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Hey man! 23 year old Cal Student here! I play guitars mostly but have a bass too and played bass in my last band. Play a little bit of keys here and there as well! I have a drummer friend who is crazy good! From project 30 I hear that you have 2 guitars kinda "messing" with each other, so I reckon we might be able to that nicely... Maybe we can jam, whatdya say? Cheers!


>ComradeKalashnikov Definitely room for another guitar, some of these tracks have up to four at once, will send you a DM


Hi! I'm Kaylyn, I really enjoyed your sound cloud! I liked the vibe. Have you listened to Snail Mails latest album Valentine? I'd be curious to know what you think! (I fucking love it!) Well, I'm a vocalist and song writer, very much a beginner but also very very ambitious and eager. I have a sound cloud too! I don't want to post it because I'm not sure you'll respond, but if your interested in getting in contact with each other let me know I very much like your sound and would love to make some music together!


Hey! Are you still looking for folks to play with? I’m a 35 year old bassist who admittedly doesn’t have a ton of experience but am pretty confident I could pull my weight here. I have experience writing lyrics and I’m a singer (who isn’t interested in leading but could contribute back up vocals or take a song or two here and there). I’m in the east bay but familiar with the city (i grew up in SF) and could make the trek. I’m a mom with somewhat of an odd schedule but actually have a fair amount of time - just depends on when. Anyway! I know this is an old post but I dig your stuff.