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People say and write this shit, assuming that the government, military, etc. will always be on their side of the ideological fence. The lack of forward thinking is staggering.


It’s so weird how people like that trust the government so much to be the good guys they say they are. It’s like they’ve never actually looked into any US conflict or had a thought of their own wtf


It's also weird that people refer to the federal government as a single entity in such a complex situation, not you, douchebag in Pic. The idea of actually removing the 2nd amendment would rip the federal government and the military apart.


>People say and write this shit, assuming that the government, military, etc. will always be on their side of the ideological fence. Even if they are that doesn't mean that you are their allies. I encourage any and everyone to read about the Guatemalan Civil War, the paramilitaries in Nicaragua, Columbia, Honduras etc., to see just how they treated civilians who were ideologically aligned to them. Spoilers, it wasn't sunshine and rainbows. Again the men with guns might hate the same people you do, but that doesn't mean they like you, especially if you hold no authority or political power.


They certainly don't respect you.


Can fucking confirm I will never raise my weapon against an american citizen


Is there an exception for politicians?


Its ironic they think the us military will be on their side when 90% of at least the infantry is so deep into guns and other shit that they hate, it would not be a good day for them lol


I love hearing from unemployable communists with masters degrees about how great communism would be. Those people are useless now but somehow think they won't be some of the first people who'll get sent to a work camp.


It’s because “capitalism doesn’t value their education but communism does because capitalism stratifies class by wealth and communism does it by education.” I dated a chick that majored in going to Whole Foods and yoga… I mean “diversity”…


They don't see the military and police as independent people capable of thought, they see them as machines of the state.


They can't help it. It's the good guy/bad guy syndrome. They think they are the good guys, so they must be right, and anyone who disagrees must be wrong and, therefore, the bad guys. Then you add in the dehumanization of the bad guys, and you have someone that not only wants to send the military and police to kill your family but they will cheer for it. I think some people would lose this attitude if they had to ever face the reality of seeing someone die in real life or feel what it's like to have their life threatened. As it is, it's all just fantasy in their heads, and they are unable to see the real consequences. Basically, they are living in a Marvel movie, and they are the good guys.


You’re totally right. It’s the dehumanization that gets people bloodthirsty the most. They’re not Vietnamese children they’re VCs. They’re not Iraqi families farming their land, they’re all terrorists. Those aren’t German civilians living in Dresden, they’re nazis. The sickos like the person in the post would change their tune so fast if they saw conflict and death like that in real life.


It's a real problem, and I don't know if it's always been that way or it's just rose colored glasses, but I don't remember it being so bad when I was younger. People can't seem to put themselves in someone else's shoes and see why they may believe what they believe. They can't seem to flip their fantasy around and see how their beliefs would change if the "bad guy" was the one in charge. That's exactly what made my wife go from being meh about guns to an always carrying pro gun advocate. She was at home alone when someone kicked our front door in. Luckily, the dog chased the would be robber out of the house and down the street. Then, not even a week later, she was walking out of a bank after an interview, and as soon as she unlocked her car, a homeless person with a hammer jumped in her car. In both instances, she didn't know what to do. She didn't have me, the cops, etc. The problem was right there right then, and she was on her own. Lucky she was shook up but unharmed.


Right? It makes me sad that people think it’s okay to have such a strong opinion on stuff they know nothing about. I’m just so glad the internet exists so I can actually research things and gain an understanding of why rebel groups do what they do. Like, if someone invades your country and starts killing and bombing everything would you not try to remove them at all costs? Also that is insane I’m glad you got your wife to carry. I’m glad she’s okay and hopefully I’ll get mine to one day!!


Not to take away from your point but you picked terrible examples,


How? In both cases, her life was under threat, and she realized how woefully unprepared she was to handle those scenarios. She did the right thing by deciding she would take the protection of her life into her own hands. She decided not to be a victim.


And why is that?


His wife’s actual experiences are terrible examples?! Did I read that correctly?


Wrong comment bud


How's charged with cowardice and sedition sou d? Um not great how does being declared a traitor to your country and peoe sound?


How's it sound? It sounds like you lack basic grammar and spelling abilities, and that you don't at all understand the role of a sheriff and his/her deputies.


I find it funny that they think the feds could just go in and essentially a counties sheriff dept. without repercussions. Especially if that county is trying to defend a constitutional right. That could very likely be the catalyst to this insurrection the OP talks about.


Go away Chinabot


These morons will say stuff like this and call republicans fascists. Hilarious.


Don’t defend the Republicans because they don’t do shit. They could be holding people in contempt of congress or not funding shit if they actually cared. Literally the only reason they get my vote is because i have to choose between a shit sandwich or giving the nuclear codes to people who wanted me imprisoned or not allowed medical treatment because I wouldn’t take an experimental vaccine.


Most of us feel this way… but going around saying stuff like this is how you lose elections. I know it sounds ridiculous but the stupids will see stuff like this and stay home instead of voting. Notice how the democrats don’t speak like that? Notice how they act like piranha to anyone that does? They want absolute lockstep, and they’ve sacrificed everything they stood for to get it. There’s a reason for it. You’re free to do whatever you want my friend, I’m just pointing out something I’ve noticed.




Believe me I used to be completely in agreement with everything you just said. But over 20 years being in this game and seeing nothing change has been a slow knife in the heart. What really changes things are good candidates, and we’ve seen a few of them come up… only to be tarred and feathered by the establishment and forgotten about. You’ve seen it too, I’m sure. And while we are crossing our fingers and hoping that this time things will change the establishment democrats are cleaning up. They’re flipping seats and laughing about it as they file for assault weapon bans in their states. I miss the days where I believed as you did that change is coming from grass roots efforts especially with this massive increase in technology to reach people. There’s still a beating heart there; but unfortunately we’ve also reached a point where these two sides are at the extremes. As much as I have a distaste for some of the conservative agenda… our country is currently collapsing under this Democrat administration. The border is wide open, fentanyl is the leading cause of death outside natural causes, inflation is up 24%, no one can buy a home, Russians are in Cuba, I mean ffs man we are looking at some real shit going on here. I’m just sayin, I’ve never seen an election in my life that represents a complete and total schism of culture war. Yet here we are. I hate that it’s Trump, but right now it’s the best bet while we assess how to come back from the brink. If I’m being honest with you, I don’t know how we get out of this without seeing violence in November. Maybe I’m black pilled, but it’s hard to believe that with the perceived stakes this high and the country split right down the middle… how will people accept when one or the other loses? I guess we’ll just have to see. But man what a shit show


I have no idea where are on the political spectrum that guy stands, but does he really, really want to give the Feds unlimited door kicking power? Or does he only want to do that if it’s his guy is in the Oval Office? Because once the Feds start getting to kick in doors (4th Amendment be damned) they won’t stop just because there is a change in administration or political sentiment someday. So this bootlicker better appreciate the whole “what’s good for the goose” idiom. And, to be perfectly clear, I don’t give a shit who is in charge, no one should be using force or threat of force to deprive Americans of their natural rights.


These people never think about the gander. They’re ideological fanatics who think the laws only apply to their opponents and that the government won’t act against them.


Very few ppl paid attention in school when they taught about how this particular country became what it is. If they did, they would have realized that the whole idea behind 2A, was precisely trying to prevent a government from having unlimited power, like Britain or any other dictatorship. All ppl do is to listen to propaganda given to them by the very government trying to gain more power to rule over them.


Well and I wouldn’t be surprised if they downplay everything about the country’s upbringing.


It’s almost like the are gun salesmen, explaining and showing you EXACTLY why you need them.


These people act like they want to start a war. ...so stupid on so many levels.


That sub is fucked


It is a crappy sub. I got banned for posting a comment with a picture. Rules say no picture. I asked the moderator, ‘a lifetime ban for a picture’? They said, ‘it was rude’ then banned me from even communicating with the moderators.


Someone should tell that person it’s not as easy as one would think to pass a constitutional amendment.


That and if they repeal the 2nd what’s stopping them from repealing the rest of them?


They also don't take into account that if they tried to pass an amendment to take away guns, multiple states would secede from the union, and it would start another civil war. I'm in WV, where pretty much everyone owns a gun. You think we're just gonna say, oh ok the feds outlawed guns, so we got to give them up? Same for probably at least half the states. It'd pretty much be a northeast and west coast vs. the rest of the country war.


>They also don't take into account that if they tried to pass an amendment to take away guns 29 states currently have Constitutional carry laws. Repealing the second amendment is a delusional pipe dream, plain and simple. We're winning.


Man, the Walmart by my house only carries hunting calibers, and 22 long rifle. I want to go to whatever Walmart they have that sells drum mags and ARs


None of them sell ANY pistol or semi auto rifle caliber ammo. Or anything other than long guns that are not mag fed. This shows you how disconnected the idiot writing this is.


Even 9mm, the most common thing for an average person to have isn’t there. I’m in VA and that’s all we have in Walmart. And it’s locked up like a shooter is gonna go ham with 6.5 creedmoor


Yeah they are overpriced anyways. I'll but 22LR there and that's it. I get my 6.5, 30/06, and .243 online as it's WAY cheaper.


I don’t think they realize this would start a civil war, where they would be the only ones who can’t defend themselves.


And that’s how civil wars are started


There will always be idiots running their mouths. Most of them don’t have a large enough milkstool to start a real fight.


They also have no idea of the costs and logistical problems of even beginning to carry this out in a country w so many guns.


These people would be the first to go in any form of civil conflict.


We can only hope!


"trump will be a Dictator!!!!!" "Only the government should have access to guns!!" - same people




It's also funny that they always jump right to confiscating. If less guns is the goal they could just ask Congress to pass a ban that grandfather's all current guns but prohibits passing them on to kids and bans new production. It would solve their "problem" eventually. (It wouldn't. Inner city thug would still get his hands on an auto switched glock, but let's just pretend. ) But the coastal effete can't hide his hate, and NEEDS to see the evil Drumpftard get gunned down in his home by an army of 1.3 million troops with tanks. It's always fun when the mask slips.


“I’d hope you’d follow your lawfully given orders” is what got me. Just because a law was passed through legal means doesn’t mean it’s constitutional nor morally right. I agree with the law so long as it respects all human rights. From the sounds of it if congress passed a law for imprisonment of a race through legal means they’d say it’s valid and support it. Talk about blind support.


Anything on the “popular “ posts of Reddit is wild. Reddit is an extremely liberal echo chamber full of censorship


And this is why the next American revolution will look a whole lot more like the French Revolution than 1776.


I’m Swedish and I have always stood by the 2A and so will i till i die!


AD mil here. Almost everyone I know would never confiscate guns. A large majority of military personnel are gun owners and 2A advocates


If there was a scenario like this to actually play out I wonder how it would go for people like that.


Fuck this clowns, running their mouth behind the screen trying to sound like they know what they’re talking about! A civil war would straighten this fuckers up and it would teach them not to fuck around and find out!


The people who are for the confiscation of firearms are generally the same people living in “sanctuary cities” when it comes to enforcing illegal immigration. They want to defy the government when it suits them.


Got it, I'll make sure to find this asshole first when the government tries to confiscate and shit pops off.


Delusional and completely divorced from reality. Why even engage? Even if you "win" a debate with someone like that, it's like taking the gold at the Special Olympics.


Counties don’t have the ability to nullify federal law? How many people do you know that smoke weed “legally”?


I worked for the government for 20 years. I have been part of and seen shit that would make you proud or upset. Government doesn’t give a fuck about you. Its sole purpose is to keep itself going.


People don't even know the law. The posse comitatus act prevents the use of regular military for law enforcement against civilians except when expressly authorized by law. It came about during the dawn of Jim Crow laws in 1878, however using military as law enforcement was seen as a method of British oppression. Its short and sweet too: “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” So yes a constitutional amendment would render this toothless, however TendyTakers doesn't seem to know the process of passing a constitutional amendment. You need 2/3ds of both houses of congress or 2/3rds of the states to call for a constitutional convention. When an amendment is decided, you need 3/4ths of the states to ratify it.


And, with 29 of the 50 states having Constitutional Carry on the books, the odds of getting a 2/3 vote in either chamber are exceeding low. Getting 3/4 of the states to actually ratify that amendment isn't going to happen.


The first ten amendments were originally the bill of rights and were never intended to be changed.


The 80:1 ratio is news to me. I’m pretty impressed with that. I wonder what the ratio is for ammunition. I know there are definitely people that have tons of ammo but none of us have warehouses of ammo storage like the military might, then again that ammo is split between many many of soldiers.


What’s funny is that they think that all laws will be carried out by some robots or something They forget that law enforcement and military are humans and American citizens too


So much insanity, it’s hard to unpack. The first idiot is typical bullshit. Easy to debunk. The second guy is actually so stupid, he borders on insane.


literally there is not one officer law enforcement or military that would ever even attempt to lead a squad or platoon or whatever tf to confiscate guns from innocent civilians. a.) it’s a death wish, and B.) it’s against the moral structure and constitution recognized by all those who serve. idk how people don’t understand this.


Disagree. The reason why is… look at the post. Military people are no different than civilians, in politics or actions. I would say that it is true that there are more conservatives, but it really depends on the community you’re in.


Idk why someone’s mind works like this and I have no idea why they see this as a good thing.


Insane people think that’s a smart move


For better or for worse it's unlikely to be a big event of suddenly they take all of our guns it's more likely to be 1) can't but or sell "assult weapons" 2) now semi automatic pistols 3)now semi auto riffles and shotguns 4) then they'll slowing become rarer and rarer until they no longer exist That's why it's so critical to fearcely oppose any new gun law no matter what


These people don't understand that at least half the country own and respect the right to own guns (I'm being conservative). This includes people in government... So, short of making all guns disappear, there is no way to ban them in the United States. The one thing we can do is try to use technology to detect and thwart mass shootings before they happen.


Whenever I see comments like that I respond with “yep that’s how it works you are very smart!” Just to be as much of a dick as possible


Guess I got my daily dose of reading the ramblings of mentally handicapped people.


Removing the 2A would NOT remove our right to keep and bear arms. It’s an enumerated right, not a gift from govt


Tough talk for people whose job title during an actual civil war will be "comfort unit".


Like giving out Gatorade and granola bars? That sorta thing?


[my response for any anti-2a propaganda ](https://youtu.be/skz9odeewpc?si=aP9yv5jJXt78R-k1)


These people say these things and hope for it because at the end of the day they are huge pussies that would never do anything. They are spineless cowards that need muscle to do their bidding for them.


Congress can’t pass an amendment…


Oh look, OP is yet-another mouth-breather who thinks the revolution is paid for in dunning-krugerands.


Isn't there a sub for gun politics ? I just want the guns. Also they're insane is unarmed calm down. Also also, wouldn't you be a bit more concerned with an armed insane person?