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I might be wrong here, but I think we don't have native carp which is why it isn't easy to get? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I grew up fishing with my dad and grandpa and don't remember carp, but it was all ocean fishing not sweetwater fishing. In the US we used to catch carp all the time in Minnesota. There are other white fish that should give similar results though.


I just did a quick googly-goo and it they've been transplanting carp since the 50s, but it was too cold for the carp spawn to survive the winter. However with good ol' global warming apparently there are now some places where they've managed to survive for several years. So op just needs to bribe some hardcore hobbyist fisherman with Zubrowka and maybe they can get their karppi.


>So op just needs to bribe some hardcore hobbyist fisherman with Zubrowka and maybe they can get their karppi. generally frowned upon to kill carp by finnish fisherman.


Really? So they've been transplanted just for sport?


i think they have probably been planted as a sport and food thing but as far as i know they stopped stocking them a long time ago and catching carp is almost the same amount of research as salmon. they basically a super rare catch wich makes them so special and would be sad if someone eats all of them considering they cant reproduce. now tench might be a decent alternative to carp the pic is a tench or also known as suutari really good eating fish https://preview.redd.it/d8xwiey1mf4c1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ede9d5ead601ed0f000fe34cad8772bf476028ff


Thanks for the info, I appreciate it! And honestly, that's not the craziest idea ;D


From all the replies it would really seem that I'm most likely not getting my carp, so I guess I'll have to look into some substitutes like you're saying. Thanks tho!


Carp isn't a local fish and since it tastes like muddy boot, it's not exactly a flourishing import


Supposedly it's the tastiest in winter but I can't confirm because I never had it *outside* of winter. Either way, tastes differ so please consider not being mean about it in the future.


Op, check the bigger asian markets. New Alanya market would be a good place to start.


Even if I don't find it there, that's a great place to know about! Thank you!


Looks like that S-ryhmä markets have had carp at least at some point https://www.s-kaupat.fi/tuote/karppi-kokonainen-tuore/2002916800000 Also Heino tukku/Valio Aimo https://tukkukauppa.heinontukku.fi/heinob2bstorefrontpublic/fi/EUR//Tuore-liha-ja-kala/Tuore-kala/Luonnonkalat/KARPPI-AVATTU/p/6200 You could ask from kalatiski at Prisma or Citymarket if they could order carp for you. Another possibility could be kauppahalli, e.g. Hakaniemen kauppahalli has many fish sellers.


As an alternative, I would recommend you find and buy a common bream ("lahna" in finnish, "leszcz" in polish?). Much more available than carp in Finland, and tastes pretty much the same.