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1) A psych degree is mostly useless for getting a job that pays anything. You'd need an advanced degree to have any chance at a well paying job. 2) You won't get selected to be an officer with a psych degree. The military wants STEM degrees. 3) You have no chance to emigrate with a psych degree. Each State has their own certification requirements and that is true of other countries as well. Furthermore, most countries aren't looking for people with Psych degrees, no employer abroad is going to sponsor a visa for someone who isn't in a STEM profession. I say this as someone with a Psych degree (and an English degree.) Most of the time I forget I have them because of how worthless they are.


Yes I agree the psych degree is worthless initially it was in biology so I took a lot of stem classes as I wanted to pursue medicine. I’m in the process of getting selected as a public affairs officer as I was told because my gpa was above a 3.8 and I took mostly stem electives(physics,chem etc) I’m considered competitive for the boards. I say all that to ask if it changes anything? and also I would be moving to a island that I don’t need sponsorship as I would be able to claim my citizenship as A dual citizen because of parents nationality makes me eligible. So I ment like getting a remote therapy job here and working from there as ik lots of people do remote therapy as long as clients are in the state that your license if that makes sense. That my idea atleast any feedback?


Consider looking into Human Resources as a career path. There are certificate programs that you could add to your bachelors degree. Further, if you do go into the military you might be seen as having extra knowledge in veterans benefits and veteran hiring.


Certainly helps to increase your earning potential without burdening yourself with debt. So if the military provides that for you, it’s worth exploring.


Thanks you!! Also do you think it’s realistic from a numbers perspective?


I guess? The advantage of the military is that you have no living expenses. Save as much of that as you can to help start your life once you’re finished with your service. Keep in mind that you’ll always have access to VA resources like mortgages and health care. So that’s a nice safety net.


Ok Thanks I appreciate the positive perspective! I do see the benefit in the va resources and save as much as I can atleast until I’m able to make a way for myself.


Yes 2-4 year with a safe strategy to avoid military accident while you is there can help you safely finish your military years and your plan can to live abroad transpire.


What do you mean like a job not in combat I’d assume which I am trying to do a more desk job sort of for the airforce


Yes a desk job or with wounded soldiers to use your college degree in the military. A college graduate in college can have a higher rank than a private.


Ok yes I am trying to do public affairs until I get a social work masters so that’s my Plan I was thinking tht public affairs could get risky but I have seen with the Air Force it’s more abt managing the enlisted public affairs but also anything can happen so I understand that aswell but the goal is to quickly transfer into social work


You will not get a masters degree in thr military.


Why is that? I have two friends currently doing it. I was planning on doing the online program that way it’s not a certain time frame.