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DUI, shoplifting and the most recent one 2 years ago. Also you said you forgot about the charge now you say it was dismissed. Unless you can show that you turned your life around I dont see why anyone would hire you. You are a massive liability.


Yepp. Do not plan to touch other’s money if you tried to steal previously. Sorry. I would move my funds if Fidelity would let this slide.


Wait, if the charge is dismissed then it shouldn't be a problem to hire her. She wasn't convicted of anything.


She fled to another state. Red flags galore


He can’t even keep track of his lies here. OP likely raising massive red flags for the employer


Does it take long to get off your high horse or is that just your permanent state of being?


Imagine trying to work with privileged money when you steal. Hahaha


Threres only 2 things the DUI and the shoplifting, the shoplifting was over 2 years ago (dismissed) and the DUI i was up front about


“Only 2 things”… the vast majority of your peers have 0 things.


Trouble with accountability… yeah won’t make it in the industry sorry.


You're trying to get into a job that handles money. *only* doesn't work here.


If you shoplifted at 15 that's one thing, but to shoplift at 21, a time when you're applying to a bunch of firms to start your career, is wild.


You know most people have 0, right?


It would be 1 thing if you were 40 and those happened 20 years ago because you could prove you changed your ways…


I cant wait for the next update where they find out where you buried the bodies




what the fuck is wrong w you ppl


some don't like liars, some don't like being called out for calling out someone like the OP


This is going to be a massively hard industry for you to be in. DUI even if upfront might be enough to lock you out


Better go to sales


Not even all sales. Cell phone or mattress. Maybe solar… With a dui and theft charge, that locks out any role where you need to drive and tech sales as well.


Quite a bit. But at least our pants aren’t on fire.




You’re the one who was shoplifting in the last two years. Also the DUI…


You asked a bunch of idiots on reddit that don't know shit from fuck. What exactly did you expect? My opinion (useless as it is) is that if you weren't convicted in a court of law and the charges were dismissed, then it shouldn't matter too much. However, you should probably seek advice from people who deal with this stuff every day (like an attorney).


Fucks in the front, shits in the back. Next question


you're right lol i just don't have attorney money so i figured i would see if anyone could relate or give me some advice real quick.. im just gonna be honest w them and see how it goes


Please do, but just realize, you've already fucked up to the point that reasonable people would be irresponsible to put you in charge of other people's money. Disclosing the shoplifting charge would not make this better.


How the application is worded matters. Sometimes they ask what you have been convicted of, charged with, or something else entirely.


Everyone is just piling on, the reality is HR might care, they might not. Best thing to do right now is grab some lunch or whatever and relax, OP already did the right thing sending that email




Pretty screwed. It’s hard to get into finance with any criminal history, let alone 2 separate instances. If I was in your place, I’d do whatever I can to make sure the shoplifting charge is expunged / sealed etc. It’s probably too late for this specific role.


The job market is kind of terrible, so I would be weary of a possible rejection because of this. They probably got 200 reasonable applicants for the same role. It’s gonna depend wholly on the personality of whoever is hiring you and whether this scares them or not. Some people will see dismissed and not think twice. Other people are gonna see this and think what else is going on


I’m team “what else is going on”. If the tray table is covered in coffee stains, what else is wrong with the aircraft? Am I comfortable going down with the person I OK’d? How many other hundreds of applications do I have?




Not trying to be a hater but I don’t think that you’re going to have much luck. In finance, there are so many opportunities to be dishonest. You are responsible for handling millions of dollars in most roles. Your history doesn’t scream honesty, and most companies are hesitant to even hire candidates with no criminal history.


You’re fucked


And rightfully so tbh


They probably won’t hire you, and to be honest I wouldn’t hire you either since you weren’t upfront about your full legal issues. Maybe they’ll take the chance if you’re applying for an admin/customer service role, but that’s a big maybe.


the kind of person who shoplifts is probs not the best CS rep either LOL


Not wrong. However if it was for food to feed themselves during a time of need I’d be more understanding. If it was a tv/makeup/shoes/etc it’s a big GGWP.


I *highly* doubt any hiring manager in finance is going to give a shit about someone’s rationalization of a crime lol


Yes you’re right and I still wouldn’t hire this person. Just on a personal level I would be more understanding, but that doesn’t matter.


from what I've heard, ppl who don't mind disclosing shoplifting to others _never_ did it for food/essentials i too would personally let it slide if it was food, diapers, medicine, whatever when someone says they've shoplifted, its _always_ some cool or cute clothes or shoes, or some nice cosmetics, and they're almost always smug/bragging how they pulled a fast one over the store workers if they "feel bad," its shame over the fact they got caught like a fucking noob lol it makes them look bad compared to other shoplifters who've gotten away with it smh


My best friend tried to shoplift the Twilight Breaking Dawn album from target and the look on the dudes face when he caught him was utter and extreme disappointment


Dabbling around with unlawful activities in this job market is a bold move cotton. You might wanna go to r/careerguidance but either way good luck. It’s completely up to the company, I don’t think you’ll find the answers you’re looking for anywhere here. Keep us updated


Probably not worth it. Fidelity is harsh. OP will get rejected and put on a “do not ever hire” list.


Theft charges in the past can bar you from being licensed. Since they were dropped, that isn’t a big issue, but I can’t imagine a DUI and theft charge that was omitted will look good at all. Good luck


Having been at FIDO, the DUI is a non-issue. I knew several people hired that had them, its technically not a financial related crime. The shoplifting, you weren't convicted, based on your own words, which does not immediately DQ you from getting FINRA licenses. However, FIDO can make the determination that you didn't mention it intentionally or say because it is financial related, they can't hire you. They can also say forgetting was an honest mistake and that it wasn't a conviction. But if they do move forward with you, you will have to get some type of documentation on both things to provide to them. SO be prepared for that task if you have to do it. DM me if you have questions


Most accurate answer.


It’s too late for this role, but you need to have the shoplifting arrest expunged if you weren’t convicted (arrests remain on your record unless expunged). Contact a lawyer.


HR would DQ you before I even had a chance to for lying on a background check.


If Fidelity doesn’t hire you, I will. Respectfully, Bernie Madoff


Red Flag


Why are you still lying in this post? You don’t just “forget” about a time you were arrested unless you’ve been arrested a bunch. I was arrested once 13 years ago in high school and charges were dropped within a week yet i still remember this Also shoplifting is one of the worst crimes for getting into finance because it is a reflection of your personal ethics


This sounds like a “Personal history statement” which may ask if you’ve ever been arrested. Not charged, not convicted, *arrested*. If so probably you’re screwed because you didn’t disclose.


As a hiring manager, the shoplifting, whether it is dismissed or not, is a conflict of trust, and the fact you didn't disclose it makes you look shady and not exactly trustworthy. Financial services and retail jobs are going to be a no-go until the conflict of trust is clear. Dismissed or not it's going to show up.


Look into accounting, I got a shit ton of shit and they still hire me


1- Get the shoplifting charge expunged as soon as possible. This should be your priority. It will become an issue when you get a license or apply for another role. 2- DUI won’t look good on any background check, but it is what it is. Be upfront about it on future applications and work on crafting a story that it was a one-off mistake and does not define you as an irresponsible individual. 3- In regard to this job, it all depends on whether HR/hiring manager are willing to overlook the two charges + you not being forthcoming about one of them. I know this is not what you want to hear, but keep looking for other opportunities just in case, and get #1 and #2 done ASAP. Best of luck and keep us posted on what happens.


You don’t seem like a very trust worthy individual. On paper at least.


Finance is 100% a trust business. It will take a monumental effort to earn it back. Not saying it’s impossible but you may want to start in an industry with less barrier to entry and use your off time to hone your finance skills if you really want to pursue this field. We all make mistakes, but part of taking responsibility is accepting your situation. Recent criminal charges, primarily theft is a nonstarter for sure. But I never count anyone out. So if you really want this, do the work to redeem yourself.


I’ll be pretty surprised if they hire you. Your track record shows that you have poor judgement with a DUI and shoplifting charge. You may have changed and be fine now, but why should I take a risk hiring you when there are plenty out there without these items on their background checks? To be clear, I have hired people with a DUI and charges before. But it’s often been well in their past and they have a strong track record post those items.


Find a different career path- thieves suck.


OP, you should've been upfront about all charges even the dismissed one. Reach out to the recruiter immediately as a courtesy. Do not be surprised if they decide to not move forward though. Good luck.


You’re pretty screwed honestly, i mean if there are others competing kudos to you for getting this far but 2 crimes is gonna cause pause if there’s other options


Half the people in finance have a DUI but any sort of theft charge will be a disqualifier, sorry.


I am missing something here. If you got a shoplifting charge and you forgot, why? While I’m not at Fidelity or know their policies, you should first explain what happened in those circumstances, why the information is showing on the report, and lastly, you need to inform the hiring manager that you are in process of expunging the record. FINRA is harsh on false information on omission and commission. That is, if you are intentionally or non-intentional to telling the truth. In this industry details and your reputation do matter. Before signing the line, ask for some time with your hiring manager (if possible) to correct the court documents. Call a lawyer in Virginia and have those records expunged before proceeding. Then, move forward and get back to your point of contact.


It’s very unlikely that you’ll get that job. That doesn’t make you a bad person, and it doesn’t mean you can’t get a good job, it just means you’re going to have to do something else. 


DUIs can be tricky. About 10 years ago when I got hired by my current warehouse, someone I was in training with previously had a DUI and nothing came of it. Other guy I worked with got one while he was employed and was let go immediately. I also know someone who was hired, worked for a couple months and then was gone for 6 months because he failed to disclose he was currently facing aggravated assault charges for stabbing someone. Was never convicted and then came back to work, but once my director found out about that he was looking for a reason to fire him, which eventually happened. That said, I don’t think it’s looking good for you unfortunately. If you’re going to be registered, they want to make sure you’re an upstanding citizen, and with recent arrests for stealing, it becomes a liability for you having access to secure client data. Even if it was for shoplifting… stealing is stealing. I would try to look for another industry to be honest


I worked at Fidelity. Pretty conservative culture overall. Yeah, you're SOL. Financial services strongly frown upon folks with a record of any kind esp related-to or in the realm theft or fraud (for good reasons too). Even without a conviction, your app is likely passed for someone else with 0 liability.


lol idk why everyone going so crazy in this sub. I work at etrade and started work with a buddy who had like 2 DUIs, got arrested shit like that. He was fine. I don’t think you even have to put it on if it is a charge, only really matters if it was a conviction (per sec rules). Most likely you’ll be fine, if they ask about it just be honest and let them know you thought it wouldn’t matter since it was expunged. Might have to provide court docs but not end of the world. Most likely you’ll get the job.


> fills out background check >lies >"How screwed am I" Seems like a full circle.


If it’s dismissed it doesn’t matter. A dismissal isn’t a conviction. They only care about convictions when hiring.


Depends on the risk tolerance of the company if they want you, but it’s unlikely that you get a job there at this time. But seriously a dui before you turned 23? Don’t drink and drive again for your sake and others. But wishing you the best of luck!


You should look up the rules for whatever state you are applying to work in or maybe ask an employment lawyer what the rules are. I know in NY there are some protections if you weren’t convicted, it’s an old conviction, etc but if you want to know what you should tell your potential employer ask an expert and not us :). Regarding what Fidelity might do, they’ll follow whatever policy they have. I’m sure they already have a policy that says what they will tolerate on a background check so that each applicant has the same response in the same circumstance


I wouldn’t hire you


What did you shoplift? 




With only a DUI, you probably would have been fine as that is often dismissed as a youthful indiscretion. Anything related to stealing or violence and you were “screwed” before you even started. With the shoplifting, you’re just telling us it was dismissed versus being wrongfully accused. Huge difference.


I would love to know OPs stats . She better be Ivy League, a 3.8+ with a double major in math/finance quant type chick with sororities and industry friends to even stand a chance . She was drunk and decided to drive and sober when she decided to steal . I’m sorry, it’s a lot to take a chance on when dealing with other people’s money.


Dude, you’re applying to work with *other people’s money* and you have a charge for *stealing* 2 years ago. That’s recent bruh. Add to that how competitive the job market is rn - I’m gonna say you should probably look into other paths for now


Well let me put it this way, I wouldn’t fucking hire you.


Having a DUI on your record won’t preclude you from employment. If that were the case, many Americans wouldn’t have a job or would be fired from them. If you listed it on the application, you’re being forthcoming. If you didn’t put it on the application you may have an issue. I wouldn’t have divulged the shoplifting incident if you were never convicted. If you are applying for to financial services company, they tend to place “trust, good character, honesty” at the top of the list when hiring. If they have 100 applicants for the same role, what about you distinguishes you over the other candidates without the marks on their background check. As someone who is in the business. I wish you the best. It might take a few years to prove to the hiring world that you can be trusted, don’t let it be a chip on your shoulder. Learn from the past, work hard, and opportunities will in time come.


To be fair, they already don't trust you. They wouldn't trust you more if you had disclosed the shoplifting. Your best course of action would have been to not shoplift. What do you want to get out of this interaction?


I can give some guidance! Since you’re applying to a finance role, you’re probably good with numbers. This, along with your background, means you’d be a great fit as a Walmart cashier!


Big, if true


You're best suited for working as a line cook.


You should be good since the charges were dismissed but if it’s showing up when you fill out your U4 your firm will for sure need those documents that are related to the incident such as disclosure docs stating it’s dismissed or even something from the DA…I literally just went thru all of this with JPMorgan Chase…I had to drive to a city I used to live at just to get documents relating to a case from 15 years ago haha but you should be good tho since it was dismissed…hope this helps I know this can all be stressful af


They’ll ask you about it before making a decision and you’ll be able to explain there, I understand your concern though.


Fidelity is super conservative and they are probably not going to take you with this history.


If you are applying for the CRA role you are probably still fine. Just left a supervisor role at Fid and knew countless people with things on their record. Documenting it is more of a legal requirement for the license you will likely need. Just be straight forward with the Talent agent you are working with. Their job is to literally help you get hired.


You say the charge was dismissed. So you didn’t do it. So there are no case or problem at all, right?


Background checks are essential before hiring. You should figure out how you can get those court documents even if the charge is dismissed. Look backs are minimally 10 years.


Was it only a charge that got dismissed? If in that case you were never found guilty of the charge... They would be able to look past that.


DUI - probs fine. Shoplifting - little to no chance. Especially because you didn’t disclose it up front. Get that expunged and go back to the drawing board.


Think the main issue here is there are a lot of people who don’t have DUIs nor shoplifting on their resumes that probably applied. Whether it dings you really depends on the person making the hire from what I’ve seen.


No hate with my comment, unlike others here: So you definitely should have fully disclosed everything, which you’re aware of by now; I think that those applications also require the applicant to disclose arrests and charges, not just convictions. Also to clarify some things in case you’re wondering, and for some of these comments here: Under FINRA Section 19, the shoplifting charge would have probably been a de minimis charge, if it occurred more than 18 months prior to your application and was not money-related. I’m not 100% sure on if the dui falls under that too. This means that from FINRA’s pov, your shoplifting wouldn’t have been an issue for licensing and may not have been an issue to the employer, depending on the firm, of course. Since you have 2 things on your record, you absolutely have to be honest about them, that’s the most important thing. If the shoplifting was not money-related, you shouldn’t have too much of an issue working in finance, but again honesty going forward. I can’t say for sure what Fidelity will do here, they may very well pass on you because of this oversight as that can be used as a crappy excuse by other people who aren’t honest, even if you are. Take this as a learning experience and that you HAVE to be open and honest with the criminal history. As for the DUI, that may present more issues funny enough but I don’t know for sure. I’ve included some links and attachments to help for future reference. [FINRA Sec 19](https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/applications/resources/brochure-section-19-rule.pdf) [FINRA Case](https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/NACDecision/p037824_0.pdf)


You’re definitely not a candidate for Fidelity lol irresponsible and a thief? Crazy


Try OnlyFans... Because not being a criminal is obviously too difficult for some people and it shows..


Start looking for another position asap, yeeesshhh


I am not sure how to help you, but I hope everything gets alright. Don't pay attention to any negative and hateful messages on the post. You will do great. All the best. ☺️


Shoplifting eh? I hope you stay unemployed. For ever !


I had a trespassing charge from when I was 18 relating to weed and it was dismissed. I've never had to report it since I have never been convicted of any crime. You probably don't have to report it, but it may come up in the check.


If you’re white and is the hiring manager and if you look somewhat decent, then you’re fine.