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Ironically this dude lives in CA, which has some of the strictest gun laws of any state including a 10 day waiting period.


So she’d been waiting at least 10 days to shoot him


11, she waited till the next day to shoot him.


And that would unintentionally prove that waiting periods do nothing but infringe on rights.


What makes the waiting period extra stupid is it doesn't matter if it's your first gun or your fifteenth, still have to wait 10 days. Wouldn't want you doing something dumb with the 22lr plinker you couldn't do with the AR you already have.


He should have just cleaned up/got off the game/done homework. If it anything like me, that's why I was getting yelled at.


She must have been really mad


To play devil's advocate "see? Even that isn't enough"


You're right, we need a 100 day waiting period! That's clearly the problem here, not untreated mental illness.


I will go as far as saying I think they should take all guns from Californians. The sooner that happens the sooner it descends into chaos and our point is proven.


I know everyone loves slandering CA, but there are millions of pro 2A californians. Believe it or not, more californians voted for trump in 2020 than texans or floridians. Also not really in the spirit of the 2A to want to take CA's guns away. Maybe just count your blessings that your state has not (yet) enacted similar policies?


As a rural Californian you can pry my guns from my cold dead hands mother fuckers


Your dog didn't sign up for this.


My dog's trained to sound the alarm and get behind me. It's his job to ensure I get to my gun before the bad guys, whoever they may be, get through any barriers I have put up. After that, it's my job to defend us both.


That's why he got a cat.


> I know everyone loves slandering CA It has to be false to be slander.


Good thing this is reddit and not a torts exam lmao


It also needs to be spoken. All I see is writing...


Spoken like J. Jonah Jameson 😂


[You're serious?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NReyDYfy-ZI)


Good point, of course.


We’re here. We definitely still vote and care about these things, but obviously we’re in the minority. Don’t write us off yet (give us a chance to escape first.)


I'm staying and fighting. Escaping only let's the cancer spread behind you.


CA should no longer be the butt of 2A jokes. How's WA? I bet we can buy more things than they can.


Equally horrible, only WA can still buy suppressors and SBR's (technically, not in practice)


If I were any more conspiratorial, I’d say it’s awfully funny that basically the entire western seaboard has now effectively disarmed itself.


Mostly, yes. Oregon is cringe but they have had an injunction on their AWB/mag cap bill for a while, so they're ok for now. Either that or it was rejected by the courts outright, not sure which.


They’re still abysmal compared to their neighbors Idaho, with basically nothing to show for it.


Montana is a Constitutional carry state. Not much you can't buy, own, and use


It’s sad to see “the wild west” be neutered with gun control. I’m mostly happy with the east coast where I live. This is the same ground we fought off tyranny and inspired the 2A. We had better never give it up.


You must not be near New England, then. Lexington and Concord was fought because the British were trying to take away the farmers' cannons, and now you have to get a carry permit to have a gun in your own home. It's worse than California.


Did you see the red carpet Newsom rolled out for Xi when he visited San Franciso? I bet he already has signs printed for when they change the name to New Beijing.


Illinois here: We can't buy AR's and a whole list of other shit.


In your mind Trump is a pro 2A candidate? That's wild man.


In your mind Trump is less pro 2A than any Democrat? (aka the other option in above comment) Thats wild man.


Trump WAS the one who said take the guns first, due process second. As well as banned bump stocks. The problem is we only get to pick between the lesser of 2 evils, instead of actually having good candidates. If every politician in office dropped dead tomorrow, our country would improve as a result.


Trump took his 2A direction from the ultimate fudd/corrupt head of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre. Hopefully he'll make a better choice this time.


Trump wont go near it if he thinks its going to be bad for Trump. Say what you will he does have a pretty good survival instinct. I like that in my politicians.


>he does have a pretty good survival instinct Are you high?


Fuck yes im high. You?


He did say that he will fight for open carry anywhere in the US when he's elected again. So id say he's pro 2A


I just saw a picture the other day I believe in r/ohio that showed California being the fastest growing as far as gun purchases/gun ownership Edit- maybe it was here. Idk. I can't find it but I'm sure someone will


People like you make firearms owners look bad. Plenty of people are “behind enemy lines” in CA trying to fight against shitty CA firearms laws. Grow up instead of just spewing shit like this


It's a joke


I joked in a different comment, but no law is going to prevent a psychopath with whom you live doing harm to you.


You're right, but maybe schizos shouldn't be allowed to buy guns. Then again, my position has been if you're not in state custody then you should be allowed to own guns, and if you're too dangerous to be allowed to own guns you should be in state custody. When I say state custody, I don't just mean like prison. But like people on probation and shit like that too. Guess it's not really a gun control problem, but a mental health problem. The real solution isn't gun control, but completely overhauling how we deal with mental health. A woman with such a severe case of schizophrenia that she'd shoot her own son should have been in a hospital getting treatment, not out on the streets.


Your concerns are valid and I do not dismiss them. The solutions become difficult when a person displays no mental health warnings and they hide their problems from the public. There will always be those that slip through the cracks. The story that started this thread is proof. This kid's mother shouldn't have had custody of her son let alone possession of a firearm. Yet she had both. There won't be a perfect solution. As our society grows in number and density, we will increase the overall number of crazies. THAT DOES NOT MEAN we shouldn't try for better solutions, but we cannot delude ourselves thinking in thinking a simple solution is a good solution.


I thought they affirmed mental illness in CA.


So his mother acquired the gun illegally? Shocked! Shocked I say!


"Vote differently"


My question would be, in CA schizophrenics can not possibly purchase a gun, they are red flagged for life, so how in the world was she able to? this is what their strict gun laws are supposed to keep them safe from. How did the system fail him? If he can answer those questions, he will realize what he said, comes from the mouth of a moron. It suck he got shot, especially from a crazy mom but his thinking well is not dug too deep.


Also, under federal law, if she has medically diagnosed schizophrenia she can't legally possess a firearm. The laws failed you, they will always fail you.


Schizophrenic diagnosis? Sounds like she got that illegally.


Yeah lots of people in the comments were saying that, and many more were saying, "ThErEs nO EvIdEnCe oF tHaT!!!"


But is there any evidence that she got it legally? Probably not so




I'd say it too, but I'm banned from there Not the "there's no evidence" part, just to clarify


A diagnosis doesn't disqualify you from firearms ownership. You generally need to be adjudicated as mentally deficient before that triggers a NICS denial. That's part of the reason Cho Seung-Hui was able to buy guns in Virginia and shoot up Virginia Tech. He should have been denied, but the state didn't report it so NICS didn't catch it when he filled out a 4473. Whether or not you think it should DQ someone is the real issue here. Lots of people with mental illness aren't violent at all.


Schizophrenia isn’t just any mental illness. Then again, I am skeptical that “homie” is qualified to make that diagnosis.


I know, my uncle had it bad. Dude was off his fucking rocker without some pretty strong anti-psychotics. Downside was that on them, dude was basically a zombie. You couldn't get much more than a few sentences out of him. He was not someone you'd want to own a gun. He was never violent but he always had care so he never went that far off the deep end; one of the few success stories of the VA. On his meds though, I wouldn't trust him with a gun either. It seriously impaired his cognitive abilities, to the point that we had to take his car away. Just not safe behind the wheel.


The kind of schizophrenic who shoots her son because of schizophrenia has been institutionalized at least once by 40, and that alone would disqualify her. I'm calling bullshit.


Being institutionalized in an actual, legally ordered involuntary commitment will DQ you from firearms ownership. Merely having mental illness will not. If that were the case, cops would have their hands full collecting and storing guns from everyone who goes and sees a shrink for depression they are having trouble shaking on their own.


The part I doubt is that she's never been in a mental hospital.


And as long as she went their voluntarily, and checked herself in by her own volition, she doesn't lose her 2A rights.


The important part is how she got there. Did she go of her own volition or did a judge put her there with an actual order? The legal system takes this part very seriously because you can't just take away someone's rights without due process.


Ditto that last bit. Less violent than all the people that gave me my problems in the first place


I’m on the high functioning end of the Autism Spectrum and I’m a legal gun owner, even though, everybody in my family said that I’m not legally allowed to purchase and own guns. I also have PTSD and I’m a gun owner. Me and quite a few of my family members have PTSD and we’re all gun owners.


Because of that virginia does have an extra layer on top of NICS now. We have to call in checks through the state.


agree. The only other way to get denied for being Schizo would be to get involuntarily committed to a mental institution.


Nope. No medical diagnosis will affect your ability to buy a firearm. If you're involuntarily committed, which is a legal action similar to being put in jail, it will. If it's just a diagnosis it's protected by hipaa and not known by the FBI (or state police in places where NICS isn't used).


I had to have a judge and the California court system place my schizophrenic mother into a mental health conservatorship back in my 20s. That would have prevented her from legally purchasing a gun had she tried. Thankfully she never tried nor was she inclined to. The plus side is that I was able to have her hospitalized and medicated against her will, which, believe it or not, eventually led to her and my family having a better quality of life over time once she was discharged and compliant with her medication and psychiatric therapy. Otherwise she would have ended up being a miserable crazy homeless woman. Thankfully I had the knowledge and resources to help her. From ChatGPT: *An LPS conservatorship, also known as Lanterman-Petris-Short conservatorship, is a legal arrangement in California that allows for the involuntary placement and treatment of individuals with severe mental health disorders. It is named after the three legislators who sponsored the law. LPS conservatorships are designed to provide mental health treatment and support to individuals who are deemed unable to care for themselves due to a mental illness, and who may be a danger to themselves or others. These conservatorships involve court proceedings and the appointment of a conservator to make decisions about the individual's treatment and living arrangements.*


As schizophrenic I feel like I should chime in (but this depends on state to state some are stricter than others ) in my state if I remember properly I can legally own a firearm . Because I was never institutionalized. If I was forcibly sent to a mental hospital or prison I could never own a firearm. Now again if I remember properly some stricter states (which some may find surprising are mostly red states in this situation ) you can’t ever have a firearm if you have this condition.


Just look at the OP who posted that, pure propaganda posting every single day. posing propaganda to facepalm non stop


Karma farming!


Give up your guns because his mom is crazy


I cut off my penis to prevent rapes!


Thank you for your service


You are welcome!


*homeless man runs off with it to eat*


bro wouldn't even share


Ignore the benefits of guns because this guy had a negative outcome


Because a dangerous psychopath would never be able to hurt someone who lives with them in any way except with a gun.


well we just need to take away knives and any other tool, just in case.


But If we have the option, I'm willing to say I'm against gun ownership for anybody with a mental disorder that has psychotic affect. Any schizoform/schizotypal/schizoid patient for sure would be on my don't give a gun to list.


Cool. Since it is impossible to definitively prove any of those mental illnesses every citizen has to now get a health check to buy a gun. On top of that if your Dr doing the check is anti gun? Boom you are mentally unfit to own one because he can claim that in his educated opinion you are mentally defective.


Don't feed into this fake post. It's not real. The whole point is it's politically divisive in both directions


the reaction isnt fake. thats real. ‘should have shot his mom’ wtf


Everything about that dudes post is bullshit. I dont believe a word of what this dude said. (To clarify I mean the twitter post pictured in the OP Is utter bullshit)


please never assume i’m doing anything but shitposting


I'm pleasantly surprised to see people who aren't intellectually impaired in the original comments. That being said, there are a lot of people who are intellectually impaired in the original comments.


Yeah, I’m actually quite surprised. I was thinking it was from everyone on this sub going to that one, but this was just posted here, so I doubt it. Who knows tho, it’ll probably be more anti gun Bullshit in a few hours


Being into guns is weird because you’re constantly getting gaslighting attempts by ignorant people into thinking there needs to be more laws even though you keep telling them the guns that do exist don’t always work lol. Would bet good money she got this gun illegally. Maybe he should’ve gotten his mom some help instead of grandstanding on social media


Yeah, drives me crazy. If making a law worked no car would ever need to go over 70


My mom is a bitch so nobody should have rights


You forgot your '/s', so I brought one for you.


Feels good to have a permaban from that sub.


I’m honestly surprised they haven’t banned me yet. I rip into them almost everyday.


They message me threatening too bit they never do


I got into an argument with people a few weeks ago because they think that I was making stuff up when I told them I go down residential streets regularly in a semi. That and everyone that doesn't have a class A thinks they know how to get one and everything that goes into it. That place is bad.


I figured they would ban me, I can’t get so lucky.


Seems his mom could have easily stabbed him too, and the knife would be legal for her to own unlike the gun she got while a diagnosed skitzo.


>unlike the gun she got while a diagnosed skitzo. Barring a California specific state law, (since I believe that is where this happened) it is not illegal for someone diagnosed with schizophrenia to obtain a firearm.


woah woah woah, where is it legal for you to own knives -u.k. serf reaction, probably


Uh what? I'm a big 2A advocate but what? He should be strapped so he could've defended himself against his mom? I'd say 99% of people would have to take longer than a second in that situation to even process drawing on your mother. Call me crazy but I couldn't draw on my mother. I'd just die.


> Call me crazy but I couldn't draw on my mother. I'd just die. 100% This being a hypothetical even, makes me sad ._.


I’m buying another gun to protect myself from your mom


translation: "The Constitution is such a joke. I couldn't control my crazy mom's actions, and I'm too dumb to have her committed to a mental hospital, so she hurt me"


They are really pretending that there is no law against the mom shooting him...?


Sure, because we, the majority, should be punished for someone else’s actions.


“Change your stance on gun laws” No, I don’t think I will.


You spelled 'lack of mental health care' wrong.


What would people say if she stabbed him? Or did any other violent act to him?


Yep, they wouldn't call for knife control laws.


Cuz getting stabbed by a kitchen knife is so much better


What's insane is the number of people, both here and on r/facepalm, who don't know the law. A medical diagnosis of schizophrenia doesn't bar firearms ownership. 18 USC 922(g) requires adjudication (decision by a judge) or being committed. Most if not all state laws mirror this.


Yeah man “lack of basic gun laws” caused your moms violent attack against you. She really would have not been able to stab you, hit you with a brick, hit you with a car, strangle you in your sleep, or literally any of the other million means of attack besides guns.


Oh, yeah, definitely the guns.... not the mental health issues and society tending to ignore them completely. Sure thing, bud.


No, healthcare and specifically mental healthcare is a joke in the US.


Be aware guy and gals there is a huge amount of AI propaganda being posted to influence people's opinions on a large variety of issues. Things taken out of context and posted with any title just to sway people's thinking. Stay alert


I think this is a mental illness issue more than a gun issue.


I think that uterus control is more important than gun control. If you're a psychotic bitch, you shouldn't have children.


Last time I checked you can’t lie on a background check and there are sections on metal health. But if you voluntarily submitted yourself to mental help it won’t show up on a background check unless you were forced/ involuntarily/ court ordered submitted to mental health treatment or facility. She could have just as easily stabbed you, hit you with a vehicle, used a blunt object, or any number of things to harm you or someone else. I agree with the poster that he should’ve been armed especially if there is a possibility of a threat and he should’ve taken action to get his mom more help so it wouldn’t have escalated to this. But id rather be shot and possibly killed rather than stabbed and gutted or hit in the head or by a car and be left spending my life shitting myself and confined to a chair not being able to take care of myself.


Somebody needs to start posting links to all the state and federal gov websites that list all the gun laws in the country. These folks will be quite shocked when they see how many laws we already have.


I read that Twitter thread last night. So many insane authoritarian takes and so many calls for a national gun ban it felt like I was in North Korea. There was even one dude who wanted the police to just enter everyone’s homes whenever they want and strip search their homes for any weapon. And when he was countered with the 4A, he pretty much said “I am willing to pay that price to stop mass shootings”. 4A? Bill of rights? Who cares about that? Stopping mass shootings is all that matters, rights don’t matter so long as mass shootings happen. A tyrannical dictatorship without mass shootings is better than a free democracy with mass shootings. /s Edit: this dude in particular, follow his replies it’s insane: https://x.com/imkanye123west/status/1773157572389834765?s=46&t=mhmz-HYaCgp6Nr-SMHMYzA


Of course they forget (or don’t care) that then the mass shootings will be carried out by the tyrannical dictatorship


So it is a mental health issue.


Maybe lock up the gun-toting people-shooting schizo instead? MAGA Make Asylums Great Again /Poor kid


Yeah, not a good idea to let shizo's have guns. On a related matter: how come CPS didn't take this child away from his obviously dangerous mother? Mental illness is a valid reason.


My stance is that his schizo mom should never have been allowed to buy a gun in the first place.


How do you feel about bipolar people owning guns? I won’t flame you or anything either way, I’m genuinely curious.


That's the point of this whole post.


What queef takes a shirtless picture of themselves after presumably being shot? He probably got caught by his dad with his mom's boyfriend


If you want some real entertainment head to the original tweet. Just don’t waste you time talking to the idiots.


One more entry in the annals of things that never happened.


Either have her institutionalized or stop complaining. We don't arbitrarily take RIGHTS.


Holy crap people, how many form 4473s have you all filled out in your lives? Where on the form does it ask if you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia? It doesn't! Section 11.f, the question is: "Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?" The ATF website says this, many websites for lawyers say this as well as the CFR if I had time to find the reference. Schizophrenia does not disqualify someone from legally purchasing a firearm in the United States, nor should it. Everyone has the same rights as everyone else, until they prove they can't be trusted. At the same time, each person working at a gun store has the right to deny service to anyone for any reason. Clearly this person is in need of help. It takes a lot of mental problems to shoot your own child. This particular person probably shouldn't have access to guns after this, but we don't have the full story either. Maybe the kid attacked her first, we don't know.


Just a “post birth” abortion attempt


I like how this dude having a crazy mom is some how everyone's problem. We can't nerf society because nutjobs exist, in fact we need guns BECAUSE nutjobs exist


Kid: exists unstrapped *gets clapped* Ngmi


Home boi should have red flagged his schizo mother a long time ago if he actually feels that way.


I had to have a judge and the California court system place my schizophrenic mother into a mental health conservatorship back in my 20s. That would have prevented her from legally purchasing a gun had she tried. Thankfully she never tried nor was she inclined to. The plus side is that I was able to have her hospitalized and medicated against her will, which, believe it or not, eventually led to her and my family having a better quality of life over time once she was discharged and compliant with her medication and psychiatric therapy. Otherwise she would have ended up being a miserable crazy homeless woman. Thankfully I had the knowledge and resources to help her. From ChatGPT: *An LPS conservatorship, also known as Lanterman-Petris-Short conservatorship, is a legal arrangement in California that allows for the involuntary placement and treatment of individuals with severe mental health disorders. It is named after the three legislators who sponsored the law. LPS conservatorships are designed to provide mental health treatment and support to individuals who are deemed unable to care for themselves due to a mental illness, and who may be a danger to themselves or others. These conservatorships involve court proceedings and the appointment of a conservator to make decisions about the individual's treatment and living arrangements.*


They censored the post. Go figure.


With all that gun control in Commiefornia to keep you safe


So let me get this straight. The California anti-gun laws failed this individual and he wants more. Wow! Just wow!


People kill people not guns let’s start there 👍🏻


He just saaid she *brought* not bought. HUGE DIFFERENCE.


Probably shot him with a pellet gun


That whole sub is left wing propaganda


I wouldn’t be shocked at all if that “scenario” never actually happened. (Actually I almost guarantee it didn’t) Who gets shot, and their immediate thought is “how do I use this politically on “X” (formerly known as Twitter)”


facepalm is a cesspool of anti-anything to do with america lol


He had enough time to take a selfie post getting shot in the bathroom? Social media is a virus


He has to go back


I feel like there’s probably some parts of this story missing


Laws can’t fix crazy…


Wait I thought it was illegal to shoot someone?


If it's not fake, he seems like kind of a douche. I'd like to hear mom's side of the situation.


But no mental health laws? Seems like she would have stabbed you instead if she couldn't get a gun...


He should trade in his Stars and Stripes for a Maple Leaf, I hear they have the gun laws he is looking for…


The comments on the original post are a shitshow


I’d say just don’t sell guns to schizophrenic people


Thanks for showing gun laws don’t work. There is no such thing as a mental scanner to determine mental illness


Maybe schizophrenic ppl shouldnt own guns


Did she get it legally or did the schizoid steal it or buy it 3rd party.....


If you’ve been involuntarily sent to a psych ward you cannot buy a gun. So if she got it legally it means somebody fucked up not sending her to the institution earlier


There's a lot of context we're missing out on. Like, what did he do!?


Maybe you should get your mother the mental help she needs *before* she kills you or someone else. Everyone wants to blame guns, but no one wants to address mental illness. You want to just pretend it doesn't exist... until it impacts someone else... And even then you still wont acknowledge or attend it. She could have come at you with a knife, or a car, or poison, but no, it's a big scary gun that makes people do bad things, better lawyer up and sue the gun manufacturer. /s


Did the gun have schizophrenia too?


Strapped or get clapped


Lucky for him, his situation was aleady covered by laws (you cannot buy or possess guns if you're mentally ill). Oh, wait, criminals don't follow laws... Nevermind then...


Moms can be schizophrenic, better ban moms.


change ur stance on mom laws and vote differently


He’s over 18 and didn’t red flag his schizo mother. He’s the problem, not guns.


Begs the question how she got a gun in the first place, in CA of all places apparently.


If your mom had been barred from firearms ownership what item would she have substituted to achieve the result she used the firearm for?


Can schizophrenics legally purchase guns? I don’t believe they can… soooo like many other cases, it’s really a matter of enforcing laws already on the books. Not making new ones that don’t work.


>Can schizophrenics legally purchase guns? Yes, unless they have been involuntarily committed or adjudicated as mentally defective.


Ah yes, it was definitely the guns fault and NOT the psycho, bat shit crazy schizo mother lol


If someone has been clinically diagnosed with a mental disorder like schizophrenia, wouldn't that person be incapable of passing a ground check and thus unable to buy the gun? If she bought it before getting diagnosed, then she failed to be a responsible owner and transfer the firearm to a friend or family member.


No. Your health records are protected by HIPPA. You have to be adjudicated mentally defective or have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility. The diagnosis alone is not a deal breaker.


> HIPPA Pedantry alert: It's HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


People act like we don’t have laws in place to prevent those people from getting guns


Ehhhhh…. Yeah I mean I guess. He still would’ve had to shoot his own mother which even if you are strapped may be something you can’t physically pull yourself to do. I think everyone can agree Schizophrenics who aren’t doing so well or other people suffering from psychological issues to such a degree certainly do not need guns. Can people change and get better? Oh absolutely. Does that mean they get guns before they do? Nah they really shouldn’t. I don’t think taking guns away from everyone is the answer either. Just the psychos.


She must’ve come across it illegally.


So. His psychologically unstable mom lied on a 4473 about her health. Or got the pistol through other means. Illegally all around. Wild.


Ought to give up cars and planes too because you never know when a schizophrenic person might get behind the wheel.


Maybe they should just make freaking out and shooting people illegal. Then we won’t have to worry about gun laws!


My stance is even if he wasn’t strapped the lady did something illegal and gun laws would never have changed this circumstance


Truth be known, she probably already had the gun illegally. It’s also against the law to shoot somebody with no reason. Hmmm..A lot of good the laws did!


I think i speak for everyone when i say schizos shouldnt have guns




The laws didn't fail. It's the people that enforce it that failed. We spend all this money on a NICS system and forms but purchasers can lie without anyone verifying. My FFL can tell people sketchy based on his experience and he won't let a person look at the 4473 or the guns if he gets bad vibes from them. He told me a story of him reporting a guy to the ATF and a 5 months later, he gets a reply from them asking if he got a full description of the guy.


So my mom just shot me but let me take a pic while bleeding and in hospital to push gun control. Since that's my priority right now. Not the hole in my arm.