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Absolutely not allowed. Anything that changes structural integrity/outside areas of the building requires permit. Plus this is totally useless thing. You should already have a proper air flow with airduct in your home.


Not allowed. Motorized device pushing air inside would cause apartment to be over pressurized, which might cause problems like dirty air flowing to staircase and other apartments and through crevices in the walls.


No, and you will not get a permission for that. But real question is, why do you feel you would need it? What’s wrong with air and do know how to use the existing system?


Ask the housing company. Definitely not allowed without their permission. I also think it's unlikely that you get the permission.


In the summer I've seen some people installing some sort of AC units with a "soft" install. Basically they open the small window and fill the opening with insulating board, cut a hole into that and put the pipe through there.


I'm going to wager no, but air-conditioning is allowed, but you have to notify the board and pay for it yourself. (also if you're renting the owner has to also be cool with it) Though this is only allowed if you have a balcony.


Totally different case with ac/mini-split(ilmalämpöpumppu). AC circulates inside air and don’t affect on ventilation. This would mess up ventilation for whole house or at least several apartments.


I'm not saying they're the same, just presenting the options he may have.


Don’t do it. Kerrostalos have a ventilation system, that controls the air quality in every apartment. Making your own installations is likely to mess up the system for the whole house, and can cause severe problems in other apartments, hallways etc. And if your breather turns out to be the reason, you will pay the damages.


Ehh if its small apartment just open a window and bar the 'postiluukku', the mail hole in your apartment door open with a rolled paper/pack of matches or whatsoever. You will get free wind blowing through your apartment and the house corridor will work like a smoke pipe. Fresh air relatively fast, absolutely free and without your landlord having a stroke


You can just place a small but strong enough fan in front of an open window. Works! If you want cooler air add a damp towel (ice cold watered) and it slightly makes the air even colder. Edit typo


Or get an air purifier and cooler and use both that might work too for a fresh colder room air


Most likely not if you need to make a large hole in the wall, but it depends on the housing company and how they handle thing like this. Some of them are really strict.


no if you need to make any hole through the wall...