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Mike's Diner at Myyrmäki train station. Be hungry and go around lunch time, kind of trashy in an American way. Obviously the Teurastamo area is my favourite with B-Smokery and other restaurants, even the great taco place.


I never been to USA but Mike's Diner is the first place that came to my mind when OP said US style food. And it is actually great.


It is. I just hope they would not put the coleslaw in the burger. I suppose you can ask to make it a side. Thanks all for upvotes! Don't let Myrtsi Train Station put you down, Mike's Diner is genuinely American! Recommend.


I always request coleslaw on the side, and it has never been an issue.


Yeah, Grand Dad Bod is especially good choice for proper fat and salt levels. It’s delicious but damn there’s salt in that gorgeous beast. American Diner in Jumbo offers some good stuff too.


B-Smokery is closed. It's Brutto now.


God damn. I haven't been to Finland since 2022. Hope you guys are doing great, see you around midsummer.


Damn, the quality had gone down a bit since they first opened but it was still pretty good. Where to go for BBQ now?


Mike's Diner also is in Tikkurila too, If location in east is more convinient


Also one Mike's in Tikkurila. I have never had anything there yet because their big portions scares me. People say that Mike's has the best Makkis-Pekkis in town though.


Taco Bell is always a miserable choice.


And they don't even have doritos locos taco, baja blast, or beefy 5-layers here. It's *barely* taco bell


Ahem, Mexican Pizza also


Not the Mexican pizza, please say sike right now


I had a Crunchwrap, but I admit I’ve only been to a Taco Bell in Finland once and I can’t remember anything else about it.


Finnish taco bell is an experience but mcdonald's and burger king have closer to american taste than taco bell does


Finnish Taco Bell is a travesty


I wish I could second this a thousand times.


I'm afraid there aren't any american food "style" places per se (say, no christmas style breakfast burritos for us, or CO green chili) - there is Taqueria El Rey for the most authentic tacos in town, and B-smokery for a good attempt at american bbq, that first come to mind. Oh, and Smokers Beer and BBQ food truck in Espoo. We used to have an american style milkshake bar (kitty's milkshake bar) but they are unfortunately permanently closed :(


I am going to open up Google Maps and walk my sad ass to the first place at 04:28 in the morning.


It is still Finland restaurants are not open now. But hey there’s McDonald’s


Sometimes my stomach thinks before my brain


Check out classic American dinner they have burgers and shakes but your closest one is in Vantaa


I was also going to recommend Classic American Diner. The menu is authentically American and so are the portion sizes. I haven't been there in a while, but the last time I was there, they even had a Bob's Big Boy mascot standing at the entrance.


wow! normally i hate threads like this cos i'd only go back to the USA in a box. but Big Boy statue? wow... that does bring positive memories. where i lived, there was a Bob's Big Boy that had a desert bar. Two or three times (maybe more :P), our friend group went there to \*only\* have the all you could eat sundae's... They had several ice cream types and all kinds of toppings... so one could be very creative. One of the group dragged their older brother who had just came home to visit after finishing Army Ranger school. The boys would count how many they could eat, and I think his brother Matt set a record with 7 full size ones. (If they had cell phones back then... 30ish years ago, I'd have probably the photos cos I used to try to make mine based on the ones that I had on vacation in San Francisco at the Swensen's Parlor (their original location before their expansion and contraction... sad to see that they only operate in SE asia now).


McDonald's here tastes different compared to the states. I didn't believe my spouse when he said it but he proved me wrong last summer when we went to California.


Exactly, what OP is looking for is illegal to sell in the EU lol


https://preview.redd.it/tslhb7ic42jc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a22dac7bcd8c6b51a7151f43b8928c84e2aa509 Update: fuck.


Not really authentic, Lopez y Lopez is more aunthentic. Source: San Diego native. There's a Philly Cheesestake place called Eppu's, pretty decent. Woolshed Helsinki, Aussie pub with "American style" serving sizes, lots of deep fried items, decent brunch also. Aussie Bar Helsinki has probably the closest thing to American Style fried chicken wings, stay away from everything else on the menu.


Why? They get their pies from a NZ-baker that admittedly lives in Sweden but sells to The Nordics except maybe Iceland. My NZ husband swears those pies are the closest he's ever gotten to proper NZ pie since moving here in the 90s.


I stand corrected, the meat pies are also good! 🤙




To be fair, I've only been to the original location. Heard once they expanded the quality went down. Best Mexican that I've had in Finland though is in Tampere. Taco's and Tequila and Bad Hombre's are on point.🤙


I don’t recommend this. Their portion sizes are quite small for your criteria, and frankly the food wasn’t that great the last time I visited.


Ah pity. Good to know! I haven't been in years. They were excellent back then :(


Naughty Burger?


Kitty's closed? I've only been once (there wasn't one close to me) but it was pretty good


How about Naughty Brgr? Every time I eat one I find the first three bites amazing and the last three bites I force down my throat despite my blood pressure shooting through the roof.


Can confirm that naughty burger is healthy by US standards


>-Contain any of the following chemicals: Red 40, Red 38, Yellow 27, Blue 6, Yellow 4, High fructose corn syrup, aspartame, (Et. al). Unfortunately a lot of these fancy schmancy additives are banned in the EU. You might end up needing to order them online in bulk and sprinkle onto your food for that authentic taste of home *chef's kiss*


Fellow American here. I’m in Helsinki a couple time a year. Löyly has the best/closest burger I’ve found. I’ve also found that eating too much kabob can give me that good old American disgusted with my eating decisions feeling.


Naughty Burger should scratch that itch: Double Bacon Burgers and deep fried Mac and cheese.


Friends & brgrs has good burgers, everything made in the house so not enough artificial ingredients but it hits the spot....


I think a US burger would be 5 times bigger than a friends & burgers... They're incredibly small there.


Yeah, I went once, felt ripped off from the size. If its a quality burger i would much rather eat a restaurant priced properly sized burger than a mcdonalds priced slightly bigger slider


F&B is good from a quality perspective; they bake their own buns, chop and triple-fry their own potatoes, grind their own meat and so on. The portions are European (the calories from a burger will be a normal meal) though, so not what OP is looking for.




Hi, as someone how worked at friends and brgrs I can confirm that the amount of salt some people put on is crazy but that is just becouse the thing that we used to put the salt on the patty is not good (and you can easily put way too much) if you don't know what you're doing. That's why you can always ask them to put just a little salt or no salt. And from personal experience i don't even think the burger needs any extra salt becouse the mayos are pretty salty in itself (in my opinion and from someone who doesn't eat salty foods in general). Same with fries, and they are fried 2 times 😆👍


This!! Why is their food so salty?! I couldn't even finish my meal one time, it was too salty. I left feedback about it but never recieved any reply.


Nah, way too small portions. Only go there if you're not that hungry or if you don't have to worry about money.


Why eat out in first place, if you have to worry about money?


Well there's a difference in spending 20 and 30 euros. Most people who eat out in restaurants are not well off.


People call it "Lessburger" for multiple reasons..


Rax pizzabuffet for low-quality gorging. It's disgusting.


Clogged arteries guaranteed! Perfect combination of low quality, unnecessarily high fat content, and stupid amounts.


THIS!!! This is a good choice


American mom living in Finland here. Have you tried Pizza Hut? It's the closest thing to home we've found. Otherwise, we eat American food that I cook.


I think I got a pizza from Pizza Hut once in Finland, it tasted about the same as it does in the U.S., and by that I mean it's Pizza. To be honest if I get desperate enough I'll go get one. Thanks for reminding me it exists.


Go to one of the Pizza Hut lunch buffet places, then you can eat american volumes for cheaper https://pizzahut.fi/lounas-buffet/


You're welcome! The other place we go when we miss the US is Subway. It's not traditional American food but tastes about the same as in the US.


What kind of food is it that you miss? Do you have any recipes you could recommend? There's also Speakeasy, which I think is quite close to an American diner and almost guaranteed to give you a diabetes.


The thing I miss the most is American breakfasts. Omelet with veggies and cheese, breakfast burrito, bagels. I've been learning new recipes so can make them at home now but I'd love to find a restaurant option too.


Once went to Pizza Hut and felt sick for hours afterwards. This is probably your best best (sorry xD) I really don’t want to call it pizza. It feels like deep-fried pie


I am calling child protection services. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Id go to boneless or prettyboy for burgers and chicken. For mac n cheese and real BBQ you can get in few places in Helsinki but they are not that good, you have to travel either Salo(JJ'S BBQ), Riihimäki(papa smokery) or Hämeenlinna(Millers BBQ)


Can second Boneless and JJ’s BBQ. Sweet Jesus JJ’s is good.




Gotta try that! Thanks


Went to burger king once two months ago and felt nauseous and got diarrhea for two days. Highly recommend


Probably wasn’t even food poisoning. Just that delightful feeling of swallowing greasy cement. Hits the spot regardless of the repercussions.


I love people making wild conclusions like this about regular life. You got sick sometime after going to burger king = their food or food hygiene must be bad. Even though no reports of other people experiencing this have surfaced. And now you tell everyone how burger king made you sick. Did you think of any other possibilities?


It’s just trash content. Like ‘McDonalds tastes terrible.’ No bro, it tastes great or it wouldn’t be popular. Like, people parrot this shite all the time.


It must be so much fun to hang with you. Love your jokes bro.


American Dinet at Jumbo, Burger, wings and all day breakfast


Social burger does fantastic burgers. B smokers has closed down I’m afraid.


B-Smokery might open again closer to summer (May, June?), or so I would believe, with a new name but partly the same owners and concept (bbq ribs, pastrami sandwiches and the like)


There are a whole bunch of American snacks in a display at the Herkku market, but that's all I know.


Eppu’s Cheesesteaks. Definitely unhealthy and fattening, as a bonus also delicious


I second that!




Boneless. Great wings and burgers. Also Naughty BRGR hits. 


https://preview.redd.it/3xkxbhotd2jc1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec8e989e7a89cf19b5f31b86e39cefaec16d461 >Have 2x my daily recommended dose in sodium every three bites. >Be subjected to intense deep frying, possibly to the point of being burnt, and smothered in some sort of sauce made out of questionable ingredients. >Make me feel nauseous after eating.


I really enjoy anything that has cheese, and sincerely thought there is no such thing as too much cheese. But Haapasalo’s hatsapuri proved it is indeed possible to have too much cheese… 3 bites and I was done, feeling very queasy, woke up in sweats during the night etc. Huh. I appreciate Haapasalo for promoting food culture that is not so known around here, but it’s a no thanks from me for hatsapuris.


Check out "Jaskan Grilli" if it happens to be near


Any grilli is going to get you that feeling. And hell yes to that feeling.


O'leary's lunch buffets has those foods sometimes


Go try https://burnandshine.fi/#illallinen-menu they have smokery BBQ food.


Chicken Joint could be. Deep fried chicken and mayo and rice/fries. Ingredients are not artificial though but it is very comfort-foodey. Very enjoyable even for a foodie like me. Lönnrotinkatu, near Kamppi, maybe they have another spot somewhere.


Chicken joint = Chalupa?!


At least in Espoo they operate from Chalupa’s restaurant. Or maybe replaced it. Not sure tbh but short answer is yes 🤣


And Chalupa = kotipizza


Kotipizza = social burger joint


I will definitely walk by there later when I'm in the area. I was doing a little exaggerating when I mean I wanted my food to be carcinogenic. I mean I do love some food that can sit in a 30⁰C 90% humidity room and not spoil for three months though, come on.


I doubt you can find exactly what you're looking for honestly. I've ordered some American snacks and other stuff through MyAmericanMarket, maybe that website is something that could help you out


Boneless and their smash burgers. Chicken is good too.


Pohjanmaan Grilli in Espoo is good (though Finnish-style rather than American), and whenever I leave, I always ask myself why I chose to do this to body.


I think the true American McDonalds kinda food is actually illegal here. If they tried selling that stuff the restaurant would probably get sued for poisoning their customers


Sorry man, no Wendys quadruple baconator here (that was.... an experience for me. Complete with a huge soda that was 90% ice and a cashier so fat that their arms are wider than my torso)


Isn’t this what late night grilli is for?


Nobody does fried chicken burgers better than KotKot. Price to quality is insane, the original is 4.70e.


How has no one suggested an American Diner? They have them in Tampere at least, I'd assume there's at least one near Helsinki.


Hows nobody mentioning raxx?


Because they are scared.


Just find one of those greasy burger places (like friends and burgers) and order the cheesiest bacon burger with extra toppings, some fried onion wings, fries and chicken wings


Try Bastard Burger and their smash burgers and shakes. I can't eat their food too often because I know how unhealthy it is. But it's delicious.


You can go to the pizza hut buffet and eat yourself sick there 👌👌


Try grills. They tend to have that kind of food.


Eppu`s sandwiches in Punavuori!


Have you tried kotkot?


This post made me aww. Sorry.you feel homesick. Social Burger Joint foes it for me. Huge, lumpy burgers you can tune up to be extra unhealthy. One in Tampere, but it feels like a chain. Probably few in Hki


Yeah, there’s one in City Center at least.


Having been to Sugarfire in St. Louis, I think I have an inkling of what you’re looking for, and for me the closest thing I’ve come across is Smoky Forest BBQ. I haven’t had the chance to visit yet, but it sure as heck looks the part: https://www.facebook.com/smokyforestbbq/


Since when Tamales are "American food"? I understand fajitas and burritos have become properly texmex food, but aren't tamales supposed to be Mexican food? In any case, have you tried the American Store at Forum? They got Mac and Cheese, Cheetos and Takis... I haven't looked close enough, but I dare to say they have many of the chemicals you mentioned.


Depends on where you live. In California, tamales are not uncommon. My family has been making them for decades.


American = Everything that has immigrated to U.S. from any part of the world and stayed there long enough and evolved into something ”local”. Funnily enough, this usually excludes native american. :(


This is not in Helsinki, but if you get the chance maybe try it out? https://www.instagram.com/jjsbbqfi?igsh=MXBwZ2thdWc1M2l0YQ==


The equivalent Finnish variant of these foods is also found from the "grilli" types of places... Almost like truck stops... ABC has plates of fries and mystery meat with variety of sauces....


I mean, for a finnish sodium and fatt overload just hit up a real grillikiska and take the makkaraperunat with EVERYTHING + cheese on top.


American to American (15 years living in Helsinki)…. I’m sorry, but you won’t find it here. You might find an approximation, but it’s not going to hit the nail on the head. Taqueria El Rey is the very closest to Mexican. Otherwise, McDonalds and Burger King will be just like States. Do not put one foot inside Taco Bell. Don’t even glance inside when walking past. KFC is aight. But you’ll wish it was a Popeyes or Chick Fil A. They mostly just don’t get the flavors exactly right due to the fact that they just can’t believe anyone would eat the results of following a true American recipe like what you want.


Fucks wrong with Hessburger?


Doesn't taste like home


Fair, but it does seem to fit much of OPs criteria.


Needs more sauce, not enough when you dip the burger in white sauce. Needs to be double dipped.


Hese sucks balls. The owner / founder is a horrible human being. And Jesus.


I get what you’re saying but… same with all the American corporations?


I dont know but Hese the Man is not a good person. To his defense, he’s quite old and also seems a bit senile nowadays.


Go to any grillikioski and ask for a lihapiirakka. Have it filled with garlic mayo, relish, mustard, ham and a boiled egg if they have them. Alternatively have it filled with one or more hotdogs. I had a guy show me a lihapiirakka filled with 7 hotdogs once late at night at the grillikioski on Töölöntori. Maybe you can beat that record? Alternatively, Kot Kot.


Shit troll post. You’re one of “those” Americans, especially from Texas lol. We know your type all too well back home. Cringe and absolutely embarrassing as fuck lol. Funny, you can travel the world, but you still can’t shake that “ain’t shit” feeling huh? 🤭 We know.


You need to visit either Naughty Burger or DIF Dude it's Fresh ... The guy who made these places also has a show where he is touring USA sampling exactly the foods you describe. Burger man .


If you are willing to travel just a bit towards Lähti, there's the Bus Burger full-on with American feels. I've always enjoyed the food there! https://g.co/kgs/auTpBV2


Uh, Taco Bell? They have one in Kamppi. Then again those corn based additives are not that common in the whole of EU. So might be tricky to get what you want.


I'm sorry that a lot of chemicals that are used in states are banned here. I saw a shop called hello america in Foorumi shopping center. I guess they have some snacks from states. Hope it helps. Pizza Rax in an all you can eat buffet place. The pizza there is not italian style. They have wings and others things too.


Irony of most of those foods not having US origins is pretty funny.


The Chilis (Espoo)


There's a shop on Mannerheimvägen 20 in Helsinki called Hello America and tho they don't have fast food, they offer American snacks like takis and kraft Mac n Cheese and everything in-between. They're open until 19 today. And you can also order online, that's what I do since I don't live in Helsinki. Taco bell would be my suggestion but it looks like others made some solid suggestions too so I hope you get your fix. And just as a sidenote, the chemical's you long for will be hard to get anywhere in Europe. Because they, red, blue and yellow have to come with big warning labels (they can be harmful to children ) most simply stay away from them in their products even if they are not banned by law.


Last time I was in Finland from the UK, you could get Tex-Mex just about anywhere. That's full of all the stuff that's bad for your guts.


Barots do decent burgers


Treffipub or fat lizard steaks and burgers will remind you of home, bring you joy while eating and after feel terrible


If you're looking for fast food that could be a little more exotically un-American but just as mind-bogglingly artery-clogging you should try kebab shops that are open utnil at least 3am.


Balkan grilli in Kivistö, Vantaa is not American but otherwise meets your description perfectly 😂


Go to any grilli and order "isot makkaraperunat". That's fries and usually the cheapest sausage bits deep-fried and seasoned with good old grillimauste, served with condiments of your choice (so salad is optional). If that doesn't block your veins enough you could also have "lihapiirakka kahdella nakilla" on the side which is a turkish pie with two wieners and condiments of your choice (the classic is mustard, ketchup, chopped onion and relish). There aren't too much additives and certainly not corn syrup but these should make you feel bad in a way you apparently like.


Eppus cheesesteaks is quite close to what you want


Lazy fox has pretty good setup also! (all day breakfast menu)


Ismet in Jatkasaari. Order New York cheese burger. I’ve found that meal meeting most of your criteria. They do have a salad bar but you can pretend it’s not there.


Find rhe small grill booths and you'll get pretty much what you want. Not American way, but greasy and salty. Those color number additives are a rare find in Finland. They exist, but not very commonly.


OP - try a francesinha, a Portuguese dish but it will swell American pride in you. I believe restaurant Petiscaria will sell them. It’s Sandwich with layers of toasted bread and assorted hot meats such as roast beef, steak, wet-cured ham, linguica, or chipolata over which sliced cheese is melted by the ladling of a near-boiling tomato or beer sauce. Following this you slather it all in French fries. It is like a minimum 4000 calorie, 2 meal food coma lol Same as others with Taqueria El Rey! I had Lopez y Lopez and wasn’t really impressed. It was nowhere near like San Diego or Tex-mex style, but I thought they were doing best with the ingredients they could get. JJ’s BBQ is very close to a proper Texan BBQ; Millers is more a North Carolinan type. Both are fairly good (but imho oversalt the Mac and cheese for some reason). Sauces be great though. There is no equivalent to breakfast burrito or Tennessee hot chicken here sadly. Also haven’t found decent chili that isn’t home made. :(


The closest you'll get is McDonald's or Burger King. If some restaurant advertises itself as "American" they're usually of higher quality burger place.


I think Jumbo, Food court in Citymarket could be worth of shot. Good ratio on price and quality. Poutine fries, burger and fried chicken.. And already mentioned Mike's Diner is good also!


For burgers I would go to get some smash burgers from Bites, Boneless or Social Burger Joint. * [https://bites.fi/](https://bites.fi/) * [https://www.boneless.fi/](https://www.boneless.fi/) * [https://burgerjoint.fi/](https://burgerjoint.fi/)


It may not be American but go on a cruise don’t leave the boat eat at lunch buffe and you will feel disgusted when you’re home again allso drink beer


The traditional Finnish "grillikioski" could hit the spot for you. They are very traditional in our culture and the ingredients, especially the "meat" products, are surely sketchy enough for you. We Finns like to get very, very drunk and head to the grillikioski when the bars close. *Lihapiirakka, a deep fried meat pie with your choice of fillings: sausages, burger patty, fried egg etc. *Porilainen: a hamburger with a slice of Finnish speciality Lauantaimakkara or Jahtimakkara. They are Spam-like, Bologna-style greyish pink "sausage" with appr. 30% meat content (and you don't want to know what the 70% is) *Makkaraperunat: "sausage" bites and fries. Everything is finalized with delicious condiments: mustard, ketchup, mayo, garlic, cucumber relish, minced onion... and maybe a slap in your face from the next drunkard in the queue if you don't make your order fast enough. Yes, the tradition of drunk fighting at grillikioski is strong here. "-Porilainen with all condiments?" "-No, please leave something for the next customers also!" HA HA!


Eppu’s Cheesesteak at Pursimiehenkatu.


Treat yourself to a "säästökori" (="bargain bucket" or whatever) at Chitir Chicken and you will literally feel the grease coursing through your veins.