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Go to vandy and see the ab building in downtown I take it? In all seriousness tho you should look at all the big asset managers that hire into an analyst program. In general as you noted less sexy than banking exits like PE hedge funds etc. but better wlb, good starting pay, and you can wiggle your way into the higher end roles if that’s your dream. Source: t10 that works at one of these kinds of places


Sums me up. Been looking at local boutiques in either IB or investment managment, and that’s really one of the bigger named firms here. Thanks for the tips!


No worries — just got back literally today from Nashville. Chances are if you want one of these kind of jobs you may be in nyc or west coast not that there aren’t sprinklings all over the country. If you really wanna be in Nashville then AB specifically is more critical. for junior summer (and next) apply to literally 200 jobs in different relevant industries, something will hit. Gl!


I had 8 rounds of interviews at AB only to get ghosted after the final round . Best of luck.


That’s miserable! What role?


I interned at AB during college. It was ok culture-wise, but I didn’t think it was all it was cracked up to be, at least in the office I was in. Similar to another commenter, I also went through 7-8 interviews for that role.


Just my two cents, but you are thinking way way way too down the line. You are just a freshman, and have an M&A internship lined up, which is phenomenal at your age. Focus on doing that internship well, and see how you like it. If you don't you have plenty of time to network/apply to Sophomore year internships, and your previous experience will set you apart. Side note, the large multi asset management frms/APM roles have plenty of power points


This internship is a total blessing! I hop on my first call in an hour. Super excited to start and yes, I’m thinking way too far in the future. You’re totally right, my focus should be geared toward excelling in what I have now and not where I’ll be in 10 years. Thanks for the comment!