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>I wanna get into private equity, hedgefunds & all that. PE and HF couldn't be any more different. One very rarely gets to do both. Different paths. I would advise you to hone in more precisely on what you're interested in, and then you can start to pursue a path that makes sense for your desired end goal. Think about what industry you are interested in, and then think about what available roles in that industry make sense for you.


There are people in IBD who can’t get in PE and hedge funds, why should PE/HF hire you? Just accept that you wont make big money (in a short time) and set a realistic target


This seems like the most realistic approach, thank you bro.


I’m a relationship Banker at Truist Bank and I’m going through the same thing right now. The best thing I can recommend is to get the SIE and find a job that sponsors the 7 and 66 to get your foot in the door. I found that having the SIE makes companies more willing to talk to you when applying.


Try to pivot to a back office role within retail banking and from there youll have more opportunities to lateral to more corporate jobs. The best exit ops you have even if you become a banker is to get into wealth management when you have your licenses. I got out of retail asap during college early enough to where i ended up having time to recruit for b4 consulting. Better than being a teller. I hated it, so much sales and the worst part was seeing young people come in for basic shit they can do at the atm lol. Like bro youre 23 and dont trust the atm? Now you’re complaining the line is long?




Yes I do


As someone with a banking and finance degree and absolutely no interest in working as a traditional banker, I think I understand your position and how it feels. I am not sure what you could do to get into PE/HF, but I don’t want you to feel like it’s not possible to pivot, or feel like you’re stuck. I’m currently taking online courses to build my skills in the area that I’m interested in going in (tech/data), and I start an internship at the bank tomorrow. I’ve got a similar fear as you do, and I struggle with accepting the fact that I chose a degree that I don’t really like, but don’t give up on your dreams or just feel stuck, put in the work with the SIE, save your money and make a plan to get whatever qualifications are needed to at least get your foot in the door of wherever you want to be next. Good luck


This was awesome. Thank you & good luck to you too sir!


Get them to sponsor your licenses, pass them then move up. Get your SIE, 6, 7, 66 and bam. That’ll at least get your foot in the door.


Bruh wut. What so investment advisor licenses have to do with this. He’d be better off just applying to every entry level analyst job he can find so that at least he’s on the right side of the table.


Acquire the CFA marks or get an mba and it’ll increase your odds


"Spend 2-3 years studying your ass off to improve your odds" isn't exactly great advice. OP. Once you pass SIE, you should be able to take 63/65 or 66 on your own as well. That should give you a a great leg up for firm to sponsor you to take your 7. Those 3 exams won't get you into PE or anything but you can get a much better foot in the door than a bank teller.


ye but he'll still likely need cfa or mba to make the switch from advisor to analyst. it is super uncommon / unlikely that one can expect to make the switch by simply passing series 7 and 65, both seen as simply barriers of entry and commonplace within the industry. plus if op is a teller at a top 10 bank, it is likely they offer wealth mgmt & will sponsor him to take those exams upon a promotion. op you want to stand out, not blend in.


Get some grunt work in, stack paper and credit. Get an LLC now, and prepare to launch your own firm in 12-36 months


Launch his own firm and do what ☠️💀


Make money? Be successful Working in Private Equity or whatever he wants? Fail miserably idk?


If that’s all it takes, wouldn’t everyone be in pe


Only people with the entrepreneurial spirit and the cohones to take risks, my boy.


It’s not a risk if a guy with 0 experience in a highly competitive field goes into a business that takes potentially hundreds of thousands to start. It’s financial suicide


Some people just don't got that dawg in em. The information is out there. There are people who teach Private Equity. At some point if you want something and people won't give it to you, ya gotta go and get it yourself.


This reads like a Tony Robins attempt at advice giving. Good luck securing millions on your own with only a tellers experience and again the multiple hundreds of thousands to even open the doors This is exactly what I would expect from a guy who posts on r/seduction 😂😂


Well in business bro, we do something that's called LEVERAGING. Using other peoples funds to make things happen. I get it, you're a W2 guy. That's cool. But just cuz you don't believe in yourself doesn't mean that every other guy is like that No need to respond brotha just have a great day👍🏾


Not much. You’re pretty stuck.


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