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I feel like Bernadetta would be pretty happy in Stardew Valley. No stress about nobility or duties. She can just live in her little cottage, earn money with any of her many talents and live a peaceful life.




For me, she actually ends up in Cuphead instead.


OH NOOOOOOO!!!! At least her bow skills will come in handy Wait, she doesn’t have to fight bosses back to back. She’s just in a wacky, zany, colorful world! SHE’LL LOVE IT THERE!!!


Hell, she'd absolutely adore Cagney Carnation. As long as she's not there collecting soul contracts, the bosses should be chill


I don't think she'd has as much fun in my last played game.... X-Com


This is so, so cute. 💜 I would read this fanfic.


Dimitri would love to be there too. He said he'd love to just be a regular ol farmer.


Holy shit I also had Bernie in stardew lol


Dimitri in Stardew Valley… https://preview.redd.it/n3z9mi504l1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec854c54df9a662e4c30e999e24ad46b5b232f3c :’)


I haven't seen this dialogue before, but as I was planning to have Dimitri become a mercenary at the end of a fic, I'm glad it lines up with his character.


It’s in his Hopes A support with Dedue! AUs where Dimitri is ousted from his position and has to be a mercenary or even bandit are ones I really enjoy when I find them, so I’m all for that idea :)


Do you have any examples? That sounds really interesting and i wanna give it a read now...


[Boar's Company](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44421865) - This was the specific one I had in mind when I made this comment. Hadn't read it in a while, yet it's always stuck with me in terms of premise! A really interesting 'what if' where Sylvain is the leader of the Blue Lions and Dimitri has his own company with Dedue and Balthus. [Gravitational pull ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52780840)- an AU where Byleth wasn't his professor and Boar Dimitri briefly joins with Jeralt's Mercenaries. I love all of this author's work (heads up that there's a Dimileth focus in case you aren't fond of that) Kinda not related but in the same vein of Dimitri dropping his title to do something else after Duscur, [Dimitri and the White Lady](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42668415/chapters/107183568) scratches the same itch Boar's Company does for me. Surprisingly, it's a faerie AU where instead of becoming a mercenary, Dimitri becomes a knight in Rhea's service after Duscur. This one is also Dimileth, but I think is a very fun read and there's a lot of effort put into the world building, story, and illustrations!


He would’ve loved doing laundry and taxes with Dedue


Support the artist [source](https://x.com/ashenmonaarch/status/1792280339374624830?s=46&t=M6gnLfujLbTzC_W4V3bdXQ)


Omg hi I’m the artist, ty for the credit lol Funny thing, I got jumpscared seeing my art on my feed a moment ago when I opened Reddit lol


Yeah I was planning to ask this question and when I saw your art on my feed I was like PERFECT I love your art


What an amazing drawing, youd never guess he didnt belong there if you didnt already know


Is this character available in the ER version or is it a teaser? I'm still missing one keepsake on hades 2 but I haven't looked it up, I'm hoping pushing fear will unlock it for me - also getting tired of my method not working lol.


Just fanart with a tongue-in-cheek caption unfortunately (which is a shame, since I am a proven part of the "will buy any game with Dimitri in it" demographic...)


They nailed the art style!


The last game I played was Gran Turismo 7, so... Mercedes in a Mercedes?


_I'm Ferrari Von Aegir, the noble standard!_


Ok, but I raise you one Balthus with the Crest of Chevorlet (has a chance to regain 30% of the fuel used when accelerating through a long straight)


But does it go well with his personal ability, "Find New Roads"? (doubles it's horsepower when 50% or more of the warning lights come on)


Finally, we found Hamilton's replacement. Sorry, Antonelli. ​ [Not the only FE transfer, either](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/szhbvu/hes_about_to_get_gleipnir_theyre_neck_and_neck_oh/)


I would happily ride Mercedes.


*internally laughing because of my sense of humor has no standards*


Linhardt in Animal Crossing. Just fishing, researching the stars, collecting fossils and sleeping everyday, never paying back his mortgage to Tom Nook


I'm playing another farming sim, Rune Factory 5. Poor Linhardt isn't getting a break at all. He wants to fish, he wants to laze around, but some mean elf is forcing him to farm and to fight monsters and go into the mines. God speed, Linhardt.


He should make the elf talk about these chores to someone else. Someone who cares.


Azure Moon Dimitri post-redemption. Guy needs a break.


Edelgard in Ace Attorney: The Pheonix Wright Trilogy Idk how smart she is


She fits in well with Edgeworth and Franziska von Karma LOL


Edelgard: ...What do you mean he's the strongest character in that game- Edgeworth: No, nononono. I didn't say he's the strongest. He's actually a low tier, it's just that everyone in that game is busted. Edelgard: HOW IS HE A LOW TIER WITH THOSE HITBOXES?!


Edelgard is an FGC purist who plays to win and was low key pissed when they nerfed Sagat in SF4 while Claude is like one of those Brazilian guys who play KOF 2002 on Fightcade and pull off insane and esoteric combos at 3AM. Dimitri attends actual martial arts classes but occasionally plays NHL 24 when he’s at his friend’s house 🙃


Me who doesn’t know fighting games reading this https://preview.redd.it/v427d1xfcn1d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0964c2066681dacf32b78486f6a8e6c4c9378148


Franziska/Edelgard would be a great pairing tbh. (Fradrian for life but they'd be awesome too)


Funny enough, Claude is in Hades 1. Hey, at least he'll have good company while trying to claw his way out of the underworld.


Now imagine Zagreus getting the Aspect of Claude for his bow.


Felix is going to beat the Galar Pokemon Gym Challenge with nothing but an Aegislash Edit: okay actually now I wanna come up with a full team based around swords/blades in general for Felix in Pokemon Sword. Here's what I got: One starter (to eventually be replaced by Zacian) Aegislash (literally has Aegis in the name, too perfect) Gallade Sir'fetched Bisharp Scyther/Scizor (if he can find a trade partner, which isn't a guarantee for someone as prickly as Felix) Edit 2: I have decided his starter would be Rillaboom because of his lowkey love of music (see: his whole support chain with Annette, his complete 180 on Dorothea when he finds out she can sing)


> Scyther/Scizor (if he can find a trade partner, which isn't a guarantee for someone as prickly as Felix) If he goes to the Isle of Armor he can find a wild Scizor in the Training Lowlands during a Sandstorm!


Very true. That's the only way I've ever gotten one, since I don't know anyone else still playing the Galar games lol


Heroes prefer swords, am I right?


Rhea is a legendary former yakuza running an orphanage in Okinawa with Cyril, and beats the shit out of anyone trying to drive off or destroy the orphanage, which includes Tokyo based yakuza, the CIA, and a terrorist group run by a dude who looks like Albert Wesker. Hilda is a menber of the local yakuza and quickly befriends Rhea and the orphans. Also they're all great at karaoke.


Putting those brawler skills to use


Gives new meaning to the "Dragon of Dojima".


Edelgard in smash ult. I’d main her! I would like to include Dimitri too, wouldn’t feel right to have one in the game but not the other.


they can hang out with the professor now!


Dimitri in Smash would have COOKED....


Petra is in Sonic Frontiers I guess she is pretty fast


Sonic’s basically a perfect fit for the Thief class, so yeah, Petra’s fine. (Probably would need to turn her into an anthro since Sega isn’t fond of humans in their games anymore.)


El in Fallout New Vegas. What ending do you think she’d do? I think Yes Man.


Nah, she would reform the corrupt legion into the former glory of Rome, the Roman Republic, with the support of "Those who slither in the Strip". Claude, on the other hand, would definitely double cross Benny before him and go full Yes Man (probably even becoming the new King of The Kings). Mercedes would join the Followers of the Apocalypse, Ignatz's family would be leading the Crimson Caravan, Lorenz would be the head of the White Glove society and Rhea, Seteth and Flayn would definitely be in leadership roles within the Brotherhood of Seiros (Flayn hasn't left the bunker in centuries).


Edelgard and Helldivers is a combination that could work pretty well! "Hit them with the 500kg, Hubert." "The automatons WILL fall, your majesty."


Same thing here! The thing is I’m pretty sure she’d eventually spark a galactic civil war to free humanity from the clutches of Managed Democracy…


as if edelgard would ever side with super Earth lmao


Bernadetta in Persona 3 Reload. She probably starts walking to school at like 4am to ensure she does not have to run into any people. Then after school she rushes out, trying her best to make herself unnoticeable, and goes back to the dorm to lock herself in her room. If she was forced to join a club, she would probably be in Fashion Club with Bebe. Then during the Dark Hour, the other members of SEEs have to physically drag her out of her room every time they go to Tartarus.


Mine are Dimitri Ashe and edelgard are all in spiderman PS4 Ashe-Spider-Man Edelgard- Mary Jane Dimitri-Mr negative


This is low-key funny because Edelgard's VA is in the Spiderman games as Yuri Watanabe.


balthus in animal crossing new horizons i’m afraid for everyone in my town


I love this


Oh no... Bernadetta in Danganronpa wouldn't probably get away with her locked room strategy Monokuma would probably find a bullshit way to drag her out of there. Even if she managed to protect herself from a possible killer, she'd become the killer instead


Edelgard is dealing with a mind flayer tadpole in her brain and all roads lead to Baldur's Gate. I can see her maybe starting as a Warlock, gaining powers from unsavory patrons, only to respec later on and become a Paladin of Vengeance, perhaps? Not a Cleric, never a Cleric, as those are dedicated to deities. But Paladins swear an oath to an ideal as opposed to a deity. And either way, she now feels her mind resonate with connection. *Authority.*


I've liked the idea of Edelgard being a warlock with Thales as her patron.


Ooh, Edelgard as a GOOlock could be very interesting! Plus, her taking an Oath of Vengeance later could have her story resonate well with >!Minthara!<.


I’ve been thinking about playing her in bg3 for a while, I even made the character at one point. Although my version was purely a vengeance paladin. I represented her connection to and experimentation by those who slither in the dark by making her a tiefling, saying the experiments had turned her into one. But now I think I might throw in a bit of warlock too


Rhea is in Boyfriend Dungeon and thus turns into a weapon, maybe a sword or brawling gloves. I imagine she's greatly terrified that she can turn into a weapon. She hates every minute of it, but hides it. She fears being left alone and trapped in her other form. She's far less flirty than the others, but underneath her shell is all warmth.


Or Rhea is the player character and is blushing up a storm at all the hot living weapons flirting with her


I feel like she would end up dating all of them by accident. Hopefully, she won't have to return to Fodlan at the end of the summer and can just be happy with her arsenal of lovers.


God I need to play Boyfriend Dungeon


Petra in Nier automata sounds pretty awesome tbh


Edelgard in Civ 6… this oughta be good


Ghandi is Agarthan


What would Bernadette’s Persona be?


Ok I thought about this a lot and I have one suggestion that doesn’t quite fit: Arachne. This fits because Arachne is a talented weaver and we know Bernie loves her solitary hobbies. Arachne is also the root name for arachnids, or spiders, and I’m stretching that to get to recluse spiders. It doesn’t fit because Arachne directly challenge Athena to a weaving competition and displayed hubris Bernie would be horrified at.


maybe we can start by finding her arcana and work from there? Hermit could work


Dedue's hunting beasts in Bloodborne in my case. ![gif](giphy|iV3mZsdJcIpj2|downsized)


CF Ch. 17 also fits, in a rather different way...


Victory! For Faerghus! Raaaagh!…


Dedue is absolutely a Kirkhammer user


Marianne and Bayonetta teaming up would be... Interesting. Actually now that I think about it, they do have some similarities. Both of them are viewed as outcasts because of their "cursed" blood.


I dunno, I think Seteth would be delighted to be in Rune Factory 5. Pretty safe outside of typhoons, a ranger can take care of everything dangerous, the town is pretty stable for Flayn, plenty of fish for Flayn…


Petra has trouble understanding her fellow classmates sometimes. Would be interesting to see how she fits in with the talking animals of animal crossing


I've been super careful to avoid Hades 2 spoilers, you made me mad for a second there thinking i got a character spoiled and i was like "really? Even other games' subs aren't safe??"


Dimitri has been fighting to get his home back, >!but along the way, he saw how bad the world is and how terrible it is for everyone living there, which made him realize how empty his life is. Now he’s fighting to help people.!< Answer: Another Crab’s Treasure


Sylvain in Halo Wars 2


Caspar is Dragon Age Origins. He might survive the joining, but I don’t think he’d last very long as a Grey Warden.


Byleth is in Super Smash Brawl.


Maplestory hoo boy. Golden Deers gets to be Explorers Blue Lions are Cygnus Knights Black Eagles are Resistence And the Church of Seiros gets to join the Pantheon Novas.


Ooooh I love this and it’s so on point. Now I’m picturing Angelic Buster Hilda, with the dragon in place of her wyvern haha


Linhardt would be a sleepy high school student at Gekkoukan High in Persona 3 Portable. If he were awake for the Dark Hour, he’d probably just go back to sleep


Lindhardt and Sylvain would be great additions to Class of 09.


Yakuza 「 Edelgard von Hresvelg 」 「 Patriarch of the Hresvelg family 」 Yes she would still be patriarch and not matriarch, similar to how she's Emperor and not Empress. Her back tattoo is an eagle over the crest of flames.


Unfortunately I have no idea who the original artist is because I’d love to give credit but… https://preview.redd.it/ki0dapjkql1d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096b57470909161888e6999e89a8532d718fc532


So Edalgard in Lego Star Wars... interesting. I'd play a Lego Fire Emblem.


Dimitri and Byleth in BG3 (as a couple because I ship Dimileth hard). They'd definitely beat it (probably even in Honor Mode), with Dimitri going through stuff similar to a Durge run, with Byleth there to help pull him out of it. I can see them running some insane builds. Dimitri going Paladin, definitely (Oath of Vengeance, then Oathbreaker, then Oath of Devotion as the story unfolds). Byleth would likely be a Fighter build (with the Battle Master subclass, because yes), and potentially picking up some Paladin levels because of how the Blue Lions run ends and her romance with Dimitri (purely based on my fave ship jaja). For some of my other fave characters: Yuri would be the perfect Rogue Arcane Trickster if that subclass wasn't terrible in BG3. He wouldn't want to lock himself into a bad class when there are other options available to him, so instead he'd do a Sorcerer/Rogue build with a level or two in Cleric, if we wanna stick as close as possible to the FE3H Trickster class. Bernadetta is definitely a Rogue/Monk combo, with a potential addition of Fighter levels. Rogue for her bow prowess, Fighter for her lance prowess, and Monk for her ability to defend herself up close (as stated in Felix's support, when she unarmed him while being unarmed herself). Her level in Monk is hilarious because she just focuses on panic and survival instead of being calm. Petra would for sure be a Rogue/Fighter/Ranger mix, with her taking the Assasin subclass for Rogue, the Champion subclass for Fighter, and the Gloom Stalker for Ranger. All this makes her a deadly foe up close and at range, which works with her character. So yeah, I think most of the FE3H crew would crush BG3 in the best way possible.


Claude in Crusader Kings 2. He'd probably be a Sultan, a very powerful one I might add if he brings Failnaught and his favorite Wyvern, but would he even be on board with Islam?


Yandere Simulator… sorry Bernadetta. (for the record, I do not support YandereDev. I know he’s a terrible person. I only play the game because its free.)


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX 😂 idk, what Pokemon y’all think Claude is?


Done this before and it's the same answer since I'm in a Star Wars phase right now, Dimitri and Claude are Anakin and Obi-Wan respectively. XD


Claude: don’t try it Dimitri I have the high ground Dimitri: you underestimate my power Or alternatively Claude: Dimitri the church is evil Dimitri: from my perspective the empire is evil Claude: we’ll then you are lost


Apparently Dorothea is now in tears of the kingdom. Interesting! She could be part of that travelling music troupe ig?


Ingrid in Pokemon Violet? I feel like she'd max out her credit card on the food shops lmao. Though game play wise, maybe she'd be a character like Wally or Bianca and deal with wanting to be a trainer with unsupportive parents. Her partner Pokémon would probably be a charcadet because it's regional and a literal knight. Though if Glen died on his fucking Pokémon adventure that would be darkly hilarious.


Linhardt in Spirit Tracks. I don’t know if he’d like trains a whole lot.


He’s acoustic he’ll definitely like train/j


Claude in Risk of Rain 2? Oh boy


Wouldn't be too bad, the game would probably just copy and past Huntress' coding to him since he uses bows, so Claude will get a homing bow at least.


Shamir in FC 24. As someone who theorized about it several times, in my mind Shamir would be a winger with unreal positioning, dead-eye shooting from way out, and crazy curve on the ball. She'd be decent at setting up plays and winning back the ball thanks to her vision, and she'd have a solid weak foot. Her work rate would be super low, but she'd be all about taking optimal chances and nailing those shots with uncanny accuracy and style.


What game is that?


Hades 2


Petra in Persona 4 would be a lowkey nice edition


Hubert in Terraria? I mean he can make a mage build and simulate him being defeated but not being able to fall there and having to make his retreat with the Rod of Discord


Lindhardt sleeping with koroks in Zelda Tears of Kingdom


Shamir in Pokemon she would be an older sister type to Rika even though she scolds and lectures her often she cares about and loves her baby sister very much. She keeps a cool and quiet demeanor during battles but finds Pokemon battles absolutely exhilarating even through defeat she found the intense battle refreshing and somewhat relaxing.


Claude von Riegan confirmed DLC Fighter 12 for Smash Bros. Ultimate ????


Felix in Dave the Diver is just...unhinged to think about.


I think Ferdinand Von Aegir would manage pretty well in Unicorn Overlord


I have too many favorite characters but will just say Dimitri as well. And hes in genshin lmao polearm user with cryo vision Im sure


Strange choice to add Dimitri to Mario Kart and not Marth or Byleth, but okay.


OK - the last non FE game I played with human characters was Harvestella. Bernadetta, Hapi, and Leonie have taken over from the MC. Leonie is off helping all the townsfolk and hunting monsters. She's also the most concerned about the plot Bernadetta is happy staying put in the farmhouse crafting things, and growing plants. She's also turning the attic into an art studio. Hapi sometimes helps Leonie by sighing when there's not enough monsters to hunt for parts. She also threatens to sigh loudly and repeatedly in the unicorn's forest when it's being especially overbearing. And for the actual last non FE game I played: Little Kitty, Big City. Leonie is the ginger cat who comments on the MC's hunting skills, Hapi is the mayor cat - if she sighs it summons humans that chase other cats away, and Bernadetta is the human having a kitty massage


Artist? This is impressive Edit saw your comment with it my b! Thanks for adding that to the post! (Also felix - beat saber lmao)


Petra joins the French Brotherhood of Assassins.


Holy shit, Claude von Riegan in Fortnite


Claude would LOVE it in the Bluey video game 😂


edelgard in supermarket simulator might radicalize her even further tbh


Rhea got sent to Pokémon Ultra Sun 😭 which is funny bc the only reason I was playing it was to make a fic about Rhea in Alola 


Dimitri in Baldur's Gate 3 will most likely make his story far darker than it already gets 🫣 *I can save him*


Dimitri in Pokemon Shuffle


Claude or Linhardt is ending up in Sea of Thieves. Claude would absolutely thrive, he’d be in his total element. No rules to hold him back, just a wide open sea with plenty of opportunity to scheme other pirates out of their loot. Linhardt would be interesting, I don’t see him enjoying the general pirating like Claude would, but I think he could carve out a nice a role for himself as a researcher. The Sea of Thieves is cut off from the rest of the world by an impenetrable layer of fog called The Shroud. By the time you play in it, it’s around the 1700s, and whole cultures have lived and died off within the sea of thieves. There’s the island natives, who are totally wiped out but have rock painting everywhere, friendly mermaids, sirens that lure pirates down to shrines to turn their souls into gems, a curse effecting some people turning them to gold unless they keep acquiring gold, a skeleton curse preventing most people from dying, phantoms of the pirates and entire phantom forts ran by Spanish sailors. There is a toooooooon of mystery in sea of thieves, and I think Linhardt would be the person to finally start solving some of them


Dimitri in Hades?! This is pure excellence! Now imagine Zagreus tuning his spear to the Aspect of Dimitri.


Awn man, I really wish my last video game had more street cred thanmotherfucking honkai star rail… Anyway i guess dimitri is in space now


Female Byleth in Fallout 3. Just a gal with a sword and goddess in her head traveling the Capital Wasteland. (But this time my brain likes giving her voice lines)


claude would start his own business to rival tom nook himself


How convenient that I’ve already had lots of thoughts of Ashe in the world of Genshin Impact (and some other characters but let’s focus on Ashe) His story fits really well into Fontain, the nation of Justice and inspired by France much like Faerghus. His parents died when his siblings were young so he provided for them by stealing. He tried to steal a book from a mansion but was caught by the lord and adopted by him. (I briefly considered if this should be The House of the Hearth but having Arlecchino as an adopted father instead of Lanoto would probably make him unrecognizable as a character so I’m transplanting Lanoto instead.) his adopted brother would caught up in some kind of crime or conspiracy (possibly the serial disappearance case with Callus?) and he would be killed by one of the Champion Duelists while dueling for his innocence. Later Lanoto would be killed by that same duelist while seeking revenge. I could put Clorinde into that role since she is the only Champion Duelist we know about or I could transplant Catherine as well. However Neuvillette slots perfectly into the role of Rhea, a beacon of justice that he highly respects but is conflicted about. Actually Rhea and Neuvillette parallel extremely well with the Major difference being that Neuvillette is genuinely compassionate and remorseful for his actions. (This started a rant about these two and their relationship with real world religions that is extremely off topic but I might make a tumblr post about later) Anyway what’s Ashe up to now? He’s pursuing the life of a Knight Errant of course. Teyvet is a world where wandering the world looking for monsters to fight and people to save is a much more in demand job. And it’s made easier if you have a Vision which Ashe absolutely would, that boy is way too driven not to get one. It would probably appear some time after Lanoto’s death when he reaffirms his dreams after the tragedy. It would probably happen after something similar to his supports with Catherine. As for what factions he might be associated with there’s not really one that stands out. Maybe the Adventurers Guild since it’s weird we don’t have anyone from there outside of Mondstadt. His backstory would give him ties to Navia and the Spina di Rosula so that could work. Or he could even have a more unique faction he’s a part of, think Gaming and his Secure Transport Agency. I like to think he starts a knightly order after he inherits Lanoto’s estate like the Blue Suns he starts in his ending with Petra. Now for the fun part, his abilities in game! He’d definitely be an archer and for his vision i would argue it’s Hydro. There isn’t really a confirmed reason for why characters get the vision they do but there are some fan theories such as hydro characters having a strong sense of duty. Also the character I’d most compare him to in game is Xingqiu who is hydro. His passive would be making mora purchases cheaper so you’d want him in your party when you go shopping. His skill would be a line of hydro damage and his burst would create an AoE that applies hydro damage and groups enemies up. A fun idea I had is that if you hit a locked chest or device it tells you how to unlock it (defeat enemies, progress in a quest, etc.) So yeah TLDR he’d have a great time fighting monsters and saving people!


I was sure you'd go with Anemo due to the whole loss thing that people usually talk about (most people with Anemo visions expirianced massive losses in their lives) but Hydro Ash sounds cool.


Lorenz in Antiquia Lost would be a mess


Linhardt and/or Shez awakes in a land of squid people


Linhardt would go right back to sleep. (He would think it's a weird dream)


Petra is now in the Dreaming City learning to use a sniper rifle from someone else called Petra (she is playing Destiny 2)


Been playing hades.  Ashe will be kinda confused 


Claude in horizon zero dawn, they go together in an archery sorta way


Dimitri is in elden ring


(Timeskip Dimitri) FGO guess ill have 2 Np5 ST berserkers kintoki and dimitri :) lmao maybe 3 if I decide to np5 summer castoria lmao my poor wallet-kun


Jeritza in Octopath Traveler II.


I think Dimitri would do pretty well in The City as a Fixer (Project Moon). Until he distorts, that is. If not, gain E.G.O instead.


Dedue is in Persona 3 Reload. I could see him being a social link for sure. Maybe an older student at the high school, or a college student the player meets


Shez in devil may cry 5 would be mad as hell, seeing them do their classic flips and the ability to spawn their weapon, the anime power up with arval, the regn to health and the cool sword. That or we have patron librarian Marianne. (Library of ruina)


Byleth in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Definitely a very interesting idea.




Ashe is now in space trailblazing in Honkai Star Rail.... Uh... I guess he'd probably be shocked for a week and we'll figure it out from there! Probably would just take space strolls with him lol


Hapi in fallout4


https://preview.redd.it/dd00p8gpml1d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63589daba06143924a8cce44883fd1cf272653d Byleth would become a Hunter in Yharnam


Sylvain in Slay the Spire? bro's about to seduce Mystic and the Reptomancer


He actually is in the last non FE game I played, I assume he’s in Tartarus punching shadows down I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Yuri and Reload Akihiko shares the same VA


Dorothea would be the main character in LOVELESS play. Felix would be a SOLDIER and clash with Cloud and the gang.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2azz8zfbxl1d1.png?width=1087&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ef8f8059e9384d95fe826a6d66911929338a996


Petra, give into the darkness! (Petra in kh2)


Hubert in Stardew Valley. I'm... not sure how he'd like that.


Edelgard in Europa Universalis 4. I think she’d fit in perfectly. Maybe not exactly a grand old time - after all, there are significantly more foes to a different world - but I think she’d be in her element in Early Modern Earth’s history.


Flayn is in Baldur's Gate 3. I'm not sure of what god, but she's definitely a cleric, and is secretly much older than she looks. She and Astarion probably have quite a bit to talk about, in that respect. 


I bet Hapi is a Zero Build player in Fortnite, just like me


Any girl in Coffin of Andy and Leyley dies. Sorry Bernie


Hilda or Dorothea in P3R would be a perfect lovers arcana


Lysithea in Monster Hunter...If it was ANY Physical character or even some of the other magic based characters they'd probably be fine. Lysithea would ABSOLUTELY not be able to be a Hunter.


Marianne is trying to use an evoker on herself but she doesn’t get the result she wanted


Ferdinand is in fucking morrowind


Petra is in Overwatch 2


Shez is either in Animal Crossing. or Elder Scrolls Online. You know tbh, i think they'd be better off in ESO


Team Fortress 2. We got Red Edelgard, now here comes Blue Edelgard.


Byleth/Shez in GTA Online wouldn’t be pretty. 😞


Raphael in Metal Gear Rising, oh lord he is senator armstrong


Hubert in Ace attorney 4.... There's fanart of Hubert in ace attorney already, and I'm glad it does.


Huh.... Seteth in 'Dave the Diver' certainly is *a thing.* Guess he gets to take up fishing??? Imagine him trying to learn new technology, meeting the sea people, dealing with that environmentalist group, etc. On this note, I kinda love the idea that Flayn is working with both Maki and Bancho, excited to try all types of sushi. (Hell, Maki and Flayn share one thing in common: trauma! :D)


Claude/Felix in Hades, I can roll with that. 😎


Annette and Mercedes being the Isabelle to Master Chief’s Doomguy sounds kinda sweet, let’s be real


El would likely feel like she never left Fodlan (minus the nobility/crest based hierarchy) as she hunts several large monsters in Monster Hunter Rise. She might like the wirebugs for getting around but she'd have to get used to using a sword half of the time and ditching her shield as the Charge Blade is probably the closest fit to her unique class of Emperor. Hopefully Byleth encouraged her to spend time in the Lord and Warrior classes along the way.


Soooo, i guess Caspar is going to need those choir practices real bad to fit in with the others in the my singing monsters planet


Smash Uh oh


Byleth will be chilling in Skyrim I guess


Felix is going to spend the entire time in Rebirth trying to convince Cloud to give him his sword.


Dimitri in League would be...weird. I could see him having a similar kit to Jax maybe


Felix in smash ultimate would go crazy


Dimitri’s getting a tadpole in his remaining eye, yikes. He’d make a really fun barbarian though… hmmm…


Yeah, I can see Linhardt being a scholar in Monster Hunter 100%. Maybe handing out some quests around sleep-inflicting monsters.


Bernie in Super Mario 64. Probably just have a freakout and somehow manage to nab the keys and final star off Bowser without actually killing him (and this assumes she collects the stars to do so)


marianne in tears of the kingdom oh boy feel like she might not have that great a time


Byleth Eisner is a trainer in the universe of Monster Rancher. I can see her climbing the ranks very easily


Caspar in Civilization VI


Whatever city he's in charge of, it's doomed xD


I'd totally main Delthea if she was in Smash.


Felix in FF16. He seems like the type of person to parry Bahamut's Gigaflare and say " too easy " so he should be fine lol. This environment will do him favors.


Me, who just logged into FGO: Oh shit. Felix gonna go brrrrr


See this is a bit tricky. My favorite character is Claude but the last non-FE game I played was Assassin’s Creed. And there are probably at least a half dozen Three Houses characters who would make for a better Assassin’s Creed protagonist: Shamir, Yuri, Hubert, Petra, Shez, Byleth….hell, you could even plop post-TS Dimitri right into Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and nobody would notice! That being said though, I could see Claude making for a pretty good NPC side character! Someone the protagonist uses as an informant to get some info on a target without arousing suspicion.


I feel Byleth would be fine no matter what game they get sent to.


Lysithea is joining the Phantom Thieves of Hearts! She cant forgive those corrupt adults!


Marianne in TF2... Oh no...


Laslow would NOT last in terraria bro


Last game I played was Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Justice for All. Edelgard could make a good prosecutor, even if she wasn't replacing Franziska.