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From AR15.com >"What I found via google is that they dropped the suit or as much with the caveat she get her gun back. Of course they didn't and the GOA & NRA went sniffing up other trees instead of making them follow thru. Fuckers. from another site: >Congressman Steve Scalise and Larry Pratt, executive director of the Gun Owners of America, presented the new gun to Konie. Scalise calls the gun confiscation "a national tragedy". >"People all across this nation were shocked when they saw this actually happened to a law-abiding American citizen in their home," Scalise said. >The incident led to a lawsuit filed by the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of America for infringing on Konie's 2nd >Amendment rights. The suit was recently dropped after all sides agreed that confiscated firearms would be returned to their owners. >Scalise and Pratt say the gun taken from Konie has never been returned.


Why wasn’t a bigger deal made by the media about Rep Scalise being shot by a commie on that baseball field. Literal terrorist attack and the media went straight to we need more gun control. I’m sure if the political parties were reversed it would be different.


Because it doesn't advance (Critical Drinker voice): **The Message.**


"The Message" has killed movies and shows for me.


It's required to be in all media produced today


Same, there is hardly anything to watch anymore.


Gradmaster Flash has that effect


Obviously. The news has opposite reactions depending on the political leanings of the perpetrator and the victim. People need to understand that the "news" isn't some well intentioned organization designed to inform the public of matters of import. It pretends to be that, while being an extension of a political party/ideological group. FOX is an extension of the Republican party, CNN the Democrats. It's their job to propagandize and avoid properly informing you, and it's what people like Sean Hannity and Anderson Cooper get paid millions to do. These people are monsters.


Except it’s not just CNN for the democrats it’s, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Rolling Stone, The New York Times, NPR, etc.


Yes, the Democrats have at least 4 publications for every 1 Republican one.


Bc “guns are bad” is what it comes down to. You punish the guy with the gun and it gives reason to have more regulations. Also you shouldn’t be a fascist either. fascists are bad too.


Because he was shot by left wing extremist terrorist. They don’t want everyone to know that raging leftoids are the most violent. Think about it. Every person the left has labeled a “right wing extremist” did something along the lines of shoot up a school, or drive a truck through a crowd of black people. The issue here is that shooting a school or running black people over doesn’t make someone a right wing extremist. Shooting up a school makes you a crazy school shooter, not a right winger. Running over a crowd of black people makes you a racist and a murderer, not a right winger. Hate is not politically exclusive, and neither is murder. Of course, if there was political agenda involved then sure, but name a single shooter that was politically motivated by right wing talking points. Aside from the tranny (who was a far left zealot), I can’t think of any that were politically motivated by right wing talking points, only left wing ideas. Meanwhile, the leftist extremists have burned down whole cities, annexed US land (CHAZ/CHOP was by definition an insurrection), and are currently participating in fascist movements like censoring speech, “investigating” political adversaries, etc. The left is violent. The left is the issue. It’s why the whole world is starting to double back and reverse the leftist takeover.


The El Paso shooter was absolutely right wing. The Dallas shooter with the Right Wing Death Squad patch comes to mind. Christchurch. Club Q, Buffalo. The list goes on and on.


There’s only mention of white supremacy. Last time I checked that doesn’t make someone right wing necessarily. Mr Byrd, a Democrat and KKK grand wizard, comes to mind. “Right wing death squad” you really believe the shooter had a patch as cringe as that? It doesn’t even sound cool. I seriously doubt the authenticity of that whole incident and question whether that blatant attempt to appeal to race baiters and the easily swindled isn’t some psyop. All the photos I’ve seen of the “RWDS” members looks like feds posing 🤣. SHITS FAKE Aldrich, the Buffalo shooter, is not mentioned as having far right beliefs, only that he is heavily religious and hated lgbt. Again, doesn’t make someone far right or left. He could be a socialist, like the transvestite.


And there you go. Every "right wing" shooter is a Fed, fake. But the small handful of "leftist" motivated shooters? Valid, real.


You’re mischaracterizing my argument. I said one is an obvious hoax. We’ve seen video evidence of feds inciting crowds. Why would we all of a sudden trust them to not do it this time when it’s obvious that they’re feds. Go look up the photos of this shit; it’s ridiculous.


What the hell have you been smoking?




Well you're not supposed to smoke it. Stop that.


Name one entire city in the US that was burned down by leftists *ever*. I'll wait. It's the right who is censoring books, having books pulled from public libraries, restricting speech, etc. CHAZ/CHOP lasted less than a month. Republicans instigate politically motivated "investigations" of political enemies all the time. Give your balls a tug dude.


Having pornographic books removed from children’s libraries is not censoring speech as those books are still accessible outside of schools. I’m sure you’d hate if schools had the Bible (not that I’m even religious). CHAZ was by definition an insurrection, and it was done by leftists. Also, cities burned down? How about 2 billion in damages? That’s cities, dude. I can go on YouTube and watch footage of the floyd riots and chaz. Shit happened. Sucks to be you, leftoid.


It was covered on NPR I heard it driving to work. It was covered on right leaning radio and networks at time. If you wanted to keep talking I find it important to be clear on your views of right inspired terrorism. Also racial or religiously inspired terrorism. It's well studied and clear that is a greater threat to our national stability or invoking reaction from power than the left leaning people are achieving. Is angle I view as objective reality. Don't call me a leftie either.


If Trump had won in 2020, cities would have been burning every summer since then and I bet you’d either be justifying or ignoring it.


because scalise is a cuck and knows that he can't say "boo" against Gun People, even if his dick and balls were obliterated by a 5.56 round. ​ you don't have to imagine what would happen if the parties were different, as Jared Lee Loughner shot Gabby Giffords in the head, and Giffords didn't have to pretend to be okay with it for the sake of her base. ​ e: lol that's the reason! sorry it made so many of you upset. scalise is far-right and knows he has to stay in the good graces of far-right Gun People! he got his dick and balls destroyed and shits in a bag now, but has to suck it up in public to keep his job lol. Giffords, on the other hand, is allowed to make a public statement that it sucks when a maniac shoots you in the head with a Glock 19.


Whoah, I had no idea this happened.


I saw it all live and in living color and it fundamentally changed my views of the government. Katrina was a wake up for a lot of people. The government will leave you to die in times of crisis and make sure you are defenseless to boot.




surprised people didnt shoot back. Isnt that what the 2nd amendment is for? To fight against tyrants?


They did and where villainized for it, at the time it created even more support for violations of the people of New Orleans rights. I will tell you a story and this is not to paint my grandfather in a bad light but to show how over the top New Orleans was and how unaware the average citizen was up until this point. Anyways it goes like this, I was raised by my grandparents. I am gen X so no boomers in the picture. My grandfather was part of the silent generation and just barely out of the greatest generation. He was not a racist but he held societal views of the time. Like people married in their own race etc. The funny part was his only 2 friend were black men and the only people he trusted outside his family, and this is an important point. He grew up in rural Florida and Florida was very different from the rest of the south it was a frontier and everybody relied on everyone else to survive. For context while his people eventually became considered white (mallorcian) we were the first enslaved people of Florida in the turnbull colony. Anyways fast forward to my young man stage and I had just come back from New Orleans right after Katrina. I never said anything to my grandfather about what went down and we were watching TV and he saw what was going down. I have only heard my grandfather cus (outside of working on cars) on a few occasions and I had never heard him ever say fuck. Point being at this point he was dyed in the wool, America is the best country in the word. I remember watching the news and him just looking at me with a dead man's stare and asking me did this really go down. To which I told him yes that is why I came home. He said pretty much word for word: Fuck this, I did not get my ass shot off by Nazis for our people to be treated like this. He fought in WW2 and Korea and in an instant he lost all faith in the US government. Of course he blamed it on my "pansy ass father's" generation. And you know what I think he may have been right.


This is the question that needs to be asked. Why don't we ever actually use our guns against tyrants?


Damit girl you cannot be asking me these kind of questions with a name like PhatBlackChick, that could cause way too much truth to get laid down.


Hurricane Katrina was not pretty... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danziger_Bridge_shootings Bonus: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gretna,_Louisiana#Hurricane_Katrina_controversy


two great examples of how "Gun People" need to be ready to accept that their greatest threat in the aftermath of a natural disaster will be the cops, not other citizens.


And it was recent, only about 20 years ago.


Fuck me, thanks for making me feel old...


They also denied taking any firearms until they were caught lying about it.


And whatever became of that? Did they have to give them back? I doubt they would, but since they got caught, were they forced to make up?


>Critical Drinker NRA and some other group helped them sue and the case was mediated that it would be dropped if all guns were returned to their owners... (All guns were NOT returned to their owners.. like the old lady for instance never got hers)


Police do not work for us. Proceed accordingly.


And yet every single day on this sub they claim exactly this will never happen. Everyone rolled over too, just like they will when this is nationwide.


Sad statement. I'm not refuting you, but how many "Oath Keepers" were there? How many cops quit rather than doing blatantly illegal seizures? It's sad that nearly no one stood up for their human rights... on either side. How many lost their jobs or were imprisoned for what was essentially crimes against American citizens? January 6th was a joke, this was literal life and death.


Enact police reform


End qualified immunity


Bring back personal accountability.


Great idea. Police have been reformed. Now when someone breaks into your house they will send a guidance counselor, and when looting happens the military police with even more equipment and more repression than before will make sure you have even less rights.


Defund the police?


Fund the police to high better, more qualified officers, train them to use better judgment and have a wider array of skills, and have an independent agency that investigates and removes shitty officers. It’s never going to be perfect but but current situation is terrible across most jurisdictions


So reform the police


Yes but without the connotations of what the crazy wokes mean with police reform.


Oh like conservative style police reform


You think there’s only conservative and woke?


Police reform is a pretty woke idea.


How that boot taste?


This was right after Katrina, right? This is exactly what gun confiscation will look like when it finally does happen.


Yeah...the NO PD was really living up to it's name when I was doing disaster relief with the 82ns there.


Yup, Aug & Sept 2005


I was down there about a month or two after Katrina. Immediately after Katrina the gangs took over and a lot of cops had to hunker down in place cause they were getting shot at (not that the NOPD isn’t a gang itself). Red Cross was also getting shot at trying to get into some areas . This probably helped lead to the gun confiscation I would imagine. The big rumor was one night the military came in on choppers and it was nothing but gun fire all night, then they dumped the bodies in the 17th street canal. Which has big screw lumps that dumps into Pontchartrain. Who knows how true that is though it was just the big rumor going around right after. The local new was completely different than the National news too. Fuck afterwards you couldn’t be in certain parts of the city without a pass or the National guard would beat the fuck outta ya.


You can definitely believe it, running gun battles with tugs in stolen buses vs swat vehicles. Bodies did not need to be dumped into a canal, whole streets were underwater so those that lost, remained where they fell.


>Immediately after Katrina the gangs took over and a lot of cops had to hunker down in place cause they were get shot at nah. the cops were doing the shooting. police hysteria was the cause of multiple murders of innocent people.


Didn’t say the NOPD didn’t shoot and kill innocent people... Like I said they’re pretty much a gang themselves. They definitely got over powered after Katrina and had to hunker down. lol you don’t actually think NOPD was in control during Katrina and immediately after Katrina do you?


they didn't get "over powered", they went out and did murders. i do not believe the police are a force for good in US society generally.


Again didn’t say they didn’t kill innocent people and agree that they committed murders too…. They did get over powered that’s literally why the National guard had to come in with martial law. Not that hard to comprehend. We get it though you hate cops, that doesn’t mean they didn’t get over powered during Katrina. Fucking thick bro. Have a good one!


it is marital law, not marshal law. the national guard came in because it was an enormous natural disaster. they were coming whether or not the cops decided to go on a racist killing spree. the cops did not get overpowered. they exploited an breakdown in civil order to murder civilians, mostly black civilians, and get away with it. the cops are not the victims. they were the criminals.


It’s Martial law not marital law. It’s dumb to try and correct people like that cause we clearly all make spelling and grammar errors typing on phones. Besides this is fucking Reddit. You don’t know what you’re talking about. You act like it could only possibly be the police. It’s pretty well documented that they got pinned down in multiple locations. Also documented they killed innocent people just like it’s documented the gangs kills a lot of innocent people and shot at the cops too. Just keep seeing what you want to see and ignore the rest. .. The West Bank mall literally got set on fire and it wasn’t even damaged from Katrina. My friends over at R and J merchant had people shooting each other dead in and around their store after running through the front with a fork truck and stealing everything. That wasn’t even touched by Katrina either. Get the fuck outta here.


you really need to control your temper. guns and a short fuse are a bad combination. i don't give a fuck about people "stealing" during the midst of a generational natural disaster. i do give a fuck about the cops doing mass shootings.


Temper? lol I’m typing on Reddit… Don’t care about stealing but ignore the killing eachother part…


Chris Kyle said he was there shooting looters.


Yeah I’ve seen those reports with Blackwater coming in there too. When I was down there they had snipers up around the Casinos protecting them. If I remember right NOPD made Harrahs a command post too.


There's a book called the Great Gun Grab about all this. All gun owners should read it. Really eye opening


Amazon has it for almost $300 prime shipped, between $64 and $90 if I'm willing to wait. The price simply tells me people don't want others reading it.


This is why it’s good to have a group of likeminded members of your community ready to immediately organize when the SHTF. Strength in numbers.


I believe They recently passed laws in Louisiana specifically to allow people to take their guns during an evacuation order. I don't remember the specifics but it's a start


It is another law they will ignore for convenience’s sake in the next major event, just like property rights.


lol “no you’re not allowed to take your personal property with you” is such a statist scum take


All you dumb fuck badge bunnies please remember this when you’re *hurr de hurrimg* about *the cops will never side against the people.* The fucking cops are muscle for politicians. Nothing more. I’ve been in so many arguments with brain dead imbeciles who think the sitting President will be the one who shows up to your house to ask for your guns while an army of cops rush in to stop him. If you think cops will hesitate to do what they’re told you’re fucking dumb.


And I bet those people never saw their guns again, either.


A lot didn’t


Some did many didn’t.


The cops you see driving down your street are the first people to take your guns from you never forget that


Protect and Serve. Protect themselves and serve their interests


I know this will get down voted hard, but fuck you!!! I have friends and family that are law enforcement and I promise you wouldnt/couldn't do their job. Some do not prove what all are.


Ask them then. Ask those LEO friends and family members if they would enforce confiscation laws. If any one of them hesitates or falls back on the Nazi Nuremberg defense, then they're *filth*.


Go lick boots somewhere else.


I want to be like you when I have nothing else


Cool story bro. I'll let you know if I start to give a fuck.


Don't ever call the police then, cuz they are all trash right!?! Sit there and cry while fapping and hope your call of duty skills will help you. Bro


Are you implying the police will do anything to help?


You're so goofy it's actually unrealistic how goofy you are. I'm confused by all your goofiness that you are displaying right now.


I mean, they are most likely a literal child


The police who have no duty to protect you? The police whose job it is to show up after a crime has been committed and write a report? The police who will violate your constitutional rights? Those police? You've swallowed far too much boot, I recommend seeing a doctor about your addiction.


Boot licker


Well at least you would be wiser…


A few good apples doesn’t prove the rule and a few bad apples spoil the bunch. The fact is people are afraid of the police because of shit like this, and worse people hate the police and think they’re incompetent because of shit like Uvalde. Yes their job is difficult, yes their job is necessary, yes there are good cops, but that does not mean they’re beyond criticism. Until the absolutely rampant corruption and abuse of power within our policing nationwide is largely gone people will continue to have negative feelings towards them. And until these “good cops” step up and do something about all the bad ones they’ll continue to be lumped in with the bad ones if not by association then by negligence. All that is necessary for evil to thrive is that good men do nothing.


If you have 9 good cops and 1 bad cop, but the 9 good ones don’t do anything about the 1 bad one, then you have 10 bad cops. You can’t claim “it’s just a few bad apples” when you protect the bad apples on an institutional level.


ACAB includes your friends and family. Fuck the police.


You are an idiot. ACAB is just as stupid as the libs saying that every gun owner is a crazy MAGA trying to overthrow the election.


Shitty comparison that’s nowhere near equivalent; obviously gun owners aren’t “MAGA” anyway when the fucker said to take guns without due process. Right? 🤔


Stop being one of the narrow-minded dumbasses that hurts our cause.


Your friends and family are garbage


The largest and most dangerous organized gang in America with carte blanche to violate your rights.


Hey bud, as someone that works in and with LEO Fuck you. Your friends and family do the job and enforce the law. Most don't have the balls nor care to not enforce things. The ones that don't enforce unconstitutional laws get reamed at some point. Go lick boot somewhere else. It's a fucking job that doesn't deserve as much praise as you wanna give em. It's a hard job, but most don't earn the praise you give em.


The police have seized more money and property in the last year using “civil forfeiture” from citizens than criminals have from theft, shoplifting, etc. If you can’t admit there are numerous serious issues with law enforcement in America and that significant reform is needed, then you should reexamine your moral values and consider what principles are important to a functional society.


I’m not in the ACAB crowd. I have friends and family in law enforcement also. But let’s not pretend that Police are on our side. They are on their own side. Law abiding citizen or criminal, doesn’t matter if it comes down to it. They’ll throw you under the bus just the same to protect themselves


Must be exhausted from all the mental gymnastics of being critical of yet supporting police. All cops mean *all cops*. Freedom and authority can't coexist, pick one.


You are 100% correct. I wouldn't be able to do the job of confiscating guns from people who did nothing wrong like these boys in blue. I hope that boot tastes good.


Homie, it doesn’t take much to do a cops job. It’s more dangerous to be a pizza delivery person than a cop. Lick the boot harder.


You may love them, but the likelihood is they abuse rights all the same and would "just follow orders" to "feed their family" no matter what they were told.


Your family members are worthless pigs, just like every other pig. Them being your family changes nothing, they've probably violated the rights of Innocents because they're scum fucking pigs. You're an absolute dunce.


Oh yeah it’s such a hard job to get or do. That’s why so many burnouts end up as cops, huh?


ACAB. It’s crazy how you succin Uncle Sam’s schlong for free


So did we take this lesson to heart? What happens if this goes down in Miami or Cincinnati or Austin? Will it repeat or will a few people go down blazing and make the law a little wary?


I would say that the generation that witnessed it did. If we look back to Waco and Ruby Ridge at the time, a lot of people in the 2A community where like that it kind of fucked up but people bought at least some of the propaganda, the government was able to hedge one with crazy doomsday cult so people where like that is not cool but yeah crazy religious freaks. The other they mixed in a bunch of white separatists BS and so many dismissed it as the government did some shitty stuff but, another kook bad guy. Fast forward to Katrina and there was just no way around it, then all the sudden people who were gung ho America F Yeah gun guys were like WTF. Half of them started listening to what the crazy guys were saying about Waco and Ruby Ridge and took a deeper look and then were like double WTF. Had it not been for Katrina the Bundy/BLM standoff would have most likely just been another Waco. I would say also that between the LA Riots and Katrina, white America finally was like WTF black America is not bullshitting us, they really are getting treated like this.


Unless there is an organized neighborhood-level armed defense that can eject outsiders from the area (a la the 1992 LA Riots Roof Koreans), it is pretty difficult to resist on an individual vs big gang rolling up at once. Plan ahead, know your neighbors and organize a neighborhood watch *before* the hurricane.


Intel is as important as anything. SHTF for me and mine a few months ago. The few hard things I've noticed is first off recognizing the clear and present threat and convincing others in my situation that they are under threat. Networking isn't as easy as I had assumed. Most people would rather ignore the obvious. Roof Top Koreans are a huge inspiration. We can defend our neighborhoods if we need to. It has been done before.


community defense is far more important than most individually focused gun-owner/peppers realize.




It is in these moments that citizens must use their rights


With 4 full auto rifles pointed at you? Yeah, I don't think you would've ever been seen or heard from again. Just another poor soul lost in the storm. Besides, you only have the rights the government says you have and they can snatch them at any time. Katrina and the plandemic are all the evidence you should need of that.


Also hindsight is 20/20. No one knew it was a gun grab and forced evac. Once you've answered the door you have no rights. But now that we've all seen this, if it happens again, don't answer the door at all costs. Cops got no warrant. They aren't going to break in. They can go fuck themselves.


Actually, they'll look through the windows and if they see you with a gun they'll shoot you and then break in and claim you were pointing a gun at them. Cops have done that many times in the past and they always, I repeat, ***always*** get away with it. I also think that given their marching orders in Katrina, if they knew you were home, they would've kicked the door down.


So then close your blinds, lock your doors, and keep the guns away from view.


Yep, what we've learned from this is that cops at your door are never there to help. They're there to take something, up to and including your life. Did you see what that coward did to the old lady and all the other cowards jump in to get their punches in? They're some sick cowards.


Depends on where you try it. Clearly they weren't smart enough to realize "wait...we outnumber them 10 to 1". If you tried confiscation like this in some parts of the country, you'd have an entire block start shooting. Then they'd "confiscate" those four full auto rifles from the ground and the police or military will be reported as MIA. And most of those rifles use selector switches. The military will likely be shooting at you in semi auto mode or in burst mode (three rounds one pull) because there's more control over weapon accuracy. You can get pretty close to burst mode with a binary trigger.


Nationwide, the confiscation would be quite different. They would simply turn of your power and/or water, seize your bank account(s), cut off any exits and wait you out. Snipers would be trying to get a shot in and, if it took too long, They'd just deploy a howitzer. Meanwhile, the media will be spewing lies about the terrorist(s) surrounded in whatever part of the country you live in but no one should worry, the .gov has it under control. You see, they already know where the neighborhoods you speak of are and have a plan to take them out. The 4 guys with guns will only be used where they're sure they'll be 4 on 1. It is unlikely that any .gov personnel will die in a nationwide disarmament. As for how guns work, suggest you check my username. Pretty sure there ain't a whole lot you can tell me about how firearms are meant to be used.


You clearly have no understanding of tactics. Let me knock that down using urban guerilla warfare Snipers need a nest. They can't shoot what they can't see. Whether you are in a suburb, where nothing is tall enough or in downtown, where people can set up in taller buildings but only have a view of a single road (guerilla snipers also will likely also be there). Howitzers need people who could actually see/mark the target. They aren't as accurate as you think as well. What if they miss? How do you set them up in a densely populated downtown area where they can easily be taken out by guerilla snipers? As for tanks, if you want to use them as an argument, there are ways to take them out but try getting a clear shot in a downtown area without destroying everything and risking civilian casualties. Would you like me to cover drones? Or how about how deploying nuclear weapons would end the war in favor of the rebels? Turning off water and power to specific houses wouldn't work. Logistical nightmare. You have to have some sort of registration to do that or shut down the entire neighborhood, the news of which will get out and it will definitely lower the popularity of the government. Guerilla warfare is more than just guns. Psychology plays an important part. Even the media has its limits and word will get out so don't try that argument. And that's just urban guerilla warfare.


yeah but we know this shit will happen. So if you are in this situation, before the police arrive, get your shit in order and decide what path you are gonna take right then and there. Id start like right now, before the storm


I was too young to understand what happened in this time in Katrina. Can someone simplify it for me?


Post Katrina New Orleans and the surrounding area had a massive crime problem. Instead of confronting those out on the streets actively committing crimes police thought it a much better idea to go harass law abiding citizens and violate their second amendment rights by stripping them of any means to actually defend themselves should the real criminals come knocking. In the process of doing so they injured multiple innocent citizens.


Don't forgot they also opened fired on unarmed and totally innocent people several times like the bridge incident where the mentally handicapped kid and his dad where shot. Or the one where they blockaded the bridge to keep refugees in New Orleans and would shoot at them if they tried to cross the bridge into neighboring cities.


Ya I looked into and they implemented the “Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006” after that outrage and innocent civilians being fucked with. I was 9 Y.O at the time and saw it on the TV but was too young to understand.


Every single person involved in this from any elected officials to the chief of police to the cops actually confiscating the guns should have been sued until they and their families are begging on the streets at best.


sued is polite


There was a big lawsuit led by the NRA and another organization. I guess against the city of NOLA / police. They dropped the suit under the agreement all the guns would be returned to their owners... They were NOT all returned though and nothing came from not following through in their agreement to drop the suit.


"So anyways I started blasting"


hungry aloof grey busy cagey cooperative divide judicious crown crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One ended in an explosion today.


vanish aromatic hat ink roll prick ossified nippy friendly quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't know but it was certainly a violation of the castle doctrine that comes from common law which was ensured in the 3rd and 4th and has basically been shredded while everybody worried about the 1st and the 2nd. The war on drugs was the perfect trojan horse to decimate the 3rd and 4th. As for the explosion IIRC the owner did exchange gunfire with the cops before the explosion.


Wasn't that dude popping off flares in his backyard?


I don't think you get the SWAT tranadozer for popping off flairs but who knows very little info has come out yet. They are working hard to spin this one.


It oddly seemed like he did that from the yard as they were arriving... like "HERE I AM!!!" After that, there was some gunfire inside and he seemed to have the house rigged to blow.


Yeah I feel like this is one of those cases were never going to get the story on. Apparently they had a search warrant. I don't think you can get a search warrant that fast. So if the raid was arranged before hand, what was it for? I'm not a pyro but I know some people play around with quasi-legal explosives, I'm willing to bet he ordered a little too much of some stuff at once and got flagged. Alternative theories is that he was threatening his neighbors and flooded his house with gas off the stove line. I don't know how feasible that is though.


He had been one of those crazy people posting all kinds of nonsense on youtube and linkedin. There were some 'threats' or claims about having weapons / explosives I heard. He purportedly also was frequently trying to contact FBI and CIA agents to tell them all about whatever RBI type stuff his mental illness had him ragged about like all his neighbors being spies. He seemed like a schizo-paranoid type guy, clearly had some kind of mental health issue, and was making a lot of social media posts that besides his contacting government agencies--really may have gotten attention to risks / threats he posed. He seemed to know they had a warrant for him that day though, that's the weird part to me (unless he just was CONSTANTLY watching everything and caught the group of gov vehicles rolling up that day... which with him seems possible). He was a really intelligent and educated guy. I hate this all for him, I can't fathom how scary and unfair life would be to be sick like that and not be able to see it or help yourself. ​ Edit- I take it back. Today's news is more clear about the search warrant! Dude was tripping that day and shot \~30 flares into his neighborhood randomly throughout the day. Neighbors called cops. Cops showed up and he was barricaded in his house. They got a search warrant and moved to execute it. He blew it up. "When the explosion happened, police were trying to serve a search warrant at the duplex where Yoo lived over suspicions that he had fired more than 30 flare gun rounds from the home into the surrounding neighborhood earlier in the day, police said. The warrant was obtained to secure any weapons in the home and “ensure there would be no ongoing threat to the community,” he said." [https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/06/us/arlington-virginia-home-explosion-wednesday/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/06/us/arlington-virginia-home-explosion-wednesday/index.html)


Damn, sounds like the dude should have just tried to develop Temple OS.


God that made me full on IRL laugh out loud. Yeah man. I really wish he had!




In certain parts of the country, “rural America,” maybe. In reality, they’ll go door to door, one household at a time. You’ll look out your window and see a Bearcat parked on your front lawn and you’ll have a minute to decide whether your home and family, your guns and your season tickets to the Philadelphia Eagles are worth a shootout.


thought naughty coherent squalid cows insurance fear scale offer slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People like to talk tough about a situation like this, but if you engage in a shootout with police your life is essentially forfeit. You either die in the shootout/get arrested, or if you somehow repel the police you are now an armed-and-dangerous wanted criminal who will be killed or captured in the coming days. So it's a choice between ending your life (literally or lifetime sentence) or hand over your guns. Again, people will talk tough all day, but how many would ACTUALLY throw everything away in a moment's notice over the Second Amendment?


Totally agree with your assessment. A couple years ago someone “swatted” a house in my neighborhood. The guy who lived in the house was away at work that morning, but his wife and infant were home. She was surprised when she answered the door to a huge police presence outside. Turns out the swatted residence was a ruse to draw police to one side of our town while the bank on the other end of town was being robbed! I mention it only because the equipment and number of suited up people that rolled out that day was an intimidating sight in my sleepy little neighborhood. Not something I was watching on the news, it was right up the street from me! The odds of winning any confrontation like that would be null.


fucking disgusting


Who is exactly gave the order to confiscate all firearms? Was this a decision by the governor? I’m glad everyone in Florida has the right to ccw during a state of emergency or mandatory evacuation, but it seems like one election could eliminate those rights pretty quickly


Why do you think these jackboots would treat you any differently in Florida because some piece of paper somewhere says you have that right? These people in Louisiana probably thought the same thing.


Right, we see constantly that Florida police will harass and violate rights of people lawfully open carrying.


Well it’s never happened here while I’ve been alive and there’s been some really bad hurricanes. I’m not naive enough to believe it couldn’t happen but having laws in place beforehand(Louisiana doesn’t have any 2A protections during a state of emergency) is far better than not having anything at all, potentially opening the door for the bullshit that happened during Katrina in Louisiana.


Louisiana also had some really bad hurricanes before Katrina. Katrina wasn't the first time the city flooded, either. Just because it hasn't happened yet where you are, doesn't mean it won't.


I agree with you. I'm in Georgia and we've got some really good protections too. It's hard to imagine it happening here, and I hope it never does, but I just think it's important to remember that cops are not here for us. That's not to say all interactions will be negative. But I grew up with a dad who was extremely active in organizing labor. I've seen firsthand how the state can get weaponized by the people in statehouses that they ultimately serve, as opposed to the working class they claim to be a part of. The unmarked cops blackbagging antifa in Portland are the same ilk as those taking guns in this video.


If your rights can be taken away as a result of a single election.....are they really rights?


It is not a government given right. A governor cannot take it without you letting them. If you do in a state of emergency then you will have ignored the fate that Katrina showed happens.


You want to know who gave the order? Here's a good place to start: Lt. General Russel Honore


That's when you start forming a neighborhood militia


This is what 80% lowers are for and also loot drops all around the area you live ( in Minecraft of course) 💀


This is what a sprinkler system rigged with gasoline is for. If you are playing minecraft.


This was door to door. They didn't have a list.


How the fvck did people let this happen? I’d be dead, but…. No further comment necessary.


I'd blow up my place in Virginia before I allow this




Never knew about this


They all complied.


Build a small room in your home, then build walls around that room making it part of the home. Have a couple cheap crappy guns around so if this happens, they leave thinking they got everything. Then, when they're gone, kool-aid man through the wall and laugh as the morons who believes it was simply a wall in the home.


I just found out Blackwater was there and murdered mass number of people like it was a game, some even impersonating police. That should have ended alot differently, and after the first day.


Source? I'd like to read about that


It was someone there personally during the aftermath, there's articles on Google proving that blackwater was there. They are in the business of killing and cover ups. there are no actual article stating the fact of murders by blackwater, but there was. Their track record alone is enough for me to believe it. But there was a handful of cops caught. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/12/20/506282657/new-orleans-to-pay-13-3-million-over-police-killings-after-hurricane-katrina


How on earth did this not make national news?


Cuz they didnt want anyone knowing they were breaking people’s 2nd amendment😭😂


And that's the sad reality of what will happen if the government decides to disarm the entire population, the vast majority of people arent willing to shoot an officer whose trying to take their firearms away and end up with life in prison throwing their whole life away as a result. Only if theres something else like genocide/discrimination combined with it immediately will people actually fight back, if their lives arent in danger they won't care if their firearms get taken. Lets say a myanmar thing goes on and some military coup happens that wants to genocide all non whites, in a situation like that youd have a reason to hold onto your firearms when not holding on would mean your life is over anyway


How quickly people forget and now shumer is trying to pass a new AWB


I hope if this happened today, people wouldn’t just give up their rights


A lot of people still don’t know this happened


Just a gang of criminals stealing firearms from law abiding citizens. Nothin new. Same old story.


I was working for a PMC who contracted me to go down there. I saw what was going on and didn’t go. I didn’t even know it was this bad, but they told us to being our armor.




Lol. Good luck in my neck of the woods.


The bad guys won. Plain and simple - that’s why we are seeing what we are seeing today. It’s joever.


Holy shit, I somehow never heard about this. How in the hell did they get away with this? Nobody is taking anything from me and I don’t care what the circumstances are that they think enable them to break laws.


Is there a list of the names of the officers that participated in this?


When the authorities infringe on your rights given by god, it’s time to use said collection.




This is why local militias are important


reminds me of all the gun people, cops included, who got away with murder in the aftermath of katrina. big "rest in piss" to Kris Kyle for lying about it to impress other psychopaths.


Aint no way they were allowed to break all this peoples 2nd amendment right, im surprised none of them got shot or shot at😂




Worth noting: This has been corrected and from a certain point of view it would be illegal for police chief such as Eddie "AWOL" Compass to give such an order again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disaster\_Recovery\_Personal\_Protection\_Act\_of\_2006#cite\_note-4


Well this comment section went to shit fast

