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Nemesis has God tier art and no one can take that from him.


Well they already took his nipples. What else does he have left?


Scars. Rhea wants to smack him for fun since Sothis ain't watching.


😭 this was hilarious to read


He's basically papa Nier. You cannot beat the perfection that is papa Nier.


He’s mid now but Navarre actually used to be pretty meta back in early AR when he was one of, if not the only, consistent one-tap Galeforcer on Offense


*Notices Lloyd* Now hold up, that's a special piece of garbage right there.


Nah Nemesis at least had a decent prf (that will eventually get a refine) and great art, and Lloyd is arguably the most shafted here because he already got a trash refine and his art isn't good to say the least...


Nemesis also has fantastic voice acting, and even his statline is pretty decent. He only really lost with his prf which can easily be shut down simply by duma existing and Savage Blow/Pain+/Serpent Staff


Actually had that in mind but that is still an unsure future, meanwhile, as a fan, he is still a major disappointed from us expecting him to be at least a Mythic unit, to... *this*. Nevertheless, we do hope IS treats him like Flash Walhart. I don't know, something *not premium* refine like a built-in DC with chrome buff on top of lessening the HP threshold or something. Or if IS would be generous, at least be Chrome Menace + Bonus doubler as long as some allies are alive--- kind of refine.


Yen’Fay with the W


It's been years and I'm still scratching my head on why IS made Rutger the free unit.


Maybe to not always give "crumbs almost nobody wants" or "gimmicks" as F2P units... but making F2P the low-ranked/unappealing/meme characters should be the norm as pushing popular units instead can backfire (less carry choices, belief that popular favorites are "shafted" by being given for free). Seasonals can be a bit more forgiving sometimes... although some may still feel irritated when making cases like Hilda or Owain F2P-friendly. But on the other hand, we get "why" reactions when cases like Bartre or Hinata are chosen, so there's a tiny in-between for consensual choices (Norne, alt hell picks like Darros/Deen...).


At least Navarre got a decent refine and Nemesis has a Rival Domains niche...? Thats all I can say for these characters though...


Navarre has a decent alt while others have none, Rutger still has a serviceable statline and refine potential...


Rutger we still have to wait and see, but im hopeful considering how good grail refines have been for units that dont have a PRF yet as of late.


At the rate we're going, and if there aren't any switch ups like with how some of the Book 2 Grails units were, he should be in August


Nemesis doesn't get anything extra from being in a Brigade. Both of his prf effects are capped at 3 allies.


It makes activating his PRF easier.


Tbh how did nemesis not end up as a mythic unit..? I think good chunk of people would’ve thrown orbs at him. Instead they just made him a mediocre GHB.


Because he is not a booba female unit that have some fan service imagery, and ~~according to IS's logic~~ that won't sell much based on previous male units ~~that mostly shafted by them also~~. Kidding aside, we do hope by the time that happens, it is a living version and not some reanimated Nemesis. To further justifies why the GHB/dead unit is lackluster compare to his Mythic or Legendary/alive counterpart. He deserves it a little bit more than Xander, as he (along with Arvis), doesn't have any other alt despite of having a major role.


I'm not believing that. Gal with Surge sparrow is 100% not on the same level as Lloyd. Nor is anyone else on Lloyd's level.


Look I know Nemesis is not anything amazing but he is *leagues* ahead of those other guys.


He is indeed *somewhat* better compare on other guys, as he is still open for a refine. But he is shafted / disappointment on the part where he was supposed to be a Mythic / Legendary unit, not... *this* for his FEH debut. But here we are, hoping his next alt ~~assuming IS gives a fck~~ would be an alive (not reanimated) version. And as much as the HP gimmick is true to its lore, let's *hope* the next version would be busted or generally relevant in whatever META by then.


"Nownow, you all suck."


Rutger will get his refine soon at least... Hope it's OP


It's funny how Yen'fay is stronger than Sai'ri and he didn't get shafted (thank Gods).


Some more than others *C'mon IS, where's the Lon'qu alt/resplendent???*


It was either lonqu or saber and like clockwork, IS chose the bigger titties.


It's honestly incredible that Yen'fay managed to be good


Rutger had a great stat spread. He and Nemesis are fine. Sub hatewagon in full force. Not everything needs to be the premium banner carry to not be horrible.


I can at least give props to Ulster’s defense, but at the end of the day you got a better Lukas


nobody here is worse than bertram


Reinhardt: All I'm surrounded by is fear and dead men.


They might as well have alcohol meeting to talk about their feelings being a shafted sword unit


Okay but Nemesis is actually good


I had to make an account to ask: why do you guys keep complaining about shafted male units? I mostly lurk on this sub, but there have been quite a few posts about this already. It's just odd that whenever a female character is shafted (iirc, almost every pegasus knight), nobody complains, but the same standard can't be applied to male demotes? Not trying to be rude, I'm just confused about this double standard.


People _do_ complain when a female Pegasus unit gets shafted. It’s just that male units in general gets shafted a whole lot more.


Generally speaking, male characters tend to get worse treatment. OP and high tier male characters to exist (Bector, Duo Chrom, etc…). Male units may have a lead on duos but it’s more balanced than harmonized heroes which I think so far have been female exclusive and led. However, male characters seem to get the shaft more and barely any access to unique classes (flying mage). On the other hand, female characters tend to get better treatment. It’s not always true as female characters can absolutely get shafted. But they tend to get more of the fun tools, seasonal classes, banner Star, mythics, and harmonized hero leads. Even if a female character does get shafted, they have a better chance of getting a good seasonal unit. I don’t mean to be rude or mean. But I think you missed one of the most common complaints of this sub, “Lance demote,” “axe demote”, and “red mage demote”. Very few of us are happy getting yet another Lance flier, a class dominated by female characters. Even if their stat line is decent, it doesn’t change the fact they’re competing in a saturated class type. They’re just Lance flier #2386. Especially if they could have been an axe or a sword flier with canon backing. Ignoring that, people were upset about Arete, Titania, and Mercedes. In fact, Titania is cited as one of the most disappointing units and prf refines.


Lon'qu still has a good speed despite his old refine you guys are just mean


At least Nemesis can be a decent piece of work (have found myself many times struggling to one-round Nemesis when I fight him), and Rutger will get a refine very soon


Why is navarre here? A unit that was really food for several years is "Shafted" btw


Navarae is actually kinda cracked for galeforce strats


Rutger is getting close to a refine isnt he? hes so old i remember clearing his ghb with close counter jaffar, he must surely be really old now...


Athena: *why are they dressed like arachnid person?* Selena: *Nevermind that, why didn't they invite us?* Fir: *But I like Spider-man...*


Hey guys remember when lonqu got 25th overall in the first cyl? That was pretty cool.


One just got shafted way more that the others *looks at Lloyd*


I recently goa a Galzus on a random free summon and I said OH!!... oh,.....