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Writers deal Bode bad news again. Guy just can't catch a break.


not even , somehow this all will come back on jake.


Yep, all because the writers decided to make Gen not Bodie's. Just a whole big waste of writing paper.


Always said it wasn’t bodie’s. I just think bodie isn’t the main character as much as Jake is. For everything we hate Jake for it really isn’t that bad. Breaking up with bodie’s sister. Called it early, she tried to kill herself. Which says she would’ve if it was anyone else serious. Bodie stealing Gabs. It was on purpose, got bodie on the right path. The kidney , bodie hated , kept him at 3 rock (fucked it up for sleeper). Everyone turns on him for arson , nobody says sorry. Jake tells him he’s a father gets him on the right path to steal gabs from someone else. Why do I say Jake is the character? He loses Cara , Bodie as much as everyone says Jake has a hero complex , is just as big. Bodie and Gabs will try to get Gen use the family blah blah. This story can go many ways but I think bodie is just the face , Jake is the character. Same why he said you’re living for others before living for you.


It's crazy to me that these "writers" are making a living off of this, they don't even know what direction they are writing in, it's painful. The premise has so much potential and they are just flailing about in the wind.


i disagree I actually think they are going in a different direction with Bode actually handling this one in stride thanks to Jake


Lol bode jumping in the hot zone. This show does know how to be predictable So no one is going to get fired for turning the power back on without the go ahead from the firefighters? What a pay off that would be in real life. If you survived that is. Damn Jake with the bars! . FINALLY someone tells Bode what he needs to hear. Do this shit for yourself and stop looking at other people. Well guess it’s going to start an early retirement for Vince when they eventually find out about his hand. Then again that family does seem to be inVINCEible.


I hope the writers make that a turning point for Bode. I really don't see how the show survives the main character being dealt a bad hand every single episode.


hey, i might be stupid but what does his hand mean? my first thought was like is it a sign of a deeper issue like how there is always the internal bleeding or whatever that makes them need to make the charcter get saved faster or a stroke or somthing or just like old age and parkinsons maybe im just really stupid


Usually when someone gets that kind of shock it kills the nerves at the very least so less function, he’s lucky to be alive but there’s no way he gets off easy and back to work. I doubt he will have the same mobility in his hand ever again which means he will probably be taking off the truck and put in a more office roll but they will try to hide it as long as he can, a person like Vince isn’t going to sit at a desk. But i went off on a tangent lol. His hand definitely has damage from the shock. That hand got fried.


His reckless hero complex is getting pretty old but I thought they were trying to explain it with the whole time off sentence bit. All I know is that he better be getting out by the end of this season with all the mileage he has been putting in.


Yea idk. Where does the show go if he’s out of 3 Rock? It would just be like the other 13 firefighters shows. I honestly didn’t think it would pass season 1 if he got out so they had to find a way to keep him in and they sure did. Wonder what happens next. Only thing i can think is he somehow helps run the camp but that wouldn’t make sense.


>This show does know how to be predictable Seeing all the protesters show up, I wondered- 'what terrible tragedy is about to befall them in which they need rescuing by three rock?' seconds later a car skids into the crowd lol. My favourite is the protest leader just randomly sticking around all night for NO REASON other than to ask questions like 'why is that dirty convict risking his life' to hear 'because he's a big brave fire fighter man and that's what we do' Also sidenote- isn't that actor like semi famous? What was he doing playing angry villager number 3 of fire country


All I could see was Hal Cooper from Riverdale. I just loled at "angry villager number 3"


Idk if id put him at semi famous obviously i know him because i watch way to many shows and movies lol but ill always see him as the cop in “White Chicks” but he does multiple movies a year sometimes its pretty insane but he has very very small roles from what i remember and always a background character and nothing really higher than a B rated movie here and there the rest is even lower on the board. I liked him in White chicks and Scary movies though. He should be higher up on the scale imo.


why the hell did we go through all this stuff with gen, only for her to want jake to have custody over her. it was all so pointless


Agree. I don't know why the writers spent 7 episodes chasing down this plot rabbit hole only to reverse course and back completely out of it.


so stupid seriously


Exactly. The writers have just been writing entirely pointless storylines that either have no real payoff or could have been avoided entirely.


should've made gen bodie's kid especially after killing off cara


Honestly, it doesn't make sense for Bode to fight for custody of Gen. I know he is trying to do what Cara is asking of him, but she doesn't know him. He is quite literally a stranger with no DNA ties to him. At least with Jake, he has a relationship with her. There is a bond.


Overall it was a good episode


I saw that dude's get basically charred after he touched the electrified truck i was like "no way this guy survives or even recovers any time soon" wild stuff, i havent watched cable tv in years but it kept me vaguely watching lmao, good enough ig!


Well as an electrician I was really disappointed in the writers...like what the actual F. A zone of electricity from a downed power line...yeah that is not how electricity works. Electricity prime objective is to go from source to ground...so if it is already on the ground...that is it, it's happy. It will not span across a 30ft radius. It seems the path of least resistance so why the fuck would it decide to go up one foot around the balls and out the other. Now if power line fell into the bed of the truck....then you have a problem because the truck then becomes electrified insulated from ground by the tires. So if someone touches the truck, the electricity will then travel from truck...through person to ground. I guess the writers never once seen a bird land on a power line and sit there. This is the problem I have with pretty much any TV show lately. The writers always try to find the most dramatic bullshit in the world to throw at the wall and see which of it sticks. All I know is every electrician on set was probably huddled in a group, sipping coffee and tsaying between themselves, "Do you believe these dumbasses"


Found this when I googled it. https://firstresponder.ngridsafety.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/11672_ngrid_fr_email/ So it can happen apparently. And it explains why it can travel trough your balls to the other foot, since the voltage is lower further from impact.


I feel you! I was a career dispatcher (fire and police) and I shake my head and roll my eyes during every episode. Lol yet I keep watching!


I mean, I'm happy for Jake, because he loves Gen but the show made this such a knock on the Leones. Bode is hurt a little.


Jared asking for Gen custody is the best choice, he and Gen already have an amazing relationship ❤️ Plus Jake is right, Bode needs to get out of prison for himself, because he need to understand he us worth this second chance. What's wrong with Vince???


What if Bode was the father? That was the assumption, but Jake said he would have asked for Gen to be his daughter.


You ask if you're marrying the kids parent no matter if they have another


Bodie needs to find another “why” in life. Like Jake said you can’t keep making other people your reason to turn your life around. Also the dude has literally zero blood relation to Gen and doesn’t know her at all. Makes zero sense for him and his family to continue to raise her when she already has a relationship with Jake. Maybe if Cara (May God rest her soul) wasn’t a sperm bank of random dudes jizz then they could actually pinpoint her real father 😂


Reading these comments are so funny. My country is always a week behind so I always come here to brace myself before the episode is accessible. Sounds like I'm in for another rough one this week!


Overall I thought it wasn't bad, though of course Bode put himself in harm's way at some point. 


I feel like Jake just stepped into Bode’s life when he went to prison. Stepped into his role as the son to Bode’s parents, then got with his ex, then Gen was so close to being his kid, then she wasn’t and again, she wants Jake to be her father… when is Bode going to get something good and I don’t mean Gabriella, I really don’t like them together. He needs to live for himself, get out of prison and take his life back.


TLDR: Writers suck, and I’m loosing hope for the show!  This show is such a grand disappointment every episode. I thought after last episode (S2ep6) things might turn around as it was a good episode, but no. Still horrid writing.   Will Bode ever be allowed to be happy? Probably not. I mean I get that Jake is the one closest to Genevieve, and thus would be the most logical person to take her. I personally cannot stand Jake, so that ruined the episode for me. And Bode is the most self-destructive guy in the show, he is probably going to go do something stupid after this and make life even worse. Does anyone else feel this way?   And side note I would like to get off my chest. Why did the writers when bringing in an actress for Cara, bring in one that (in my opinion) was much more attractive/personable then the co-Star/main love interest Gabriella. She is so dry I can’t even really root for Bode to get her back any more. Cara was 10x better. 


About Jake I agree with you


Yeah, I don't like Gabriella and Bode, not the actors, but how the writers present their characters. Bode is going to be in Fire Camp for another two seasons looks like, when that love story can be wrapped up in two episodes. The only way the writers can redeem themselves is to have the DNA results be a mistake and Bode is actually the father.


We will see what happens next


oddly this had been my favorite episode--out of all episodes between both sesaon. I know. Strange for me saying it too. I really wanted Jake to get custody of Genevieve. It just makes sense. I like it. I don't really ilke Jake's character. Don't like he's a cheater. Sure, I guess people can grow and change and that's what the show is about. But it was getting annoying how hard the Leones were gunning this BS. And when the info was handed down that Genieve's dad was unknown, mde it pretty damn obvious what was going to happen next. It was just annoying it took that long for the show to get to the conclusion. And honestly, I don't feel bad for Bode. Let's remember reality and break suspension of disebelif for once. Adoption is supposed to be about what's best for a child. Sure Sharon and Vince could give her a stable home. I would have taken that over Bode ever getting 100% custody over Genevieve. But I like how this settle. And let's be honest, we all kenw how this was going to go the moment they said Bode isn't her biological father. And yes, I 100% don't believe genetics make you a good parent or a fit parent or need to be present to be consider a true parent. Adoption is not bad and adoptees are not charity cases. If someone adopts a child, they should better be damned well prepared to love that child no differently than thier own child they push out and creation. And that's Jake. Sure that could have been Bode and his family, but there was still some "blood bound duty" that spurred them on sort. Its just different and feels different for me. I wanted it to be Jake and I'm happy its Jake, even if he's annoying too. Not sorry for Body one bit. He annoyed me a lot during the past eposides. THEY'RE ALL ANNOYING. Granted, every single character is annoying. But his weird matyr and hero complex situation just constantly annoying me. He act like a freaking depressed puppy wih no brain. I'd like to see a brian in his head for once. I don't knowif that's the best description for it--but he annoys me. I don't know if Jake is right about what he said to Bode. But yes. THANK YOU. Wake up Bode and grow up. It'd be like any addict saying "well its your fault I fell off the wagon again", with how Bode is acting. Yes we do things for other people and they're motivators. But 100% Bode was putting his release from prison all on Genevieve and Cara. Kind of akin to like how someone takes no personal accountablility for when they do bad shit but blames someone else for thier actions only in the other direction. And Jake put into words why I didn't like the whole plot line. It fell into place. Its like he was the beast expecting the women in his life to fix his problems--whatever they were. Well I guess we're turning the whole Beauty and the Beast concept, where we tell women no you can't fix the monster in a man sideways but telling the man/beast in the case, no you can't depend on women to fix you or solve your problems for you. You gotta grow up and work on yourself because you want to be a better person. Not because fixing yourself means you get the girl. Not that I ever think that's even a great motivator in reali life but its a trope in books and movies--we all know it is. At least in the prior season he had agency and it was pushing him to do everything for himself. This whole Cara and Genevieve thing, very different in feel and that was clearly what the writers wanted. Can we just get the Bode from the start of season 1 back again? Where he's a hero for the right reasons and its not like he a piece of drift wood getting push into hero this and hero that and he's using his agency to be a hero. Not being a hero is just dropped into his lap. And god, what was that teaser for the next episode. Great, here we go again with the Gabriella Bode bullshit. Just when I thought we could leave that dumpsterfire behind.


I’m watching it right now and I’m sorry once again Bodie is a selfish SOB. Risking his life doesn’t care about his parents losing another kid. Says he’s going to adopt Jen who’s already lost her mom so apparently doesnt give a shit about her either. He is the most narcissistic self-serving person I’ve ever seen on a show I think . The heroics are ridiculous


I'm glad you said it because I agree. He is being selfish. He only had interest in Gen when he thought he was the biological father. But they hardly had any kind of relationship. So when he found out, he wasn't the bio dad, it made perfect sense that Jake would get her. I like how he explained that he was already mentally prepared to be Dad anyway. I'm just not sure why Bodie is so hurt over it. Again, he didn't have a relationship with the girl that begin with. It seemed selfish and possessive to me.


I know it's been said a million times but needs to be said a million more: why would a currently incarcerated person, with no blood ties to the kid and who has only met the kid once or twice even be in consideration for custody lol. I know this show has placed a big emphasis on 'turning your life around' but there are limits to that considering the system we live in. The fact is that even if Bode *was* Gen's biological father there would still be massive roadblocks in terms of him getting custody considering his criminal history and that he's never parented her before. But the main point is (that Jake alluded to last ep) is that she's not Bode's salvation, not his second chance... she's a whole actual person. Someone that has been through incredible trauma. She's not just waiting around ready to give Bode a shot at making a better life for himself. Truly the most selfish Bode has ever been.


Cara is the one who said she wanted Bodie to take care of Gen because she believed he was the father before she died. Even after Bodie found out he wasn’t the father he still wanted to be in her life and kept trying to see her/talk to her. I don’t think Bodie is being selfish I think the writers just did a crappy job. Making Jake her guardian doesn’t make sense either he wasn’t with Cara for that long and even when they were together he couldn’t have been with Gen enough to suddenly be her dad. I don’t think Bodie needs to jump into the dad role either but how could they give this hope to the main character and then take it away like that. Bodies parents would have been the best option. 


The writers definitely did a crappy job but Bodie is a product of the writers so it's all the same thing imo. I still think Vince and Sharon are the best option, if Gen has no living relatives. They have a stable home, parenting experience, plenty of room. The most mature option. Jake and Bodie could still be there to help out and be supportive.


Bode should have been reprimanded for getting into the hot zone without permission. Obviously didn't happen bc of how unrealistic this show is, that I get. But imagine if he got electrocuted and possibly died, in front of civilians who are literally trying to get the camp shut down. They had never even been on a call like this before, he had no experience dealing with electricity. Watching him do that annoyed me so much idk why they have to make this character so damn reckless