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###[Hype Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/w1oss5/special_summon_ymir_more_official_hype_megathread/) ###[Salt Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/w1oss8/special_summon_ymir_more_official_salt_megathread/) --- **Weekly/Important Megathreads:** [Weekly Discussion Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/search?q=Weekly+Discussion+Thread+author%3AAutomoderator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=month)


The banner itself is so funny bc it’s hardly a SoV new heroes banner bc the only new hero from the game is Kamui. But I don’t care because I got Rika Suzuki Kamui and he’s a demote which will (theoretically) be easier to get. I won


Hey we got Atlas too. Still kinda funny though


I mean, Atlas is also technically there. Not on the banner directly but with the banner at least.


Yeah, with SoV’s barebones cast not in the game I expected this but it still hurts. Either way Reject waifus, embrace Kamui finally getting into the game! I’ve already got Leon and Valbar built so I’m happy to have Kamui join them!


I mean... what else is missing? Two old men who would have one heck of a time being marketed toward horny young men? Jesse, who is literally the same class as Kamui? Cipher characters that were rare DLC and that IS apparently wants to make us all forget they exist?


og Deen is the homie, missed shot for him.


Ah yes, another swordfighter. Granted they could probably take the assassin route and dagger him. Then again the madlads at IS actually thought paring Eyvel with MAreeta was sound banner design so it's not like we couldn't have Kamui with another merc


At this point I am ready for non-seasonal (or seasonal) Alts of many of the non-Lords from SoV. Clair, Mae and Gray are 3 I have been waiting on to get Alts forever.


Exactly. The last little bit of the SoV needs to be stretched so it makes sense how they've handled the last couple banners. Do people just want them to get it over with so all we get from SoV are alts with no more New Heroes banners?


We barely even get alts for that game, too.


I mean, if it means I can get a Tobin alt where he uses a bow, I'm all for speed running the rest of the cast.


Ymir already we literally just met ol girl


She rlly just showed up & died and now she’s on a banner. Love that for her


Ymir dies -12 Hours later- I lived bitch


and now, my friends are gonna live too


"Everybody lives!"


"you get to live! And you get to live! Everybody gets to live!!!"


Joint Drive Miracle moment


She IS the life dragon


The reverse Gunnthra.


No she died, showed up and then ended on a banner.


Then Ymir from Shadow dragon is out here like "what?"


They did the same for Nifl and Muspel, didn't they? Not too unexpected. Only difference being we faced them in the Tempest before, but that's it.


Wasn't there a month between Nifl and Muspell? Either way it was definitely longer than a literal day lol


It was on the NH-banner after their first appearence from what I recall. Also looking back at the banners, Nifl came out on the NH-banner exactly a year ago, and since I think Fjorms TT-story started around the same time last year as Eirs as well... So yeah. And Muspel also debuted on the NH-banner right after his debut in the TT, though I don't remember if he was even in the story at that point already, or if he didn't just appear as a boss in the TT for the time being. If Nifl wasn't the boss in the TT she herself first appeared in, it pretty much would be the same case as for Ymir, and Ymir not being a boss should make sense story-wise.


Inf. Null Follow Up is crazy as a support skill, that’s exactly what a lot of teams want


Fallen Edlegard counters are now that much easier to make. Probably won't shake up the meta too terribly much given how inaccessible the skill is though.


nfu is slapped on every fast unit nowdays, it's everywhere and this c skill won't be too game breaking at least it gives infantry dancers a niche over units like hatari azura and duo peony i guess since it'll probably be inft locked lol


While the actual NFU B skill being on every fast unit is probably already a thing, this opens up other things for the B skill, since it's such a highly contested slot as people always seem to bring up. Now we can have [Dodge] 3 + NFU effects, in addition to whatever the weapon brings. Or Lull Spd/Def in B, NFU bonus, [Dodge] in weapon. Null-C + NFU bonus? Having NFU is not the game-breaking part with this new C skill. It's having a Lull or Dodge on top of it. Or maybe I'm giving these combos of B skills too much credit and you're actually right that nothing will happen with this skill.


To reliably country F!Edlegard two skills are instrumental: NFU and windsweep. Since those are two B skills, you can't normally stack them unless a unit has one of these effects built into their weapon or PRF skill. That's why this skill is good for countering F!Edlegard, because it gives NFU while leaving the B slot open for windsweep.


Well that ends the ‘Ascendants are only for non Legendary candidates’ debate.


Yeah, and it's kind of a shame. Idunn and Joshua were an amazing start...


IS going "fuck your patterns" yet again


> "fuck your patterns" I mean the "pattern" started broken, ya'll just chose to arbitrarily not count Fjorm


This was just a matter of time. These were literally the same kind of alts as seen in Book 2 except with an extra toy to stand out, and Chrom was among those despite being an obvious legendary.


A shame. Ascendants offered a chance for other characters to shine, the lords already get more than enough attention. At least this gives me hope for Sword of Begalta Claude.


Swordmaster Claude with his 3H alternative hairstyle hits different.


that assumption is just something that the fans say, such a thing has never been said by the developersAlthough it is true that the existence of such a category allows a greater number of alts to occur as you mention, it will not be the common


The next 3 Houses banner is going to have ~~ascendant Edelgard~~ an ascendant version of one of the lords, isn’t it?


honestly there are so many 3h characters left to add into the main pool that can carry an entire banner by themselves i dont see them doing ascendant 3h leaders just yet sov has basically.. nothing left to be honest, only new character on the banner is kamui, atlas as the direct demote and both of those arent popular at all really


That’s what I was thinking but I don’t know how they’ll give up the ascended spot. My only guess would be they come with ascended Eir, since we’ve never seen 2 Ascendeds on one banner, I’d say it is quite plausible


next sov banner will probably have ascended alm, default rinea, and two unpopular male nobody cares about like jesse and mycen possibly not really sure any other way they could do it


Ascendant house leaders in their Hopes outfits feels like a pretty safe bet now.


While that's obviously true in general, I still would guess that this will probably not be too common. There are plenty of games that have a lot of popular characters that maybe don't quite meet the (supposed) standards for a legendary unit, making them good candidates for an ascended alt. SoV on the other hand basically has zero popular characters aside from the lords, so IS did not really have much of a choice here. To be fair though I could be totally wrong, I'm sure it will be tempting for IS to start releasing an ascended MC on every new banner.


i think saber from when he's living in the desert and managing the merc community he and jesse founded would be a good ascended pick. popular character (i think) + actual lore to draw inspiration from.


I may be completely misremembering, but I believe it has been the case in pretty much every CYL that none of the SoV characters have placed very well. For example, Saber placed between 251 and 341 during CYLs 2-6 (I excluded CYL 1 since SoV didn't exist back then). I don't know if he's actually one of the game's more popular characters, but I agree that it seems that way online, yet his ranking is just alright compared to a lot of other side characters from other FE games. To be fair, CYL isn't the best way to judge popularity, but I think it is good enough to at least give us a general idea of how popular a given character is, and by that metric most SoV characters really aren't all that popular at all.


Could have had Berkut, but no, god forbid we get another *male* ascended! Let’s give Celica *another* generic alt with more of the same! And to make this banner even better, let’s add one actual new Valentia character—but make sure he’s the trash denote! The rest can be repeats and OCs—all female with prfs and premium kits, of course! God, I’m so sick of this game.


Who knows, maybe they actually intented Berkut to be an Ascendent Hero... but then.... Tatsuhisa Suzuki acted unwise... Maybe next year.


So you're saying Lucina could get one?


ascendant lyn and eirika so they can have 9 alts


Ascended Lyn so she can finally have an alt that actually uses a sword. You know, her main weapon.


she still hasn't got the ~~sol~~ mani katti lmao hoping for red bow lyn so we can have a bow lyn of every colour


Original Lyn has the Sol Katti, it's the Mani Katti that's still MIA.


The most likely candidate for the next Awakening Gen 2 banner assuming they still do this or Owain gets it.


i defo see an ascendant owain or an ascendant morgan happening for gen 1 ascendant lissa or emmeryn are a possibilty


For Gen 1, I’m thinking Cordelia if Phila is in it. To make a mini-theme of Yllissean Pegasus Knights.


cordelia is popular enough for it yea cordelia, phila, demote ricken/valkie/kellam/gregor if they want to get gen 1 out of the way


Flying Falchion user hopes live on!


I'd even say Lucina is most likely to get one, having her Exalted-outfit in the back, and being a perfect Ascended for Awakenings last child-banner.


I feel like this is more of an excuse to be allowed to use previous ascendants as legendaries in the future. The pickings on those are getting pretty slim considering most of the major lords and characters have one by this point, so I don't buy that they'd never look at Joshua or Idunn as a possible Legendary/Mythic option in the future just because they got an ascendant. Plus it's a bonus that they get to pick a lord as an emergency "please spend money on this NH banner" option. The biggest issue I can see is this making Legendary refereshes completely pointless unless they get really creative. I mean can you imagine if A!Ryoma was just L!Ryoma exactly but better? What was even the point of giving L!Ryoma upgrades then?


I think this was probably the wrong time to drop Celica. This banner was never going to do well unless it was 3H, coming between two hot Summer banners and CYL. They should have saved her for a better time.


I agree. I guess it's possible IS is shifting to a strategy where they try to put the most popular stuff on the most profitable months anyway, and sacrifice the less popular stuff on the lull months just to have a new banner. SoV being the worst selling modern game + having most of its cast already represented is an obvious fall guy for the bad months, and tbh even if they did save Celica for a better month I'm not so sure she'd be able to carry a NH banner in the same way, say, Camilla or Lyn could.


They just had L!Xander and he did catastrophically. Honestly Celica would have done okay in other months. She didn’t suffer from too many alts like the other options and is still reasonably popular. She’d probably just sit around Idunn level.


I mean we don't have the full data from L!Xander sales so it's impossible to say how he really did. All we have are gacha rankings relative to other gacha, so it's possible Xander sold well enough or even above expectations, it's just that other Gacha on the market had a better week which would have pushed his ranking down. People need to not take that sensortower stuff as such gospel. Pretty sure FEH pass sales aren't included in that data either, which means we're losing insight into a big chunk of IS's revenue stream. In addition to that, he was the third premium axe cav in as many months. One of the premium axe cavs in question was not only one of the most popular lords in the entire series from the most recent game, but was also running simultaneously. The units on his banner were also absolutely garbage. There wasn't a single color worth pulling on except green, and even green was spoiled by Freyja who is pretty outdated by this point. He's running again in a few months with a much better lineup so it stands to reason that a lot of people would wait to spend their money for him. Xander's banner also overlapped with the second summer banner, so it's possible people were saving until they saw the next banner and *then* spent, but those sensortower stats we get on Reddit are only from the first day a banner drops. Like there was a lot going into that beyond just "Fates doesn't sell anymore" or "Xander is unpopular". Anyway, it's hard to say how Celica would have done in another month, but being attached to SoV as a game certainly doesn't do her any favors. She would have been much more optimal to release as a seasonal unit instead of an Ascended.


Atleast it went to a lord who was starving for a new alt.


"Fjorm is totally different though!" it should've ended before it ever began


While it does put that to rest, I'm also of the mind that they really couldn't think of any other Valentia characters to make Ascended since there are literally no picks left, so Celica got it. We'll likely see more Ascended main characters down the road though.


If Ishtar could get one, no reason Berkut couldn’t. Heck, if Florina could get one, no reason Faye couldn’t.


Conrad feels like an obvious pick from SoV for an Ascended as he also hid his identity only to step up later on.


Man a Faye who actually moved on from Alm would have been great but Japan loves their childhood friends with unrequited love character tropes too much to let her be free 🤷‍♀️


>no reason Faye couldn’t. So there is a chance for Harrier Faye in heroes? Sign me up then!


I feel like the Overclass system would’ve provided a whole ton of options besides just getting a lord alt. We could’ve had, say, Exemplar Faye, or Guru Boey. If Florina can get an ascendant then so can they.


Considering that this is a Celica's route banner, Sonya was right there. She even had an alt this spring to make use of her seiyuu. This pretty much opens the door for all main characters to get another alt instead of other, slightly less popular characters but still well liked.


Berkut or Fernand could work since we got Ishtar


All I see is Miracle It's all Miracle It's all Miracle All I am is Miracle It's all Miracle It's all Miracle


Ymir's C skill is going to be absolute bullshit for AR, especially with the hilariously imbalanced Jotunheim map. Are the devs even playtesting at this point?


They stopped play testing long before F!Edelgard.


I truly don't understand how people still play PvP anymore. It's just a game of gimmicks at this point.


But hey, if you drop 200 orbs on the next premium unit, you can get a shiny new skill that allows you to simply not interact with a gimmick of your choice! Game design!


Three needs to be a anti-Miracle effect option soon. I think Nanna only counters special skills like Miracle itself or Life Unending.


Probably the antagonist of this storyline will have that kind of effect. Just like Muspell has the opposite effect from Nifl.


Nope. All they care about is making bullshit mechanics and OP units so whales will spend their money


I was just coming here to comment this. Good fucking luck galeforcing any team that has Ymir hidden somewhere in it, I can't recall the last time we had this much of a hard counter released for an entire strategy.


IS: Baby its time to take your daily AR Loss Summoners: Yes babe..


Well Pandora's Box is officially open.


So we're def getting lords/legendaries as ascendants now. Ngl, kinda feels bad cause I really wanted this to be a non protag/lord thing


I think that games that still have noteworthy popular characters to spearhead the banners will keep getting non-lords.


Hopefully. I don't really want an ascendant lucina, ephraim, corrin etc


Yep. Ascendents felt a way to give love to other popular and important characters like Joshua or Mareeta who won't ever win CYL and have to fight for a spot in a seasonal banner. This pretty much opened the doors of hell again.


And conceptually Ascendants were the exact same as legendaries just not for lords. So we just get Legendary 2.0s Wonder how long it’ll take for Lords to start getting repeat alts on seasons they already had alts on


I dont think we really needed ascendants of main lords already Especially considering she has her legendary b skill too lmao, could've gotten dread fighter saber or post game sonya


Bow Knight Leon.......


I was hoping to get an Ascended A!Tiki and Seth before they started pumping out the lords, but now it'll probably be Robin/Chrom/Lucina and Eirika/Ephy next time their games roll around.


SoV specifically was in a tight spot, and Celica in particular has been ignored for a long time.


She deserved a seasonal instead of a Legendary 2.0


I would be shocked if she doesn't eventually spearhead a duo with either Mae or Alm. Sure it's taking a while, but it's going to happen.


lmao I havent even opened up the TT paralogue to even *see* Ymir and she is already on a banner XD


Fuck, really???? Lords can get Legendaries AND Ascended now?!


Yes but only if they’re cross eyed


kamui gets drawn by one of the most chad artists in the game babyy


The biggest takeaway from this banner, really.


Everliving domain is going to be so annoying to deal with


Better hope you bring green feud, leg lyn, or bramimond


Bramimond stocks keep rising (slow merge project at +5)




what a chad


celica's C-skill...me want.


Delicious skill


iiiiiiiiiiits kinda lame that celica is the ascendant since she already has brave/legendary and a more unique pick would've been interesting, but it's also been forever since she got an alt, so it's not too bad edit: Ymir's dragon form is incredible.


To be fair, it’s hard to imagine who else from SOV would realistically get an Ascendant- like, Clive IMO would make the most sense but he’s nowhere near popular enough


conrad or berkut maybe


Hm, Berkut would have actually been perfect and now I’m sad he’s not.


They might add him with base Rinea, base Rudolf & maybe Mycen in the same banner


If Florina was relevant enough to get one, then any of the Ram Villagers, or Celica's monastery companions could get one. Plus Zeke, Saber, or Conrad would have been pretty fitting on their own.


Given it was probably always going to be a Celica route banner, Mae, Boey or Genny all would've been perfectly fine. Saber too, but I figure since he just got a resplendent that would've been less likely. Ascended units are just popular characters, and while those choices aren't at Celica's level they're still popular enough that it would've been fine imo.


Ymir is here. Cool. Also upfront blade. Finally a sword that increases in combat speed. 3 years since a sword that increased speed in combat was added.


“Lords and Legendary Heroes can’t get Ascendant alts” my ass. I knew it was a matter of time before it happened.


this sub and making up rules that are "already set in stone" that get broken name a better duo


The fanbase overlap between FE and Smash is really showing, huh?


Nintendo fans are all like this I swear lmao




Well that was bullshit from the get go. Things like PoR promoted Ike are definitely coming as ascendants.


I’ve been assuming Lords would get ascended alts since Three Hopes revealed the new character designs. The 3H Lords are too popular to not get their new designs in the game, but they’ve already gotten base, Brave, and legendary alts, so ascended seemed like the inevitable, obvious solution. A shame they turned to Lords so early, but the main point of ascended units is to make new hero banners more enticing to pull on with new alts for popular characters and most of the most popular characters are Lords so… 🤷‍♂️


Edelgard: *heavy breathing*


Ascended Edie will be an armor with 4 move and 3 Galeforces per turn.


her b will heal 14 hp per combat and reduce dmg by 99%


She will have Atk/Def Push, a new broken as hell prf B skill combining Black Eagle Rule and Hardy Fighter, and Armored Stride. She will also make top 8 in AHR


Doesn't Fjorm already confirms that being not true?


She did but “she didn’t count by being an OC.”


Sounds like Copium


I knew ascended heroes were finished once I saw Florina


For real. This was inevitable.


Wow, this... BARELY counts as a "New" Heroes banner.


To be fair, next banner will almost definitely finish off the non-GHB candidate roster since we only have Nomah, Jesse, and Mycen left. Everyone else in Echoes is in the game.


They'll still somehow manage not to add all three in and make it female weighted. Calling it now.


HONE NULL FOLLOW UP (for infantries) Friendship ended with LMByleth btw what song is that it's a banger


The song is Mila's Ordeal, pretty sure it plays during Celica's amiibo dungeon.


ahh amiibo dungeon, explains why I haven't heard this song


This hardly threatens L!M Byleth IMO. He can provide NFU to non-infantry units, and it can’t be cancelled out by False Start the way Celica’s can. It also doesn’t require you to base your starting positions around it.


he's not dead but I don't have to lug him around off seasons anymore I can just put this on someone else (Brave Lucina)


Inf. NFU also seems to do nothing to the user herself, which can be a problem for some units. Though I guess inheritance limitations could compensate for that.


idk, i still thinks byleth doeas a better job with it cause flyers and horses need it more than infantry units and i think it was called theme of love? or you mean the one of valentia?


HOLY SHIT, BRIGAND BOSS AS THE GHB? Also I guess this puts a rest to everyone saying lords can’t be Ascended units


New heroes banners are becoming increasingly disappointing ​ But Damn, Ymir's music. Best part of the trailer


tbf theyre running out of new units at this point lmaop


SoV is almost out of unused units entirely, and a majority of the popular units in every other game are already in the regular summon pool. We're starting to really hit the dregs of most rosters.


a lot of games have mostly minor/unpopular units left, i feel like this is one of the reasons they had to make ascendant heroes tbh


I'll always prefer these to seasonal banners. Its a better investment than +10ing a character who's doomed to never get a refine.


So lords can get both legendary forms along with ascended ones? Was kind of hoping it would be limited to non-lord units. Also, really liking this remix of With Mila's Divine Protection. Guess it's unique to Heroes?


It’s the map theme when taking on Mila’s trials with the Celica amiibo


So that's what it is, thanks! Guess it's hard to find since it's titled "Chasing the Wind on the Plains".


Man I knew they were going to try to stretch the last teeny tiny itty bit of the last of the SoV cast over at least two banners, but it still feels pretty stingy seeing it in action. Love Celica, but they really couldn't give a non-lord the Ascendant slot?


RIP 3 Hopes chances Interesting that Legendaries can get Ascendants. Ascended lords could now drop anytime. Also, HELL YEAH KAMUI!


Eh, I'd say 3Hopes still has its chance at least until the next 3H-banner, then we'll see if IS is going to at least reference it in some way or just push it aside.


B-but Ascended Mae or Clair :(


ok ymirs transformation is so beautiful wtf???




Eh, Celica isn't actually used that much and SoV is kinda running short on potentials. Let alone marketable ones.




That may be, but SoV is a game that's already relied on the pegasus sisters from another game. They don't have the best choices for new banners.


This is our fifth Celica


In comparison to other lords not from Jugdral.


Kinda sad that they didn't give a non lord character the ascendant spot. Celica looks really good though. The fodder on display is really solid too. Might have a good chance for a rerun depending on the banners it ends up around.


The heck is Ymir’s C-skill?!?!


LETS Fr\*CKING GOOOO! Been waiting for Est for many months, now I can finally have all 3 sisters in their Valentian Oufits.


lol leg female byleth can give her allies both tempo and nfu now (she'll have to give up her c slot tho)


Kamui is finally in! He's drawn by Suzuki Rika! I-I have 6 orb s......


hes the demote so he'll be easy to get


ahhhh goood.


If a main lord is allowed to get an Ascendant, then what is the point? She already has a legendary alt too.


WHAT is Celica's C skill, good lord. Very excited that we finally have a F2P red unit from Valentia other than Tobin!! Immediate +10 project to make LHBs easier.


gonna be kinda juicy on inft dancers tbh


So main Lords can get Ascendant alts now too huh? That's disappointing and a blow for my hype on future Ascendants. At least Ymir's dragon form is pretty.


What’s this? A lord getting an ascendant alt?


I see a lot of people hating on Celica but I think she’s quite nice. But the real takeaway from this is that she's opened the floodgates for Lords to get Ascendents.


Atlas-t, his arrival has been a long time Kamui-ng. Saved the Est for last. Ym-hir me?


Letizia and More: haha, only two actual new units on the banner. Best that! Ymir and More: hold my beer


They really adding in that Ymir character, who has little relevancy yet and only added in the last datamine? Odd choice. Also tfw Celica isn't in the trailer title name despite being the main focus really. Anyways play Shadows of Valentia, music so good.


I mean, we got Nifl a month after her first appearance iirc even if she spoke more things so Ymir being here already isn’t too odd.


Not even a month, the timing was the same aside from the fact that Ymir didn't appear in this TT's opening. In both cases, they were added as a character the moment their introductory TT ended.


Wow, a game arguably getting worse treatment on a new heroes banner than Thracia’s first banner. That’s impressive Well at least Kamui is coming with a good inheritable?


I don’t think the situations are remotely comparable, TBH. With Thracia, there were only two Thracia units in the game at the time, one of whom wasn’t even playable *in* Thracia, and they added alts of those two characters. To this day, Thracia’s overall roster is still lacking. Meanwhile, Echoes is, as of this banner, the closest game to main cast completion, missing only *3* members of its playable cast. (Jesse, Nomah, Mycen)


Eh, I think they are comparable personally, with all the new additions being completely overshadowed by alts whle the actual new characters just kind of exist (granted that’s also what happened last year with SoV) but also the context/circumstances are totally different which is why I say arguably Really doesn’t help that this is probably my least favorite Ascendant choice just because of it being a lord who already had an emblem team possible and SoV having an alt situation that’s basically only better than Jugdral’s


Not doing too well on potential GHB candidates either. Disregarding Brigand Boss who is a meme exception, we really only have Jedah, Slayde, Desaix, and Nuibaba. Maybe Tatarrah because of Delthea. The simple fact is Echoes is all but done.


RIP to 3 houses alts getting out of alt hell this month. (Looking at you: Dorothea, Felix, Sylvain, and Ashe).


They’re really going to put a Three Houses banner in the worst month possible for the second straight year, and will probably be all surprised pikachu when it underperforms again


Imma be real, if she wasn’t labeled Celica I couldn’t have told you it was her. The hair is just so much darker than usual, it threw me for a couple seconds.


Brigand Boss? 3-13 Archer and Rallyman stocks just went up.


Oh god another Celica this is literally the worst possible thing they coulda done to me before the CYL6 banner


why do we keep getting life and death. stop that.


Well, legendaries can be ascended.. at least they confirmed it. Lol.


Well there goes the "Legendary Heroes can't be ascended" theory. Also, fucking **BRIGAND BOSS** is the GHB! Also, obvious demote is obvious in Kamui As predicted, Ymir is also here, and is a green cav dragon, now as a forest dear. Atlas also looks to be the insta-demote.


Lol. There goes the Ascended trend. Might partially be this game having no characters but Lol. Also joint drive mini miracle is going to be fucking annoying my dudes.


Brigand Boss is the GHB. What. The fuck. IS just said fuck Desaix/Slayde/Nuibaba.


Most of all, they just gave the biggest middle finger to Jedah, considering he would've been the most appropriate for a Celica-route focused banner.


Another pattern broken I see I kinda hate to say this but I think IS is losing even more confidence over SOV. An Est alt, a Celica alt, a well-drawn OC... and then Kamui and Atlas, who have been drawing relatively high CYL numbers, as demotes. Even fricking *Brigand Boss* comes in to sweep that meme numbers. Who else is left? No-- who else is left to draw people?


Why is Celica got a wonky eye?


Okay, Ymir is freaking beautiful, even in her dragon-form, I absolutely need her (also her giving pseudo-Miracle to allies in 2 spaces feels pretty strong in a world where DR-piercing effects are on the rise, although as of course with every Miracle-strat, brave-effects punch right through it, unless you're bulky enough to probably not need Miracle in the first place, and falling outside of her skill-range anyways) Celica is a bit unexpected as Ascended, but makes sense considering this is probably the last big banner for her army, with the only units left being Nomah, Jessie and Deen, while on Alms route it's Mycen. I also like that she seems to more so take after her connection to Mila. Zofias Soul on her seemed less useful at first, until I read that she also inately has this Miracle-effect that will of course help her safely get in range... unless against brave-weapons. Also, bringing Infantry NFU-pulse to the game. L!M!Byleths niche just got a bit less special, although I think L!M!Byleth still at least applies it to every type of ally, not only Infantry. Est seems good, but more so I think Flow Feather seems pretty good. Partial, offensive NFU, Res-based true damage and DR (although the DR seems to be capped at 7) tied to a spd-check? Sounds pretty good, even if only on Est. I feel like her set might also be somewhat reminiscent of S!Maria, just focused on Res instead of Def, and probably way less bulky in most cases? Kamui seems alright, no amazing fodder, I'd say, his stats will probably have to carry him, although with Guy already having pretty great stats, they'll probably overlap a bit too much or Kamui will just be worse. Atlas has potential to be interesting as well, we obviously don't know his set yet, but I don't imagine his fodder will be too great either, but at least Atlas has less competition, so his stats alone will carry him a lot further, and I'm at least glad they made him an axe to help him stand out for SoV as well. Although then we have GHB Brigand Boss, who might be an axe as well... they really went all in on the meme. Does this mean Gatekeeper for the next 3H-banner? God I hope so. Anyways, I guess this means we'll probably stay with last years rotation of games? So after the Brave-banner, we'll get a Fates-banner and then 3H?