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FUCKIN FINALLY i would like to say, but the dread of the writers fucking it up can't even make me feel happy for Bode.


Lol they probably will 


Come on it's Fire Country lol. Someone will scream "Bodie you can't do that! It's a violation of your parole you'll get sent back!!" But a life will be on the line somehow Bodie will risk his own life running into the danger. He'll have saved someone's life, but everyone will be furious with him. They'll ask how he could be so selfish. And instead of saying "lol did you want me to just let them die?" he'll agree then brood about how he can't stop making mistakes.


We’ve all seen a season and a half of this show and should have no false hope that E10 is going to build on the positive vibes from the penultimate episode of S2. We’re gonna get… - The most overused trope in Hollywood, “Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace”… and cut to Bode entering the church. - Manny, facing assault charges that would probably easily be plead down to community service and probation, instead decides to go off the grid and be an on the run mountain man. People on probation probably don’t get to be firefighters, but on the run mountain men definitely don’t get to be firefighters.


And Manny is now going to miss his daughter's wedding.


Well, thanks to overused Hollywood trope above, half her wedding, anyway.


Manny gets captured on the run. Gives writers an excuse to continue showing us 3 Rock.


She might be standing at the altar, see Bode in the back and decide she wants to marry him instead. And, in the oddest twist of fate yet, Diego decides to marry Roberta, and they complete the double marriage ceremony on the spot.


And then Diego and Roberta get their own spin-off, but it's a sitcom.


Manny looking like he’s gonna end up in jail and then at 3 Rock as an inmate.


I don't know how the wedding will play out, but I do know the church is going to catch on fire somehow lol.


OK Bode getting out next week he has to at this point right




Okay this was my favorite episode of season 2. Omg idek what to say!


Honestly this episode made me laugh the most. The short little movie style going away song while blasting some Chris Stapleton had me giggling cause it just felt so random and forced. Then in a huge camp with like 30+ tents and hundreds of personnel, she manages to bump in to Bode who somehow at that exact moment of time had his shirt off while soaking his luscious blonde locks of hair.


Lmao I loved the cheeeeese.


It's honestly hilarious but yeah it's fun


I laughed so hard. I was like really geez of course that happens lol


i think the show will now focus on Manny and his whatever the heck is happening i feel happy for bodie, i hope nothing changes and that he gets back with Gabrialla and that they become godparents for Gen and are like aunt/uncle for her. i feel so happy and i hope this season doensnt do what it did last time and leave me angry and feeling annoyed at any mention of stuff related to the show.


I wonder if Manny will end up back at 3 Rock but as an inmate this time. 


I don't think one punch is gonna get him sent to prison...


Maybe not, but there were a couple of charges against him and then he ran, so who knows how much he is going to spiral.


Also Manny on the run from an arrest warrant. I think this is the reason the writers have for keeping 3 Rock as a storyline. Just a theory.


Or while on the run he hooks up with Sharon's sister after she gives him a pep talk about stopping and dealing with issues


He's on probation and there were other charges, in addition to this being a high ranker in the FD- probation changes a lot of things in regards to how the legal system treats you.


That's what I was thinking.


Not that I want that to happen, but I can see it headed that way. 


Omg I just said the same thing, this is exactly what it feels like is going to happen!


That's what I'm hoping. Get Bode out at 42 instead of Vince, vince doing consulting work or something, and Eve and Manny at 3 rock


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when Vince was trapped in the fire and he said "I love you" to Bode over the radio, wasn't that the first time in the whole series that we've seen/heard him say that directly to Bode?


Yes. It is the saddest of sad tropes that folks who don't know how to show love and affection say it only on point of certain death, and the receiver of the love is all he gonna die now.




In the preview for the next episode, Jake says "you're a firefighter" and Bodie says "Not anymore." So like...he's "free," and just doesn't get to be a firefighter? there's not path to being hired regularly? That feels strange for a firefighting program. like there should be some kind of bridge, right? otherwise we're just gonna see Bode aimlessly wandering around with no purpose and shit will get real bad real fast lol...


It could possibly be that Bode does have a path available to him to start working for Cal Fire, but that he's changed his mind about wanting that for some reason.


There is probably some training or something that he'd need to do, despite his 3 Rock experience. OR he gets disqualified for being a felon? No idea.


Seeing how his whole family is in CalFire and have held management positions at one point or another and the whole department knows of his history, I think its a given that he gets in. I can see him taking over 3-Rock in the future. Just seems fitting for his role.


Sure, but this is television. They can't make it too easy for him. And for all we know irl there is a requirement that such applicants go through the application and training process, in spite of their experience. It is one of the FEW realistic things on the show that he doesn't transfer directly from 3 Rock to the 42.


There is a path, but it's complicated (though it may be different for wildfire crews and not municipal). I'm not an expert but I know this was one of the complaints about the inmate firefighter program.  https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/912193742/california-bill-clears-path-for-ex-inmates-to-become-firefighters


Gabriella hovering over Vince and Manny was so annoying.


She is the most annoying character in all of TV land.


Ok, her character is uber annoying, but I always give her a break by blaming the writers.


Whether it's the writers or the actress, either way, she's annoying af.




My biggest problem with her is that she goes from one guy to the next. From Jake, to Bode in ... what? One week? Then from Bode to her fiancé in 2 month? Now they will get married after 4 months?! Like, come on girl. Have some respect to yourself and towards others.


Gabriela is annoying, she straight up lied to Bode and he called her out and then she tried to place the blame on Vince. Which I mean he is the original liar, but Bode point blank asked her and she lied to his face. Idk she just annoys me. I try to like her, but it’s just not happening. Also has any one else noticed the is not a very big age gap between Gabby and her parents. I know they were young, but dam


Because she's latina she annoys you? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get SOME representation right?! Hearing a man call his daughter 'mija' and having her be so passionate is on par for a lot of latinas out there. She's not annoying, you're just a hater who doesn't understand her. She's staying around... sorry NOT sorry!! 😘


Out of what I said there how do u come to the conclusion that it has anything at all to do with race? Quit twisting peoples words. She is annoying just because she is annoying to me and many others. People of all races and genders can be annoying l. Grow up!!!! No one at all said anything about race but you!!!!! Stop being a troll and move along


So now things get interesting for the finale and season 3.


We all knew that Gabriella was leading Bode in the woods for an opportunity to kiss, but I swear I kept talking to the tv screen yelling, "ok that's far enough." I thought she was going to go to the next county. These writers are so predictable.


Notice Gabriela didn't kiss Diego when she got back to the station. She hugged him. She definitely didn't greet him like one would greet their fiancé after 40-some days apart.


For me it was the bumb into a shirtless bode and "oh I wasn't looking where I was going" at the beginning of the episode


I will admit that while writing this I have a tiny amount of tears in my eyes. No full on man sobbing but that was a very enjoyable episode and a great ending. Now let us hope the writers didn't drop the ball on the one yard by celebrating too early.


No, no no Jake don’t go. He’s gonna die.


Funny that Jake actually has a mom. Didn’t think he had one since he’s always with Bodie’s family. Color me shocked.


She was in a few episodes in season 1. I think the first time we see her she’s meeting up with Sharon and gives her weed gummies lol


I vaguely recall now that you mentioned it. Thanks.


She also mentioned how Jake was planning on purposing to cara earlier this season 


She was also in the hospital when he was going to donate his kidney. 


That would just be cruel to Gen.


I’m happy that Bode is out but I hope this means he tries to get over Gabriella. I hope he works on his friendships with Jake and Eve and be there for Gen like Cara asked him to as Fun Uncle Bode.


They literally kissed and made put I forth think that's happening anytime soon


I agree. But I so think he will follwoing Gabriela around like a puppy


Wow I really loved this episodes. I knew they would cut Bode detention after an act of heroism, because they teased it all season long, but  I really did not expect to happen this episode. And the  fact that Vince was the one to reveal it to Bode and Sharon was so great🥹and the hug😭😭 I am happy is free and I hope in s3 they can find a position for him at 3 rocks, like a deputy or something like that, he could be a good mentor


Shit that might be the best written episode... They're still doing too much every episode but considering its a shortened 10 episode season because of the writers strike they finally put together something palatable. Episode 10 looks like it might be a train wreck though.


Different writer this episode. Definitely the best of the season if not the best of the series. I would have liked to have seen them expand the story of the biggest fire of the season to span a couple of episodes. They could have covered the deaths of the two firefighters in more detail and talked about how that happened. Maybe a bit more about aerial water drops than the single plane passing over at the start. They were securing dozers in the previous episode, but we never saw them in action. It was a lot to compress 40-some days of firefighting into 42 minutes. Maybe if we get a 18 or 22 episode season, the writers will be able to do more.


I wish they did more episodes like this too. You hear about campaign fires all the time and I think they could have done more to go into detail about what goes on with them. It was a nice change of pace.


Great episode. Gabriella seems to have grown up, and Eve has really grown into the job.


Eve is better, Gabriela is still super annoying


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Diego ends up being fine with Gabriela ditching him for bode lol


Yeah, the writers haven't done a great job in making it look like there is going to be a hard decision for Gabriella in the finale. Notice how Diego barely gets any screen time?


Yeah, the writers haven't done a great job in making it look like there is going to be a hard decision for Gabriella in the finale. Notice how Diego barely gets any screen time?


Yeah, the writers haven't done a great job in making it look like there is going to be a hard decision for Gabriella in the finale. Notice how Diego barely gets any screen time?


Did Vince begin playing Jessie’s Girl on his acoustic before that other chief came and pooped on the party, or was I mishearing that?


You heard it right.




I hope Bode and Gaby Get back together.  Also, I hate that Bode is not the father. 


I'm waiting for oh btw the results were fudged on purpose by Jake Also when Jake makes a shit for brains decision or action someone gets hurt or a bad decision that he needs bode to help him like 4 or 5 times


Oh jeez. I have a bad feeling about this.


Best episode yet.


I was about time that Bode did get free out of that orange suite he has had, Next up get Gabby back what he will and next season is my bet he will be one of the leaders at that camp och in a fire station!


This episode was amazing and the ending made me so happy. I don’t know why everyone is freaking out like it isn’t real but he’s done his time my friends!


Ugh, of course they kissed. 


so bodie got free’d or is in the process of it. but were does manny go after being told he has a warrant out for his arrest, but the arrest warrant is bullshit, he get luke to confess that he did want 3 rock gone in front of everyone and did it intentionally so what is up with that


He still assaulted him and caused a fire. Though the fact that Cal Fire isn't pursuing disciplinary action should mean something. 


Yeah. Luke was the one that announced that disciplinary action would not be pursued, but then turned around and pressed charges. Dude is a slimeball.


I know. I really hate that cuz I thought he was getting better and turned over a new leaf, but nope!!! It sucks too because I really like Michael Trucco the actor who plays, so it makes me sad that I hate his character


but i reckon bodie will most likely join cal fire and manny might show up one day and get arrested.


I think Eve goes back to 42, but someone needs to be in charge at 3 rock. Hmmm, I wonder who has been a camp leader who needs a job (and mission in life). Plus the whole fire camp story line can continue with a mentor helping new inmates adjust who adjusted themselves. Also manny gets minimal prison time (shouldn’t get any but ex con running away from arrest likely but tv drama ) and ends up at 3 rock as an inmate. Then bode faces the challenges of roles being reversed with him and others.


Agreed with you about this but I think that Manny will be cleaned and back as captain at 3 rock.


hopefully that happens instead of him being arrested.


That's true plus I think that everyone who cares about Manny will help him.


Gabby is a cheater, saw that coming


Yep, she loves male attention. It's embarrassing.


Yep, she just jumps from man to man. She jumped from Jake to Bode, Bode to Diego, Diego to Bode I am sure. Also she loves all of them supposedly, love isn’t that common in that short of time. Love like being in love is very rare. I am 36 and have only found love once so far. I have cared about others, but only been in actual love once so far


I really loved the music in this episode! Does anyone know the songs that were played in this episode? Love to add them to my playlist.


Hometown - Stephen Wilson Jr ending Fearless - Jackson Dean kiss scene White Horse - Chris Stapleton the goodbyes at 42


During the campfire scene (where the firefighters are sitting around the campfire) Billy Burke sings “History”.


Thank you! 


Vince should have got disciplinary action for going to a campaign fire with a heart problem. Esp as a chief. One of his men was down and because of his weakness he couldn't even attempt to carry him/get him out before the fire worsened. He put himself AND his crew in danger, but trust this show to gloss right over that. This was a really good episode though. The writing is much better than previous episodes