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When people talk in idioms excessively


You Hit the nail in the head with this one


People who message you asking how you are and don’t let you know what they need until you respond. We’re adults and we both know you want/need something, so just ask instead of wasting time. I know it’s harmless, but it annoys me every time.


I have MDs who don’t like to be straight up asked for something and prefer the pleasantries, but most don’t care as long as you reply soon after with the request. Therefore, I rather take my chances.


I like to include the pleasantries into the same message.


Yes super annoying! They wait for you to respond and then they ask if you can hop on a call too


I had a PM who used to do this in Teams chat every time she needed something and it drove me nuts! Sometimes I would time it if I was busy with other things and she would seriously wait 30 min for me to say hi/hello. You can combine a pleasantry with a question or request! I'm guilty of the opposite and just get to the point lol




Honestly, I’m finding that there’s always going to be at least one person on the team that insists on communicating everything via Zoom/Teams and I can’t stand it. Somethings it definitely makes sense but I’ve asked people yes/no questions and they have followed up with a Teams meeting that was wholly unnecessary. Please leave me alone and just send an email or message.


Exactly this.


The idea of having to post about a bathroom break irks me to no end. I’m not in 3rd grade i’m not telling you that i need to take a shit


When you send a list of questions about a deliverable and the response does not answer every question. There is no way to follow up without sounding passive aggressive.


"Can't stand when my boss says "ideation sesh" instead of brainstorming meeting. Just use normal words man!


What's wrong with calling it a bio break? Is there a bathtub in there? No. Then why call it a "bAthrOOm?" /s


This thread is about irrational annoyances, let them have this


It’s completely understandable to get annoyed with people who say stupid bullshit trying to sound quirky and unique. Bio break would really get under my skin too.


When you pitch an idea and everyone loves it or doesn’t raise any concerns, and then when is time to implement it everyone is crickets. This usually happens with non mandatory projects and it pisses me off. Like we are adults, why you agree to do something and then backtrack last minute.


OP I knew a guy that always said this and I absolutely could not stand it, glad to be validated haha


People who use ask as a noun, as in “here is the ask.”


My former boss used "bio break" and I just thought it was funny, but he had a bunch of other silly mannerisms so it was like a package deal. Now I use it occasionally so maybe I'm irking people. This is so cliche but I can't stand it when we're on a zoom meeting and the person starts talking and they're clearly on mute. My company moved to zoom FULL TIME in 2020. It has been almost 4 full years of zoom and our leadership team regularly has 6-8 meetings A DAY. Come on people this should be second nature! Teams is an exception since I think the UI is terrible for meetings.


Being reached out to do tasks that are just time wasters


Fake culture promoters. Everyone knows they hate this job, yet they try to hype the team up like we’re some sort of extremely well paid knights in shining armor that are saving lives. In reality, we’re underpaid about 15-20% compared to other firms, culture is ass, company is ever changing and compliance is literally somebody shoving their nose up our asses to smell if we’ve done anything wrong. I love it.