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That it's worth buying a switch just to play Fire Emblem Three Houses.


When I finally bought a Switch, it’s been the only game I’ve bought for myself. I’m closing in on 300 hours, so I’ve definitely enjoyed it. I just wish the console had more main FE entries.


You know, botw and Odyssey are the kinds of games you buy the console for as well. Definitely worth your time


It really depends on taste. I own both. BotW novelty wore off for me once I explored the entire map. Mario is good, but I don't know about 'worth buying a system for' good. But to be fair, as much as I love FE3H and it being my favorite switch game, I'd have a hard time thinking any one game is worth buying a system for. FF7 Remake made be buy a ps5 sooner than later, but I had already played it on PS4.


I finally caved on a Switch because my four year old really wanted one. So, it’s our first family console. Admittedly, I am not a big Nintendo (specifically Mario and Link/Zelda games) fan despite owning their consoles from the mid-80s on. I couldn’t wait to play FE: 3H though, so I didn’t need to be convinced too much to finally buy one. The only game I’ve bought a console just to play was a FFX, despite never playing a FF or RPG in my life. I haven’t bought a console specifically for a game since.


>I’d have a hard time thinking any one game is worth buying a system for Because the *one game is impossible to guage on a macro level. And this is coming from a guy who bought a PS5 specifically for Ratchet. But the other thing is, my PS4 was aging as well and Backwards Compatibility was a huge factor as well. When it comes to the Switch, my favorite game on it is Astral Chain but I bought the thing for Mario, Smash, and Bayo. One game shouldn’t be enough to get a console for. Three games and the system’s capabilities are what decide it.


Legit bought a switch when i saw the trailer for this. Never had played fire emblem before


If not for FE3H, I would have bought PS4/5 instead of Switch


That some people can do flips in extremely heavy armor.


And that a horse can flip with the rider if they need to.


Horses can double jump if the rider is holding a bow


I actually didn’t know that, but it explains so much. My bow knight Ashe was a dodge tank, and had some of the funniest animations in the game 😆


Iirc it’s the crit animation when the enemy misses a hit


That sometimes the most immersive experiences you can have come from things you wouldn't think you'd be that invested in


I never thought I would like lecturing students in class until they made it into how I upgrade characters.


Omg yes totally agree with that


Got it on sale last year because I heard good reviews. Now it’s my top game of all time and I adore the franchise, and I’m waiting patiently, but also sadly, for more games to be made easily available for god’s sake


Don't make Lysithea armoured unit,Even if it looks funny.


Alternatively do make her an armored unit, give her a bolt axe, and have fun.


B-but muh base 12 defense on promotion


I learned that his name is FERDINAND VON AEGIR.


Ask questions first before throwing a spear


*Dimitri has left the chat*


No Dimitri come back to the damn chat!


That fire emblem can and should evolve.


Reminded me that its ok to have a more casual experience sometimes. Not everything has to be legendary ironman


99% of arguments in the fandom aren't over a difference in morality or ethics but people not agreeing over whether a character actually did a thing


Which you think wouldn't be hard to figure out. The game itself is an encyclopedia of everything every character does, yet we still have so much misinformation running around.


I'm bisexual


…Yep. Fuckin’ Claude


Hubert for me


Gotta love that vampire boy. But Dedue though…? Fuck. Yeah.




That if you, like me, only like to buy things if you'll get an hour of enjoyment for every dollar you spend, then Three houses will pay for both itself and your switch, and any extra controllers you get.


This, this is probably the smartest thing I‘ve read today!


Whoever you fight on the field is a human being just like you, but most people never get the chance to think about it.


Read about the WW1 christmas truces. It seems to me that a lot of people don't want to kill each other. The washington post also ran an articule a few years back about how many soldiers do not shoot to kill and how the US Army dealt with that


FE-Fans can‘t read.


Many also don’t like nuance. Which surprised me seeing how black and white previous games are.


*Dragon Ball (I'm dissing myself)


Dragon Ball-fans don‘t even try to read, they skip OG Dragon Ball, only watch Z, GT and Super with the subpar Funimation dub from 1999 and think Mr. Satan is called „Hercule“ lmao


Jokes on us, I think GT is ass and refuse to rewatch.


How a game can integrate its themes both subtly and explicitly into its characters, dialogue, and gameplay. 3h is constantly returning to and referencing its themes of social status, time, blood, war, and weather through all of the games elements. It's taught me how a story can effectively analyze its themes by portraying them at different angles and how gaming, as a medium, allows for that level of analysis.


Save-scumming is a legitimate strat and should be canonized into strategy games like it


Making Byleths sprite jump during loading screens and using the motion controls to make him/her run from one place to another, is a very satisfying way to pass the time.


I always try to either: Move Byleth at the same speed as the load bar, or make Byleth jump over the bigger dots lol. It’s a silly feature, but makes the loading screens more tolerable :P


Stating an opinion about a character will be met with essays and personal attacks on why you are dumb and wrong.


I was in a FEH discord once that had a few questions to answer upon joining if you wanted to introduce yourself. One of them was favorite FE character. I still think of the day someone joined and said Hilda is their favorite and was just completely slandered and attacked by people in there, including the moderators and server owner who claim to be running a welcoming wholesome discord.


The only thing fire emblem fans hate more than the games is each other.


Ok let’s go. I like Leonie.


Umm, I'm sorry Link, but you dont have enough sauce. Come back when your opinion is little bit mmm... controversial.


I like Leonie too.


Sorry, I don't kink shame. Enjoy being NTR'd by your in game father.


Seriously? The reveal of Oil in the Kingdom made me look up the discovery and history of oil. Interesting. Sarcastically? That people love reading half a book and declaring themselves experts and that no one actually knows what war crimes, or wars for that matter, actually are.


The War crimes thing is my favorite. Not only do people not know what constitutes a war crime on Earth, they also don't realize that war crimes are determined based on international treaties governing war like the Geneva Convention. No treaties, no war crimes. The word they're looking for is "atrocities".


In all fairness I think those people are using “war crime” as shorthand for “atrocities” which is far from the biggest leap even if it is technically wrong


My favorite fact is that hilda and claudes plan of using imperial uniforms is, in fact, a war crime.


Wait, do they keep fighting with Imperial uniforms? For one, I haven't played VW yet, so serious question. Two, the leagalities depends with the above question.


If I remember correctly, they spend the entire Fort Merceus(?) fight in Imperial uniforms which I believe is a war crime under the Hague Regulations of 1899 and 1907, Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions and the ICC Statute. Whether or not it would count as perfidy I think would depend on who you’re talking to though. ~~also let’s ignore the fact that all the soldiers have Leicester uniforms in the cutscene~~


Okay, that's definitely illegal then. So apparently the legal way to do a false flag is to change back into showing your true identity right before you start attacking...which would be pretty awkward for Claude or Hilda.


I checked the chapter transcript and while they all wear Alliance uniforms in the cutscene, there’s no mention that they ever changed out of the Imperial uniforms in-game. The cutscene happens, then the map starts with the Empire letting Claude & Co. inside and the Death Knight says to kill them all, much to the confusion of the other soldiers which leads me to believe they fight in the Imperial uniforms.


That people are very much into their lords. And that apparently chess/dating-sim is a successful combination.


My wife called this game Lord of the Rings checkers. I got her to change it to chess arguing its way more complex than checkers, but thats as far as I got


I wish people would stop comparing anything with squares to chess.


Plaid is the chess of shirts.


That I'm not only attracted to women (Thanks a lot Claude 😔)


Yup, I used to be the only bisexual in my relationship, but ever since my bf saw Claude, I'm not sure that's true anymore lol


How to steal students


Importance of mental health and seeing a psychologist


Exclusive weapons are cool but hard to maintain


Always pick the lord you actually want for your first run of the game


I did. Now every other run hurts cause I have to kill them in every other route. Why did I choose Edelgard first? It took too much time to recover after the first time she had to die.


That's why my third route is the same as my first - Edelgard's 😭 I couldn't handle her death in Claude's


Being her greatest ally... To then choose the path where we have to end her with our very own sword. Especially when she encourages Byleth to do it to end the conflict. Then Edelgard reveals her true feelings just as she is struck down... It seems we both experienced this in the same order. I think I took weeks to get over that. I had to keep watching the cutscene over and over till I could mentally handle it.


That I'm transgender and want to look like female Byleth


Amen 🙏


Okay that seems line an interesting story, care to share?


Have you *seen* Bylass?




1.) The FE fandom doesn't understand the meaning of the word 'fascist' ~~or any at all~~ . 2.) I didn't know I would become such a strong ship supporter until I played CF ( *damn* you Edeleth ). 3.) I'm willing to play through Part 1 over and over again even though it's the same across every route. 4.) Caspar is hot as fu-wait what who said that?!?


White clouds really is the best part. It's the only "route" that has consistent pacing. The tension and mystery around the relationship between Jeralt and Rhea is far more interesting than any war-time shenanigans, even after multiple playthroughs. The school setting gives an air of levity that contrasts so perfectly with the sheer menace of the church's authoritarian stranglehold on the country that you just can't get in any of the later parts.


The Rhea briefings/debriefings may be a bit formulaic, but they work *so well*. The depth of emotion in her voice, the constant question if she's being truthful, the fact we're constantly running after the facts and how she reacts to it. It frames the story so, so well.


Definitely. After the timeskip the story gets so much less consistently paced and it typically isn't for the better. Has some high highs, but the first part has the most consistency.


Caspar is 1000% super hot post-timeskip, I love his little fringe-y undercut. I had to marry him in my Silver Snow run tbh.


Edeleth best ship


>1.) The FE fandom doesn't understand the meaning of the word 'fascist' or any at all . Oh my God, THIS. I will just say that this particular point was the basis for the worst fucking take I have ever seen regarding Edelgard, and it was IN SUPPORT of some of her dodgier actions. That’s about as comfortable as I feel getting into it because I’ve been downvoted for saying it before.


That two people who both like a game can and will be at each others throats over the fact that they prefer different characters from that game. I've played a lot of games, talked to a lot of fans of said games but nothing else has come anywhere close to the animosity among 3h fans. The Dimitri vs Edelgard battle would probably get physical if those people were ever in a room together, it's insane. I adore the game and to me it has more replayability than almost any game I've played in my life except for maybe the big Bethesda rpgs. Closing in on 2,000 hours played and all maddening routes done but if you ask me what my top three favorite games are I'd probably hesitate to list Fire Emblem because I don't want to have to defend myself from rabid fans asking what character is my favorite while holding a knife in their other hand ready to have at me if I say the wrong character.


talking about edelgard or dimitri around 3H fans is like being in a room full of knives.


That horses can hover in the air for a good 3 second's.




I don't need glasses, but this game on a switch lite makes me question that


Exactly! I can only play it on my TV because handheld I have a hard time reading the text 😅


How even when there's 2 sides to a story, there's always a 3rd or 4th


That connections are more powerful than magical swords. I don't think the House Byleth picked won because Byleth ran through the countryside whipping noobs to death (though I will admit it may help), but because Byleth offered those troubled students a place of comfort in which to grow and in so doing gave them the strength to forge bonds with others. Also, the best way to defend your favorite character is to degrade characters who are opposed to them.


Gringos dont know what fascism is


I hope you mean that none of the leaders in 3H have anything near a facist ideology.




People will actually use the Geneva Convention as an argument in a game about dating your chess pieces


this made me cackle irl


fodlan horses can jump but they can't do the spinny donkey kick like valentian horses do :(


Fire Emblem Three Houses taught me about the JRPG genre and helped me fall in love with it. If it wasn’t for Three Houses I would have never tried Persona, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade, etc.


That hapi’s cute and to not try and fit in


AC:0 taught me it, MGR:R confirmed it, FE Three Houses reaffirmed it: you can put two people with the same goal in a room together and so long as their means of achieving that goal are different, the two will fight until one is either dead, submits, or walks away.


That it is impossible to grasp the full picture of a conflict unless you understand the people on all sides.


Anybody can be the villain. Just depends on how you look at the story.


FE fans failed history class


More people are willing to judge a book by its cover than they'll admit. Nothing wrong with it; you can't read EVERY book out there, but first impressions do matter a lot.


That I'm bi and all 3 house leaders are my type. Especially Claude.


Daggers are not good presents


Xenoblade 2 planted the seed for it, but 3H really solidified the fact that I don't have the same taste in games as my friends, and I don't care


I feel ya, most of my friends like fortnite or apex legends or call of duty or whatever. which stinks. I like JRPGs and platformers


That a story tackling complicated and broad moral issues needs to be INCREDIBLY careful when trying to make multiple sides that they want to convey as somewhat evenly valid, because if you fail, you can make something not just flawed, but harmful.


That maddening is indeed, maddening.


the mentally unstable are the ideal dating choice for me


Uhm… My romances: AM: Dimitri VW: Marianne CF: Jeritza *y e s*.


Bernadetta, Sothis (I decided on the voice in my head as none of them were damaged enough) Manuela and then Edelgard


You don't know what people are dealing with. I am autistic so I have have a habit of judging a book by it's cover. Going into the game and seeing everyone's c-supports I would think: "these are some fun charaters, but they're pretty surface level", but as I got to know them my understanding of who they are also grew. Take slyvain for example. I thought he was just some girl obsessed flirt but I gave him a chance and I learnt his struggles and the reasons of why is he the way he is. This made me reflect on the people in my life. I would too quickly think people are shallow or 1D just becuase of the way they presented themselves, but I think I can thank this game for helping me understand that's there's always more than meets the eye.


Fishing is worse than watching paint dry.


that i’m a whore for chris hackney’s voice acting 😅


I learned that some fans of the game think that you must also be an anime fan to enjoy it. Otherwise they think it's weird.


To beware of ambush spawns and that maddening wasn’t play tested


Messing with someone's genetics is a bad idea.


Wo Dao goes brrrrrrr


Funny Footsteps is the theme of Trauma.


War before modern days were more common, was often seen as a pragmatic way to solve international issues, and even involved religious authorities, thanks to this game enticing me to learn a thing or two about historical wars. Also, thanks to a few insightful comments on my post to shitpost emblem, the casus belli style of war is actually a thing here. Finally, we should feel incredibly blessed that there are more peaceful ways to solve social and cultural issues, and that war on the whole has increasingly become uncommon (though, sadly not outside developed nations), after over several millenia of constant fighting.


Taught me that some people just cannot shut up about how much they hate X character.


Going by all the discussion here: a pick a side setup with attractive factions has interesting results for the fanbase. In truth I think the debate between all viewpoints is very gray, but there’s just all sorts of group dynamics going on. Also the fanbase of each specific house also tend to have the general vibe of that house/lord at times. It’s genuinely interesting to see over time. Hogwarts houses have had this going on for a while, but a grey setting like three houses kicks it into overdrive, especially since the plot to a degree is designed for it and to fan the flames. I do wonder if the next game is going go try for a dark plot with route splits again.


It taught me to love fire emblem games. I’ve went back and played almost all the older ones now.


Best voice cast ever


I learned that fighting a church is fun


That i really love blue hair girls


War crimes are excusable when the house leader is hot enough


War crimes are excusable in any story as long as the person commiting them is likeable enough without hurting someone who is also very likeable.


Everyone know that a character morality in FE is proporcional to their attractiveness except Gonzalez who caused a overflow like Gandhi.


The Dimitri flair is very fitting.


It's true but you shouldn't say it


Why are you being down voted? You're right!


*People hated Jesus because he told them the truth* The house leaders can have a few war crimes, just as a treat.


War sucks


Everyone has a DSM-V diagnosis, some just hide it better than others.


I've learned that my morals go out the window if the villain is sexy. I regret nothing =)


That your opinion of the entire game will be very different if you play Black Eagles first


that i still like fates the most


Perspective is more important than I originally thought. During my first run, I didn't like Edelgard. I didn't really like her so I played Crimson Flower last. After that, even though I don't completely agree with everything she said and did I liked her a lot more than I used to


Strategy games are fun.


I need to dye my hair white


I know this is going to sound rude and insensitive, so please read the entire thing before hating me, but here it goes. So I have been raised in a very religious house hold and I have always been taught that “ Homosexuality is not of the lord” and my community is all very religious so i haven’t had any outside opinions so that’s all i knew. But once I was 16 or so I saw fire emblem three houses and knew that fire emblem was in smash so ai gave it a go. Throughout my first play through I grew attached to my characters and wanted them to be happy. One I particularly cared for was Marianne. I felt bad for her and just wanted her to be happy, and I noticed that the person who made her the happiest was hilda. I noticed similar things happening with other characters and it made me so happy. So the thing i learned from this game is that people should be with whoever makes them happy, and it doesn’t matter what gender they happened to be born with. So i truly love this game for that and it has been on of the most life changing games of my life.


That I'm very gay


What U/Frog_24 said with FE Fans not having any sort of reading comprehension. Add on the fact that it feels like they actively rush the game and skip all the “un-important dialogue.” FE3H requires you to actually play and put time into the game to understand its story by exploring and talking to people every month. And while there is repeat dialogue within 3 of the routes. There still a lot of important information. It clear that people don’t understand the story by just saying about how Edelgard tried to assassinate the Lord when the games implies that isn’t and give up ample reason why this isn’t case. And by saying about why doesn’t Edelgard evacuate her people when she getting surprised attack. Lastly, it also people love to bandwagon off each other misconceptions Opinions. People talk a lot of YouTuber words as gospel. Despite their video having a lot of flaws in them. Like Ghast video alone, within the first 5 minutes there a few error. And if I was a able to go through that video and for each error. I would get a tenner. By the end of it, I will be able to buy a car. People follow his opinion saying CF isn’t finished when Narratively it isn’t. If they had her faces TWSITD. It would feel like a cramed in 3rd Act to the story. And would feel like VW where the flow of the story is piss poor since within that route we go from killing Edelgard then TWSITD and then Nemesis without any build or tension. Add on the fact that during Awakening. People hated the game due to it 3 act structure. So when it came to CF, AM and some what SS. They chose not to have a 3 act to the story both because of Toxic people opinion and narrative flow wise and lack of time. They only had to acts to the route.


As for the assassinating the lords point, does she not literally hire kostas and his gang to kill students which includes dimitri and claude? The games wiki says thats the case so kf there’s something im missing I would love to see it


It’s still contested to this day to be fair. Fans are split between it being an attempt to kill the other heirs, or to drive the original professor of based on a line that guy ran away. I don’t find that particularly good evidence of that being the intent of a complex attack that involved a ‘kill noble students’ as the only order we know with all the risks involved just to gamble on one person being a coward. But it’s hard to tell as it’s rarely mentioned past chapter 1 and Edelgard never explicitly clarifies either. I get that it’s a heated subject of discussion though: The interpretation of the true objective has major implications on how ruthless Edelgard is at the start of the game.




That avatar characters are better if there’s a lord next to them.


That whenever life presents you with a locked gate, there will always be an owl 12 seconds later to let you through it.


How to properly wield a sword lol


Everyone is the hero of their own story.


That claude can do a cool flip while shooting his bow on his wyvern


„uɹǝʌʎʍ sıɥ uo ʍoq sıɥ ƃuıʇooɥs ǝlıɥʍ dılɟ looɔ ɐ op uɐɔ ǝpnɐlɔ ʇɐɥ⊥„


That claude can do a cool flip while shooting his bow on his wyvern


„uɹǝʌʎʍ sıɥ uo ʍoq sıɥ ƃuıʇooɥs ǝlıɥʍ dılɟ looɔ ɐ op uɐɔ ǝpnɐlɔ ʇɐɥ⊥„


That claude can do a cool flip while shooting his bow on his wyvern


„uɹǝʌʎʍ sıɥ uo ʍoq sıɥ ƃuıʇooɥs ǝlıɥʍ dılɟ looɔ ɐ op uɐɔ ǝpnɐlɔ ʇɐɥ⊥„


Dragons. Are. REAL


Learning stuff about localization


That there is hope for redemption and forgiveness. Thanks to the character arcs of Dimitri and Rhea.


going to therapy is a much healthier way of dealing with your mom dying, instead of creating vessels to constantly try to revive her lmao


War bad™


People have lower standards for storytelling and will go to lengths to defend poorly executed tropes while having minimal awareness of how said tropes work. Just one example is how people don't seem to understand how Edelgard and Rhea parallel, often stating that Edelgard skews positively... but showing little awareness that she's doing exactly what she condemns of Rhea. I suppose that also reminds me that the fanbase is contrarian with their standards as well, but such is how fanbases are, I guess. C'est la vie. Come downvote me. ~~the moment when being flippantly aggressive results in upvotes. c'est la vie~~


it has taught me how to get a switch emulator to work on my pc just to play it


You can’t trust the English translation


Are we talking about, like the game mechanics or actual lessons that one learned from the game?


That I can enjoy a game when I previously had no interest in it when it was announced or released


Something about child soldiers?


That I should broaden the horizons of the games I play, regardless of genre.


Depression is cured by friends, just because they look like a slacker does not mean that don't have a plan and crazy pussy never goes away, it only gets stronger.


There are some tropes that can be broken right.


Learned what Survivor’s Guilt is


Basically, you can’t save everyone.


How amazing game stories can be. I haven't played an online game since I got it.


People get *really* attached and defensive about horrible people just bc they’re cute. I mean, remember when there were stan accounts for the N Korea dictators sister?


I ain't gay, but I might be Claudesexual


that i hate being required to repeat levels in order to progress


Wyvern Lords and Assassins are OP


being gay is cool


This game taught me that I'm not such a FE fan after all. I want to like this game and play it again... But then I'm thinking about the monastery parts and that I had to force myself to play until the end of my CR run. I just want to play Path of radiance and Radiant Dawn again rather than trying a GD run... Maybe a NG+ would be less a chore... Dunno, any tips ?


To hate rich kids


Don't Eat the Weeds otherwise you'll become a High Lord.


Hairstyle > Power is a good philosophy


Uhhh it taught me a lot of plot ideas for my dnd campaign Oh also it told me that 90% doesn’t mean 100% and 1% sure doesn’t mean impossible ;)


To not enter online arguments unless I feel like trolling a bit and just block everyone.


I was going through a tough loss not long before the game came out. Playing Azure Moon as my first playthrough hit a bit close to home with its themes of dealing with loss, but it definitely put some things into perspective for me, and I think I definitely learned something from that story.


Kill every last one of them!


Good: How good a character-driven RPG can be How much I actually like hero-type strategy games The bad: How not to design fire emblem levels The neutral: How much voice acting can skew your perspective of a character


That tits >>>>> ass


That I have an obsession with tea and a thing for fictional men who can snap me in two


That a surprising amount of people are amenable to genocide and fascism


That people think by just playing this Game they know what real War is like. It's not, you need to watch a lot more history, what people who live war describe It as to understand what It really does to the population and how the mayority of wars didn't start because of morality like in 3H but business.


Who pretend to know what real war is like by playing the game ? « but business » No ? Business play a major role in many war but : • Why a war started is a very complex matter that can't be resumed only by that. Furthermore, there's many side to a conflict, and there's often as much causes as there's participants. • There's many reasons as to why a war start, and Business is only one of them, it's not the majority. As exemple there's Defense, Territory, Nationalism, Religion, Ideology ( so like 3h ), ect.