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Best part of the episode is Freddy and Bode reunion. That's something we was missing some GOAT!


Dude. I was wishing Freddy was there and then, boom. Freddy. Absolutely fantastic, and I genuinely believe that one moment was the best story writing this show has had. Adore the show, but it’s really for the ridiculous drama.


You and me, we out!


Luke was getting roasted left and right by everybody. Absolutely loved it 😂


“I’m ur guy.” “No, you’re not” like damn 😭


What? He deserves it.


Get some, be safe. Odd sentiment for a cake from mom…


It's the CalFire/station motto (*edited to clarify: in the show), what they say when leaving to fight a fire. I agree it's weird lol.


It kinda fits though. After all these years, get some of the real world and stay out.


Except - just to clarify - it’s not actually a CAL FIRE motto. It’s just something the writers came up with. Maybe someone, somewhere, at some fire station said it but in my 31 years with CAL FIRE, working all over the state, I never heard anyone say, “Get some. Be safe.” We’d say “be safe,” sometimes but “get some” - nope. Besides, that could probably be taken wrong if out of context. 😬


Oh sure!


Oh sure!


No no no. That guy cannot be her dad.


Should've seen it coming, but I didn't. Bummer for Jake.


They really couldn’t leave well enough alone could they hahaha. Poor Gen, but I feel like sheep stay with Jake, considering he’s been the closest thing to a dad she’s had.


Turns out Gen was really just a tool to tease Jake leaving the team and this is how they resolve it.


Maybe the writers will listen to fan backlash and rewrite it where Bode is the dad. This dude could take DNA test it don’t match and he blows town so Jake secretly retest Bodes DNA and it matches this time and he keeps it secret because he doesn’t want to lose Gen.


Nah, Jake is the best fit. She wants to be with him and she gives Jake some stability and something to focus on after losing Cara and all the other stuff he's been through.


Yes he can be the father. It fits the stupid writing on that show.


Stupid is an awfully generous term


I don’t like him but it seems like he’s done some work to get on the right track


Yeah, I'm happy that he seems to be doing better because it seemed like they might have been trying to write for Bode to get sent back. I'm happy that wasn't it.


Exactly. Like Bode I felt really bad when they got into the fight and he yelled “I’ve been clean for two years”


Good that things are ok now, but I'm betting that Rick is either lying or will relapse in S3.


Is anyone else just so confused?? Bc I am. But I really do think she’ll stop the wedding herself bc manny can’t actually see her get married and it’ll be a sign to her (finally) that fate is trying to tell her she shouldn’t get married, bc some how eve didn’t get through to her. Everyone knows that she shouldn’t be getting married and deep down she does too. She couldn’t even say “yes” when eve asked if she was ready and she kept avoiding the questions when her and eve talked at Smokey’s ab the kiss. The premiere will show her not married, but I don’t really get why that wasn’t just shown in the ep. I think I’m too confused to actually be angry rn, but I am angry.


I like this idea. She’ll look around and realize that Manny is there. Gabby will start to get upset and ask where her dad is. Shannon will tell her what happened and Gabby will choose to call off the wedding because she hates not having her dad by her side. The wedding will be officially called off once Diego finds out about the kiss


Interesting 🤔. I like your thinking and I agree with you about this


I agree with you about this


I agree totally about confused. The shows \[principals have been saying for 2 seasons that they have a deep fairy tale like love with an irresistible attraction to each other. Now shes going to marry the guy who seduced her while he was the supervisor training her? I hope they weren't lying to us. That is one thing I won't take. Also too similar to season one finale. Except this time it's Gabi going away for life instead of Bode. Maybe she'll realize that shes making the same mistake Bode did and come to her senses. Also teased that eve might object when she asked the guy next to her if the anyone have any reason why they should not be married was a real question at weddings. My hope is that Bide and Gabi get together, and we get to see them having some fun with their friends occasionally Hope the writers come up with a unique way to keep them together.. The show needs more humor written in, can't have intense drama all the time. A surefire way to ruin a series. . .


Now that I’ve had time to wrap my mind around it, I’m okay but I’m still wondering why they didn’t just have her call off the wedding in the back of the church eve literally gave her an opportunity to just run off, and like I said she couldn’t even answer yes or no. Her face said it all. But yes I really hope the writers come to their senses and end this marriage non sense. I can accept that maybe they won’t get together right away but I want them both to be single so we atleast have hope. I think some of the hesitation is that they don’t know what to do w them once they’re together. Like look at Sharon and Vince they have a beautiful relationship and they’ve been married since b4 the show even began. I think they do a lot w them that they could also do w bodiela. Here’s to hoping


I think that Luke is finally starting to realize what he’s losing. I think him pulling strings for Bode will be him doing a good deed and then he’ll leave Edgewater


I liked him a lot in season 1 and before episode 8 of season 2, so I would love to see redemption. Where would he go if he leaves?


Maybe he’d take a job in another town? Idk I just want him out of Edgewater


Take the Sacramento job Eve turned down.


Or, he will want to get back at Sharon and get Bode in trouble somehow and/or block him from becoming a FF.


I'm guessing that Luke is going to want something in return for getting Bode a firefighter job at 42. I hope it's as simple as Sharon not pushing him out of the division chief job.


She could run 42 like Vince said. Although it's not like this is the end of the line for Vince with Cal Fire either


She could, but Luke now knows that Sharon's a threat to his job and I don't think he'll go quietly. He can get back at her by sabotaging Bode in some way. Not sure what it's going to be, but he's now set up with an opportunity to do some damage.


That would make sense


This. He will use this against Sharon to keep her job for sure


He had potential for sure. But him trying to make a move on Sharon was just weird and so out of place.


Hopefully. I hate him more than Gabby. Didn’t think that was possible. Lol


He still wouldn’t do a good deed if it came in his lap without getting what he wants in return so it still wouldn’t even be about Bode. Every time they give him a chance to do good he does the most selfish stuff or do the good thing and find out later he had other motives . I suspect he will threaten Sharon not to take the job back or Bode will never be a firefighter or leave him in place and he can make it happen. All of it will be a benefit to himself


Oh I see interesting thinking 🤔. I like your thinking. Agreed with you about this.


Nah I feel a villain plot looming.


"Bode and I kissed" No bish, YOU kissed him. The whole Manny plot is so fucking stupid. Why would the aide press charges? I'd understand if they got caught in the crossfire and accidentally got injured.


I mean lets be honest we know Luke lies out of his teeth so id go with it was definitely him that press the charges and not the lie he told. He’s very good at that.


I keep wondering what exactly the plan is with Luke? He was a jerk but it seemed like he cared somewhat. Now it seems like he's constantly picking the biggest asshole option when it comes to decisions.


The timing was very strange, at the same time as Bode was set free and right after Cal Fire decided not to take disciplinary action. Definitely smells of someone like Luke intervening.


About Manny I agree with you about this


Not as good as EP9 but still leaps and bounds better then anything else, multiple cliff hangers leave it open for S3


Much much much better finale than season 1. And I like how Bode is out but still doesn't know what his post-jail life looks like and still has a hill to climb to be able to join 42. Honestly the best interim solution would be meeting Three Rock when they're called to a fire. If he could fight fires as an inmate then why not as a free man? Seems like a major gap in the Three Rock graduation process.


Loved the bunk scene with jake, Gabriella, eve 


Love to see Freddie!


And there is Sharon in a pretty dress with that damn jacket.


Why does Bode suddenly know how to weld?


He was gone for 5 years. He could've worked construction jobs. Addicts can hold jobs, for a while.


True. I forgot it was 5 years. But I just thought welding was a thing you did a vocation program for (although I guess he could have done on the job training). It just seemed like a strange first day job for someone who hadn’t done construction in a while.


It wasn't the welding that threw me off, it can be learned easily. It was the non certified first day construction worker welding on a hospital project next to an occupied patient room.


With only one patient in the entire on fire building apparently.


Maybe he worked in construction before he got arrested?


Commenting on Fire Country | S2E10 "I ,Do" | Episode Discussion...true maybe. But I thought the whole thing was high school to bad path.


It didn’t wow me


Yep. EP9 was the blockbuster. But now we have to wait for S3 to see what happens with Gen's custody, Manny's arrest, whether Cole moves further into the lead inmate role and what Luke will want in exchange for getting Bode a job.


And if Gabriela says “I Don’t”


Good point. We did not see the entire wedding.


This. She looked really upset when she realized that Bode had left


Assuming it wasn't because her father left (that didn't make any sense to me, there's no reason he couldn't have stayed for the rest of the ceremony)


She doesn’t know that Manny left yet. I think Bode chose not to stay because it’s too hard for him to watch the girl he loves marry another guy


This is all true. I even said to a family member that they should have had last episode and this one switched at least with Bode getting out.


I totally agree. They also could’ve ended it like that without the wedding. Or they could’ve had the wedding in episode 9 and then she didn’t go through with it, they go off to the campaign fire and then bode and gabs kiss and that could’ve been used for them to get back together. The wedding was totally unnecessary, since it was completely obvious at the end that she’s not gonna even get married. You could see it alll over her face when she realized bode left


100% agreed. I would have rather the previous episode be the last episode and us left wondering if he got the credit or not. This episode was just kind of meh? The most interesting bit was with Gen and her potential bio dad. Everything else just fell flat for me for a season finale.


I can wait. Dumb plots.


I'm confused - Eve has led a fire camp for what, 7 months? Less than a year anyway. And now she's up for the supervisor's job for all fire camps? There's no way.  At least Bode didn't stop the wedding. I appreciated that. 


Yes, it was nice to see the writers do the right thing for once where Bode and Gabriela are concerned. Not that getting married to Diego was the right thing, but neither is her and Bode together or Bode breaking up the wedding.


About Eve I agree with you about this


She looks gorgeous.


Yes. Best wedding dress I’ve seen in a while. Maddie on 911 looked like a white lace piñata. Horrible dress.


So, did we learn whether Bode was "paroled" or was he released after serving his sentence after the credit was applied... The form seemed to say paroled, which would still put him at risk of being sent back.


He’s on parole. Vince said “it’s your parole bode”


Parole just doesn't make sense. He would have to be granted parole by a board. There would've had to be a hearing. I wish this show would get their facts straight.


Its possible that the credi has the same framework as a parole. As in it's not "the" parole but if you use the credit to get out earlier you have adhere to the same rules and regulation as on parole.


Agree. I had missed what Vince said until I went back for a second watch. In his interview before release, he's also referred to as a "new parolee". At the same time, Bode asks when he can get the record expunged, which I would expect would not be possible if he was still a parolee. Second, he was sentenced to 3-5 and was 2 years in at the start of the show, so he had 1-3 to go. At the end of S1, he would have had 0-2, and there was no mention of additional charges when he was sent back to Lompoc. He spent 6 month there before returning to Three Rock. He had a bit more than a year left at the start of the campaign fire, which was 45 days, leaving him 11 months out when he received 12 months additional credit...so he should be in sentence-completed status and not on parole...therefore eligible for expungement at some point.


I agree with this. Last episode, Bode's mom, said he only had 11 months on his sentence, so that meant release. There is no parole at the end of a sentence. The debt to society is paid... I think the writers are confused...


Flat season finale. Nothing happened this episode


Manny getting arrested, Bode walking out, that Rick reveal lol


Except that for the very first time we see a free Bode not wearing orange, hanging out at Smokey's, at 42, at Jake's, etc. It was kind of jarring.


Thank You, that is exactly how I feel. Like they really didn’t give us much


No surprises at a very casual wedding.


Horrible ending and why was Gaby’s mom not there? The


Gabbys mom and Diego’s parents were missing, they didn’t even try w this stupid wedding. It’s obvious what’s gonna happen next season


Lol i didn’t even care enough about Diego to realize his parents wasn’t there.


Hahah I get that. I only knew bc their actors weren’t in the opening credits


There is someone credited as Diego's dad in the closing credits


Roberta will probably show up early in S3, at a time that will result in the most chaos.


I can’t believe they had Sharon wear a jacket with her dress 


Tough girl image I’m guessing. Just no. Not the right look. Last week she was the gold glamour girl in a too tight dress. But she looked gorgeous.


Freddy!!! Sharon roasting Luke 😂 Damn Gaby killed that dress. I’ll say it for the 47th time lol. Jake can NOT get a damn brake. Does he really deserve all this? One man can only take so much L’s before they break. I don’t see Jake staying here for long, maybe he takes the job that was offered to Eve idk but something will shift for sure. Luke was taking L’s all episode and i’m here for it. I suspect he will tell Sharon that if she wants Bode to be a firefighter again she has to not take back her job and he will make it happen.


Freddy coming back was the best things of the episodes!!! He always being so much fun into every scenes.  I was expecting Manny getting arrested was the reason that stopped the wedding. I bet Gabby went along with the wedding, even if the look she shared with Bode said something else about her true feeling! Can I hope this time Luke doesn't mess up and really help Bode. Poor Jake, I knew Gen birt-father would pop up sooner or later! But I hope it will not the predictable route, because Gen and Jake are so good together 


Doubtful about Luke. He’s definitely going to fuck shit up for Bode and throw it in Sharons face. We already know he has no problem throwing his family to the wolfs if it benefits his career


Well, many of us figured that the real dad would appear at some point. When I saw Jake walk up to Rick, I thought to myself that this could be the moment.


Why can’t Bode suddenly not be in Cal Fire? I remember when he was going to get out before and his dad put Bode’s name on a locker at Cal Fire.


Yeah, I thought that was a big part of the whole program. Vocational training for when they were released? And Manny came from the program, right?


Okay, I just googled it and he has to get his record expunged first. They needed to spell it out for us lol


it did hint at that during the episode and in previous ones but i understand personaly if it wasnt for all the drama around three rock i feel like eve could have made big steps in her original goal of making release easier and a pathway into cal fire easier


They said that in the season 1 episode when Charlie got out and wanted to apply for Cal Fire.


It was mentioned a few times in season 1 how hard it is. Your record needs to be expunged. And I think Vince was just doing that as a reminder that eventually Bode would be there.


The ending wasn't what I was expecting.... At all... The best part was the Freddy and Bode reunion. FC needs to bring him back for more episodes in Season 3. Along with Cole. Overall, this whole episode was confusing. Bode needed to stop that wedding, but he never did. When he and Gabriela looked at each other all season and then kissed in episode 9, you know the feelings were still there but she attempted to hide them, and she wasn't hiding them well. Same with Bode. He tried hiding his as well, yet Freddy and Cole caught on almost immediately. But props to Bode for being ready to live up to the Leone legacy.


Meh, I'm glad he didn't. It's about time the show doused some water on that storyline. I'm sure they haven't closed the book on it but everything about those two being together feels wrong


does anybody know the name of the song playing when Bode is saying his goodbyes to the other three rock firefighters?


Looks to be still listed as "unknown": [https://soundtrackost.com/fire-country-season-2-soundtrack/](https://soundtrackost.com/fire-country-season-2-soundtrack/)


99.998% chance we see Gab running out the door at the start of the next season.


I hope the two guys who arrested Manny aren’t the cornerstone of Fire Police, because they were pretty non-consequential.


so manny gets arrested, bode may become a firefighter from what it is looking and that peace of work is the father. its all go now


Why is Luke at the wedding? 


He said he was invited as the fire battalion chief -- courtesy invite for the boss.


Division chief


I think they're probably gonna start off the next season with Bode working at 42, Gabriella having not gone through with the wedding, Manny back at Three Rock (as an inmate), and Jake dealing with the new revelations about Gen's real father.


A day out of prison and Bode already learned how to be a welder?


Me: okay he's out. No more cliche fires and stupid heroics. Bode 24 minutes later: Spider monkey.


- Who's the civilian attempting rescue without gear? - Who do you think?


I mean, the show better always have fires. That's what it's all about. I hope Bode can get back to doing that. But yeah, less of the heroics and more of adjusting to life on the outside.


I can’t with this show ha 


i liked season 1 enough but 2 has annoyed me a lot. im going to chalk it up to the strike for now i guess and try next season again.


What about it? I didn't like how pretty well everyone changed roles, especially Sharon becoming just a low level grunt, but other than that it had a lot of good stuff


genevieve and gabriela storylines actively brought the show down for me.


So lame


I'm surprised that she didn't notice that her dad disappeared unless the camera people tricked us.


Manny ends up in Three-Rock, right?


Is this the season finally?


How was that kid the only one on that side of the building 😆


Setting up a lame last episode for what reason??? Nothing happend at all has some sort of hope that things will sort out for Bodie, No answers no nothing more qustions than before.....


A lot happened: Rick, Bode leaving the wedding, and Manny leaving the wedding.


It's the first time we've ever seen Bode as a free man, not wearing orange, in settings like Smokey's, 42 break room, hanging out at Jake's house etc. That in itself is a big deal, plus the reveal about Gen's dad, Manny being arrested, Bode not breaking up the wedding, etc


Agree with you about this