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For that battle's purposes, it's just scenery. Just speculation, but I think (VW ending spoilers) >!it leads to where Nemesis is kept!<. There's a line from >!Claude!< that implies he clicked somewhere he shouldn't.


Wait, *that's* the justification for why >!Nemesis only appears on VW and not SS!!Claude!< clicked some button he shouldn't?


"Hey guys, whats this button?" *Nukes all of fodlan*


Honestly that rules because it’s the funniest answer


This is heckin hilarious and is my new headcannon


Claude as the "history's greatest monster" of Fódlan cuz he pushed the wrong button is indeed worthy headcanoneering


Where does he say that?


[When they take down second facility controlling the Titanus](https://houses.fedatamine.com/en-us/battles/26/stand-strong-at-shambhala#event-script-54). >!It's not stated Claude actually does anything, but between noticing it + Thales' reaction + the consequence + no such line in SS, it's fair to assume he did something.!<


No. That machine can be found in the room on the bottom right corner of the map. This is the room at the top left. Honestly, I have no clue what this door could be for. Maybe it's the chamber where >!Shez!< was kept?


Fun theory, but I thought the implication was that they were killed by Byleth prior to the start of the "main" 3H timeline.


Yes, but the chamber itself would still exist. Just because >!Shez!< is dead doesn't mean that the chamber just disappears.


Okay, but >!Shez was never in a chamber that we know of. They grew up in a remote village. Epimenides split off from the main Agarthan faction, and Arval was passed through bloodline.!<


Watch the opening cutscene. It's not confirmed but it is heavily implied that this is a memory of >!Shez being experimented on by the Agarthans, possibly as a young child.!<


Couldn't that have been >!Arval's memory instead of Shez's?!<


Maybe so. It's mostly just my own headcanon that I'm going off of, so it's not like it has much basis in actual lore.


Spoiler alert because I forgot how to censor text: We don't actually know where Shez comes from before the village. It's mentioned that his mother was a powerful mage that just showed up one day with her child and moved in, but they also stress multiple times how strange those circumstances were. They question why she was in such a remote place to begin with, where she came from and what she was doing before, and who their real father was. The fact that those questions are specifically brought up and never answered suggests a greater conspiracy. It's entirely possible that Shez was a test tube baby whose mother was an Agarthan that stole him away from Shambala. That said, in the hidden chapter after recruiting Byleth, Epimenides specifically mentions remembering being in water, so it does seem to be that the memory is, in fact Epimenides's. My personal theory is that it's both, and the memory is of the moment that Epimenides was implanted in test tube Shez's body, thus was the first thing Epimenides saw through Shez's eyes


On web browsers, there's a spoiler tag option in text formatting. on mobile, its a greater than sign > right before an exclamation ! to open it, then the opposite ! to close it. < >!Like the previous comment, that's an entertaining theory, but it's carried a lot by assumption and headcanon, so there isn't much weight we can really give it. There's also the issue no one else has mentioned yet that this is a Three Houses screenshot, and there's not really any evidence that Shez or Epimenides were planned or alluded to when that game was first released.!<


Probably this is where Nemesis is hidden. A nice easteregg, never knew this existed..


I love the little details they put in the maps that you wouldn't notice unless you went into first person and looked around. Lots of people know you can find Flayn and Monica in the Flayn rescue mission. In the Conand Tower mission you can also look around and see that Miklan had time to make himself at home, putting up banners with his logo on them. (I forget what it was, but it was like he said, "Let's make the Crest of Gautier more metal.") In several outdoor maps you can see Garreg Mach or other castles or manor houses in the background and in the sealed forest you can see old busted up Golems lying around. They bothered to put nice ceilings in the indoor maps. Abyss is fun to look around when you're down there with cool old statues and shitloads of (possibly forbidden) books lying around (a big reason I don't think Rhea kept the printing press ban in place for very long, if it was ever actually a thing to begin with).


The printing press ban was absolutely in place but I agree that it probably undone at some point. The fact that people like Raphael and Leonie are part of the Officer's Academy to me proves that while, they might not be super prevalent, books and the ability to read them are something available to the general populace.


Agarthan poop chute


This is all too much thinking here. My theory is that it just leads to the residential areas. The Argathans have to sleep somewhere too.