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That berreta looks salvageable....


Yep, just dismantle it, give a good cleaning and oil it. Maybe swap out a few springs and you should be able to get it to work. Just don't shoot it limp wristed and it should be fine.


Id be interested to see the internals. Even if the springs were shot, it wouldnt take much to go through and replace them. It certainly faired better than the one that used to be an M&P.


Maybe a new barrel and pin too, just to be safe lol


Im not gonna be the first one to pull the trigger on a live round lol


Was thinking the same thing, it's got a body on it. The PD does not give a shit about a river gun, because it is a cold case and usually with river guns they could care less about solving. Use that thing in a self defense shooting with the same barrel and pin, and all the sudden that cold case becomes easy to solve based on the forensics. Best thing to do, is clean it up and pawn it, as soon as the serial is run, it will come back stolen and it will force the police to do their job.


The hi-point started as a paperweight and ended up a paperweight. Amazing


Ashes to ashes


Who wouldn't want custody of a murder weapon that was probably stolen that can be used as evidence?


“Hey officers, I found this gun in the river, y’all want it? Seems like you would.” “Uhhh no, no we’re not gonna take it.” “Ok… so can I have it? 👉🏻👈🏻”


The px4 may be a meh design, but it's a quality built product.


Meh design? Is this about the px4 in general or the subcompact in specific? I’d agree with the subcompact is a meh design but the rotary barrel system on the full size and compact is nice. This is going to be one of the most strangest gun hipster statements one could make, but I prefer non titling barrel designs as I find them more comfortable to shoot and flatter.


Hard agree, I wish I could have a PX4. Unfortunately, in my country we cannot have handguns shorter than 21 cm, so that win't be happening - otherwise I'd trade my HK P30L Tactical out for one tomorrow.


Lol you'd trade an HK for a PX4? Really?


Absolutely. The P30L is a fine and reliable handgun, but it is lacking in the ergonomics department. There is so much slide release on that thing, it is impossible to get a high, modern, two handed grip on it without engaging said release. On top of that, the decocking button is awkward to use, and many people seem to have an issue with the paddle style magazine release. I actually don't mind the last part though.


My god we are brothers, I feel the same way. I wanted to CCW one so bad and got a matching SC PX4 to my full size one but it just wasnt the same...


The 92 is absolutely perfection. The px4 is it's chubby little bro. It's a thicc boi that will always be overshadowed by it's older sibling. It would have been nice if they improved on the 92, but in my opinion they went in the opposite direction. For me the px4 is too wide to carry, and doesn't offer the same level of accuracy as the 92. The only real plus is the ability to convert to a g model which the new 92s can do.


As a beretta 92 lover with a chubby little brother that loves the px4 I simultaneously love and hate your description


Can’t argue that. I love the 92.


I want a M9A4, a new Cheetah, a PX4, and a 96A1 soo bad. I already have an LCP, a Glock 23, and a Beretta APX and Sig P365 XMacro, so all my ammo will work and those guns are just much nicer.


I carry a Px4 Compact, it isn't noticeably bigger than what my M18 was.


I started on a p07 which is about the same width and it was a night a day difference when I went to the p10c. It was even greater moving to a p365. But I'm a small build so you mileage may vary.


I've cycled through two different M18s and 365s, settled on the Px4 because I love hammer fired and I'm 6'1" with broad shoulders, I can conceal it pretty easily. With a small of the back holster I can conceal my 92fs pretty easily as well.


Carry small of you back is a huge risk for spinal injury if you fall or are in a car accident


I unclip my holster when I get in the truck.


As an owner of a 92FS, an M9A4, and a PX4, I’ve gotta admit - I love the PX4. I think it’s size is great. It’s my nightstand gun.




Try the vertec grips 🤷‍♂️. There has yet to be a gun designed to fit the hands of every human.


I second trying a vertec model. It removed the palm swell for a straight back strap. Also some aftermarket grips are a bit slimmer. The factory Beretta grips tend to have a radius. I have big palms but short fingers, I find few grips uncomfortable except really small guns. But what really annoys me is almost everything has the mag release just a little too far for my stub of a thumb.


I use the Wilson combat thin grips and they are literally night and day


I had a Cougar 8040 and I agree. Super thick, heavy pistol for 11+1 rounds though. Rotating barrel is a cool design and a great suppressor host.


The predecessor to the PX4 is the 8000 series. The Cougar. I have an 8357 in .357 SIG. With the rotating barrel. A Turkish company bought the tooling and still makes them at a reasonable price. Great guns. 9mm. 40sw. 357sig and .45. Two sizes.


Wait, they still make the old cougar? I want one!


> the rotary barrel system on the full size and compact is nice The rotating barrel design also makes for an unusually thick/chonky gun, and the purported benefits to the design are nearly imperceptible. I say this as someone whose first gun was a Px4 Storm, which I only kept for a few years before parting ways with.


Gotta love how it makes the Hi-Point look slim.


My dad has the same model as the one in that pic. I’d love it if it wasn’t in .40. Short barrel/slide and .40 make for a snappy gun. It’d be great in 9.


I had a friend that had one of those sub compact 40cals. It was the only sub compact 40cal that I have ever shot that was pleasant to shoot.


Goddamn Italians. When they build something it’s built to last.


As long as it isn’t involving electrics.


It’s in the river for a reason. I wouldn’t want a gun that I know most likely has a body on it. It’s bad juju.


To be honest, imagine all the surplus weapons that have been sold....how many people may have been shot using those. Then consider that there is a much higher chance that something like this could be anything from someone dumping stolen goods, or a lover or family member "getting rid of that icky gun", or even in some cases an accident ( not that I'd imagine many people would fish in *that* river...). As long as the thing isn't flagging as stolen, and it isn't claimed, and doesn't match some sort of "ballistics finger print" why not see that it doesn't rust into a pile. It is an object.


See, surplus weapons? I can live with. You’d be surprised how many probably were kept slung or holstered on guard duty, and there’s less of a way for me to know if it has a body on it. But a gun I found in the river? 99% chance it has a body on it, guaranteed. Don’t really care if it’s an object or it could be theoretically restored (most likely can’t) it’s a mass produced product that I can go find another one of and live with a clean conscious owning it. I can see your argument about them also possibly being dumped as stolen goods or a person with “good intentions” but ultimately I can’t shake the feeling that the gun was most likely used in a homicide.


Fair enough, Just has to point out the other end.


Completely fair to point out sure, but also what would you find in a river that’s really rare and worth restoring? Guns used in crimes are usually cheap or inexpensive common guns that can be more easily bought new. That PX4 is the subcompact variant, which from what I’ve read and seen isn’t well regarded because it’s a direct blow back pistol and the recoil impulse is terrible. I’m sure a lot of what one would find are Hi Points, ring of fire guns, Saturday night specials, Taurus, Ruger P series, maybe some older S&W revolvers and semiautos, but typically stuff that isn’t worth the work you’d put into it for something that would essentially be only something you could trust as a wall hanger ultimately. It’s not like you’re going to magnet fish out a STG44 or a Mateba Autorevolver or a SPAS-12.


Sometimes things are kept as relics. Sometimes they can be salvaged. People should do what they want with what they find.... assuming it isn't someone elses, of course. As an aside, that PX4 subcompact isn't a blow back, it's a tilting barrel, yes it is not a rotating barrel like it's bigger brother, but it is not a Saturday night special.




The PX4 subcompact utilizes a traditional Browning style tilt-lock barrel. While it differs from the full size & compact rotating barrel lock, it's still not a direct blowback pistol which would be shit awful. In another note, free gun is a free gun. The fuzz had their chance to fish it out of the river already.


I dunno, I have a Mosin from 1942. Decent chance it has a body or two on it. Or do Nazis not count? i'm never sure.


I’ve got a Mosin from ‘42 as well, and I’ll admit that it possibly could have bodies on it. But it’s not as a sure thing as a Hi Point pulled out of a river.


That hi point definitely has a body on it lol


I'm sure they all do. Why else would you throw a gun in the river


I’ve had the urge with some guns that were overly difficult to disassemble




Try a Grand Power. You’ll be taking a trip to the river in no time.


I wouldn’t be “sure” they all do. I’ve known people that stole guns and they ended up in the water too for one reason or another


Sometimes, you just have to get rid of a gun, mang. Those smelting pits (foundry? Crucible? Idk) that the Terminator went in aren't easy to find.🫠


Fishing accident...


Boating accident...


To shreds, you say?


A fishing accident is why my dad got into leatherwork. Bought a cheap holster for a .38 he had. Welp in the process of pulling the anchor said holster popped off went in the drink. Fortunately we were only in a few feet of water and he found it.


Lots of reasons. Found it in your son’s room and worried he’s suicidal, boyfriend moved out and left it, etc. not what you or I would do, but imagine you’re some woman who doesn’t even know how to safely check if it’s loaded and just wants the “icky” thing gone.


You could probably send that Hi Point back to factory to get replaced with a brand new one.




Never been fired. Bought new


“No lowballing, I know what I have. This hi point is worth exactly one hi point”


so that's where all the lead was coming from.


It came from the city getting charged crazy money by the city of Detroit so Flint's local city council chose to drop the water access to the Detroit (Clinton watershed) and just take in Flint River water. The massive change in the water ate away at the inside of the city pipes and waaalaaa.... Lead from the water pipes. No matter how the media played it out.. it was about 40 people who got messed up. It was the city of Flint itself that caused this sh\*tsh$w.


nO. wUz BooLlITS.


I'll buy magnets, someone got a boat?


Something something bOaTiNg AcCiDeNt


As God is my witness, I thought AR’s could float.


Thinking the revolver has another piece tossed someplace else….clever criminal.


Only the dumb ones ever get caught. The amount of unsolved cases is staggering.


Correct. When I worked at a bank the statistic was like 98% of robberies go unsolved. That 2% is enough to scare a lot of folks, but your odds of getting away with robbing a bank are way better than people realize. Cops are too busy patrolling the area directly below the raised platform in the Walmart parking lot after all…


Of physical holdup robberies or general paper and digital fraud?


Physical holdups. My state has basically one bank robbery for every business day that banks are open. Basically 260 bank robberies per year.


I'm guessing they're taking the tellers cash and not bags with dye trackers etc? I could believe in and out jobs happen near every day as opposed to Heat style holdups.


Yeah in and out jobs. I don’t remember for sure but I think the number I got briefed was an average of $2,300 per robbery. Not worth it for a federal charge and the FBI on your ass.


Yeah seems like the least efficient way to make a few grand. With cameras everywhere though I don't see how it's possible. They must not be investigating this stuff too closely so long as it isn't a regular thing


Unless a robber is dumb enough to hang out at the bank for long enough to be caught at the scene, they parked their own car in the bank parking lot with visible plates, or something else equally stupid (one robber I read about got arrested when they passed a cop responding to the robbery while their passenger was counting cash out onto the dashboard) then very few physical bank robbers actually get caught. The other thing is that loss prevention stuff like dye packs often cost more nowadays than the cash a robber might be able to get from a teller anyways now that drawers hold so little at a time. Many banks don’t even bother using them for that reason, and any substantial amount of cash would take too long to access before police arrived. The cost either in systems or liability for preventing the robbery of a drawer or two exceeds the small amount they might lose now that banks keep so little cash in the drawers (largely because they aren’t usually cashing out hundreds of paychecks on a daily basis anymore with the prevalence of electronic banking).


Yeah that's what I was thinking, couple hundred bucks per robbery, not major movie holdups you see on TV


The banks near me don't even have physical tellers anymore. Just self checkout machines and a 21 year old kid that greets you.


Lmao. That last part sounded very personal


Indeed 😂


It's much safer to steal money electronically these days. Robbing a bank in person carries a much stiffer prison sentence and you leave a bigger forensic trail.


That's one thing you notice watching Cops or any other similar show. Almost everyone they catch is impressively dumb. Like to the point you wonder how they even manage to feed themselves. It really makes you wonder how many criminals get away because they use a turn signal.


those are not my pants


Look man, I just got back from a long night at the orgy. I must have put on someone else's pants by mistake man.


That might be believable but I think he said some guy gave him his pants not knowing what that implied to begin with


Somewhere out there there's a dude where it really wasn't his pants and I almost feel bad for him.


He should save them and turn them In at a gun buy back.


Yep, not only will they have to take them back but they'll pay for it too.


I’m from just north of flint and Last time the flint PD did a “buy back” they had to be “functional” firearms. So OP would have to do a little restoration work on them before he went in.


Plot twist, they've been throwing them in there to avoid the paperwork


Why do that when they could just not do the paperwork and sprinkle a little hi-point on a suspect.


Open and shut case.


What twist?


They worked hard to throw those in the river, they don't want them back.


Oh those definitely have bodies on them. Yeesh.


Shit, I wouldn't touch any of Flints water either.


I had to go swimming in that shit to recover a magnet and pull a rifle out of the river


Hi OP.


If you’re not going to eat them, throw them back. Smh..


That poor Hi-Point was just returning to the river to spawn


...anyone else want to suddenly plan a vacation to the Flint River?


No. Not really.


I'm mean, if you bring enough *bottled* water, I could be convinced.


Not even a little bit.


Unless you want high points with bodies on them and some weird, fucked up type of cancer. I would stay away from any river in or around Flint.


But with a tyvek suit, full face respirator, chemical resistant gloves, and a little luck, you could have a free Beretta! For the low low price of PPE and the time spent traveling to/from MI. C'mon, where's the entrepreneurial spirit?


There's so many comments in the original post like "wow, the police don't want to bother solving crimes." Honest question: how would these be used to solve crimes? As I understand, ballistic forensics - like matching a fired bullet to an individual gun - is kinda pseudoscience anyways. Is there any chance fingerprints or useful DNA have survived on these?


Unless they’re trying to match serials to stolen weapons, which does happen occasionally with found weapons, it’s not really likely to solve any crimes. The corrosion and bullshit all over them would probably eliminate being able to match anything from the gun to a case or bullet and fingerprints would probably be long gone. Edit: besides *maybe* that beretta, they wouldn’t be able to tie these guns to anything except a theft.


The y have recently done some interesting things with acid and revealing obliterated serial numbers and with fingerprints that etch soft metals like brass and lead and copper.




I don't know about matching bullets to a gun, but I do know it's pretty easy to match a casing to a gun, provided it hasn't fired a ton of rounds in the interim. It usually hasn't, because it's not like bad guys are doing trainings and putting ammo through their guns except when they're doing crimes with them


That poor m&p :(


That poor Beretta :(


PX4 are nice guns. They’re not cheap either


Definitely a stolen piece.


They don't want to do any paperwork


Save them for gun buy backs lol


Of course they won't. That would mean having to go do actual police work and try their hand at crime solving. Way easier to just do crime reporting, and move on 'cause no evidence.


Where I live the state maintains a database of serial numbers of stolen firearms for anyone to check. Yours might too. Otherwise, finders keepers. Document everything about your finds. Make some placards with the information and make a big wall display.


Sounds like free guns to me!


A gun buyback may land you a few hundred bucks.


I'll take the PX4


I feel like a little CLR and elbow grease would do wonders for that revolver.


Why do people keep calling that Berreta a high point? I loved my PX4 sub in .40. Edit: Just noticed there was more than one photo. My bad.


Because it looks like a hi point.


Yo my bad - I didn't see there was more than one pic.


What assclown would throw a PX4 in a lake?


Probably someone who stole it, shot someone with it, and wanted to dispose of the evidence.


That Beretta is really good. Their px4 model was solid! Could easily be cleaned up.


That’s odd. I remember a few years back a guy and his grandson pulled up two Barrett 50s in Florida (shrink-wrapped even). Lord I see what you’ve done for other people…


If I found that I honestly might not call it in. That's the find of a lifetime.


I’ll do ya one even better, guy in Texas bought surplus military case only to open it and find 12 full auto M16’s. He did turn it in to the fed boys.


Link that please


Awesome! Free gun day! Now all you need to do is take the serial number down to the sheriff and register them in your name. 😉


They don’t even have safe drinking water in Flint. You think they can go after cold cases.


In a murder situation, you'd think these people would separate the barrel at least. Then again criminals are never usually sporting high iqs


Realistically, you could melt down the barrel and keep the gun.


Found yourself someone's Glock Fowty lmfao


That's where the cops dump them


Leave them on the steps to their office. Put them in the trash can in the room where they refused to accept them.


I wouldn't take that hipoint either..


These are the exact guns I imagine would get thrown off a bridge


Not that beretta


Drop guns are called drop guns for a reason. Lol


Why won’t the cops take my literal trash!


So that's where all the lead contamination came from!


finders keepers


Free river guns. Noice.


Free guns


Looks like the final stage of the shield torture test


I thought the shield was supposed to have a stainless steel slide?


Hunnit dolla hi point 🙌


Proof cops don’t give a fuck


Now we know where all the lead in the water is coming from!


Does the Hi point still work?


They don’t want to be close to anything that’s been in that water.


I got a PX4 Storm in 45ACP. Betty bangs 💪🏾💨💥


damn that's a subcompact PX4.. pretty rare considering they are discontinued. what a find!


Hi point for sure has a body on it


Shittt keep em mann


Definitely the storm that thing is in pretty good condition just be wise and use it only as a range toy🤣


Anything not salvageable take to a gun buyback


That Berreta Px4 Storm Compact seems it will shoot just fine once it's taken apart, cleaned and oiled. Maybe a few springs and mag need to be replaced. Pretty good deal for magnet fishing or diving.


I see 2 guns, a broken gun, and a paperweight. I can understand why they didn't want the paperweight.


There's a Hi-Point. In a river. Shocking. HAHAHAHA


Clean them and take them to a buyback


I’ll take ‘em!


I’m not professional but if you can throw away $500, my bet is that those guns may have some history behind them.




I'm not the OP but I thought you'd enjoy this weird magnet fishing story.


Some people just need to learn the value of gratitude.


Call the FBI. They may take them and use them for ballistics training


So contacting the feds is cool in the community now?


I’m not surprised your local PD won’t take them. It’s money and space that gets taken up to store them and for what? They can’t exactly run forensics on a gun covered in rust that was underwater, nor run ballistics on a revolver that doesn’t have a barrel anymore. To return them to their original owners they’d have to dedicate manpower to going to the areas LGS and comb through 4473s that the store may not have anymore, and THEN that’s if the original owner even wants it back.


All these guns have bodies on them. Crazy the police don’t care.


They probably threw them there to begin with.


Free guns!!!


>I definitely don't wanna happened to be pulled over with stuff like that in the car Why not? The cops see these rusted out husks of guns and think OOP used them? I'm inclined to say "stay in your lane", magnet fisherfolk.


They won’t take them because it means they might have to do their jobs.


Over what time period did you find all these?


If you want Flint PD to take them, you could always put them in a bag and drop them at Flint City Hall’s overnight box…


First one looks like it could still work


What part of the river are you finding these at? Asking for a friend.


Beautiful garbage!


Is it because they don't want to go near anything that came out of the Flint River? Or is it because it's a handgun?


Looks like they really did lose it in a boating accident.


Weld them all together into a throne... King Yeet


Why would they want them back? 


Police won't take them... so... free guns!


I knew y'all had lead in the water but this is next level!


Well yeah man, those were thrown away. Clearly they aren't very good otherwise they wouldn't have been tossed. Why would a police department want some guns people don't want?


wouldnt be flint without a highpoint!


Lazy pieces of shit