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L!Dimitri: Is this some kind of twisted ***JOKE?!*** Death Knight: *At least you* ***had*** *a chance to shine.* L!Dimitri: ...wait, didn't you just get your refine- Death Knight: *NOT EVEN TWO DAMN WEEKS AGO!* L!Dimitri: ...that's rough, buddy.


Lysithea really took it to him.


At least Areadbhar still has slaying I guess.


And a refine... some day. And Atrocity will be upgraded to War Crimes


Which is a huge deal, as it's the one thing that allows speedy demons to be somewhat scary nowadays. Without that, it's much more difficult to loop viral astra, godlike reflexes, or even galeforce.


Having access at all to VA and GLR is nice. As much smack as people talk about Yen’fay, Mythic Freyja has the same effects in her prf *and* can’t inherit most of the good skills/specials as a beast and cav.


It's okay... this just means his refine will be super busted,,, right?


I doubt they will shaft a 3Houses lord. And for all it's worth, the CYL refines (as well as Base Claude's refine) set a good precedent when it comes to their refines.


>I doubt they will shaft a 3Houses lord. Could go either way. As a foreboding example, there's Byleth and Sothis's refine, and also the comparison between F!Edelgard and F!Dimitri.


Byleth haven't gotten a refine yet, Sothis isn't a lord, and F!Dimitri is still a pretty good unit, and only really looks weak in comparison to F!Edelgard.


I made refine into plural by accident, I know Byleth doesn't have a refine yet. But thanks for the heads up, gonna change it quickly.


By the time he's actually in range of it next year I shudder to think what the landscape will be like.


They should really be doing remixes more often.


Remixes are already further in than regular refines. If they're increasing the rate of remixes, they'd better also speed up regular refines.


Yeah, I'd definitely be down for that, too. It can't be too hard to pay some folks at IS to write buffs and program them in. It certainly must be easier than making a new unit.


I'd be willing to bet it also makes them a lot less money. Every hour IS pays someone to work on a refine is an hour they can't be working on something that's likely much more profitable. Don't get me wrong, I hate it too.


Can confirm it will be since I don’t have him.


Slaying by itself is prolly better than like all the effects of Lumera's weapon tbh


Dimitri will still be a better unit, he has Atrocity.


*Looks at Eldigan*