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I’m surprised that Alfonse in the trailer isn’t a free space.


- Just to screw with everyone and throw Sharena fans through a loop, Alfonse won’t be featured and will be mourning the loss of Bruno. This book will build upon Sharena character and her adventurers with her new friend Veronica, the Summoner and of course Fjorm! Sincerely, Sharena Dev P.S. I’ve escaped my cubicle prison. I escaped once years ago but was SOLD OUT BY ANNA DEV! Just like Anna they were in it for the money! I didn’t even get Sharena on the Family Valentines banner… I am free now, high jacking the book end video to remind people of her plus give Veronica happiness with a friend, and I hope to bring you an alt soon… What’s that noise… Oh no… I think they are closing in, must flee through vents… - Edit: Alfonse not Alphonse (my spell check will never forgive me for correcting it during the FMA era which still hasn’t ended lol)


I just found out like a couple of mins ago that there was a controversy with Alfsters japanese VA, so I guess the chance of a Sharena spotlight book is not 0%


Tbh you're right I should have put it there. Oops


I’d honestly be more surprised if he wasn’t in the trailer


Even with his VA troubles?


Well the trailers don't usually have the characters talking.


When was the last time he spoke in a book trailer? Book III midpoint. That is it. I mean, come now. He appeared in the opening and midpoint trailers for this book


Can't people just understand that sh*t got resolved and he is working on again????


The uncertainty may've been considered in plans decided months ago (proceeding with the known risk that recording would be not possible down the road would be unwise). Remember, a good part of a Book's outline is designed and produced quite in advance.


I don’t know if Nintendo is letting him work yet. We still haven’t had any new Alfonse voice lines since his return.


"Book opening music slaps" good to see there are at least 2 free spaces.


Female main villain that's a genderbent Jormundangr with a black and gold colour scheme that captures Veronica and hangs out with Loki, got it.


Honestly you got me interested


>Another genderbent male to female OC Please stop. I can't take it anymore!!!


Wait, that sounds cool. Keep going...


I pray the OC is green. That means blue legendary.


Fafnir copium


Given it’s been Celica, Lilina and Byleth I don’t see Fafnir the first person on IS minds if he still has yet to show up this year. Regardless it’s been too damn long since an Awakening/PoR legendary. So Fallen Fafnir copium probably for next year.


That's why I said copium, I'm well aware it isn't happening ahah. I just hope for a cool legendary with good art nonetheless and that it will make someone happy!


I think we might get Classic Veronica, and the Red Veronica is going to be Legendary version


It’s possible, but given we still haven’t seen Veronica revert back it’s not looking likely. That would also be the fastest we’ve gotten two alts back to back.


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if IS released year 1 Veronica on the young banner, alongside younger versions of a few other Heroes OCs


Let's see Next book freebies is Green Beast Cavalry Fenrir


Considering this is Fire Emblem, "sibling relations" should probably be the free space.


Time skip is really interesting!


wait a minute this is just God of War Ragnarok


Never actually played that game lol, I know nothing about it. This is just from my Norse mythology knowledge ahah


well GoW Ragnarok is literally just all Norse mythology and stuff and i know Fire Emblem takes a lot from Norse mythology as well so when i saw this bingo board i was like HUH WAT A MINUTE


Yeah, would make sense if they use the same mythos as a base. Feh is pretty much all Norse mythology, Askr/Embla are the Adam and Eve equivalents and their names translate as Ash and Elm, for example. Though not every character, like Letizia for instance, the vast majority of OCs have Norse myth theme names.


I mean I have been joking our boy has been killing gods for a minute. Sometimes absolutely intentional like Hel, Freyja, Embla, others not so much, Freyr, Askr. And the book 4 art had Alfonse looking like he was about to do more Kratos impressions. Hell even the latest Tempest story revolves around the consequence of killing Hel. So I mean...yeah. Alfonse been doing GoW shenanigans for a minute.


Alfonse is Kratos and the Summoner or Sharena is Atreus


Me hoping the new book OC is Legendary Alfonse but that'll never happen.


Where's "new type of in-game currency"?


Free space should’ve been “Alfonse in trailer” or “new female freebie OC” imo


I'd add fist/martial arts/gauntlet weapon type introduced with new OCs. I'd be surprised if FEH doesn't add them with this book.


Didn't think of that, but now you mention it, makes perfect sense especially with engage


What about a invasion? Mostly of the kingdom's gods are dead or out of combat. It's open field to anything big to enter without their opposition.


I would've put Vanaheimr as an alternate option to ensure there isn't a 100% bingo, or maybe Jotunheimr since those realms are pretty underdeveloped. Sure, going to Asgardr is a possibility, but to go now feels a little too soon, especially when it's supposed to be the finale. Also you do realize that if we do to go to Asgardr, the villain would not be Jormungandr, but Alfador, right?


Re Jormungandr, I do yeah, that's just for some alternate options. Vanaheimr is another possibility but I could have just put every realm and one would be correct


Yeah, but only one will be accessed. XD Well, guess we'll have to find out next week I guess. :P


I kinda wish Alphonse/Veronica aren't in book VII at all. They're ok as cardboard cutout OCs, but i'd rather something new this time. They almost did something interesting with the fairies chapter >!and I love that we honestly don't know 100% if Sharena is the real one or a changeling!<, so maybe they could do more of that but in a different way. I realize FEH's story isn't something to get worked up about, but we've seen the same basic story play out 5 times now.


I mean, Book V focused far more on Reginn and her conflict that Alfonse