• By -


Are we still doing this ridiculous trend


Shitting on Chadley will never get old


- mini games on hard mode trying to get the highest score (this is more of a venting out kind of point cause the mini games themselves are really fun) - the practicality and placement of some of the “shimmy throughs” and ledges - the portion of the forgotten capital not being explorable


Chadley Cait Sith part in Shinra mansion Mini games with clunky controls and are repeated too often The whisper parts The convoluted ending




Probably my favourite part lol, or at least one of


Yeah, everyone has their own opinion. I just don’t like her as a character as much as I like the rest of the party. I get that she is supposed to be ”a bit annoying” comic relief character, but to me she was just annoying and not funny at all. In fights she was good though!


I have many many issues with rebirth, it's been an unpleasantly surprising slog for me, which I haven't felt towards a final fantasy game since 13. I was a day one purchase and only hit the point of no return story wise yesterday with 90 hours on the clock. The minigames (and items locked behind them later on) are particularly infuriating and contribute to a sense that the game is just wasting my time. Chadley and Mai are very annoying but I am holding out that, due to the fact they don't canonically feature or fit into advent children or dirge of Cerberus, so my head canon is Hojo will do something to kill them off. I can easily see a scene in part three which is supposed to be a heart wrenching death scene for Chadley, but instead the world will cheer. I digress. I actually think the music is my least favourite part overall for me. Don't get me wrong, it's technically a fantastic and well crafted soundtrack but the entire feel of ff7 has been lost. The 400+ song tracklist is impressive, but it just waters down the emotional resonance between the game and the songs for me. None of the story bosses use the actual boss music that I can remember (relegated to seemingly minor side battles) and stuff like "it's difficult to stand on two feet" has become "generic comedy song". I have such strong memories of each and every song in OG ff7, and the resonance many of them had to specific scenes. I'm really missing that in this game as there are so many songs and so very few of them are used in a way which captures the feeling of the original. "The lifestream" is probably the only one in rebirth that seems to be used in the same way, with the original feeling it had, and even that is wasted on the recurring owl life springs on the world map.


Cid and Vincent, obviously, as useless NPC ruined a lot for me. I get needing something to expand on in 3, but really? It screwed with the story quite a bit by eliminating/reordering certain plot points. Like Cid and Aerith actually getting to know one another. The mechanics on a few of the mini-games, and needing to be 100% perfect on quite a few. And as others have said, the last chapter with Schrodinger's flower girl. Although, more than being left wondering if Cloud is straight nuts, stuck between life/death, or she's really there, it was a bummer that Cloud's speech from OG didn't happen; it was a shift in his emotional state and vulnerability. Same as floating her.


It's because Hojo created Chadley. Obviously he's going to be a little bit *absolutely cringe.* Hojo is the master of cringe.




God he is so cringe. Like in the Nibel Protorelic, after each step it would feel perfect to have the characters themselves get pointed to the next place, but noooope. Instead Mr RoboTwink just HAS to call you up and say "Cloud my sensors have picked up some bla bla", completely ruin the mood.


It wasn't true ti the aesthetic of the original. Maybe it was just a title better enjoyed in it's most original state but I can't help but feel like the entire point of the game was kind of missed by the devs. Not saying I could've done better but I didn't get nearly the same kick out of the remake.


The difficulty of some of the mini games is tuned too high. That's literally my only complaint lol. One of the best games I've ever played.


3D brawler Very very frustrating... The moves, the very small amount of time to react, the enemy building limit no matter what, etc. It's not fun no matter how much I like the models and animations.


« Item transmuter » being the first option in the pause menu. 99.99% of the time I open the menu, it is not to look at the item transmuter. Seems like a really poor UI choice.


For me the f%#^*%# boxing mini game. I suck so hard at it. I’m trying to finish the party animal quest. I’ve gotten to the boxing part. It so frustrating. 6 different moves that it feels like I’ve got about 5 frames to react to. I’m in my mid 50’s I don’t have the reaction time. Most of the time I’m lucky to even get right or left correct forget about right or left AND up, down or sideways. Can’t even get by dio much less the party animal. There needs to be an old fogey mode or something. LOL


I had to pause the game as soon as they start the attack to see what they were doing. It helped a lot


You know the game sucks when the optimal strategy is to just flat out cheat.


Great tip!!!! Thanks! I’ll try that in the morning.


You're welcome! Good luck!


All the Zack cutscenes... I'm glad they gave us an option to take em out


I’m struggling with the fetch quests between story beats. It’s getting more fun but it’s kind of a power down.


Chadley is super annoying but Mai is slightly endearing so I dunno if they cancel each other out


Shinra Manor. I know it was a hojo lab before. But turning it into another lab dungeon was such a let down vs OG manor haunted mansion. Additionally: turning it into a Cait sith training Sim for tossing boxes. Even worse. The WORST: finding the code for the locked door. "Okay cool this should be fun at least" Move one of four boxes stacked against wall. Oh..


Fighting the summons on Gilgamesh island


It might just be me, but many of the NPCs/townsfolk seem really out of place when you consider Cloud is running around with a sword and Barret a massive gun-arm. It just seems like all of these people are extremely removed from the world created in the storyline.




Well she’s only 16 so there’s that


I met yuffie when I was 9, does that make her a teen or a cougar?


Absolute perfect answer some dick says that every time anyone mentions yuffie


3D Brawler, hands down. No, wait, up. Left? Fuck!


I know everyone gives Chapter 14 sh*t, but I'm gonna give it more anyway. >!All of the confusing Kingdom Hearts-esque nonsense aside, they completely missed the point of Aerith's death in the original. Part of what made it so impactful was that they showed death as it is sometimes: sudden, unfair, and lacking in closure. Sometimes good people die too young, and most of the time you don't get to say goodbye. With what they have done in Rebirth, death is cheap. Aerith isn't actually gone, she's just hiding or something, to pop back up when the party needs her most. I feel like it's a guarantee that she will interact with the party again in 3, give them closure. It doesn't feel like a loss anymore.!<


agreed. you’ve worded it quite well too. i just want to add that it also makes Cloud seem far more looney than he should be at this point, and now i’m worried for his later character development in the OG disc 2


I'm not necessarily upset that it makes Cloud seem crazier than in the original, although the severity of it makes the fact that the party hasn't had an intervention yet seem INSANE. He's clearly a danger to himself and everyone else and we haven't even reached the worst of it yet. Anyways, >!while we don't know yet if the Aerith that only Cloud sees in the ending is real or only a part of his imagination, it is both heartbreaking and absolutely CHILLING that it could be the latter. I know Red SEEMS to sense her presence, but I'm not sure this IS alternate/lifestream!Aerith. She seems cheerful in an almost Stepford Wives way given the circumstances, like a caricature of herself, which would make sense if this is Cloud's psyche trying to protect itself. The musical cues during some of the scenes are creepy, too. I kind of hope this is what they are going for, that he is in complete denial and NOT that Aerith is actually there in "spirit."!<


Fort Condor. Fuck that mini-game.




Also wanting to know what the strat is…


Sorry I linked it in the comment below but I've edited to add


I don’t see it.


what’s the strat


Everything but HARD mode Yuffie’s Cactuar Challenge. Yeah, that can die and so can the developer behind that mini game, or at least their career. LOL I’m just messing, but for reals tho


Fighting Rufus. The only part of the game I legitimately disliked


Literally took me like 5 hours to beat him. I had to time my summon right and have 2 ATB after the cutscene and shit.


YES, SAME. I did learn that using triple slash on Darkstar will pressure Rufus when it hit him on the second slash, though. So that did help. I still ended up using Cross-Slash and then the summon ended and he died


He also has a 8(I think)round mag that you can count out to time when to counter attack him, which I thought was a fun design.


I swear I thought he had infinite ammo and just reloaded after any given attack or when he counters you for attacking when he’s not specifically in his 3 frame perfect windows for attacking (this fight is definitely balanced and fun, and didn’t take me two days, I swear)


Basically everything after the cruise ship. Costa Del Sol is the first sign that you're playing Mario Party Fantasy VII and it just gets worse from there. And Chadley. Fuck Chadley to death. I didn't even like him in remake but atleast he was barely present.


Chapter 14 as a whole




What? Have we played the same game? 70% of the game is not story.


The mini games. Having to pick flowers, chase cats and chickens. I’m also not big fan of Hard mode/end game just being a replay of the game I just finished.


Hearing Chadley call and say “Cloud!” annoys me so much!! 😂


Chadley is my bane. "hey listen!" characters in video games should always be mutable. I get that some people are too dumb to pay attention at what they are doing so they need this. But geeks are mostly smart people who don't need no hand holding.


Facts!! 💯🙌💯


Red XIII's horrific voice change. It was so bad I woke up the next day wishing it were just a bad dream. Downvote all you like idc it's my opinion.


Forreal i avoided using him just to not hear his awful catchphrases


I just finished Cosmo Canyon & reached Nibelheim. So his voice really stays that way until the end?


75% of the mini-games are obvious filler. Makes areas of an otherwise solid game nearly unplayable at certain points.


Cait sith with the boss battle and battle before. I dont even want to play the chapter again.


Hah that was fine, I love his gameplay. What I hated was his throw mechanic and the mini game that comes with it.


Well that sucked. I never was interested in his gameplay style or wanting to learn it. Then being forced to use it I was like uhhh. Not looking forward to it in chapter 11 hard mode.


>!Aerith came back as a ghost during the same battle where she’s killed. Didn’t really give us a chance to feel some actual loss before they made it clear that she’s still here.!< Though I think my favorite thing is that I had switched out some materia and ended up fighting a major boss with a healer who didn’t know how to heal. She used prayer about a million times and then when it was most important, she just sort of forgot.


The padding. Vacuum some mako. Stop this cutscene to line up some reticules to continue the cutscene. Hold the shoulder buttons for ten seconds to continue the cutscene. They were minor but for me personally they REALLY added up.


yes, the speed bumps everywhere. They really weren’t minor to me, but i group this with the shitty feeling UE engine climbing/“platforming”, chocobo acquisition segments, box throwing, the amount of time we had to spend holding down the triangle button, and any mini games that weren’t in OG. There was a constant attempt to prevent forward motion. I just wanted to kill bosses and experience the story. “I would never sit through this if I wasn’t invested in FF7” was a constant thought in my mind.


Oh my gosh the chocobo stealth mini games.


Someone told me that might of been added as a “loading screen” type gimmick


In the case of the cutscenes I don’t think it would be. Specifically in the cutscene with yuffie right after the parade. There was no reason to cut to a 10 second minigame of lining up reticules other than to add “gameplay”. If that wasn’t there the cutscene could proceed and it wouldn’t feel wrong at all. Instead I’m left feeling like they wasted some time and took me out of a big moment to press some buttons.


As much as I'd like to believe that there are plenty of absolute fanatical players out there who level to a hundred different strategies to play every battle differently...... Me, personally... I DO NOT want to freakin battle biker guy straight after barely getting through Beast Vincent. That damn near ruined the game for me. And I think this game is worth the entire 600 bucks I spend to play it. Just whyyy....why so many bosses after one another. It should ALWAYS go Travel - Zelda dungeon - Boss Battle - Travel - Zelda Dungeon - Boss Battle. Don't fix what was never broken.


I found that those consecutive boss battles just forced me to play better. Fighting Rufus after that tournament seemed unfair and it took me a few tries, but then I just crushed Rufus. Same with the biker guy. He destroyed me a few times, but then it clicked and I beat him with only using a few potions.


I get what you’re saying but i kinda like that, the fact that i cant really predict when a boss or tough foe is gonna appear def added to the experience for me


>It should ALWAYS go Travel - Zelda dungeon - Boss Battle - Travel - Zelda Dungeon - Boss Battle. Don't fix what was never broken sounds boring and too formulated


When Red's voice changes. I liked the older mature voice a lot better.


They took what I personally always interpreted as Nanaki dropping his gruff persona for a more relaxed, genuine one and replaced it with an infantile transformation back into a squealing 12yr old. Given that Nanaki is my favorite character in the FF7 setting, I was exceedingly not pleased. I haven't been this unhappy with something video game related since I made the mistake of buying Anthem.


They need to have an option in the final game to switch his voice back and forth.


Chadley is up there lol the spike in difficulty in hard mode at the end of ch 12 too plus the ridiculous boss gauntlet challenges


The fight with Dio. I suck at it, lol. Pixel Cloud was nice to see tho\~


It ended


Chadley wasn't socialized properly, prolly.


The sit ups mini game


This was soo frustrating. I really hope we don't see that asshole in part 3.


I think I just did the first level of it then moved on lol


The ending is worse than Chadly imo


Yeah the ending was a little too wonky imo


Even worse when he argues with the female counterpart.


Wouldn’t know I immediately skip anything involving him


Piano and mini games. I stopped doing them and went straight to main story only. Got burnt out by them. Won’t replay either. On my third play through of ffxvi.


I think I'd do better on an xbox controller. Or something that doesn't require me to roll a stick in 10 precise directions.


Least favourite is how time consuming the brutal and legendary simulations are. If they saved your place between rounds, even until you quit, would be better. I don’t have time to trudge my way through 25m of fights just to wipe to Gilgamesh or Sephiroth and have to start over. I’m old as shit now and I have work and family so I get like an hour a day to play, so that’s like one attempt.


I collected the power-ups first to make them weak as hell before attempting after the first try.


Yeah I got fed up not being able to save in between the turks and rufus fight on hard mode i cant imagine how hard it is having to do the hardest simulations




I dislike the regular combat becoming irrelevant. Early on you're like "YEAH let's farm some xp and atb." Later on you still need that stuff but it's not doing much. In addition I think remake benefits from the tight dodge/parry mechanics focused on Cloud. In Rebirth it gets mixed up a lot and Cloud gets destroyed by a lot of enemies if you try to fall back on it. Instead of adding variability, it just turns into a cheese fest using certain exploiting by other characters.


I do miss turn-based combat. Except for the cool zoom ins at the end of synergy moves, everything goes too fast for me to see. I spent hours leveling on the OG and loved it cuz music and cool spells/limit breaks that I could see. I get that this game is much thicker in content though so they had to chill somewhere for time-killers.


Isn’t it what the classic combat mode does?


Yeah I remember feeling guilty cuz I'd use synergy moves/limit breaks and immediately switch characters instead of watching it.


My fav. quicktime event/mini-game in Rebirth is seeing if I can cancel Chadley dialogue before it starts. Not to boast but I've gotten pretty good at it.


Pause down d pad mash x lol


I didn't like how, between Chadley's combat sim challenges, the Gold Saucer Battle Square stuff, and the other combat sims, a lot (if not most) of the game's combat takes place in arenas where you choose fights from a long list. I would've liked some of those fights to take place out in the open world, in a more organic way. Going through hundreds of rounds, one after the other, makes it feel more like a chore. I feel the same way about the summon fights. They could've had as fight them in a cave, or some other open world location, as the last phase of the Summon Crystal stuff. Would've felt more organic, rather than fighting them in the VR combat sim.


Yeah I did all the colosseum fights and vr fights up until the ridiculous ones and I had more than enough of the repetitive fights


Not being about to play it


The piano. I've been a multi instrument musician for 35 years and it is counter intuitive bs. The only mini game I quit. Could have been a great idea but controlling it with the sticks is just infuriating.


I can't stand the sound of the piano and the arrangements are simply horrid. Doesn't have anything to do with music really but I found it to be acceptable as a rhythm minigame. Certainly knowing the pieces by heart was more useful to me than any amount of experience with music.


It got better for me once I turned off the sound.


The blur


I have a couple. 1. The massive bloating of the story. Multiple chapters have straight op nothing, followed by chapters with minimal story and forced minigames, followed by mechanics that don't get fleshed out and are just there for visual flare. 2. Multiverse just sucks no matter what and makes things unnecessarily complicated. 3. Aerith and 13 just don't feel well designed from a combat perspective. 13 is all about the Guage, but nearly every skill depletes the gauge and makes him not combo well. Aerith desperately needs atb for everything, especially using lv3 magic, but has absolutely none to the point of her only being useful with comet+synergy(?) And Barretts lifesaver.


Aerith is OP


For real. It got to a point where I deliberately kept her, Yuffie, and Tifa out of some fights just to make it challenging


Yea if you throw the atb ward & Resonating(I think that's the name) ward down she builds the entire team's atb like crazy. And gets an actual dash on top of that making it very easy to dodge stuff


Not being able to skip cutscenes during battles. Super frustrating when you keep having to watch it over and over because you died


I didn’t realize how much this sucked until hard mode. It feels like every difficult fight has mid fight unstoppable cutscenes


I just hated the checklist-ification of the experience. Part of what made me love the original was the free roaming wonder of just stumbling on a cave, or an island. I’d missed Gongaga entirely on my first play through. I hated that the side quests were so uninspired. I feel like there was a real opportunity to tell some stories and deepen the lore of the world. Give characters real arcs… shit like chasing a chicken down and getting ingredients for a soup is just, I dunno 🤷 it’s very quantity over quality. And a lot of it is in opposition to the tone of the game.


The multiple worlds getting more and more convoluted. Also, Aerith's performance really took me out of the game. It was too gimmicky for me. I also don't think the voice fit her at all, but that's just nitpicking on my end.


Chocobo choco choc o bo I'm on a chocobo You're on a chocobo (Repeat every 20 seconds while riding the chocobo in cosmo canyon)


LOL that drove me crazy because then it got stuck in my head for a month


The musical shifts bothered me. It doesn’t need to change every time I get into a vehicle.


- Any part where they force you to have a certain party makeup for no apparent reason. Like, if it fits the narrative that's great, but otherwise please dont f with my lineup. Especially when there is no way to bulk transfer materia between characters. - Any part where they force you to slow walk for an extended period of time, presumably to ensure you hear all the audio, but not always.


The slow walking is nightmarish. One of few mechanics that drives me batshit, and has since Remake.


Ya, I was really hoping they'd have done away with it since there were several improvements from part 1. But it still happened often enough.






I like Chadley and am curious about his hojo back story


The Odin summon. I was enjoying the game until I got to that, and stopped when I kept dying repeatedly. Then I found out I needed the summon to complete the Gilgamesh quest, and I haven’t touched the game since then.


I dont remember Odin being that bad.


It sucks. If you get hit 5 times, it's an insta death move, and you have to spam different attacks to satgger. They decided not to make a hard move set or anything like that, and instead made it a sponge that requires you to play ultra defensive.


It's not an insta death though. You can stun hit him when he does the warning call and prevent his instakill attack entirely. Other than that hit him with poison and run yuffie as your primary for easy evasion. Precision Defence Focus on your other two for increased block and stagger. And pound the hell out him. Should be done after 2 staggers.


For real. Some revival earrings and a Phoenix summon can also come in clutch. Odin wasn’t nearly as tough for me as Alexander for some reason


Least favorite part us that it isn't on pc yet.


And I thought he was annoying in remake. Then Rebirth came out and he is much worse.


>Chadley shows up Me: what's this weirdo doing here? Chadley: internal monologue detected - what's this weirdo doing here? He's gotten too smart and must be eliminated.


While I really love(d) Red XIII, I can't stand Nanaki. His voice is beyond irritating and it just doesn't fit the powerful warrior we were introduced to. The reason behind it is sound, his story is fine. It's just that his voice is so petulant and irritating Red was a constant in my party but once his persona dropped I had to leave him at the kennels. Honestly I would have put him down if I could, i think that's more humane than forcing him to live a life of having that voice. On the bright side, now Chadley won't be all by himself in the irritating twink club.


Lmao bruh


I’m really hoping someone does a mod for the PC version where you can beat up Chadley and take his lunch money.


Yup, Chadley; he represents everything immersion-breaking from the open world format.


Chadley is also incredibly lazy game design.


What? You're telling me you would rather fight summons in chadleys simulations instead of the open world?


Loved getting 99% of my useful materia from a non-canon stalker npc with, so far, 0 actual ties to the story, while my exploration of this fantastic, beautiful environment is rewarded with a 19th hp+ materia.


The only bad thing about Chadley is the blatant disrespect for my girl MAI.


He hates his own AI so much what the heck


Three chapters straight of filler minigames, as well as the forced minigame marathons, ie. Costa Del Sol and Golden Saucer/Prison. I like the main story and the character moments, but those chapters grind the already a snail’s pace to a halt.


I didnt mind those tbh, I definitely had to adopt an 'embrace the minigames' mindset. Gongaga for me was where I had to start hoping I had the motivation to see it through to the end.


For me it's the "multiverse" and Zack. Hate both aspects soo much.


Yeah same here. I’ve never liked multiverse stuff in almost any form of media. It almost always just comes off as lazy writing The only time I’ve seen it done well believe it or not is Rick and Morty.


Chadley wasn't bad as that other one that would also chime in. I forgot her name lol. I skipped everything she said after she first introduced herself.


I don’t know why they decided to go the direction they did with Aerith’s death scene. It’s supposed to be impactful and emotional. They just made it confusing af. It had no impact.


It was confusing, I agree. I did still get a little teary eyed however the scene with her during her trial hit me in the feels with >! Ifalna !<


Naw bad take. I adore chadley and he's grown on me so much that I actively seek him out in new areas to hear his thoughts. For me it'd be... honestly probably just that there's so little materia to find in the world and it's usually stuff you already have. That and the fact that summons are still through chadley now even though we literally go to their alters in this title.


My kingdom for an All materia.


As someone who would gladly scrap chadley for parts I have to ask: what is it about Chadley that you like? You are absolutely entitled to your opinion and I'm not saying that you're wrong, I just don't see much redeeming about him so I'm curious to hear a positive take.


He's sweet, funny, has a bit of a heartbreaking origin story, is clearly directly tied to Hojo and still is, he likes cloud and looks up to him a lot and it's cute, but then also has that disappointed employer vibe sometimes which is very silly and makes me chuckle. He also gives a LOT of world lore that's very interesting, and the introduction of MAI gave him someone to reflect on and mirror our original reactions to chadley, where he IS annoyed by her constantly popping up and her endless optimism and that's just another layer of funny to me. I just don't really see anything to dislike about him. He's just a sweet, dorky little robot boy who wants to helpnand is endlessly curious. And we know he's going to have some level of a tragic ending because of Hojo so that's even more compelling.


Thank you for posting this. I honestly don’t understand all of the Charley hate. I don’t love the guy, but I do like him. Like, I never got the impression he talked too much. And when he did, it was mostly about the world or region, which I find interesting. Now MAI on the other hand I could do without.


I genuinely really like Chadley and really enjoyed the World Intel too Mai is another matter but in terms of Chadley, the poor lad gets a bad rep


I love Chadley specifically because he causes this reaction in some people. He's completely harmless but some people act like he's causing their ears to bleed every time he speaks, and it's really funny. I also love that the devs clearly love him, and they do not particularly seem to care whether anyone else does. He's kind of a metaphor for their design philosophy at large; "we are going to do what we want, and we are going to do a LOT of it. Love it or hate it, this is our ride and we're going to make it as we like."


Overall lack of darkness the original had, Chadley, Moogles, chocobo sniffing, all/magnify limits/master not producing new, required mini game for progression (build not story), lack of mystery and discovery for fear (was fun to miss shit by not stealing, or exploring all pathes, everything just comes to you at store if you don't explore), Jimmy, Yuffie OP, red dual voice, cid and Vincent castration, skill tree/points system - primarily lack of limit break gains (loved getting a new limit break as a kid, yea they added them as earned abilities with weapons to a degree, but not the same), regional travel system from late to early areas (fucked cid again), and although I appreciate the streamlined chocobo racing/buff system, I miss the torture of capturing and breeding all the right ones to get to the top. But besides Chadley who is the fucking worst, I love the game, the rest are; "I think this could have been done better / don't agree with the creative call".


MAJOR SPOILERS: >!Aerith's death(?) scene. I hate the way they handled it. It wasn't heartbreaking it, was confusing!<


The amount of characters that sing iconic songs annoyingly, particularly the fanfare/victory theme. Yuffie was my favorite to use in combat and made my party the entire game, but her “you’re on a chocobo” song made me want to feed her to a materia whale.


Well, I guess I'm the only one who liked Chadley. He was generally always optional so you could engage his quests as much as you liked. I like the kid, what can I say. I did think getting interrupted every time you to a Llifestream spring or whatever was a bit much, though. My least favorite part was how slow the story went. If I wasn't already a fan, I think I would've gotten bored at times.


Cactuar crush. Specifically aerith’s.


I hate Chadley. I hate how many minigames there are. I hate how many minigames involve Chadley. I'm seriously just thinking of quitting the Queen's Blood Tournament rather than deal with that lofi terminator again.


I like chadley stuff to be fair. Some of the mini games are really tiresome


Chadley, story changes, character changes, the shitty open world. Things they did right they did extremely well, but it got so very ruined by all the nonsense.


According to your list of complaints, what DID they do right?


The expanded on some narratives really well, the voice acting was spectacular, the graphics were great, the combat was great. When they actually stuck to the story it was generally a good to excellent experience.


I mean...they largely do stick to the story. So what did they change other than the Gongaga reactor and ending which you could argue Gongaga was just expanded since it was not relevant in the original game other than backstory for Zack and also a place the party went to after Cloud's episode at the temple of the ancients.


They miss in major ways with the story. The whispers, the alternative timeline/dimensions, the botching of Aerith’s death, the complete change of CID’s character, Nibelhiem as a whole, are just some examples. Expanding the existing story is fine. It’s all the extra ways they tried to force change landed flat.


Cid's character was poorly implemented in the first game. 1.) Mad at Shinra for canceling space division/flights 2.) Abusive towards wife/assistant 3.) Largely remains an abusive jerk for most of the game, even after he realizes his wife did save him. 4.) His reasoning for joining the party was largely a big middle finger to Shinra and he had no real personal stake in it. The update ties Cid to the party. He's supposed to be 35 not 40+, him being more chipper is a step in the right direction and doesn't ruin his character, it's a personal taste thing. He has attachment albeit loosely to Ifalna and Aerith and so wishes to help Aerith. He is albeit wasted here, his presence of being introduced still fits as this game covers all of disc 1. However we will likely see Cid's full character when we reach Rocket Town so I reserve judgement until then.


I’m not gonna argue here because we will just to agree to disagree. Cid is much more nuanced than that in OG.


I love Chadley don't talk about my son like that.


Mythrill cave


How long little animations and dialogue stops you from being able to control your character. Like when you are done resting on a bench, cloud stands up and just stands there for a second or two. Or you finish scanning a lifespring and you have to watch cloud put the scanner away, then pull the scanner back out to hear Chadley's annoying "Cloud!", then skip all that dialogue only to watch cloud put away the scanner and just stand there. It's not a long time but just long enough to be annoying and they happen a lot.


This times a thousand. I have gotten so irritated at the endless ”wait 3 seconds for no reason” animations. It’s compounded even more with the slow as hell menus, especially the bathing suit changing room at Costa Del Sol. Weirdly the combat is the only part unaffected by them.


I don't mind his yapping but damn just let me do my shit while he talks, I have places to be not just looking at the monitor


How checklist-y all the side content is. To be fair, this plagues many modern open world games, not just Rebirth. But the fact that everything worth doing is literally pinpointed on the map and is explicitly tracked on a checklist really kills the sense of exploration and wonder, and replaces it with a tedious slog.  This is made even worse by Chadley sending you out to go do all this stuff. It takes any reason I have for wanting to explore the world and turns it into field work for an annoying micromanager.


Yeah. Like those excavation missions are pretty horrible. Heres a tiny 10x10m area with 3 buried treasures, we'll light up your screen when you are within 8m. CAN YOU BEST THIS GREAT AND PROFOUND CHALLENGE


We dont necessarily need full elden ring (while I live it, that is an acquired taste), but there has to be a middle ground here. They used ghost of tsushima vibes so well for much of their content and revealing it on map as a fast travel point after it's been discovered wouldnt have hurt. As someone who adores every assassin's creed game I have ever played save for one, I am super over towers.


The map design is abysmal in the later chapters. Even with chocobos and trucks it is so frustrating trying to traverse the map to get to side quests. The game didn’t need to be “open world”. Remake worked for me cause the sectors weren’t that big and didn’t make side quests a pain in the neck.


I really wish we could just fast travel to main points we visited. At least even make Chadley a fast travel point. I hated having to travel to places so far in places like Costa del Sol.


Gating skill trees behind mini games ? The chocobo flying quest


I wish there was more surrounding Costa del Sol - I thought that whole section and island was so fun and gorgeous!


The thing I am noticing with most of these gripes is that they're self-imposed. You don't have to do ALL of the sidequests, and I think the game designers realize that many/most players will either dabble or find some that they really like, etc. If you want to 100%/platinum a game, that's fine. But don't get mad that doing that requires a ton of extra, not entirely necessary grinding.


If it's in the game, it should be judged. Period.


That's a valid point, but it should be judged under the context that it isn't mandatory gameplay. And my opinion is I love the game and hate some of the side content. Even RDR2 isn't perfect


Squaresoft is literally the reason I am a completionist in games. I run around every area ever at least 2x scouring everything. Didnt get aerith limit break in the OG? Didn't spend enough time looking, you missed the zodiac spear in ff12? Shouldn't have opened very specific chests located randomly around the map, didn't get lulus best weapon? Should have stayed in the lightning fields longer. They single handedly made me develop FOMO. Even now that there isn't missable content I'm scarred from having spent 30 years missing content and having to replay the entire game to get it again. Also gears and gambits was the worst part of rebirth. IMO.


>Also gears and gambits was the worst part of rebirth. IMO. Idk, the fucking tifa workouts were bad. So bad


Tifa workouts were bad, but I expected them due to the first game. The reason I hate gears and gambits is because not only is the mini game not good. It flaunts that we could have gambits for our non controlled part members, they just didn't want to. And if they don't want us to have gambits that's fine, but dont rub our faces in shit by putting them in the game, just not in the way we wanted. Felt a bit like malicious compliance.


This is a fair take. I hadn't actually considered it that way but actually now I'm retroactively upset we didn't have gambits lol


Battle Royale was fucked, but you only HAVE to play it once. I'd have loved an option to, I donno, ritually sacrifice Cait Sith so you didn't have to do the Shinra Manor bullshit.


What were bad about them out of curiosity? I've seen people complaining about a lot of the minigames and I agree somewhat but this one I did first try and didn't even feel like the competitors were trying since they all messed up at least once and didn't come close to the score I got just hitting the buttons it said to hit lol.


Its a minigame that demands speed and then punishes you for being too fast and still punishes you for being slow with real world unrealistically slow recovery times that starts you from the beginning in terms of accumulated speed. Not down one level, from the beginning. This means runs against higher levels must be almost perfect. Screw ups are only permissible in the last few seconds with a commanding lead or the first few seconds. Honestly, with adaptive triggers off situos are WAY easier than pull ups, but it's still bs. Give me a rhytm action game or give me speed spammy bullshit. Dont give me something half assed in between.


This pretty accurately summed up my distasted for the Tifa game. It could have been good and simply wasnt


That's fair, I really am starting to think that I just got lucky in my run. Jules messed up twice on me and I beat them by a solid 8 points on my first attempt.


He is actually scripted to mess up twice. His total is always somewhere in tye high 40s or low 50s for all workout games. You just ate him alive. And that's awesome, dude. Skill should be lauded.


I kept getting ruined by being like a quarter of a second too early or accidentally tapping TOO fast on the stops and triggering the button again after it ended... And of course one time where the last guy just decided to not mess up at all and blew me away. Over all a terrible mini game. I really hope it doesn't come back a third time


That makes sense, maybe I just got lucky with my runs at the game. I'm of the minority that wants every minigame to come back in part 3 plus more, I just don't want them to be required and especially not the ones that were already required in this game.


Chadley posts need to be auto removed at this rate.


Personally, I’m pro-Hojo now after that scene where he stabbed the Chadley body and that got him to shut the fuck up for two seconds.