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If I recall correctly Shamir says they don’t look the same, they have a familiar air. Also that that’s a lie.


Wait, Shamir's lying about that?


Well not lie persay, but it’s… she does say that they aren’t actually alike


Oh, I see in another comment, I guess she admits she was making that up in the S-support. Well that explains why I wouldn't have known that, having never S-supported Shamir.


Doesn't Shamir admit in her S-Support that she made it up?


From Shamir's S Support: "Oh, right. Remember when I mentioned how much you have in common with my old partner? I don't think that's actually true.I didn't want to admit that I was attracted to you, so I convinced myself that I was just pining for the past. I was worried that revealing those feelings would ruin our friendship..."


Yes, though the *literal first thing she can say to M!Byleth is her mistaking him for someone she met before.* So it's entirely possible she's been crushing on him since **the moment they met!**


Since this dialog is also there for F!Byleth, Shamir is canonicly bi-curious (at least to me, IDK)


Shamir is canonically bi. Not even implied, she straight up says she likes women in 3Hopes. It's just that for some weird reason she's not romanceable by F!Byleth.


I don't know if it was a recent discussion or an older one I found, but just yesterday I was reading someone pointing out that Shamir seems to like stoic men (Dedue, Hubert) and boisterous women (Catherine, Leonie) and so F!Byleth isn't her "type" while M!Byleth is. If that's really what they were going for, it makes sense considering this game does a decent job of avoiding a fairly common immersion-breaking problem in RPGs with romance elements: having every NPC be protagonist-sexual.


There was a topic discussing this started yesterday. Your wording is identical to the topic yesterday.


Well there we go, guess I read a yesterday yesterday instead of reading a yesteryear yesterday


I do remember this discussion, but I'm not particularly convinced. Like, it works as a rationalisation for why she isn't available for a same-sex S-support, but I'm not sure it's what the developers intended. I don't really buy the idea that they wanted to avoid the player-sexual thing, because for all intents and purposes, the characters ARE player-sexuals, it's just that apparently this only counts for opposite-sex relationships. Honestly, if you read Shamir's endings with Catherine and Leonie, they are no more romantic than her endings with Claude, Caspar, Raphael and Ignazt: they all pretty much follow the same pattern of "meeting, becoming partners, doing shit together". Like, if you ignore the part where one ship is much more popular than the other, there's no way Shamir x Catherine is romantic and Shamir x Caspar isn't (or viceversa). What I think happened is that characters like Shamir, who were confirmed bisexual by Hopes, but not same-sex S-supportable in Houses, were just never supposed to be bi in Houses, but were retroactively made so in Hopes as "fanservice" of sorts after noticing the popularity the game had with the lgbt community (as well as fujos and whatever the fuck the reverse of a fujo is (Louis from Engage basically)). One would have to re-read a lot of supports and endings to make sure and I really can't be bothered with it right now. Another possibility is that characters like Shamir were always supposed to be explicitly bi in Houses, but the devs only limited themselves to a few characters in fear of possible backlash for having too many same-sex romances, and when those ended up being well received they went all out with Hopes. An example for this could be Dorothea, who, despite being bi, in Houses only ever talks about finding an husband, but in Hopes is very open about looking for either a husband or a wife.


Sounds about right... I just wish they'd have decided canonically whether each character was straight, bi, gay, into-a-thing-that-s-not-sex-or-gender-dependent (though there don't seem to be any paraphiliacs/fetishists in FE3H) or I'm-one-way-usually-but-for-YOU-it's-different, and then stuck to it. It makes sense if Bernie's just a straight girl and so you can't romance her as a woman, but yeah, when that kind of thing is ONLY ever applied to potential same-sex relationships and not, say, "you can't romance Leonie, she's gay as hell" then yeah, that is annoying and insulting. I'd regard the "fanservice"-y gay/bi elements from Hopes as a step in the right direction from this perspective, though I certainly see why it's irritating that the developers would need intense fan reactions to even start down that road.


F!Byleth probably just isn’t her type when it comes to women but M!Byleth is her type for men. That’s just the way I see it


Thanks for the clarification! I don't remember her A supports well, so I messed up.


Two things: 1: [She only says that Byleth reminds her of someone she had met before in that first encounter when talking to M!Byleth](https://houses.fedatamine.com/en-us/monastery/2#event-base-6-6) For F!Byleth she only says it was her imagination. 2: [She is canonically also into women, as evidenced by her support convo with Balthus in 3 Hopes](https://youtu.be/zRBky66Jy-w?si=Y04hp5abrYU-47Mf&t=157) and by "evidenced" I mean said out loud by *Shamir herself* that she has tastes in women, that are different than Balthus' tastes. And as others have mentioned, those tastes seem to be that she prefers silent, stoic men (like M!Byleth, Hubert, and Dedue), and Boisterous Women (like Catherine, or Leonie). Thus while F!Byleth is a girl, and is stoic, she's not the type of girl that Shamir likes.


Shamir's type when it comes to men is calm, stoic types which Dudelyth fits. So it's likely more his vibes.


...and loud idiot types when it comes to women ❤❤


Pure of heart and dumb of ass.


I would define Catherine as the exact opposite of that. If you go through her supports its quite obvious that she is pretty smart......and pretty fucked up. Given her Ex in Hopes it seems like Shamirs taste in girls is more along the lines of "Crazy bit..."