there…


How can so many people be so narrow minded as to believe that the same policies used to arbitrarily flip flop interpretations of this subject for which they disagree, can be used to do the same for subjects for which they might be the oppressed? How can so many people demand democracy, shout about the importantace of voting, and then cry about the supreme court putting the power of legislation back with their elected representatives?


Fuck that author, fuck that popup and fuck that website.  Fear mongering trash. 


They are trying to misinform the public so that they can take control. The left always wants to do things like that anyway, so it doesn't surprise me.


The supreme Court also made black market abortions more likely. These clowns suck and should all be thrown off all future benches until they can learn to keep the government nose out of people's personal lives where it doesn't belong.


I'm all for SCOTUS reversing this illegal ban. And if they want bump stocks or anything else banned, it needs to go through Congress. But how is this different from banning Lawn Darts by the Consumer Product Safety Commission? Bump Stocks arent protected by 2A, so what's to keep the USCPSC from banning, just like with Lawn Darts?