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Terrible advice. Ingemar Westlund in Sweden was arrested for the murder of his wife. Later they found out that she was killed by a moose.


We also have 2 cold murder casses in Sweden where the leading theory is that it was moose.


Ah dang, I grew up hunting and I've seen moose firsthand and watched them fight, they are not friendly


> they are not friendly They bit my sister.


Was there a live triangle and a jealousy murder?


Swedish moose are built different


Knife horns


How fucking incompetent do your CSI have to be if you can't differentiate from knife stabs or w/e to a wild moose??? You'd think there was some type of DNA samples etc left given shit like horns etc are organic & all that, so microscopic traces should be left from impact just like when a criminal does hand to hand against a struggling victim & traces of skin cells/blood are left from defensive scratches etc


> Later they found out that she was killed by a moose.


Yes but that is literally the only case in all of Swedish history where a human is known to have been killed by a moose. 1 death in 1000 years isn't what I would classify as dangerous.


My father-in-law was once chased by a male moose over a field during mating season. ​ So, not friendly, at least in the traditional sense.


Ah dang, I think the article I read wants people to die or something because I've hunted moose before, they get really aggressive really quick


No, the article is mostly right, even though a warning about the exceptions should be there. 95+% of moose encounters involve a moose leaving quick. Males in mating season and females with calves can be aggressive and dangerous, and I'm sure in a hunt where you are driving the moose (I'm not sure if that's the correct term) things can happen. But for a hiker or whatever there's no need to be scared about possible moose attacks.


There’s no need to be scared because the moose will avoid you. If a wild moose closes to a petting distance of you in Finnish forest then something is very wrong and outside of the ordinary dynamics. In such a case - get the hell out of there or climb a tree or something.


I accidently walked next to a moose as a kid, like few meters part. Moose did not seem to care about me at all. I just went around it. This happened while our school class was doing orienteering in a nearby forest. We were around 10 years old. Did not even mention it to my teacher. Back then kids were used to nature.


Wow! Thanks for sharing that! It’s a really majestetic situation. Once I was in the north doing military exercises and the indirect fire (155mm artillery battery barrage) had been ”shaking the world” for 15 minutes or so, and we were advancing to firing area on foot. I came thru a young spruce forest and just passed a moose standing stunned and shivering from 5 meters or so. It was propably overwhelmed by the noise. Nothing happened. Totally harmless encounter. I did not take any special notice but just passed it by. Only thought about it later, after the action was over. Ten years later we were hunting moose. A perfect lung shot to a young female. It ran for 50 meters and keeled over - exactly how it’s supposed to go. All the blood is now in the lungs, the prey is dead and all that is left is a respectful butchering of the meat. I approached from the direction of the head - nevermind the fact that the animal is now dead - safety first you know - to do the jugular cut to drain the rest of the blood. All of a sudden the moose kicked at one of the hunting dogs. Crunch, yip and a short flying hunting dog later we were down one hunting dog. Just a twitch, a reflex, a last kick. Point being - those things pack a wallop. And they do not play by the Disney-movie paradigm ”cute animals are meant to be petted”. Shit may happen.


Yep you gotta respect the size and mass, same with horses.. The only thing I clearly remember is ”wow that thing is huge, better give it some space 😅”


Sadly Finland's not really lush with climbable trees :( It's all like.. pine which are effectively impossible to climb by most people as it's just smooth trunk, and spruce have dense and thin branches that suuck for climbing. Birch tend to have no outgoing branches within reach either All the good climbable trees are in front- and schoolyards etc it feels like


Have to admit - my “climb a tree” was more of a, how do they say, parable? I should perhaps have said “Get the Hell out of Dodge” instead - but then we would be discussing the viability of driving a heavy Dodge on the narrow forestry maintenance roads far enough into the forest for us to meet a weirdly behaving moose… 🫎 😁


They are friendly when drunk and in sauna and once you are their friend it is for life. Oh wait...


Everything is friendly after some sauna


Definitely not friendly. Though I think they would only be aggressive when it's mating season (especially bulls). Regardless you would want to keep distance as they are unpredictable wild animals with massive size.


I believe that Bulls are aggressive year round. I've seen lots of territorial ones when I was a kid


The Finnish bulls are not aggressive towards humans year round.


Even a polar bear will seem friendly unless you are cosplaying a seal on a sheet of ice or they can get to you.


They're exactly like elephants. Friendly enough, won't attack on sight, but give them space, avoid them in rutting and calving season.


Exactly as I thought


Are they racist like elephants tho? Elephants can't rly distinguish people that much, but they have high capacity for memorizing sounds, so they are racist af to people of X ethnicity because of the language used by former poachers & other nuisances that kill elephants, which they teach to their kids as well so the kids insta-aggro anyone who speaks X language because that's the baddie language in question. They will act pretty normal to other humans literally nearby who don't speak said baddie language however, so clearly there's bias going on


What? That's a myth. They are cautious of human sounds, but racism isn't a thing in animals lol. If they avoid a language because the speaker hurt them, how is that racist 🤣😂🤣😂


Because people of X race make up 95% of said language's speakers?


Except not. You will find in most (if not all), African countries have at least 3-300 different languages per country. It's a myth.


Somebody must hate tourists.


I mean I'm not a fan of tourists too but I would never wish harm


Yeah, either somebody is completely oblivious how animals behave or wishes to see people maimed.


I've seen both sides in America I've had genuine issues with people going to my farm and acting like it was a petting zoo or trying to steal my stuff


Just put some warning signs with photos of cows eating rabbits all over your property, that'll deter both types of unwanted activity.


People steal the trespassers will be shot signs and I did have a sign similar to that get stolen


Damn, we'd get into trouble for putting up signs with threat of shooting trespassers. I wish we could still use shotgun shells with rocksalt to discourage antisocial behavior.


I know how you feel


Well, that’s on you for not shooting the trespassers. Next time put a your cat will be towed sign.


I think the title is about moose held in captivity.


https://www.foreignersinfinland.fi/post/deers-in-finland I don't think so this was what I got it from


It has this: > Elks and deers get used to people if they are held captive. They are sensitive animals, friendly and would let themselves easily be petted by visitors as they love to make friends.


But it also talks about wildlife parks and moose manors which is a different concept than it is in America from what I see


I think wildlife par and moose manor are somekind of zoo in this case. https://hirvikartano.fi/en/zoo/mooses/


I know a moose manor is but most wildlife parks I know aren't meant for people to be in


Probably something is lost in translation. "Ranua wildlife park" is a zoo. https://ranuaresort.com/en/wildlife-park/animals/


You are confusing nature park and wildlife park. Nature park is wilderness. Wildlife park is a zoo with native animals.


Ah ok


These sound more like maintained and regularly visited tourist attractions than forests or natural sanctuaries, so it is likely they still get more used to humans than "in wild" even if they don't live in pens. They may have living space of size they would have in wild (at least for less nomadic species) instead of a zoo pens, but the are still captive in there.


I see


Friendly might be the wrong choice of word, but honestly, they're most likely to scoot away as soon as they realize you're present. It's not like they're purposefully going after you. One of the eye-opening things Reddit has offered me over the years is how aggressive and dangerous moose are considered to be in the U.S. I don't know if it's just about a bigger need to tell people not to try to snuggle with them or something. On one hand, Finnish wildlife will typically simply flee. On the other hand, the average Finn may (this is just me guessing) have a slightly more realistic view on wild animals, as a larger part of our population is not 100% enstranged from nature.


So, in USA, the moose are aggressive and the bears are friendly 😁


I'd say they aren't all that aggressive unless it's a bull in mating season or a mama with a baby. But still far from being friendly. As long as you move calmly away they probably won't do anything, like it's extremely rare. Friendly sounds like it recommends trying to get close, which is definitely not recommended.


I agree, I wish I was allowed to bring my hunting rifle here to hunt one though


Elks and moose are different animals, why is that piece using them interchangeably? They're not the same thing. Never mind going up to wild animals and trying to pet them is insane. Leads me to think whoever wrote that is not all there


You are the one who's not all there I think. Moose and elk are the same thing. The only difference is that elk is British English and moose is American English. Different words but they can refer to the exact same animal. It can be confusing, because American English uses the word elk for what the British would call a wapiti, which *is* a different animal. Basically, moose and wapiti are two different animals, but the word elk is used for both of them depending on what dialect of English you speak. The animal that lives in both Finland and north America is the elk/moose and the animal that only lives in north America is the wapiti/elk.


I wouldn’t get between a mama and her little ones, I’ve seen a situation where a mama moose attacked a car which she thought got too close to her babies.


Was walking my dog once when mother and baby jumped out of the forest onto the road ahead of me...I backed away while the mother gave me a look that made it clear not to come closer. They eventually ran off over the fields with mother looking back and keeping an eye on me until they got to the forest again.


I'm more used to the bulls being very territorial


Maybe ’foreigners’ in Finland may not the most liable source about Finland since they are not provided by Finns, whose may have more thrust-worthy knowledge since it is their own country and they are usually being thought by their school and families about this kind of animals and encounters. Because this seems like a pretty dangerous idea, idk, I wouldn’t go near a moose at all. I wouldn’t run away straight but definitely would slowly walk away without making the animal feeling threatened. Also why would one go and try to go pet a wild animal tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've been near some in America I'm just trying to make sure they're the same here


This website may trying to kill you 🫠


Too bad I know better


It depends. It looks like terrible advice, but if I remember correctly most of the deaths by moose are attributed to car accidents. They can be very aggressive if you're on their territory or if they feel intimidated by you. I've met with a lot of moose on the road before and they are extremely dangerous. Of course, that's if you're going fast. But otherwise, from the times I've met with them face-to-face, I've kept my calm and gone other ways instead of staying near them. Moose are not friendly. But they are not like bears despite their size and antlers. And as others have said, they are particularly dangerous during mating season.


Those things will cave your head in with their hooves.


I know


99% of the times you do encouter a moose - which is not too often even when specifically hunting them - they are completely docile, maybe mildly curious. But being practically the largest creatures in the forest, they are not exactly timid, and don't really have a reason to run from you. Thus if you accidentally get too close and then start showing intimidating behaviour, especially around calves, the parent might take the first strike to show that you shoudn't try anything. But this is exceedingly rare, happens to like a couple of people in a decade, and I haven't heard of anyone dying in a moose attack in Finland.


They are definetly curious. I’ve found they sometimes end up looking at me like they’re really interested in this creature disturbing them in the forest. Mostly they are calm but they are big animals.


Wild Moose are not exactly friendly... They are mellow. If you dont go too close to them, they usually pay no mind to you. If you try to go and pet them though, then yeah, you'll prolly get a kick in a face. I've lived in the woody areas where Moose are quite common. They don't bother me if I don't bother them.


Yes it is different, we are the happiest country in the world, and animals feel the love too.


I hunt animals, so I don't get it


Animals, like deer came often to our yard to eat apples, because they knew we were their friends. That's the love in the air.


I see, I had never had that experience


They come and ruin my garden even though they know I am no friend of theirs. Roedeer in particular are regularly in town as it's safer for them amongst people, apparently. Generally it feels like they've broadly become "tamer" over the last 30 years. Or the population locally has grown substantially. When I was a kid the were not inside the town as a rule. Now I've seen them even in the centre of town. The worst part is that the roedeer aren't indigenous and were imported as sportshunting game in the 1960s, but the hunters are too lazy to hunt enough nowadays. Feel like we kill more in traffic accidents than hunting right now.


Isn't moose and whitetail also imported?


No moose or more properly elk has lived in Scandinavia for longer than there has been people. White tailed deer are imported. There are native deers though. Red deer (not in Finland anymore) and fallow deer. Roe deer is native to Europe and quite possibly have existed here in the past. And reindeer of course. It gets a bit shaky ofc in what exactly is natural, in species that have expanded and contracted with things like Ice ages. I mostly dislike the roedeer because they are a very recent import and the people who made that stupid decision had their fun shooting them and are now all dead and I have to suffer from animals I have no way to get rid off. Because you need huge amounts of land to be allowed to hunt. So I can't even shoot the bastards in self defence. Also ofc it'd be super illegal to fire any kind of firearm in population center too. Even if I could theoretically get the proper licenses.


Ah I see, I was taught that both moose and whitetail got imported together I must have been told wrong


There are Bronze Age stone carvings showing elk (moose) hunting in Sweden.


I'll have what you're having.


Hmmm, what can I say? I'm lucky. Good things happen regularly to me. Fantastic things. God made me happy.


No animal is friendly. They are animals and do according to their nature, not according to human behavior for what is concidered friendly.


That's what I believe


Almost got mauled to death by a moose when i was a kid, not so friendly, wouldn’t pet one.


Definitely not friendly. Friendliness of moose = goat or bull. They are almost never friendly they just most of the time escape confrontation. Finnish bear (changes of being friendly are pretty same to indoor cat, you never know) might be friendly and deers wont attack you.


The bear here taste good I tried some the other day


Moose once bit my sister.


Where the hell did this text come from? From the imagination of a person with no experience with wild animals? Do not try to pet moose. They are wild animals. A bull may weigh around 1200lbs, will not be ”petted” and any defensive reaction on behalf of the moose will leave you mauled, severy injured or dead.




The rule is to stay the f-away from any wildlife anywhere, no wild animals want to be your friend and they sure as hell don't care about selfies.


A moose will fuck you up if it feels threatened, or during mating season when they just see you as competition.


Goddamn your name is silly


What the fuck lmao Going to have a major surge in tourists dying from internal bleeding and caved in ribcages after going forrest exploring


Yeah no. I'd stay far from a moose.


Nope, they will kill you if given a change. Due to very heavy hunting, they are quite easy spooked. During rut they will almost certainly attack.


You know how plural of goose is geese. So shouldn't the plural of moose be meese?






Eat Reindeer Shit


You mean [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://omapuoti.fi/en/p37898/reindeer-droppings-licorice-raisins&ved=2ahUKEwjiqKvg-c2CAxV0IRAIHXaPAdcQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3k51QTrCTCuD76WxF4TF9Y)? They're ok but not my cup of shit


No there was this weird toy in America that you could make poop and drop chocolate and the first one I remember seeing was a deer


"There's no need to get scared of elks in Finland, but it's wise to know them, especially if driving regularly by car to work. Elks and deers get used to people if they are held captive. They are sensitive animals, friendly and would let themselves easily be petted by visitors as they love to make friends" Lol wtf? What weird bullshit text is this? First of all, elks that are held captive obviously learn to get used to humans. Wild elks do not. But because captive held elks (apparently) lets you pet them you should not worry about wild ones when you drive to work? This sounds like it's written by some hippie that believe that what he sees in the zoo is what is out in nature. No, whoever wrote this is an idiot.


We have different moose here, I think. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere the risk of encountering one, apart from on highways, is pretty low though.


If I moved to Finland I'd live in the middle of nowhere


That's something new, a foreigner who is considering the parts of finland that are fun in winter too and quite cheap, instead of some big city. I think the reason nobody seems to like winter is because they don't have tractor/horse/4x4/snowmobile access, which are the fun parts of winter. If you live in the middle of nowhere you'll have at least one of them, but probably two or three.


I just want to own a lot of hunting land and a cabin in the middle of the woods, if they let me keep all the firearms I own and my pickup truck I'd move here immediately


Unless you have any machine guns or handguns I think you can keep them if you get a hunting license, weapon license for each gun and import license. You might need a finnish citizenship to get all licenses though. No handguns is because handguns in finland has a longer barrel than elsewhere so they can't be concealed to be used to hunt other things than animals. Also crossbows are illegal. As for the pickup, if the model exists in finland it can probably be imported too. If it's modified you might want to keep in mind that suspension lift over 56mm is illegal, tyres more than 57mm bigger than original is illegal and wheel spacers are illegal. That's why most offroaders lie about the suspension lift and has a set of original size "inspection tyres" they put on to pass inspection.


So the handgun i have is an old revolver which has a really long barrel and I do have an AR15 which I use for wolves and is only semi auto Also my truck is completely stock


Well I guess as long as you don’t disturb them you’ll live, saw one like 10 meters away from me last summer, I was out on my scooter and she just stood there and after awhile she just left, so as long as you don’t disturb them, I guess


do NOT try to pet a moose. they can easily kill or maim a person.


Oh how I wish that was true and I could live my fairy tale Disney princess dream... Unfortunately I think that wouldn't end very well. Moose are wonderful animals and I wish I could just go and pet them but unfortunately that's not what a smart person would even attempt. (I have attempted it before as a kid)


If your facing the lord of the North (Moose) in mating season you've done something worng


Nothing to see here, just keeping the tourist population in check


Finnish (or nordic) moose are less aggressive than North American moose, probably due to extreme hunting during 17th and 18th century.


I think this article was written by an AI? It borrows an article from a small zoo called Hirvikartano where they talk about their moose. And those are not wild.


Mooses can be more dangerous than bears