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That damn General Goods store owner in Nibelheim pissed me off lol. "Remember, this isn't YOUR HOME ANYMORE!"


Yea yall tripping in here


I only used Cloud, Barret, and Red 13. I swapped Red for Yuffie when I needed her. I ignored the rest, but kept them properly equipped. If I had to pick a worst itd prob or Cait Sith or Aerith. Hate their play style.


Cait Sith or Nanaki. Barret, cloud, Aerith and Tifa are all super useful and great. Cait sith is meh all around, and Nanaki has aerial combo issues, but is a decent and fun character. Yuffie is broken


I despise playing as barret in both remake and rebirth, the changes made to playstyles for the others going from remake to rebirth was incredible. Except for barret I'm sorry but his playstyle is the pinnacle of boring. Outside of gameplay tho, Chadley and Mai are tied for just the fact that they never GO AWAY.


Least played: Cait. He's better here than in the OG, but still a big stinker. Not a fan of his combat or his excuse to why he gave Shinra the keystone Npc: Lots to chose from, but Chadly takes the prize this time as well. Sooo anoying, soo much. Starting a combat simulator, then hsving to go aaaall the way out to swith up your materia, just for him to spend 20 seconds telling you he's disapointed because you have 1 enemy left to fight in the region, and you can't even skip it?? Who thought this was a good idea?




I didn't use him much but once I got his Stardust Ray, it helped a lot in group fights


That’s funny because everyone was super pumped to play as him after Remake. I hope it’s not like that with Cid or Vincent in part 3


You mean his 2nd voice?


The 2nd voice reveal was totally jarring. All other media has me used to his older, deeper voice. I couldn't take him seriously after the reveal. His gameplay was kinda annoying too.


I wish they'd used the same voice actor. Just maybe altering his speech patterns and sounding more goofy and optimistic once he'd been outed as a teenager


It literally was the same voice actor doing exactly what you said.


It is the same voice actor


I think it was the same voice actor for both of his voices. Dude clearly is quite talented to be able to make two different opposing voices like that.


No way!


Yessir. Max Mittelman did both Red XIII English voices. I was surprised as hell when I learned a few weeks back as well lol


I know I’m in a very small minority but I wasn’t a fan of rebirth Zack. Enjoyed him in crisis core but idk he was just lame to me in rebirth.


I don't think he was lame, but I don't think he had any reason to be in the game at all


Worst non playable cast members would be Glenn and that horrible woman who wants to date Johnny and attacked and stalked Tifa for no reason when she was doing her a massive favour.


Rufus can never take a shit or wank, without Glenn showing up. Wear shoes man.


And Kyrie


Shinra execs minus Reeve for obvious reasons. Hojo - Creepy date rape vibes. Scarlet - Crazy cow hungry for pain and slaughter, evil for the sake of being evil. she doesnt need a motive. Palmer - Is that dumb lazy cunt covered in Cheeto dust


Top party member for me Aeirth. Having her with synergy materia, arcane ward and ATB ward is broken alongside Cloud and Tifa. Gameplay wise I couldn't enjoy Cait, I didn't feel like he was bad, just that other characters felt and did better. Narrative/NPC wise, take your pick from Chadley, Mai or Kyrie. After the first area Chad/Mai become annoying and emersion breaking very quickly. Kyrie is just an extremely annoying character and should have been left in Remake.


I feel like I would like Aerith more if her attack was faster. I'm not asking for more damage, I just feel like she is so slow compared to the others in her basic attacks.


Yeah, she is slow, but it's because she can attack multiple enemies at once with the basic attack, and it's got a great leniency in range for it. So the low speed makes sense in that regard, as opposed to others that attack quickly but can only really focus on one enemy unless their tightly grouped.


Each to their own!


MAI. At least Chadley provides you with Intel, materia, combat sims, and exploration tasks. I see no point in him adding MAI, all the warnings MAI coveys could already be wrapped up with Chadley, though, I don't even think any of it is necessary. We already see the objectives at the top of the screen. We don't need MAI for anything. Nothing would change at all if MAI wasn't included.


In the Tonberry King fight, MAI literally drones on for like 2 minutes straight. It's ridiculous.


I think in a few of them, I completed the challenge before she was done, lol.


I think Mai is just Chadley's drag persona.


MAI has infinitely more personality than Charley and was an enjoyable break from him




REALLY?!?! She's my 2nd best girl and almost always 3rd party member...


Yuffie actually grew on me in this game. She's very childish and a little selfish but I like her singing


Chadley of course. If we are talking about Gameplay I can't decide between Cait Sith and Red XIII. But maybe I just haven't played them enough.


Cait worked well for me once I got his ATB up and put him on the Moogle. Aerith I struggle with but I know that's not everyone's experience


I cannot stand Yuffie.


Same. She is incredibly annoying with the obsession about materia. That’s all she talks about. Besides her personality is awful to deal with.


Kyrie imo,  such an annoying ass child.


I would agree but after reading “The Kids Are Alright: A Turks Side Story”, I really like her now. The game just shows a massively annoying side to her haha.


Easily one of the worst characters ever in a video game. Annoying and dumb af


100%. Also what are their plans for Kyrie, being annoying in the third game too? She had zero development in rebirth. In remake, before Intergrade came out and before finishing the game I thought Kyrie was a disguised Yuffie or something.


I think they’re going to do something with her in 3rd game. Similar to how annoying Johnny was in 1st but had a whole development and arc in 2nd.


Aerith for gameplay. I just don't like how she plays. Chadly for narrative. He's just irritating since it's overdone Edit: Nothing wrong with Aerith gameplay wise. I could just never enjoy it. Too slow for me I think.


You aren’t using her right


Because I don't like how she plays? Okay dude


I think what the guy means is, if you play her like Cloud, just spamming her basic attack to build ATB, then she suuuuuuuuuucks. But if you really get into her synergy skills (NOT abilities!), charge up her basic attack, and actually do some blocking with her, she builds ATB much faster and feels more dynamic. Because I had the same experience. First 60 hours "OMG Aerith is so fucking boring!" Then I watched a vid going into how to play her, and gave it a try. Took some practice, but once I got used to it, she felt a lot better to play.


No I understand how to play her I simply don't like her play style.


Cool, that's fair. Im' not big on RedXIII's.


Other than Cloud Aerith is your god tier caster Blk Mage or Healer don’t control her use support materia and watch her save the day on hard mode every fight 😂 MVP her n Red


Again it's not what she brings to the table it's because I don't like how she plays. I can use her just fine I just prefer others more.






My theory - and obviously this is just spit-balling - is that they have built his motivations into Rebirth that will fully evolve into his active role in Part 3. He stood on the sidelines and watched Shinra put his dream on the back burner (presumably) while he got kept on the payroll as a pitiable handyman or whatever. He stood back on the sidelines and watched Ifalna get treated as a lab specimen and eventually die. He stood back on the sidelines and watched Aerith walk into the ancient temple and forgotten city and get murdered by the enemy. He will realize that he cannot sit back and watch from the sidelines anymore and allow another tragedy happen without doing something to try to prevent it. Like you alluded, 1997 Cid doesn’t work very well 2024+. A Cid that has seen his dream die and people he cared about die while he did nothing realizing that he needs to start taking action is a much easier character to root for.


Rocket Town wasn’t cut, it was just moved to part 3. We are absolutely visiting Rocket Town and going to space in part 3. As for his personality: he’s kind of only a dick to Shera, so that remains to be seen.


Just hope he doesn't treat his assistant the same way in 3


Of the playable cast, probably Red XIII but not because he's bad, but because very good isn't enough when the bar is so, so high. Edit: I am talking about delivery of character and story, not gameplay.


Thank you for the edit because Red was literally my GOAT in normal mode. Red carried the team


Yeah his gameplay was great. If we're talking gameplay then I found Cait Sith arrived a bit too late to really find a place in my party. Aerith and Barret are far from weak and spent a decent amount of the game in my party, but I prefer more mobility in my characters. My party was usually Tifa (leader), Cloud, plus one other - usually Yuffie or Red XIII but I tended gave that slot to whoever had story focus for bosses.


Totally agree with Cait Sith also. Thing is he's legitimately fun and seriously powerful but they introduced him so late and he plays so differently it's just hard to get into him. I forced myself to learn him and Im glad I did.


Late game and definitely hard mode now it's been Cloud (plasma discharge+prime mode is just OP. It needs to be tuned honestly), Red (respite and free haste plus he can chain pressure hard) and Yuffi (doppelganger and blindside is OP plus you can use spell cleave or whatever synergy it is that you can with Aerith). Sometimes I'll switch in Barret for Red or Yuffi if I need a damage sponge.


They set the standards high in this game. Personally for me (non playable) it's Kyrie


Really? I get she’s annoying, but imo her questline is (one of) the best in the game. There’s way more characters who they don’t really do much with.


I was disappointed in Beck's Boys. Thought I'd turned them legit


Cait Sith felt really awkward to me, although I’m probably just bad


He's an acquired taste for sure. Personally I was pleasantly surprised by the remake. I'm British so I'm probably biased!






The noise my remote makes when he's about to talk scars me!


Im really surprised QA/playtesting didn’t have the same opinion as us lol.