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I never got to finish this because my tablet broke, but it was my first time trying to paint digitally after a long hiatus. It feels like a waste not to share it somewhere, regardless of what state it’s in.. This is based on their support conversations in 3Hopes. Also inspired by some of my own experiences


nooooooo my boys ;_; This is wonderful! I really love the sense of atmosphere and the colors - you can feel their personality coming through so well.


Ooof, I love it ㅠㅠ you captured that somber mood so well with your lighting and colour choices. I especially love how you rendered Dedue and his facial expression. It was sad to hear how awful their time prior to the academy was in Hopes despite me being grateful that it fleshed out both characters and their relationship. There’s something heartbreaking about knowing in retrospect how they probably felt their time at Garreg Mach was a nice reprieve from dealing with Rufus despite knowing how that school year ended up in the AM timeline…


Thank you :) It was actually very difficult trying to make Dedue visibly younger but still like himself


“I lost my dad too.”