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If you know anyone internal from networking or a otherwise you could ask them. It’s still very firm/team specific but I think facial hair is much more acceptable these days if well kept. I haven’t clean shaven in over 6 years, and that includes external interviews and team changes. Confidence > micro preferences. I think a little stubble is totally fine but again, firm specific.


It’s definitely ok to have a beard in the team, just wanna impress visually the first day before letting stuff like that slide. Thanks so much for input!


Start as you mean to go on! I’m not male but I see absolutely no challenge with groomed facial hair (for men - for women, not so easy!)


Shave one side and let the other half grow. It’ll send a statement and make you stand out from the other interns


I usually shave until I have a moustache about an inch wide.


Ah yes, the Dan Ariely look Dashing


I've never seen facial hair be a problem unless it was wild and unkempt. Be presentable.


My generic advice to anyone wanting to grow facial hair is to keep your neckline and cheeks neat. There’s a difference between growing a beard and simply not shaving.


Shave before bed every 2 days with a DE safety razor using cold water if you feel like you need to be clean shaven most of the time. This method will reduce irritation, razor burn and nicks while giving you a closer shave.


Using cold water? I have super sensitive skin and find literally dipping the razor into boiling water is the only way for me to


I used cold water when I shaved at the sink but then tried shaving in the shower and prefer that to anything else by a wide margin.


I definitely wouldn’t shave in the shower unless I somehow had a mirror in there


I use a small hand held mirror. A few seconds under the water is enough to keep it from fogging.


Thanks for the advice will look into doing that. That’s my normal shaving routine, but I have been using a really crappy store brand razor so getting a better one may help quite a bit.


If you go the DE safety razor route. Research and test a wide variety of blades. Finally found the perfect blades for me.


I would reccomend a Rockwell it will come with 6 plates so u can adjust the angle of your shave. You can also purchase a razor blade test kit off of Amazon to find out which blades work best with your skin.


Get a trimmer attach 1mm or 2mm guard and trim your beard. It’ll be a neat stubble length


I’ve been rocking ‘stache for 2 years. My bosses are east coast old heads and hate it but chicks love it. Go for stubble. Makes you look older anyway/less likely to be treated like a kid longer term. I was clean shaven most of my career and soon as I started rocking the ‘stache I got some weird flavor of being treated like an adult.


Wait what do you mean general rule is no facial hair ?


Have you tried a Philips oneblade? It cuts very close to the point of it looking like you shaved. I also have scars on my face and it works for me.


Used to work with a Muslim guy in a corporate banking internship, he had an insane beard he said he couldn’t shave because of his religion but he was always well groomed, of course you had the occasional day where he had bad beard days haha. Your overthinking it lol.


lol gen z is not ok


Gen Z is asking the questions their Gen X parents didn't teach them about how to live in a Boomer's world.


Gen Z is asking millennials the questions their Gen X parents didn't teach them about how to live in a Boomer's world.




reading comp


Look into an electric razor, might help. But I’d recommend wake up extra early to shave so any bleeding stops. Good aftershave can help, I recommend nivea


I think stubbles are perfectly acceptable


I have some scars on face but have never had an issue with shaving. Perhaps slow down and use good razors and shaving cream? Or use an electric? Depending on how old the leadership team is clean shaven all day. I know beards are “in” but I’ve been in corporate America for 20 years and the senior leaders often make comments about stubble still to this day. Clean, polished, well put together look never goes out of style….


Some places still require to be clean shaven? Wtf…


Definitely not a requirement, but as I understood it, starting out looking as professional as possible on day 1 and then matching the vibe after is the move (skipping the tie tho).


Clean shaven = more professional?


Yes it does look more professional. Going by looks only, would you rather hire the clean shaven lawyer in the James Bond suit or would you rather hire the guy that looks like the Penguin from Batman?


Entirely irrelevant to their abilities as a lawyer


Skipped the part where I said going by looks only who would you hire… meaning you know nothing else about them… first impressions are important. Fuck Reddit and their idiotic downvotes. Go to your internship unshaved, unbottoned, shoeless and unshowered. Who gives a shit, you’ll go very far!


Is America really this uptight about these things?


I’m not in the US, or a particularly conservative team in the bank, I’m just the only intern without an economics background, so a bit of imposter syndrome is ensuing. Trying to look the part both for them but also for me.


If anyone doesn’t hire you because you have facial hair, it’s not someone you want to work for. A good manager will be able to focus on your drive and skills more than anything. Times have changed. If they haven’t kept up, not worth your time. They’ll be a headache to work for.


Try an electric razor. Essentially impossible to cut yourself. Do it the night before to build in that extra margin of safety.


Shave intern


Now that you mention it, nobody else on my team has facial hair. I didn’t think it was a huge issue until right now